10 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I need to start a new business…
    Who you gonna call…Joe’s Attitude Adjusters.
    The mental heath in Canada wants to hire many more psychiatrists, they have ton of cash for this. Ask any Provinces and they all are looking for them.

  2. So, CSA just goes about twisting the rules within the law as they go to only benefit themselves?

    How can they expunge portions of evidence and delete portions of written statements from legal documents which only benefit their case?

    Does the Law Society of Canada condone and approve of such flagrant violations of the rule of law?

    Welcome to Bananada! Make the Third world blush with embarrassment.

  3. When this started and Jason Moore was the minister of industry under the Harper regime, I sent him an email asking why he wasn’t doing anything to reign in the CSA. He told me flat out that the CSA, while under his purview, was not a part of government officially and therefore he couldn’t do anything about it. So while I am sympathetic with PS Knight – they have a superior product and no, contrary to the stupid ruling by the Supreme Court, the CSA or anyone else should no be allowed copyright public law – this is not going to end well for them under the current rules.

  4. As much as I wish PS Knight and Co well on this, I fear the real endgame is going to be the same as Sundance’s attempt to document the corruption behind the US coup by its intelligence agencies: resounding apathy by anyone in a position to do anything about it.

    The only real solution to the CSA’s insanity is to do to them what Rome did to Carthage. And I do not speak metaphorically.

    1. Although the idea appeals, sadly, things have changed since the days of Cato. Nowadays it is only outraged lefties who would do this kind of stuff. To be effective you would have to show them how CSA was a Racist, Trans/Homophobic organization, rooted in Slave Ownership, or somesuch. Good luck though…

      1. I do wonder if PS Knight’s Samson Option isn’t going to be, having successfully copyrighted the Canadian Electrical Code in the US, to release it into the public domain. That would make it impossible for the CSA to make money from it.

  5. Now PS Knight may fail,but only due to blatant in your face corruption,from all levels of the Bureaucracy and Just Us System.
    So if the system is even more blatantly corrupt,than it currently is,why should any citizen pay?
    We are supposedly getting “Good Government”,”free healthcare,and a whole bunch of other lies..in return for the rape by government upon our labour.
    All these parasites have been exposed by the Plandemic,The Fabulous Five(Secret hereditary chiefs) and the rise of the state criminal clients..
    The makers get locked down and imposed upon,the takers get a pay raise and a holiday from doing their “jobs”..Work from home..Right.

    Restore CSA has done us taxpayers a massive service.
    The Bureaucracy is rotten all the way to the Top.
    And useless beyond all original suspicions.
    CSA is useless,power-hungry and totally unnecessary.
    330 million neighbours use the NEC,damn near every part we use in Canada is manufactured to USA standards.So what use is another set of rules for the 30 million here in supposedly integrated markets?
    Combined with their relentless arrogance and rent seeking corruption,CSA is just another means by which the “Entitled Parasites” rob us.
    And the Long and horrible saga of PS Knights battle with this “Blob” is a real window into the Uni-Party that rules Canada.
    You might have noticed by now,not one politician is willing to touch this file,Conservative,Liberal/ NDP.
    The media will not touch this festering pile.
    Corrupt to the core and none of those who “are here to help us’,dare .

    Was reading “The Old Regime and the French Revolution, Alexis de Tocqueville”
    The Kleptocracy of Canada has so many parallels with France just before the revolts.
    It is kind of erie.
    The civil servants who cycle between the Regulators and Courts,serving to protect their vested interests,seem intent on destroying all citizen confidence in the State.
    Yet after they get through shafting the public,bankrupting our institutions and stealing the taxpayer blind..we owe them a pension…for their service.

  6. Even without the blatant corruption of CSA, regulators still make a nice living. Want to e.g. CE mark some gizmo? You need to have documentation “applying” the relevant standards. Which they update every few years, often for minor typo changes. So, off you go, buy the new standards $$$, pay the test house $$$$, update your documentation $$$$, and you are good to go. No baby possums were saved, but standard writers, test house employees, and poor Jo engineer were kept in employment. And you all paid for it all 🙂

  7. Unbelievable.

    Every time we get an update it’s a gross miscarriage of justice.

    We need to drain the swamp, but there’s maybe one guy in all of Canada who might be on board with that and he’s not elected.
