21 Replies to “Now Is The Time At SDA When I Review My Forecasts”

    1. We pay for the tests whether we take one or not. Lucky some of us, we’ll be dead before the money the government is borrowing from Communist China to pay for it all has to be paid back with land and mineral rights.

    2. My question where are the covid deniers hiding all the bodies? Insert climate change semantics here: they’re future bodies.

      Their predicted disaster is always in the future but never the present. People are being played again by collectivists.

      Only an idiot, or co-opted liar, or both, aka a math illiterate “journalist” would rely on cases alone to evaluate a virus outbreak.

  1. Soo…if they think it’s all a big coverup, why not just monitor the hospitals to see if they’re filling up and use that as their redline?

    I know plenty of people that had it and didn’t bother with a test. I’ll get a test when I check myself into the hospital.

      1. Same here. Our five-year-old granddaughter was sent home from school today with a runny nose and told to get tested. The madness continues.

  2. I was set to go deer hunting this week with my buddies. It would have been my 24th year with the same guys at the same camp. The wife was a little antsy about “Covid protocols” but did not expressly object – that is until she watched some Covid porn on Steve Pakin (TVO). Then she went on the war path and threatened to call the local Health Unit on us. So in order to not risk the hunt for the rest of the guys, I folded like a card table. As OntatioKate says, the “madness continues”.

    1. Sorry to hear about your deer hunt, Robert. Every single one of our annual family events was cancelled this year. No Wasaga Beach reunion, no Guys’ Weekend at the cottage, no Thanksgiving at the cottage, and there will be no Christmas gathering either.

      I have no faith that life will ever return to the way it was.

      1. Stop Buck…ing around VOWGuy. The old busy bodies are loving this ratting out on anyone not following these new fine based rules.
        Sorry Hon, I got tossed into jail for being 2 inches inside this six foot rule…

  3. I’ve often encountered people who are convinced that they are carriers and that they’re about to infect someone else. Therefore, they wear a mask, keep their distance, and won’t even shake hands.

    For your information, you useless do-gooders, I don’t want to be kept “safe”. I can take care of myself. You don’t know me and, if you did, you’d probably work overtime making sure I got sick and died. Even if that didn’t work, how can you express your opinion of me, if you get my drift, if you insist on staying at least 2 m away?

    1. They still don’t get it, very old white guy. I tried to explain this to my 27-year-old daughter yesterday. She is a very smart woman with two science degrees but she is a product of today’s universities (yes, even the STEMs are corrupted). She wasn’t convinced; I guess her mom just isn’t smart enough.

  4. The proper incentives worked like a charm in China. The case count fell to nearly nothing once Chinese people took the hint not to complain of Wuhan flu.

    If you complain of Wuhan flu-like symptoms, and you’re young, the doctor has orders to give you aspirin, tell you to go back to work, and remind you that if you have the sense Heaven gave you you’ll think better of “spreading rumours.”

    If you’re old, you’ll be euthanized that day. Elderly Chinese quickly learned not to complain of Wuhan flu, if they wanted to die in their own beds.

    Hey presto. Problem solved.

    1. If you are running a police state where you can enforce compliance with lockdowns and mask mandates and easily contact trace people with tech you already had in place to make sure they weren’t somehow trying to dodge state control using surveillance cameras and recognition software and the Yentanet (old women spying on the neighborhood), you could do a lot to tamp down a pandemic.

      I would rather live with COVID or plenty worse than live in such a country though.

  5. Testing is so hard to interpret that it probably shouldn’t be reported on outside of journals, but a lot of demands now for people with no symptoms or known exposure be tested. For instance, if you go to Vermont, you are supposed to self isolate for 14 days, or be tested twice, and then you are only required to isolate for 7 days. Somehow there is a theoretical $500 fine involved, but I have no idea how they could ever enforce such a rule. But if people follow the rule it means that a lot of people are going to test negative, and since not that many Vermonters actually have COVID, it’s going to raise the suspicions of some people.

    I am retired from a job that was all about interpretation of statistics with real money on the line, and yes, we made up statistics out of other statistics sometimes, if we had good reason, but I can’t figure out what the reason is for “positivity” except they are numbers you can put in a calculator and get other numbers and you can pretend they mean something. “Eyewarsh!” as one guy I knew put it.

    1. “positivity” does make sense if the reason that people are being tested is held constant, meaning that the only time the rate of testing would change would be when the disease was either spreading or fading because symptoms would be increasing or falling. Even that is problematic if a flu gets started, but failing that, it’s a stupid statistic, or maybe I should say it’s a statistic that only should be in the hands of people who understand it for what it is, not the New York Times.

  6. Here is Kary Mullis on the PCR process which he invented. Basically, he has said it is not intended for diagnostics. In this video (where focus is more HIV) he points out that the issue is you can identify a spec of something which gets amplifed about 40 times to even detect, but because you are not picking up the strength of whatever you find, it becomes meaningless. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hae2ha-uMtk&feature=youtu.be
    Too bad he died (about a year ago). I know he would have been very outspoken about this misuse of PCR. Makes me wonder if he had help dying.

  7. Lockdowns, a vaccine, curfews, and communists are no longer required.

    Regeneron and other therapeutics are proven and work well for those who need them, most China virus “cases” do not need medical intervention however.

    Protect the vulnerable of course, the old, the fat, the diabetic, nursing homes and hospitals.

    Simply requiring medical personnel to change clothes when they get to work like they used to do would help.
