32 Replies to “It’s Probably Nothing”

  1. Heavens, you say. China has a national debt?!

    Of course. Recall though that the CCP control China’s banks, so they really do “owe it to themselves.” Us, not so much.

  2. Nobody is ever in debt … when that debt is held by the Chi Coms. Not to worry. They OWN you now … and will be very benevolent owners. So long as you bow deeply to their superiority, or else.

  3. We have already gifted BC’s best properties, set up birthing centres and free passports for all relatives, created perfect money-laundering casino facilities and partnered in schemes to keep original Canadians (and third world immigrants) in future slum dwellings of 5-8 hundred square feet.

    Renting is being encouraged, so no one will own any land. Stratas were the first step, as they can control individual freedom well. Only politically correct behaviour is allowed. The vision: ride your bike to buy food in the rain or order from Amazon. Buy weed.

    1. Yes, buy lots and lots of soma, because it won’t seem quite to horrible when you’re living in a roach-infested shithole eating ramen three times a day.

  4. It’s Modern Monetary Theory, there is no limit on government spending and the debt will be paid back with a currency that has been devalued as much as possible. The more devalued the currency the bigger the win. Don’t worry, politicians and government workers will continue to enjoy the best of the best.

    1. Works in South America from time to time.

      Yes and all the francophone government workers are “working from home” on full salary, including the overpaid receptionists. What a gig!

    1. They are too stoned, or drunk to care. Or find the light switch. Notice how the push to open bars and restaurants, for people to spend money they no longer earn. The booze shops were “essential businesses” and remained open, while yours was shut down by .Gov edict. Gov employees, like teachers and Sibble Serpents collected their pay while surfing the web at home.
      Bread and circuses.
      No mention as to the “source” of Wuflu. Can’t disparage the CCP. They are “Superior Beings”.
      We import folks to keep the RE “Boom”, going. Shut that down and the place would implode.

  5. Just perfect! Promise legal dope, get into political office, pay off the media, rack up a totally ridiculous debt load onto your citizens, stomp on their civil liberties via a virus with a 99.5% survivability rate. Helloooooo United Nations!!
    Why it’s almost like they planned it that way.

    If you ain’t the praying kind now’d be a good time to start…cause if Trump doesn’t pull a rabbit out of the hat, it’ll be all over ‘cept the cryin’.
    Cause I’ll tell ya, leftists aren’t just content to take power…there’s delightful pleasure to be had by punishing those who made it difficult for them.
    If you don’t believe me, check out some tweets made by Jake Tapper and others who you think would be the last people on Earth to talk about “lists” and “employment opportunities” for those on the right side of the political spectrum.

  6. the world economy is a ginormous ponzi scheme involving thousands of trillions of dollars.
    the product in question is debt.
    get in at the top (banks) and then push pollllitiSHUNS to do all necessary actions to bring the wealth transferring collapse.
    party affiliation is a layer of paint.
    libs do it with spendthrift
    cons do it cutting taxes for the wealthy

    there are laws in economics similar to oh, say, gravity.

  7. I’m surprised that anybody would expect anything different to the nations finances when it is being run/ruined by a trust brat that never had to work a day in his life.

    What I am waiting for now is to find out exactly how much his real payments from WE were.
    After all, he even charged poor charities at least $10000 for giving his empty headed view of the bubble he has lived all of his life.

    Like I said, Justin Trudeau is the last PM from Quebec that will ever govern Western Canada.

  8. Civilsation is about to fall. Antifa and BLM started the fall with a bang. It will eventually become a whimper when they cannot feed themselves with nothing left to loot or receiving government hand-outs.

  9. It’s all good until one of the creditors asks one of their debtors when they intend to pay that money back when your GDP indicates your tax revenues won’t cover debt servicing and operating costs.

    That’s the day when the interest rates start to climb.

    1. Canadians have been inhaling their own shit all my life, the mask is just enhancing the experience.

  10. Trudeau will tell Macklem to grease up the gears on the money printer. Nothing like runaway inflation to end the Chinese year of the rat.

  11. Canadians deserve this.

    They were told by an heir whose own father didn’t trust him with his inheritance that they would end up with deficits. Canadians voted for him anyway. They voted him back in despite high unemployment, taxes and trade deficits. Now, they will have a fuel tax sixty-nine cents on the dollar and on Netflix that will soon disappear in Canada because it simply isn’t worth it.

    Let Canadians freeze in the dark and blame the Orange Man.


  12. Great Leader Angry Adolf has promised us that the Trudeau/Biden global warming partnership will bring North America into a green socialist paradise.

  13. I want to give a shameless plug for Blacklocks Reporter. They are doing important work that the rest of the media is ignoring. Worth paying for, so please consider supporting them.

    1. At about $100 annually, they are cheaper than the traditional fish wrappers who want around $30 monthly.

  14. So does this mean if Biden becomes the Prez. He can’t go on a spending spree.
    Like the Green (nightmare) deal.


  15. We’re not in hock over our ears. Nooooooooooooooo! It’s an opportunity to “build back better” or something like that. Our minister of everything…..told…..us…..so.

    And we’re in this together, except when we aren’t.

  16. The world according to Maurice Strong. He’s dancing the Hitler jig in Hell right now.

    1. Exactly. Dead criminal, commie Maurice Strong lives on to torment us, all because he was poor in his youth, very smart and adopted communism and capitalism with government “partnerships” to finance it. Bill Gates and Soros do this too.

      All municipal governments in Canada have only activists applying. As per agenda 21/30, start there. This strategy has been hugely successful.

      No serious fiscally aware people ever apply any more. Ditto now for regional councils, provincial and federal governments. No one at any level dares to stand up any more. We are doomed.

  17. Gee I can remember a time when the bank paid me for the use of my money.
    Now they keep scheming to charge me for keeping any in their clutches..
    Once there were interest rates,now there are negative interest rates.

    Except the one constant is the diversion of wealth to the Kleptocracy,with the ever increasing destruction to wealth creators.
    Once the fools and bandits crash all faith in their chosen unit of exchange,what will we use?

    The bright side is Kings have gold,gentlemen have silver and the peons get to barter..
    Well the need to trade will not vanish,but without faith that the units of trade have any value,trade becomes much more complex.
    How many bulk carriers of wheat buy does it take to buy your cheap Chinese knock offs?
