68 Replies to “We, Your Digital Overlords, and Comrades of the Woke Left will DETERMINE what the Truth is!”

    1. That’s not the issue. The issue is Twitter censoring the President. Are they afraid people aren’t going to be able to decide for themselves what to think about his comments? If so (and it looks that way), why are they so afraid of that?

    2. Says a subhuman who for four years tried to sabotage the presidency because the election did not go his way and now is hanging on to the win by fraud. FOAD.

    3. How about we string up from lamp posts all the people we catch trying to cheat the election? There’s been no shortage so far. If the future government can’t be determined through a free and fair election, maybe it’s time to resort to the older methods?

    4. Better an orange clown than an execrable pile of degenerate Communist shit, I always say.

    5. A guy named Ivan cheering on the quelching of Free Speech and Democracy. Hey comrade, how many millions of people did your ancestors murder?!?

    6. People are not comfortable accepting something that is clearly a fraud. The votes picked up for Biden after 10 last night are clearly fraudulent. I think everyone wants a fair election. Well, on second thought, maybe Trump haters don`t care about a fair election.

      1. No of course they don’t care about a fair election. Why were the trial runs of mail in fraud in California were permitted? Because they got the result desired.
        Why do you supposed the Supreme Court, no less, found that ballots without date marks would be presumed to have been mailed in on time?
        People may not be comfortable with what is clearly a fraud, but the media isn’t going to tell them that. As for dissidents talking about a revolution, the groundwork and level of discomfort that leads to a revolution simply doesn’t exist. No, people with jobs are not going to engage in an Armed insurrection. Not happening.

  1. MI is now lost. That’s almost it. PA is sliding away too.

    President Biden, incoming. Gah. Awful. Simply awful.

      1. And it’ll never be proven in a court of law.

        Unfortunately, there simply aren’t enough (R) voters out there any more to provide resounding presidential vote wins. This will mark the 4th election in a row, and 7 of the last 8, where they’ve lost the popular vote outright. The best they can ever seem to hope for now is squeaker Electoral College wins, and that leaves them extremely vulnerable to aggressive (D) tactics including fraud. Couple that with RINO “go along to get along” behaviour and it’s a recipe for (R) to keep losing more often than not.

        May as well start handicapping the 24 (R) field and figure out who they can run against Harris.

        1. “there simply aren’t enough (R) voters out there any more to provide resounding presidential vote wins.”

          Not sure about that. It is not the lack of R voters, it is the false multiplier attached to D voters. Remember that with democrats vote their diseased parents, their pets, their illegal nannies and the dreamer guy who build their patio. Even outside of this election the margin of fraud had incredible consequences in the past. Ogabe would never have gotten Ogabecare rammed through the senate had it not been for the Minnesota senate win by Al Fucking Franken. And without any doubt Franken won within the margin of fraud.

        2. Historically, collectivism has been checked by the electorate, as in 2016 when Queen Hillary was defeated.
          But, the forces of individualism end up eating their own while Democrats would back a serial killer for power.
          So they can never quite consolidate to overcome the kleptocracy and brinkmanship that is modern politics.
          Trump tried and apparently failed. Harper tried and failed. Both came close, but that means nothing.
          With Biden presiding over a now hopelessly divided nation, have the voters finally given collectivism what it seeks.
          They own the vote, the media, soon reduced on Trump withdrawal to CNN, as phantom Fox sees a big hit too.
          They own the executive and the legislative, there is no opposition party. A weak GOP Senate majority sandwiched.
          Now they own the ballot box. They’ve proved they own the security apparatus, even when out of power.
          What’s left to make the good old USA into a one-party state, besides a nasty communist as President?
          The judiciary. Further victories in 2022 will put that in their hands.
          Meanwhile influence peddling politicians get rich strengthening their Chinese collectivist ally.
          Meanwhile the nation looks the other way as she declines, with initial goodies followed by shared misery.
          Meanwhile Trump has handed the American people the covid cure, for which Democrats will take credit; he has engineered an epic comeback his moral and intellectual superiors couldn’t come close to.
          Leftists are lucky. On the question of massive vote rigging, this is the same bunch who turned the state on Trump.
          It took it all, by the margin of fraud, coercion and censorship, to creep Joemala to 270 EC votes. No NV, no POTUS.
          Nobody believed that was possible either. In Venezuela nobody believed it was possible they’d become a a shithole.

    1. Biden will be goin soon and it’ll be President Watsherface. And yes, just in case anyone was askingg why The Dementocrats weren’t campaigning, it’s because they relied on their bqack-up plan. I wouild check those mail ballots.

    2. I am waiting for court challenges. I don`t even believe the crooked Biden got that many votes before the mail-in counts. The election was stolen and I hope court challenges can sort it out.

  2. EXCLUSIVE! Possible Voter Fraud In Michigan? Lawyer Captures Video! | Louder With Crowder

    Check out the youtube channel


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North

      1. @Nancy Ross

        Yep, unbelievably lax security…with yer classic Red Rider Flyer wagon full of potential ballot boxes…
        Truly an absolute sh*t show!
        An epic election farce that no one should have confidence in…just wow.


        Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief
        1st Saint Nicolaas Army
        Army Group “True North

        1. It’s all too coincidental. Close races in one or two states, maybe, but 6 States? Naw!

          The Democrat pundits are saying the Republicans are looking desperate. It’s incredulous. They have the nerve to smirk.

          1. I am desperate. I am desperate to have the cheating called out and the fake Biden win nullified. They are playing with fire. I think they want closure quickly, but if you look at the levels of support for Trump in those rallies, they won`t get it. I am also hoping that one or more whisleblowers will come forward. Everyone wants a fair election.

  3. The other day I went to email a link to that tweet of that white girl screaming at cops in New York City saying she wished their children were killed or something along those lines and Twitter’s link function was disabled for that tweet. Obviously it seemed they were trying to suppress the story, but just to be sure I went to other tweets and the link function was working perfectly fine.

    Conclusion: Jack is a filthy speech suppressing commie.

  4. Always via the same scam – buckets of ballots all going one way after the results are in.
    There is no way that this occurs naturally.

    And in Milwaukee there were 7 wards that had more than 100% votes than voters

    And Ill bet there are hundreds more like this all over the swing states.

    Ward Voters Bid. Votes TR Votes Total % of Total voters. Biden win %
    274 640 688 602 1,290 202% 53%
    273 634 672 600 1,272 201% 53%
    272 1,123 772 633 1,405 125% 55%
    277 1,372 1,124 481 1,605 117% 70%
    269 941 512 567 1,079 115% 47%
    234 532 458 114 572 108% 80%
    312 930 553 389 942 101% 59%

    Doesn’t show up well on the post but some wards are over 200% of total voters

    1. Surely this is so easy to prove. Let a judge or supreme court insist on a brand new election for that state.

  5. Of course Trump is right. The Democrats filed lawsuits to relax ballot security across several states then mailed out millions of ballots that had no chain of custody. Come election night, when it was seen that Trump was leading by x number of votes, they paused the count and then returned hours later with a number of these same mailed ballots that gave them the lead.

    Some of these mailed batches have zero Trump votes in them. Turnout in some wards is more than 100%.

    There are many Canadians who love that Trump lost. But no Canadian would ever put up with this kind voting.

    1. Baloney. Our system is more corrupt. The Liberals are the most successful party of the 20th century. More years in power than Stalin. That is not by chance.

      1. “Our system is more corrupt.” — It is — or at least just as bad, but most Canadians will not acknowledge that. My big concern is the Biden connection to China. China rules over Biden and they were instrumental in setting up his win. I believe that China also rules over Trudeau and the Liberal Party. They have had to play it cautiously, but with Biden in their back pocket we will all soon look like Hong Kong.

  6. Haha. Conservatives brought this all on ourselves. Maybe someday we’ll learn to fight like lefties. Until then get used to getting owned. Lefties are ruthless, play the long game, stick together and don’t care about your feelings. They absolutely dominate our cultural institutions. Not changing soon.

    Trump is likely the first and only man fearless enough to take them on. We can’t even cancel the CBC when we have control of government.

    1. Yes to all you just typed. I liken all this to a pendulum. The more you pull it the farther it swings to the other side. The left have it past a 90 degree angle and it needs to swing back even farther on them. But once the left feels that wrath it needs to be put back to just swinging a little bit side to side hopefully or it’ll forever be chaos.

    2. I can only hope that Doug Ford does not watch TVO’s The Agenda. If he did for evening, it would get axed. If he has watched it or read any of their columns, then he can make no claim to be a conservative.

  7. “But no Canadian would ever put up with this kind voting.” Really. How do Liberals win?

  8. Latin American stuff going on in the US. The left loves it cause their team is winning and most of the rest of people don’t care…. but this is why the right elected Trump. Nasty fight ahead.

  9. From a commenter on the Treehouse

    Can someone explain how Wisconsin got to 89% voter turnout when Iowa got to 75%, Ohio 71% and Michigan 65% ?

    Iowa/Ohio has fanatical politics.

    Wisconsin turnout in

    1960 – 72.99%
    1964 – 68.68%
    1968 – 65.98%
    1972 – 62.45%
    1976 – 66.38%
    1980 – 67.35%
    1984 – 63.43%
    1988 – 61.00%
    1992 – 68.99%
    1996 – 58.00%
    2000 – 67.01%
    2004 – 73.24%
    2008 – 69.20%
    2012 – 70.14%
    2016 – 67.34%

    2020 is… 89.25%?

    (3,288,771 of 3,684,726)

  10. Enjoy your little joke while you can, Jack Dorsey—and, no doubt, the case of baijiu on its way to your door courtesy of Xi Jinping.

    You and your friends in Silicon Valley have helped to make peaceful reform impossible, and violent revolution inevitable.

    This isn’t over.

    1. Correct. It is not over. Biden is calling for people to “come together” — so ironic. He is crazy if he thinks he will get the support of middle Americans. I am sure Antifa and the BLM militants (paid by Democrats) are “all in” — but the country is falling apart and people feel they have been cheated out of an honest election. They have. Hope Trump drags this out as long as possible. Problem is, the globalist pockets that bought this election — and the disruption, corruption, media manipulation — have very deep pockets. Trump does not.

  11. Trump should have stayed off twitter. Never let your enemy determine the battleground rules.

    Lefties cheat at everything. That’s why they love abortion and anal sex.

    We knew they were going to cheat because they had before. They will again.

  12. President Trump’s attorneys have filed lawsuits against municipal, state and federal officials pursuant to the validity of votes counted in key battleground states. If it reaches SCOTUS, the President will hold the balance of power with ACB.

    The truth will be revealed. The fraudulent and seditious actions of those who are intent on stealing this election from the American people will be answered swiftly and remedied to the full extent of the law.

    President Trump won this election, not some corrupt career politician with a face lift.

    1. At the top you commented “Your orange clown is losing. Accept it and move on.”
      Now it’s “President Trump won this election, not some corrupt career politician with a face lift.”

      So you forgot to use the pro trump user name for this comment or forgot to use the anti trump username on the first comment? pfft

    1. Bingo, after they lost Ohio, the halted vote counts in Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina, Wisconsin and Michigan. Trump was winning by comfortable margins, and by the morning Bidet votes mysteriously materialized….

  13. Welcome to the Un-united Soviet of America, complete with corrupt oligarchs, a state media and cancel culture goons.
    Unfortunately their revolution is not complete, with SCOTUS and Senate not under their control.
    Nevada and Wisconsin subject to legal challenge as those states unilaterally changed their rules and shut out GOP observers.
    Let Dimocrats cry all they want. Piles of votes that swung state elections were counted in secret to magically get Biden to 270.
    The Trump team and GOP will prevail with the courts to put a stop to this charade and get a proper count done.
    If Biden still wins, fine, let the GOP and its supporters be gracious and show themselves to be the opposite of DeMarxists.
    If Americans truly voted for President Harris, I mean Biden, then so be it. I just have my doubts and cannot discount its danger.
    Because every time we hear some outrageous story about Dem abuse of power it turns out to be true, so it could be again.
    Not logical I agree, but look at the FISA debacle that reasonable people thought could never happen to their nation; but it did.
    Fight the good fight GOP; be willing to accept without necessarily agreeing with the peoples’ choice, unlike Dems who refuse.

  14. I can’t wait for truth and reconciliation commission and subsequent re-education camps for Trump supporters. I’m sure it will be only members of the regime who’ll be hauled to camps. The rest will be doxed, fired, boycotted and irs audited.

  15. Speaking of that execrable pile….

    On Twitter: “Trudeau promises military intervention if Trump refuses to leave office.” He said this afternoon at a press conference, “The global democratic order must be enforced.”

    Needless to say this provided a lot of derisive merriment for Tweeters. My favorite: “What are you going to attack us with? Hockey sticks?”

    Actually, I got very angry at your sock puppet. He expects the US to respect Canada’s sovereignty and he says that kind of crap? What is he smoking. And in what universe does he think what’s left of your military will just happily roll unimpeded into Washington?

    1. As much as that makes sense he would think that, he never said it. Just link the tweet if it was on twitter then. Something that huge would have been archived also if it was deleted. Also some bogus photo shopped story screenshot that leads to 4chan as well. haha.


      Took me 5 minutes to figure this all out. And the story writer in the photo shopped article screenshot didn’t write that CBC story. Here is his latest CBC stories. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/jim-bronskill-1.4288360

      There are so many bad things I can list about Trudeau but this is silly fake news.

    2. Not a lawful command unless Parliament says so Pierre. Just collectivist chatter from the partisan power propagators.
      They can’t be held accountable because that would mean they would have to be held accountable.
      Incompetent kleptocracies just don’t do such things. Unenlightened despots and fickle voters all looking for an easy way out.
      IOW, we’ve become decadent so will experience decline, exacerbated by collectivists filling their pockets, projecting all the way.
      We’ll be OK, here and in the US, but these political charlatans will end up making it harder for everybody but themselves.
      Us, “Somewheres” ruled by “Anywheres,” who never pay consequences for their corrupt failures and real effects on society.
      Now everybody repeat together, it’s easier, so better this way. “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.”
      1984 fulfilled on the 75th anniversary of the free world’s bloody defeat of collectivism, it renewed, their memory besmirched.
      Note to the somewheres everywhere who think we’re a part of government, you’re now a serf of the cancel culture.
      Nobody will storm any beach to save you from that. You haven’t got the parts yourself. They and we will leave you to it.

  16. yip yip yip yip yip yahoooooooo

    Say so long to the worst President in U.S. history.

    Corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent

    1. And you’re so woke and morally superior that you named yourself after the stereotyped cook on “Bonanza”? Shut up, racist pig!

  17. Has anyone else considered the possibility that this mail in vote and late vote count is a trap?
    For subverting the citizens right to a fair election is,I believe, a federal crime.
    Could it be ,that a far sighted Trump Administration has set a trap for their enemies?
    For the enemies of the constitution have certainly exposed themselves this election.

    We all saw how it was going to work,in the 2018 midterms, where the Republican wins the race on voting day and then loses in the days and weeks that follow.
    The States involved made it crystal clear they liked this methodology…
    So is the current administration stupid?
    Or did they plan accordingly.

    Seriously we have large groups of people openly conspiring to commit election fraud..and the feds are nowhere to be seen?
    Or were the cameras and audio monitors already in place,before the scamming began?

    A few more days will have to pass before we see,as some of the truly hard core corruption only began last night and of course a skilled trapper never wants a trap sprung prematurely.

    1. Here’s something else Trump probably thought of: Amy Coney Barrett to crash through partisan distortion of black letter law.

  18. I’m kinda steamed right now with the obvious fraud and corruption. There were so many great comments on this thread, that I wanted to reply too, or comment with/on, it just got to be to many to comment on individually.

    just some of the thoughts I’ve had, that would add to the thread.

    I’m thinking the Democrat machine kept up a non stop charade of attacks on the President and Republicans for more than just the declared invalid reasons. It’s maybe the slight of hand thing. They kept up the attacks while behind the scenes they were gaming, planning and executing the cheat machine. The double number of registered voters in some states, the conveniently correctly postmarked extra thousands of ballots…If you deliberately intend fraud, then observe things going against your preferred candidate, you just might have a spare stack of completed ballots correctly postmarked, in your closet warehouse. Compute that to the number of states, and you have your back up ready to go, if it’s needed for individual states. Now add in, refusing observer status, count stops, partisan vote counters and their partisan supervisors. As Rudy Guliani stated, when you’ve had Democratic control of a state or city continuously for twenty or thirty years or more, the corruption is ingrained to the point that they don’t even think what they do is really corrupt, just business as usual from their perspective. Shoot they even “found” a stack of one hundred thousand ballots all for one candidate. (you guess which one) It all points to a fraud machine of gigantic and very slick proportions. All our side wishes is for a FAIR count, and a fair result. This is a big mountain to climb, I just hope the Trump side can find the resources to climb to the top. OK, big suck of air, I’m holding my breath and crossing my fingers, because we, in truth, are in no position to do anything but watch and wait, and even pray (I’m an atheist) for a result we can accept. The difference being that our side will not declare open warfare on the opposition, if Trump loses. It’s sort of strange to want a result that you know will cause riots and civic unrest, if your side wins. Perhaps that’s also part of the Democratic strategy, to bully people to vote for safety and just accept a corrupt president, just to avoid the unrest. Only, I don’t think the unrest will subside even if Biden wins. Antifa and BLM are really enjoying this new found ability to commit mayhem without consequence.

  19. “Perhaps that’s also part of the Democratic strategy, to bully people to vote for safety and just accept a corrupt president, just to avoid the unrest.” A tried and true tactic cum strategy for power lusting banana republic tinpot election fixing despots everywhere.

    Exhaust and demoralize the people while you consolidate power, ensuring it’s too late when the realize they’ve been had.

    It worked in Venezuela, it can work in the US (or am I already repeating myself?).

    Look what the collectivists have already gotten away with. Activist judges, bogus investigations, lying to courts, censorship.

    They control the media through their twitter totalitarian media oligarchs and airport Big Brother screens, clearly law enforcement and national security also act at their behest, in or out of power. Now they control the presidency and soon the legislature.

    All that’s left is the judiciary to pack in their hegemony to become, like Canada now is, a de facto one party state.

    One ruling party, one ruling doctrine, one ruling elite, one ruling set of ideas, one ruling set of approved thoughts or words.

    That is where the collectivist ultimately takes society if allowed, relying on their totalitarian instincts to keep the peasants in line.

    When they object, they can meet the new standard of democracy; personal assassination, rubber bullets and water cannons.

    When that fails, real bullets and tanks will carry the day from there on. A ludicrous idea? Venezuelans thought so.
