Saskatchewan Election Contest: Bumped with Results

The recounts are finished, the results are final.

Our prediction contest winner is matt smythe.

September 29, 2020 at 4:49 pm Edit

SaskParty –48
NDP –13
Buffalo –
PC –
Green –
Liberal –
Independent* –

Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner – 55

    Original post below.

Meili at left, Moe at right.

The Sask Party holds 46 seats and the opposition NDP has 13. There are also candidates running for the following: Buffalo Party, Progressive Conservatives, Green Party, and Saskatchewan Liberals. Further details at CBC.

Update with correction. There are actually 61 seats to distribute, as two were vacant at dissolution. Thus I have to void the first group of entries accordingly and allow you all to post again. My bad, I was sloppy there.

Please use the following format for your prediction — should total 61;

SaskParty –
Buffalo –
PC –
Green –
Liberal –

Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner –

The most accurate prediction will win a free book from the SDA Free Book Library. Winner will be announced on election night or as soon as possible afterward.

39 Replies to “Saskatchewan Election Contest: Bumped with Results”

  1. Please see the update, there are a total of 61 seats. My error, and I apologize. If you’ve already placed a comment, please do so again. I’ll be deleting the comments above shortly to avoid confusion.

  2. SaskParty –48
    NDP –13
    Buffalo –
    PC –
    Green –
    Liberal –
    Independent* –

    Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner – 55

  3. Sask Party – 45
    NDP -16
    Buffalo – 0
    PC – 0
    Green – 0
    Liberals – 0
    Independent- 0
    with the Sask Party getting 53% of the popular vote.

    1. Kevin, thanks for the link. I didn’t know Buffalo was a conservative, Wexit-styled party. Go Buffalo.

  4. I believe Saskabushers will come to their sense and vote the Liberals into a majority government,with the NDP in Opposition. The brilliant handling of the worst crisis to hit the planet since global warming has been ably handled by Our Beloved Prime Minister (OBPM PBUH) and grateful stubble jumpers will reward the Liberals will an overwhelming victory!
    Saskabushers: 45

    Dippers: 16

    The Rest: SFA, which may sound like SDA but isn’t really.

  5. SaskParty – 43
    NDP – 18
    Buffalo – 0
    PC – 0
    Green – 0
    Liberal – 0
    Independent* – 0

    Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner – 48

    Moe ain’t no Wall, but he’s good enough to win comfortably. Sorry Wexit/Buffalo folks. The little parties hardly ever win. Your time may be coming, but not this year.

  6. If people actually want freedom then all riding’s with a Buffalo Party candidate should go to the Buffalo Party. Hopefully the freedom vote doesn’t get split by compliant Sask Party voters in those particular riding’s. Then riding’s without Buffalo Party candidates should go Sask Party. Then the cities in where the most docile and compliant citizens live will pick up about 10 or so progressive seats.

    So it’ll be Sask Party with majority (which is fine, not perfect but still fine.) because of lack of Buffalo Party candidates. Then a race for second between Freedom and progressives.

  7. SaskParty –39
    NDP –22
    Buffalo –
    PC –
    Green –
    Liberal –
    Independent* –

    Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner –45

  8. SaskParty – 38
    NDP – 22
    Buffalo – 1
    PC – 0
    Green – 0
    Liberal – 0
    Independent* – 0
    Pop: Sask. 62%

  9. Does it matter?

    Anyone ending the lockdowns?
    Anyone building nuclear power?
    Anyone tearing down unreliable generation?
    Anyone promising to hold a separation vote day one?
    Anyone promising UDI?
    Anyone NOT have a “climate plan”?
    Anyone going to make Saskatchewan a shall issue hangun permit jurisdiction?
    Anyone promising to fire 75% or all government employees?

    As I said, does it matter who “wins”? Tommy Douglas will still be premier.

    1. Here’s my “climate plan” for the good people of Sask. … put on your jacket. And dress in layers.
      And crank up the heat

  10. SaskParty – 43
    NDP – 17
    Buffalo – 1
    PC – 0
    Green – 0
    Liberal – 0
    Independent* – 0

    Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner – 45

  11. SaskParty – 42
    NDP – 19
    Others – 0
    Tiebreaker: Share of popular vote by winner – 53%

  12. SaskParty – 45
    NDP – 15
    Buffalo – 0
    PC – 0
    Green – 0
    Liberal – 0
    Independent* – 1
    The independent may as well be an NDP…she will be the one Meili run off. And he won’t win his seat.

  13. SaskParty – 48
    NDP – 12
    Buffalo –1
    PC –0
    Green –0
    Liberal –0
    Independent* –0

  14. Why are you having an election now? We are having one in BC, too.
    I wonder, how is it that a government that thinks the world is too dangerous for people to go to work, in our case, fans of a party that thinks it is too dangerous to vote in person, thinks now is a good time to hold a discretionary election?

  15. Not having followed Sask politics for many years now, tell me just what does the Sask party stand for, are they just liberal lite?

  16. Great to see socialism getting wiped out in Saskatchewan. I hope Manitoba catches that virus as well.

  17. I remember a map posted by Kate when the NDP were in power in Saskatchewan showing the operating oilfields in Saskatchewan and Alberta.
    It was hilarious to see all the oilfields end exactly at the border.
    Zip on the Sask side.
    Best picture of government wealth destruction ever.

  18. Love the results for the Liberals: 355 total votes. Approximately 1 vote for every 10 ballot boxes. Less than .08% of the total vote. Would that that would happen federally.

  19. Saskatchewan needs 61 MLA’s to represent a population of only 1.085 million citizens! ? Allah almighty we sure DO love our trough hogs in this country.

    Of course national champ is PEI with 28 MLA’s to pretend to serve a population of 157,000.

  20. Is there any party that supports becoming a State of the USA? Because that is the only sensible way forward.

  21. Oh the poor Communists socialists of the NDP. They can’t take over another time to wreck the lives of others. Boo Hoo!

  22. This just in, Trump has filed a lawsuit demanding recount due to Saskatchewan’s proximity to either Michigan or Arizona and unlawful interference by God in Saskatoon voting (wherever that is).
