Kash Patel In As Pentagon Chief Of Staff

The pieces are moving on the board in interesting ways.

Another signal?

More on the DoD moves. Pentagon has confirmed the exits of Anderson (policy head), Kernan (intel head) and Stewart (Chief of Staff to SecDef). Replacements: Anthony Tata, Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Kash Patel. That’s a pretty clean sweep there from traditional defense republicans to Trump loyalists

The plot thickens… CIA Director Haspel departs the Hill after meeting with Mitch McConnell for roughly 20 minutes.

65 Replies to “Kash Patel In As Pentagon Chief Of Staff”

  1. From what Steve Bannon has said expect more as President Trump cleans house for his second administration. It is a done deal.
    This election will not be certified and moved to the house with 28 Republican and 22 Democrats due to the corruption investigations.

    1. What jojo pony soldier said.

      Constitutional. The Demarxists will scream Stolen and other nonsense. They will be arguing against the Constitution, the same document they hugged to try and tried to impeach POTUS DJT with, unsuccessfully.

      Beer, AND, Popcorn

    2. President Trump went with the constitutional law with this election and the Democrats did not. You need a chain of custody of a vote. The Democrats Illegally changed that and allowed all ballots and cheated in the computers changing votes to Biden that can be challenged by a recount. President Trump went by the constitution and Biden did not. Hence all these fraud investigations. The media was totally colluding to Biden as well.

    3. Wish I had your optimism. Trump is fighting the entire demoncrat media cabal that has a hatred of him that’s probably listed many times over in the DSM.

      I hope he triumphs not only for the US but for us and the corrupt laughingstock the trudeau liberals have turned us into.

      Turdhole is gleefully prepping for $2/L gasoline with reduced Canadian civil liberties, all in lockstep with a biden dementia presidency.

      Trump’s return might – might – delay this or help wake up enough Canadians to vote out this traitor from Ottawa.

      Or maybe not. We may have already lost this once-magnificent country to political correctness and pandering to special interests.

      Regardless, Trump has been the most impactful and incredible president in my lifetime. His accomplishments in the face of leftist hatred and subversion is nothing short of mind-boggling. I pray he succeeds.


  2. Check the Twit thread, the Low Infos are clueless to everything, Biden is their rubber stamp El Presidente, and everyone else is stupid or a criminal.
    Clearly, the Messedup Street Media is shunning and denying reality.
    PANIC in DC.
    If POTUS is somehow not successful (don’t bet against the Phoenix), expect a massive Declassification of government documents, without blackouts, showing the Democrats as corrupt liars, especially Biden, NanZi, Schiffty, and the corrupt DS operatives that tried to screw him.

    1. Dan, Trump and team watched the corruption in real time at the Eisenhower building. And it is all recorded. I think we re about to get a real show, and a swamp cleaning. Pigloozer and Hitley are toast, as both are tied to that voter machine company!

      1. Thank you for cleaning up the language, and being on point.

        Yes, I’ve read the same and believe it to be so.

        The Spider set an elaborate web, for the Demarxist flies to trap themselves in. Delicious.

        Rudy’s press conference was located at Four Seasons for a reason. The left has mocked Rudy for the location. The guilty that committed crimes there on ED must be contemplating their futures with fear.

        1. My read of the recent firings by Trump was that he knew, and has known from day one, who and where the traitors and Never Trumpers were but left them in place so that he could monitor their actions and reactions. That CIA creature is a prime example. Now he no longer needs them so out they go and he has cut off intel briefings to the Dems. The Dems must surely be feeling the chill by now. It brings to mind the time when Pres. Roosevelt re called Joe Kennedy who was the Ambassador to the UK and supposedly a Nazi sympathizer with ambitions. He met with Roosevelt and immediately resigned as Ambassador and never ran for office again. Whatever Roosevelt had on him must have been very, very serious indeed. It is suggested that his determination that his sons should become President was a direct consequence of him being frustrated by his politically castration.

  3. Trump insisted upon invoking the Insurrection Act to deal with the “peaceful protests” and Markie didn’t like it much saying it would be unprecedented in American history so gave it the thumbs down.
    Leaves a guy wondering what history books Esper is reading.

    Trump’s playing hardball and me like. Patel is awesome.

  4. Just a reminder for several assholes who believe CPC “Canada’s Cuckservatives” & Erin O’Tool did tweet congrats to President Biden on 07 November. Same day as Blackie too.
    To those fake conservatives who vote CPC a big F U

    And Scheer did SPLIT the vote by being a Liberal masquerading as somebody he is not

    1. Thank you for yet again proving that one can abort a baby and raise a placenta instead. Your Librano masters must be so proud of their experiment.

        1. Ok subhuman.
          “Real conservatives vote PPC.”
          Yawn. You tell people on the right that Conservatives are like Liberals, you tell people on the left that Conservatives are Nazis. In the end your Librano masters win and you don’t even get a reacharound, you worthless pathetic cheap whore.

          1. colon R~4, have ever read the PPC platform, it is conservative, and not scheep cuckservative, it’s ignoramuses like you and Ooz who are the problem, you are stuck on stupid, because you took it personal, that Max realized that the CPC were cucks, and he had the ballz to start a real conservative party, and you have NO ballz

          2. Yawn, keep repeating the same tired bullshit when you get a break from servicing your Librano masters.

  5. Trump finally figured it out but was 4 years too late. His personnel decisions were by far the biggest failing of his presidency and they are all on him. If he had just been a competent manager of people what he could have accomplished. Of course, the ego and vanity and narcissism got in the way but they also made him President, so everything is a trade off.

    1. Ego and vanity had nothing to do with it. Taking advice from those who are in the business on who best to fill administration positions when assuming the leadership is actually good business practice anywhere else which means he checked his ego and vanity at the door and trusted them.
      Job #1 was to shut out MAGA types from having Trump’s ear when he assumed the Presidency and they succeeded up to a point. Mattis and Kelly being prime examples of deep state assholes who’d be quite content to maim and kill American kids for years if it meant their Raytheon stock would split several times.
      But those days are done.
      When he assumes the Presidency once again, and I’m confident he will, my only hope is that this time he actually does unleash his ego and vanity to fucking wreck shop.

    2. You do know that it all started before he was in office and that Mueller was there a month later? Watch the Plot against the President on Amazon to get up to speed. Everything that happened after that was tainted and affected by the special counsel. Trump had to be careful who he hired/fired and when, they were there the first two years of his term.

    3. And you know slaw, despite all the “ego, vanity and narcissism” that seems to trigger you Trump got MORE votes than he did 2016 and was well on his way to another decisive win in a divided country when we all went to sleep election night. Maybe you prefer the perfectly polished, soft and gooie Mitt Romney types but obviously 73 million Americans decided enough of that bull shit.

    4. “If he had just been a competent manager of people”

      That’s how a man who doesn’t skate and never wanted to be in the ice business found himself presiding over the biggest outdoor-rink project in the country. It was a stretch, and he knew it.

      “Since I myself knew absolutely nothing about building rinks, I set out to find the best skating-rink builder I could,” he wrote. “Logic suggested the best place to look was Canada.”

      Advisers pointed him toward CIMCO, a 75-year-old Toronto-based company that was, at the time, responsible for the ice in both Maple Leaf Gardens and the Montreal Forum. Any company entrusted with those hallowed hockey shrines was good enough for the Donald.


  6. Lines are being drawn. 70% of Repubs believe the election was not free or fair. They’re not submitting to socialist totalitarian rule. ALL the election fraud points ONE direction: Dems. They couldn’t play by the rules. They had to try to steal it. IMO this cruel unconstitutional joke of an election is uncertifiable. When that is made clear the fur will fly in every major Dem stronghold. Merry fricken Christmas.

    1. Let the Demarxists burn down their cities, they’re part way there anyways.

      Repub cities will squelch it at once, with the aid of PATRIOTS

  7. I wonder if Kash Patel’s ancestral village in India will be honoring him over this appointment?

    Oh stupid me, I forgot that Patel is no longer a real Indian because he doesn’t think like the White Overlords of the DNC demand he must!

    1. “I forgot that Patel is no longer a real Indian”

      Indian? He better be a real American, forget India.

  8. Here is a gentle reminder from a year ago what is going on behind the scenes.
    HUGE! Hero Admiral Rogers – Who Secretly Met with Trump After Election – Is Assisting John Durham in Investigation

    On Thursday November 17th, 2016, after the presidential election, NSA Director Mike Rogers traveled to New York and met with President-Elect Donald Trump. It is widely believed Admiral Rogers warned President-elect Trump on Obama regime’s spying on his campaign during this meeting.

    Obama officials were OUTRAGED that the NSA Director would meet privately with President-elect Trump without notifying Obama officials first.

    Perhaps the Trump and his inner circle within the Administration allows Biden and the Democrats to defraud the American citizenry a fair election.
    Trump has been complaining about fraud but no one really pays attention.
    Now Right wing media are complaining why didn’t they fix this when they had the chance. Maybe they did. Maybe they can follow the digital breadcrumbs.
    Maybe its easier to change they system when the citizens DEMAND they have free and fair elections.
    The Democrats have become sloppy with Biden not even bothering to hold many rallys because they felt “the fix is in”
    A trap is laid and they will expose the Democrat machine for what it is. Corrupt to the Core.
    Look around, who is all cock and balls now? Trump golfs, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is smiling and chuckling about a smooth transition to a SECOND Trump Administration.
    I don’t believe everything about Qanon but this seem very apropos. Hunters become the Hunted.

    1. The rule of law does matter. And Americans love their Constitution which President Trump used beautifully.

      1. A plurality of Americans, but not all.

        Demarxists view it like a paper napkin, to use it every now and then, but to then discard it when it’s not convenient.

      1. That’s excellent. Liberal heads will explode just like the photon torpedos hitting the Klingon ships.

    2. The NSA may very well have the whole Democrat conspiracy to steal the election recorded. Most of the swing states have Republican legislatures. If they determine that illegal activities, such as banning Republican poll observers, make an accurate vote count indeterminable, they are free to vote a winner of their own choosing. Democrats might not appreciate that too much.

      1. Scar..are you serious..??
        I had no idea that State legislatures had that kind of power….WOW. Toss out EVERY vote Cast in the State and hold an in session vote..!!

        That is a game changer …no?

        1. Yes, correct steakman.
          They only need enough states to ‘abstain from selecting electors’ so that no candidate has 270 EC votes.
          And then, it’s the NEW Congress that makes the critical POTUS election, based on 1 vote per state, based on majority of congressional seats per state.
          28-20 GOP.

    1. Plus Ezra Cohen-Watnick as intel head. The guy is a genius strategist and knows the CIA inside out. It’s happening!

  9. If DJT can get this election back, and I doubt it as much as I hope for it, he needs to sit back, be quiet, but send out the “killers”.
    No more Mr. Nice Guy.

    1. Agreed. I don’t know if it’s possible to pull it off, frankly. He’s not a super hero, they may come up short. But at least he wont’ get stabbed in the back on his way out.

    2. Yeah, the gloves are off, no question. And why not. It would not be a surprise to see the entire Obama Administration charged with a litany of conspiracy, RICO, and sedition charges, *very* shortly.
      Including Biden of course.
      As we also see, the Low Info left is thinking Trump is going full TyrantHitlerGenghisKhan, ignoring the results of a ‘legitimate’ (COUGH COUGH) election.
      Beer, Popcorn, REPEAT.

  10. President Donald J. Trump values loyalty far more than anyone else in politics.
    and there are good reasons for this.

    Some excellent commentary & links above…

    I’m a lot more at ease this week post election, than I was last Wednesday.

  11. I wish I was more at ease now, but I’m not. This currently feels like a wing and a prayer time.
    Sincerely, I hope Trump does get this election back, but all of it is on shaky ground right now. I said awhile back, that I think Trump is the right man at the right time, if he loses now, we all lose. He has literally become the hope for sanity in a depraved globalist world. As has been said, they are not after him, they are after us, he is the only one still standing in the way. Even, I, in my little corner of the world can see enough evidence of fraud and corruption and cheating so blatant, you’d need to be living under a rock not to see it, and the Dems are still saying, there is no proof or evidence of fraud. There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. I hope the US electorate is seething with anger over this, and demand manual recounts in all close call, or quick switch (3. AM switch) states.

    1. Steve Bannon was totally relaxed and very surprised at what the Joe Biden and the media is doing right now.
      He said President Trump was in due to this election won’t be certified as the constitution States vote must have a chain of custody. and they have the house votes of 28 to 22.

  12. Eddy Greenspan was a great lawyer, not because he knew the law, but because he was a great strategist, and DJT is also showing great strategy skills. And now I would like to note that the lefties and never Trumpers are absent here:-))))))

    1. “Eddy Greenspan was a great lawyer, not because he knew the law, but because he was a great strategist”

      Wow! Saying something nice about a Jew, is the sky going to fall now?
      I remember Greenspan saying in an interview that at one time he was hired to defend a 32 year old rapist(this was in the ’70s) who had raped an 87 year old woman. Greenspan said their strategy was basically, “She lied about her age.” Read it in Maclean’s.

  13. Just saw “The Plot Against the President” on Amazon…(hat tip to Mark). Please, everyone, watch it.
    Warning – If you’re a little depressed over the media’s role in all of this and maybe thinking they were just uninformed idiots who didn’t know they were being played like fiddles…you’ll need meds after watching.

    Good news? Kash Patel and Ezra Cohen are monsters and should’ve been appointed to high profile positions long ago.

  14. This could end up with a two-president showdown. Trump may have to relocate to a safer (defensible) location if Congress doesn’t do the right thing in January. A solid bloc of states from Montana to Texas is clearly available as the land base for USA 2.0, who calls which part by what name is not as important as who gets to remain free.

    It’s a golden opportunity for AB and SK to rejoin the free world if that scenario unfolds.

    The split would be difficult and traumatic, but the alternative might be for half the country to swallow its contempt for globalist interference and knuckle under to them (again). For the last stand against this trend, if not now, then when? When many who would support it are even older than today? When there are ten million more illegals voting?

    Has it been mentioned on SDA that CIA director was in to chat with Mitch McConnell today? There are rumours that she’s on the way out too. Subject under discussion? Do you have my back? Do I want to?

    There may yet be tanks on the streets in DC and perhaps one or two other locations. This is very serious stuff, the principle at stake is free or managed elections, and by extension, free or managed media. There is a fork in the road …

    1. Unlike the Demarxists, the GOP respects the Constitution

      Tales of insurrection, illegal, unconstitutional behaviour from the GOP is MALARKEY. So are the anonymous sources claiming Trump is MugabeHitlerKhanMussolini. Just a pile of garbage.

      If Trump and his legal/political battle happens to be unsuccessful, he will abide by his duties, and fight this malignant government from the outside, ready to return in 2024.

      Rumour is, he might start a new Rightwing News Org to BURY FAUX. So much the better if it turns out.

      Somehow, I believe he will win this CONSTITUTIONAL FIGHT.

  15. Just out of curiosity: if, hypothetically, Inauguration Day rolls around and Trump, having still refused to concede the election, instead issues an order from a barricaded White House for US military personnel to arrest, by force if necessary, Biden, Harris, the members of his future cabinet, Pelosi and Schumer, with whom would you side?

    1. Hey Dipshit, by then Plugs Biden, KamelToe, Piglosi, Schumer, Pencil Neck, Hitlery, Brennan, Klapper, Cuomo and a bucketful of more scum will be drawing straws for top bunk at Gitmo. gfy.

    2. The President.

      Whomever that is.

      It is one of the genius aspects of the US Constitution; there can only ever be one US president at a time. It doesn’t matter if either Trump or Biden concedes, just like it never mattered whether Gore conceded or not. Doesn’t matter who I think is the winner or who the media declares is the winner. Step 1. Did you get the votes of 270 electors? If neither do, how many House delegations did you get in the US HoR? The process is laid out in the constitution. The US is a republic of a federal state. The state’s representatives pick the president. It doesn’t matter who is occupying the White House.

      Just out of curiosity: if, hypothetically, Inauguration Day rolls around and Biden, not having either 270 electors or a majority of US House delegations, instead issues an order from a barricaded basement in Delaware for US military personnel to arrest, by force if necessary, Trump and Republicans, with whom would you side?

  16. Strikes me,way too many people fail to understand President Trump and why he gets elected.
    If you are a deal breaking,backstabbing liar,then you will never comprehend business,especially business where your word of intent is all you can really promise.
    Honesty,that what you say and agree to, you will do your damnedest to honour.
    As any small business can tell you.

    And honesty is recognized by honest people.
    But it sure seems to “trigger” the corrupt and sleazy

    Now the Democrats have tried every trick in the book,even tried some that were taboo,they have repeatedly threatened the man and more importantly his family.
    Endlessly assaulted friends and supporters.
    A relentless abuse that would have brought down smaller men.

    So why would he,Trump,not believe the Democrats Intent?
    So what would you do,to people who make credible threats against all you love.?
    Who boast of multiple criminal and unethical actions,always in the pursuit of more power..?
    And would blatantly corrupt the election process and brag about it..?
    Would you seek to destroy them?
    Why not?
    Now how best to destroy political creatures?

    Works best if they do it themselves.
    So if the democrats carried on true to past form,while Trump monitored every act..Using the legal authority the constitution gives the executive branch..then all hell is due to break lose..
    I hope for mass arrests and immediate declassification of multiple evidence chains,as the court of public opinion is at stake here.
    For without the illusion of free fair and secret ballots,nothing in civil society is possible..

    For under the conditions set up by the madness of President Trumps first term,a entrapment of the enemies within,is Mr Trumps only chance to become citizen Trump again,with his friends and family safe to go about their lives.
    The Democrats made their position clear,did anyone think Mr President misunderstood their malice or their madness?

    Sunlight will finish the Demons.
    Ironclad exposure,in their own words and actions, of their acts to defraud the citizens,will destroy them.

    And while I say “Democrats” here I include the whole Uni-Party,bureaus and their media comrades,The Swamp.

  17. A friend noted that a large number of people in power are resigning rather than investigate election fraud. They don’t want to know, or they may be implicated?

  18. My read of the recent firings by Trump was that he knew, and has known from day one, who and where the traitors and Never Trumpers were but left them in place so that he could monitor their actions and reactions. That CIA creature is a prime example. Now he no longer needs them so out they go and he has cut off intel briefings to the Dems. The Dems must surely be feeling the chill by now. It brings to mind the time when Pres. Roosevelt re called Joe Kennedy who was the Ambassador to the UK and supposedly a Nazi sympathizer with ambitions. He met with Roosevelt and immediately resigned as Ambassador and never ran for office again. Whatever Roosevelt had on him must have been very, very serious indeed. It is suggested that his determination that his sons should become President was a direct consequence of him being frustrated by his politically castration.
