34 Replies to “Irony Alert”

  1. I’m sure the good folks (and they are good folks) of Minneapolis will be shocked to discover that they are getting what they voted for.

  2. Coming to Calgary soon..

    Robert, ya just can’t make this shit up…..what on earth did these woke imbeciles think was gonna happen..?? BLM – AntFa sitting around a campfire singing kumbaya m’Lord..???

    Stupid is as Democrat does.

  3. hah! Let them beg even harder for more cops! Ungrateful idiots. Vote Democrat and save your own house from BLM vigilantes. Pay more for insurance too. Target cops = pay for stress leave.

    THE LAPD has the right idea too – cut budget = cancel services. If you have a fender bender or hit and run accident, fix it yourself.

  4. I can’t figure this out! It almost seems like getting rid of law enforcement means more lawbreakers and more lawbreaking!!! It just cannot be…!!!

    In my experience. the more leftwing you are, the more you dislike policing, as oppose to authoritarianism if its by the leftwing…

    Vote dem, get doom…

    1. “It almost seems like getting rid of law enforcement means more lawbreakers and more lawbreaking!!! It just cannot be…!!!”

      It isn’t.
      It’s about citizens being unarmed. If all of them were carrying guns, there would be a short blood bath after which the lawbreakers would clue in to the fact that the government and it’s agents(cops too) are no longer protecting them and making lawbreaking a low risk activity.

      In case you didn’t know, police are a new fangled innovation. About 250 years ago, there weren’t any. Yet civilization kept ticking along without them.
      The media has all these movies and TV show lionizing the cops to make them seem essential. They aren’t.

      1. “Police” as we know them certainly are new invention from industrial Britain.
        But there were “cohortes urban” in Rome and I’m sure similarly big and long lasting cities needed similar enforcers of law and order. Ancient Egyptian cities had police forces too, that kept the law.

        1. Quite right, rroe. There were a variety of methods used in Europe to control or regulate crime in various pre-industrial cities. Sometimes it was organized by guilds, sometimes by city quarters. There was a highly organized urban system of wardens for different districts in Chinese cities at different times throughout history. Why would Oz imagine that this is a new phenomenon?

          1. In the states you will see Police, and Sheriffs. Sheriffs (Shire Reaves) way way predate Police. The Sheriff is elected as serves the citizen. The Police serve the corporation known as your Town, inc. Police have no duty to protect you or your property. Sheriffs do. Police are agents of the state. Sheriffs the people. Sheriffs play a old English common law function on state abuse. If you are politically arrested, political judge and DA sentenced, you will be reprimanded to the Sheriff, who can let you serve at home.

            Lefties don’t like the idea of elected sheriffs and deputies, and in the states have been trying to get rid of them. Wonder why, eh?

          2. “Sometimes it was organized by guilds, sometimes by city quarters.[…] Why would Oz imagine that this is a new phenomenon?”

            Because police are a new phenomenon. These cops who are paid for by politicians using extorted tax monies who spend most of their time enforcing political regulations instead of Common Law are a new thing.
            Guilds? Who elected them to organize “Law Enforcement”? City quarters? Sounds like militias, not police.

  5. Note to California thieves: plan and budget your robbery carefully.

    1) Make sure your take is under $900;
    2) Wear a MAGA hat for cover
    3) Select victims who likely have insurance in no-cop zones

  6. What I find interesting is not how many cops quit, but how many are still clinging to the Iron Rice Bowl. A sure sign that quality police work will continue in Minneapolis.

    1. Aptitude tests make sure that selected for cop jobs are those who are not qualified for work outside of sex industry.

  7. Con-cee-quen-ses, I love em. You spend fifty years building a consequence free society. And those “things” you thought you got rid of were out there all the time. Waiting to invade your nice neighborhood.

    1. Emotional cripple Bonnie never saw a set of goalposts that she couldn’t continue moving.

      No more visitors at your home, period, but, you’re expected to go to work where MANY others are in the office, shop, or other.

      She is a terrible “leader” but the de facto Premier of BC, that the socialist population voted for, after being promised a $1,000 cheque to do so.

  8. What police officer in their right mind would even consider working on Minnesota right now???

    Oh check out CBC. They are now saying “The U.S. election might not be resolved on election night. Here’s why”

    And WAPo has a front page headline out how the USPO whistle blower has recanted, except he hasn’t. He has on tape how he was harrassed, threatened and otherwise abused by officials from the House elections investigating committee but he says he did not recant, no matter what they told WAPO.

  9. Not only will police be unable to service the calls, they will not be rushing anywhere as they are not backed by the cities. We have seen this in Baltimore. It is simple survival mode. FIDO FIDO and more FIDO

  10. It’s nice of the anarchists to disrupt the joe biden celebrations and hating on them too.

    Hopefully they can keep doing that but it’s unlikely there will be many more such celebrations.

    100 officers out for PTSD or whatever puts them below their so-called minimum of 750 cops.

    Covering a 24/7 schedule and including vacation time, training days, attending court, sick days etc. in a major US city with so few people is nuts, it might work in a Scandinavian city with no immigrants, but our betters wanted diversity, drugs, and crime to destroy us… oh wait…

  11. To be fair, who could have seen this coming?

    Anybody with an IQ over room temperature, that’s who. Given city council’s weak to nonexistent support for the police, the police reacted as any employee does who is made to feel unwanted.

  12. I am a big believer in karma and have been told that I have the patience of Job. I usually have to wait several, to many years for those I despise to get what’s coming to them. This news from Minneapolis cheers me up on so many levels, having come so soon to the Woke of Minnesota. I feel badly for the regular citizens of that city who have to live through the madness and pick up the pieces and glue them together again. But I go to bed happy tonight.

  13. Lets face it, it ain’t exactly rocket science. It’s all part of a social contract we accept, or should, to allow all to live their lives in relative peace and harmony “Together”. When you do dumb stuff like listening to BLM and are stupid enough to vote to defund the cops that are basically trying to keep a crooked lid on crime drugs and violence, what the hell would you expect? Then when an officer used a control technique that is part of the local training manual, and that thug dies, he gets arrested and charged with murder. Even now, after there is overwhelming proof that this “technique” had nothing to do with the perp dying, they still push the charges. What sane individual would want to work for that jurisdiction, those that already do, want out. This will end up with worse, lower standards as they try to recruit more officers, and they will end up with actual thugs on the payroll.
    Jeez, they should have had some councilors with brains, but apparently not.

  14. Part of a recent exchange between myself and a local council member (ex RCMP) regarding increasing crime in our town. The original exchange was about lack of consequence for a guy who was caught orange handed, spray painting a cop car.

    The top part was about a guy caught trying to escape capture, who had more than six ounces of fentanyl, also getting the same get out of jail free card.
    Hi Councilor A***ng;
    I realize that some things are beyond the purview of city councils, but they are also things that contribute to a decline in the quality of living in our communities. It’s beginning to appear that unless you’re a direct and immediate physical threat to others, that police are required to release the suspect. In this case, a suspect with more than six ounces of Fentanyl (how many would have died due to this amount on Nanaimo streets?), meth, cocaine and more than $10K in cash, after attempting to escape police, gets the same treatment as the ‘property crime’ suspect: paperwork and a promise to appear.

    Good afternoon Mr. ********
    As this is considered a property crime the police are required to release the suspect unless there are mitigating circumstances. The property owner can request restitution from the courts if the suspect is found guilty.
