He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship

@brianlilleyMoments ago in the House, Prime Minister @JustinTrudeau rose to vote against a motion calling for a decision on Huawei being in Canada’s 5G network and to have a plan to combat China’s foreign agents working to intimidate Canadians who speak against Beijing. Shameful #cdnpoli

24 Replies to “He Admires Their Basic Dictatorship”

  1. Under Trudeau, and now potentially under a new Biden administration, we’re going to be looking at will be two essentially servile colonies to the Chicoms. And all done without the PLA firing a single shot. Terrific.

  2. In the Twatter responses I saw that some stupid bitch was all giddy that Dear Leader kissed Xi’s ass.

    1. Stupid bitches should have only one right. To stay in the kitchen and keep quiet. Certainly no voting rights.

  3. Lilley says this is shameful! It’s way beyond shameful, he is literally allowing a corrupt foreign government to infiltrate this country if he allows their 5G systems to be used. Our prime minister is selling Canada out. Presumably, he is either being paid or bribed by them, or they have some nefarious information on him that they can blackmail him with. I guess we just add this to the ever increasing list of his “accomplishments”, such as millions to Kadr, special vacations, multiple ethics violations, and I would bet perhaps even a Dominion/Soros assisted, stolen election. Maybe…that is the item he’s being blackmailed with, I’m sure there are many to choose from.

    1. ” … Lilley says this is shameful! It’s way beyond shameful, he is literally allowing a corrupt foreign government to infiltrate this country … ”

      Man oh Man! Just wait till Pinky O’Toole calls his press conference tomorrow and says the same thing!

      1. Erin O’Tool will also eventually step down.
        You can’t pretend to be someone you’re not.
        The CPC is done. Fake conservatives

  4. Like the Democrats progressing to Marxism southward, out statist politicians are bought and sold to the Chinese government.
    They re-imagine China by selling out our citizens and sovereignty to them.
    Everybody but the citizens make out like bandits, until they don’t, as China steals technology and thus prosperity from us.
    What if China ascends as the only superpower of any import as US continues to degrade itself? What could go wrong?
    Look how they treat their citizens, neighbours and those they trade with. What could go wrong? We’ll be fine. NOT!!

  5. Those silly MPs in Blackie’s fake parliament had better be careful, or Great Leader Kim Sung Trudeau will dissolve it. He only allows it so Canadians think they are living in a democracy.

    1. FYI:
      Most of the NDP, and all of the Bloc Quebecois voted “Yes” with the Conservatives.

      Five Liberal MPs voted “Yes” with the Conservatives:
      Wayne Easter, Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Ken Hardie, John McKay and Jennifer O’Connell

      Three communist-loving NDP MPs abstained (lest they upset Jagmeet):
      Nikki Ashton, Don Davies and Leah Gazan

      Disgraced nepotist & former Liberal MP Yasmin Ratansi voted “Yes” with the Conservatives.
      Independent MP Jody Wilson-Raybould voted “Yes” with the Conservatives.
      “Alleged” harasser, assaulter, break-and-enterer and former Liberal MP Marwan Tabbara voted “No” with the Liberals.

  6. It must be troubling for the Spawn to have such fealty for communism and the heroic communist China that his father worshiped knowing that if or when the Chicoms march into his deranged dominion, he will be treated even worse than his political enemies in Western Canada would treat him in the total absence of any laws. He is much like Joe Kennedy was to the Nazis before the US was in the war. Also, being not just the leader of the LPC but also the NDP makes it even more difficult to be seen as anything but a communist sympathizer if not outright commie.

  7. Trudeau Sr got his just reward for screwing up Canada when he got to bury his son. Hopefully Justine will get a similar type of reward.n
    As a parent it pains me to say this but for the way he is screwing up our country he deserves it.

    1. Actually, he didn’t get to bury his son. An avalanche did that

      I don’t really believe it though. Tinfoilhatconspiracy stuff, but I was thinking…anybody that goes out of bounds skiing in a designated avalanche area has a death wish. Then it occurred to me that that is probably not what actually happened. That was just the cover story for how he actually died
      Based on nothing. I just don’t believe anything that slimy family says

      1. JM, I’m sure you’ll like this little piece.


        Time of year when there is little snow pack, and carrying a back pack which would make it easy to snag.

        Very unusual for avalanche to carry a body into the lake and drown.
        The other 3 skiers were never named.


        BTW, Trudeau’s must owe somebody some big time favors and the Chicoms have him by the knackers.
        Also explains his rampant, irrational paranoia about guns.
        Somebody already got one son.

  8. With Trump in power we had a chance of asking the US to free us. Sure, at least 30 million socialist hosers would have had to bite the dust, but oh well. With Joe Fuckhole Biden in – until Kamala sucks the life out of him, but continues the charade – we’ll wither and fade into a land of servitude.

  9. If you haven’t already, check out realinvestmentadvice.com/tytler-cycle. You’ll find it more than a little illuminating.

  10. None of this was unexpected.

    He declared his undying love for China and has proven since his election and re-election what a Sinophilic douchebag he really is.

    The shrill freaks on Twitter are terrified whenever people point out what a loser Justin is. Believe that.

  11. Forget the Hair Apparent,the destruction of Canada is on the heads of all Liberal MPs.
    They enable this puppet so that dear leader Gerald can continue to destroy..
    I have simple proposal,whatever Justine Gets,we do to the rest of them.
    Then fire the entire civil service and charge them for criminal fraud , failure to keep proper records and theft as a servant..
    Can Ahh Duh is done,I really find it hard to care what the school council headed by Justine does,unless it accelerates Western Independence.

    1. ” … the destruction of Canada is on the heads of all Liberal MPs … ”

      Here, let me finish that sentence for you

      … and hopeless Conservatives who keep voting for nutless wonders like Scheer, Ford, Kenney, and Pinky O’Toole.

  12. Or at least until Prinz Dummkopf’s basic useful idiocy is no longer needed by the chicoms, and he is dragged kicking and bawling to the wall for his well-earned Cseaucescu moment.

    I wonder if it will be televised…

  13. Treason. Nice pile of cynical comments, here, but this is no laughing matter.
    If any so called conservative leaders are following this thread, please, for the love of whatever we have left to love, get your parliamentary shit together and stop this shit. Please.

  14. Good. We need the investment and expertise and Huawei is well placed to provide, sinophobic hyperventilating notwithstanding.
