17 Replies to “Mommy Dearest”

  1. The current school system encourages kids to be professional activists with no clue on anything else in life. This is making them into lonely, miserable individuals who will be nasty to live with.
    Welcome to our future kids.

  2. The media now claims the Dr.Fauci is the Pandemic disease expert…and President Trump should follow what he deems religiously…
    I should be deemed the BULLSHIT Disease expert, I can smell these fraudsters a mile away…Expert Joe on Bullshit Patrol…

    1. In a recent editorial in Science, the flagship publication of the (now woke) American Association for the Advancement of Science, the editor-in-chief, Holden Thorpe, whined about Trump dumping Fauci. How dare Trump do that because Fauci has a background in epidemiology and is, therefore, an expert–further proof that Trump is anti-science. Then again, Thorpe didn’t even bother hiding his disgust with and contempt for Trump.

      No, Dr. Thorpe (or would Dr. Dork be more appropriate?), Fauci is an upwardly-mobile crap artist who just happens to be an epidemiologist. Trump is looking at the overall picture, choosing between alternatives because the (phony) plague affects more than those people who have been infected with it.

      Fauci strikes me as the typical ivory tower academic sort who sees the world only from his perspective and believes that it should fit into those narrow confines. Anything outside of that is incorrect and needs to be either changed or eliminated. (My Ph. D. supervisor was someone like that, resulting in a number of heated discussions.)

      1. And in Canada we have a Liberal MP from Thunder Bay, a graphic arts designer, as Minister of Health.
        We don’t have the other Liberal MP from Thunder Bay, an emergency room doctor, as Minister of Health.

  3. “‘That’s one of the Trump people,’ my daughter hissed. ‘I’m glad we don’t have any of them in our neighborhood.’ We do have them in our neighborhood, I told her. I also told her that they have always been kind to us and we will always be kind to them.”

    Kind? The neighbours pity those poor kids. They wish they could take the children of the neihhbourhood lesbian home to a happy family that would genuinely love, cherish and care for them, seeing them as human beings with souls, not overgrown cats.

    President Trump is saving America from women like the neighbourhood lesbian. Her children will thank him one day—assuming she doesn’t use his re-election as an excuse to kill them all in their beds.

    Not like the “fascists” and “fundies” would let her take her babies to the funny farm.

  4. President Trump is the last stand against North America, and the rest of the world, going totally bat crap crazy communist.

  5. What can one say.
    It seems that the North America is in this swamp and one finds it difficult to talk sense.
    Recent experience would suggest that the ‘victims’ enjoy and think that being a supposed ‘victim’ is some kind of superior position.
    Those other normal kind of people are obviously wrong with anything they do or not do. The position is that you are wrong in both cases and they are right regardless of anything simply by definition of victimhood.
    And because the ‘journalists’ don’t really know what to write about, take the ‘victims’ words without any serious questions and in many variations on the theme make a living.

    Like Sinatra once said there is nothing like a prostitute with a press agent.

  6. Well … I don’t have a lot of negatives to hurl at PDJT … but have to add this one: President Trump has increased the incidence of Mental Illness by at least 26%. The number of folks going completely INSANE at the thought of another 4-years of the GREATEST America in the last 50-years … is stunning. The leftists are losing their shit … and no amount of 1/2” plywood will save retail from their insanity. Best use 1-1/8” T&G plywood.

    There has been a group of Trump flag wavers spread across a particular overpass crossing a busy section of HWY 24. As I was driving under the overpass in a traffic jam the other day … I witnessed several people rolling down their windows to thrust their middle fingers at the assembled Trump supporters … and screaming diatribes over the din of bumper-to-bumper traffic. Yes … insane. Quite insane. Barking at the Blue Moon insane!

  7. TDS is merely Liberalism expressing itself.
    If President Trump was not,they would still be ranting and spewing their misery,cause other people are happy.
    Sure we call it Trump Derangement Syndrome,but really it is the poor Libtard struggling with their anger,they are miserable and losing it cause reality is not obeying their dictates..
    The six ,or more,impossible things they affirm each day..upon which their self image rests,keep being demonstrated as false..by reality and cause these poor emoters great pain.
    But just like a fool stepping on a rake,they insist this is not so,walk upon the rake again,get smacked alongside the head,then insist it “Is not their fault”.

    I am looking forward to the 4th when Liberal tears will flood the airways and the demons will burn their own precincts..
