California Sheeple Are Finally Rising Up!

After many months of oppression by their government “officials”, Californians have finally realized what lying, greedy, selfish, incompetent, loathsome, hypocritical individuals these government employees clearly are:

Definite language warning but it’s well worth a listen. Incidentally, here’s Dr. Mark Ghaly, referenced by Mark Geragos in this clip. The Dear Doctor essentially admitted that he and his department “strayed from the truth” in order to prevent all of the restaurants in California from keeping their outdoor dining operating. Here’s some of Ghaly’s fear porn at work.

Update: Listen to Dr. Mark Ghaly’s own words, as he full admits that the public was lied to in order to “keep people staying home”.

6 Replies to “California Sheeple Are Finally Rising Up!”

  1. Nobody is more upset about the horrible behavior of California “officials” than me but we cannot be discussing “killing or maiming” them. Sorry but that crosses the line of acceptable commentary here on SDA.

  2. From the State that gave the country Pelosi, Feinstein, Swalwell, Schiff, Lieu, Maxine Waters, Kamala Harris, Newsome, Garcetti and a host of other Dem dirtbags who’ve inflicted their particular brand of misery on the State and the rest of the country …I’d say it’s a little late in the day to talk about uprisings.
    Next election…maybe start voting like it matters.

    California doesn’t just “edge out” Republicans in local, State and Federal elections it absolutely crushes them, and in dense urban areas where it really matters. Y’know, like L.A.

  3. Parasites are organisms too.
    Unchecked,unopposed they will continue to grow until they run out of food(resources)..
    Fools and Bandits by necessity destroy their host,if they become too powerful.

    Good times, living fat and lazy,allows stupid to survive.
    Eventually stupidity puts an end to the fat and lazy living,the stupid perish.
    Then lean and hungry remain resentful of any attempt to reestablish the bureaus..until they die off from old age and their restraint has produced fat and lazy living once again.

    I almost look forward to the cities burning,as this is fitting end to their mass greed and stupidity,especially as they will burn from with in.
    Almost every living creature knows better than to shit in their own nest..Except our progressive comrades.

    California has a history,of tolerating outrageous criminal behaviour..
    Right up until they form vigilante committees and hang the worst offenders.
    Just finished reading Paddlewheel Pirate “The life and adventures of Captain Ned Wakeman.

    Great story, two things stand out,the man was able to sail a paddle wheeler around South America on the strength of his word and reputation..
    Getting credit because the businessmen knew they dealt with a man of integrity,even though some of them knew that technically he was breaking the law.
    Second when he joined up with the restore law and order bunch,they did not pussyfoot around,they grabbed the worst and hung them..
    Problem solved,decent men could get back to work.
    As opposed to our Just Us System where the easiest way to protect your criminal buddies is to charge them with too much and then use the “Under investigation/before the Courts ” to cover the non-investigation and whitewash a few years later.

  4. Remember! That the State and County “Health Officials” who are making these “life-saving” ORDERS … are doing it based on “science” and “data”. Take, for instance, their ORDER to SHUT DOWN and CLOSE every Park and Playground in the State. Wait. What? Oh Nevermind … a week after those ORDERS … the “science” and “data” must have changed … because now the Parks and Playgrounds are reopened.

    Why? I guess because “the science” demonstrated that children need exercise … and poor people living 15 to a 3-bedroom apartment in San Francisco don’t have their own private backyards to play in.

    Anyone who actually BELIEVES there is any “science” or “data” to support these fascist SHUT DOWNS is a complete FOOL and TOOL. But our politicians learned long ago that because of our FAILING Public UNIONISTA schools … the General Public wouldn’t recognize science if it bit them on the ass. So the politicians can LIE with impunity about science and math (data) … because the General Public are deplorably IGNORANT about REAL science. Hint: this is also why the “science” of Global Warming is laughably foisted onto the Public.

    These Health Officials in CA … who all yearn to be the next Dr. Fauxci … are LYING sacks of leftist, totalitarian, shit.
