Say It Isn’t So, Joe!

Paul Sperry;

A federal judge named Joe Biden as a possible “witness” along with his son Hunter in a criminal fraud case last year that ended in the convictions of two of Hunter’s business partners, according to little-noticed court documents. The Democratic presidential candidate’s appearance on a witness list casts new doubt on his claims he knew nothing about his son’s shady business dealings.

Don’t sell them short — a lot of planning and effort goes into not noticing Democrat corruption.

4 Replies to “Say It Isn’t So, Joe!”

  1. So … now we can add perjury to Creepy, Dementia-Joe’s crimes?

    A cynic might suggest that Kham-a-lahh Harris and Willie Brown are Engineering these fatal blows to President-elect (fat chance) Biden?

    1. They were probably told to do so by DNC bigwigs. Biden may or may not have been the DNC’s first choice (I forget now how Sundance ran down the field and picked out who was being positioned where) but at worst he was the backup choice, so they couldn’t have Biden torn to shreds during the primaries. As Sanders rallied support and pulled ahead of everyone not named Biden, the DNC was left with no choice but to go all-in on Sleepy Joe and drag his carcass over the line.

      And here we are. A day away from what the cynic in me says is Joe’s likely election, and the countdown to his death or resignation from office to elevate Harris.
