50 Replies to “Margin Of Fraud”

  1. This is a positive development, but we wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for the lazy Millenial Snowflakes who voted for Biden.

    That’s why conservatives should support increasing legal immigration—because immigrants are natural conservatives who will cancel the Millenial Snowflake vote. And increasing legal immigration is good for business and helps grow the economy.

    I support replacing lazy Millenials in the job market because they’re too lazy and feel entitled to get rewarded for their incompetence. We have a severe labor shortage in the STEM Industry because millenials are too stupid and unprepared to do those jobs.

    Once the immigrants get here (thanks to H1B visas in the US or the TFW program in Canada), we can educate them about the free markets and then they will vote conservative because they will know liberals are the real racists who support socialism.

    1. Your plan did not work in Canada, so no, unless you bring in appropriate people with real skills and conscientiousness, it will fail in the US as in Europe and Canada.

      Fix the US immigration system

  2. general bootschiff, I propose they hold the upper echelon of the DIM party to the rule of law and constitution, and never mind immigrants. The lefties breaking the law in US of A and kanukistan is established, and needs to be dealt with, FIRST!

    1. But legal immigrants are better than illegal immigrants. The legal ones vote overwhelmingly for Republicans and conservatives. So by that logic, by replacing illegal immigrants with twice as many legal immigrants, we will become the permanent Natural Governing Party.

      It’s elementary!

        1. Why are you racist against immigrants? You sound like a liberal millenial snowflake because everybody knows that liberals are the real racists.

          1. I hate all illegal immigrants and I hate those who support them. hell I hate just about everybody.

    1. Dinesh D’Souza is a great example of an immigrant because like most legal immigrants, he supports conservative values. That’s why we need to increase the H1B and TFW programs because racist liberal Millenials are too lazy or too unqualified to do the jobs that employers say they can’t find qualified people for.

  3. Good, the other states have the right to question, if the votes of their citizens are being nullified by illegal votes in PA, et al. BTW, Bush v Gore established that voters must be treated equally and subject to the same standards, regardless of mode of ballot submission. In other words, if you require the “in person” voter to show ID verification, you must also require ID verification from the voter submitting a “mail in” ballot. It is not necessary to prove fraud or forgery, just the disparate treatment. This puts the ball in the court of the Election officials to prove that the proper ID verification procedures were indeed followed, in the suspect states. To date, they have been stonewalling access to the smoking gun evidence.

      1. Nope, just maybe, it might counter the gaslighting. The corruption is institutionalized, wide and deep.
        FWIW, about four months ago Bret Weinstein did a podcast with Matt Taibii on “Corruption and Consequences”. It was featured on the YouTube Channel, Darkhose Podcast. Their analysis is seen through the eyes of the Left; however, it is worth a listen. Even though they are of the Left, it incorporates enough Classical Liberal elements to resonate with many of us. Full disclosure, they make uncomfortable criticisms of Donald Trump. Frankly, I found these critiques to be a bit smarmy and unfair, given the magnitude of the institutional forces and money arrayed against DJT. This includes the saboteurs and leakers from the Entrenched Bureaucracy, in tandem with the constant barrage of fabricated narratives and malicious stereotypes created to checkmate him and the will of his supporters. YMMV.


  4. Re how to ensure elections are fair, it wouldn’t matter if some form of blockchain was used that ensured no fraud.

    Bigger is the media fraud. If your world view is 180 degrees to reality because misinformation, suppression of information and outright propaganda, it won’t matter how secure the vote is.

    1. Minimize opportunities for cheating. No mail in ballots; no electronic ballots; scrutineers. voter ID. You know, all those things the Dementocrats argued against.

    2. Blockchain won’t ensure no fraud. Anything computer based can be hacked, fiddled or got around.

  5. I’m not holding my breath. SCOTUS will find some technicality to do nothing. The Democrats will steal the senate elections in Georgia. Then they’ll pack the SCOTUS with liberal judges. Progressivism, real progressivism, will come to the US. Then we’ll see who conservatives and libertarians really are, sheep, or men.

    1. The liberals think they’re being clever by importing more immigrants but little do they know that conservatives have a plan to teach immigrants that liberals are the real racists. The more immigrants there are, the better because that means more conservative voters.

      Liberals are the real racists and the immigrants will soon see right through them!

    1. Yes, there are millions of infantalized, femanized Snowflakes, whose lives are privileged and cocooned. They are too complacent to anticipate the consequences of breaking important things; they expect someone to come along to sweep up and replace what may not be fixable or replaceable.

  6. Its groundhog day.

    The Texas suit recycles all of the evidence free fraud claims that have been tossed out of court after court.
    This means it is built on a flawed premise and should be DOA.
    But delusional Trump idiots have taken over the Republican party and they would rather to see the US collapse into a second civil war instead of accepting that Trump lost and lost convincingly. They only question is if SCOTUS wants to be the spark that sets off the final collapse.
    It is truly pathetic that the world’s bastion of democracy would self destruct like this.

    1. untimDizzy G now link us to na credible site were it proves HCQ is ineffective. Do you lying stupid lefties never learn. And NO, those things have not been discredited . So get out of here with your bullshit!

    2. “… tossed out of court after court. This means it is built on a flawed premise …”

      Wow. You need a little brush-up work on your sadly flawed knowledge (lack thereof) of the role of the SCOTUS. Hint: it’s THEIR JOB to overturn court after court’s flawed decisions. You are either a contemporary HS kid who has been trained to misunderstand ALL about America … or you’re as old and mentally impaired as Creepy old China money laundering Joe.

      Your desperation to pretend this was a “fair” election is starting to smell like a gaggle of leftists waiting for their burnt Starbucks coffee.

      1. The claims of fraud are delusional conspiracies with no credible evidence. Any objective observer that digs into the “evidence” quickly realizes it is nothing but innuendo and hearsay. But innuendo and hearsay is enough for anyone who does not really believe in democracy.

        I have a lot of contempt for whiny “social justice” types and was happy to see Trump push back on their BS. But that was not enough to make up for his incompetence, narcissism and corruption. His actions after the election simply prove that Trump is worst president the US has ever had and he now intent on destroying the country rather than accepting his loss.

        Aside: if 75% of Trump voters think the election was fraudulent then that means 65% of US voters think the election was fair. Can you people give me any reason why the delusions of 35% of the population should be allowed to override the beliefs of 65% of the population?

        1. Aside: anyone who STILL believes the results of ANY poll whatsoever … has got comprehension problema…

          1. Polls are not that wrong. Subtract 5% which is roughly the polling error from election day if it makes you happy but the percentage of people who buy into the election fraud BS is no more than 40% of the voters.

            Which means you are still arguing that the president should be chosen based on the whims of a delusional minority that lack the maturity needed to accept that their choice for president lost and lost badly. There is no reasonable definition of democracy that makes that kind of thinking right.

          2. And what does “public opinion” have to do with Constitutional Law? Asking for HALF of America who still BELIEVE we are a Constitutional Republic

          3. Give me a break. State sovereignty is a fundamental feature of the US constitution. The suggestion that one state could tell another state how they should choose their electors would have the founders rolling in the graves. Could you imagine the outrage if California sued Texas because their voter suppression laws undermined the integrity of the election? Such a suit would be no different from the Texas suit.

            So there is no real constitutional issue at play. This is about a delusional 30-40% of the population insisting that the election outcome should be determined based on their delusions instead of simply counting the legal votes as determined by the rules set by each state.

          4. Yes … State sovereignty in everything NOT specifically directed by the US Constitution. Oh! So sorry … the US Constitution SPECIFICALLY delegates Election Rules to the VOTE of State Legislatures … not to activist Judges acting on behalf of a corrupt, power-hungry, self-serving Democrank Party. This ballot stuffing of unverified voters will not stand.

            The English language used in this matter is not vague, complicated, or interpretive. It is precise and unambiguous.

        2. “The claims of fraud are delusional conspiracies with no credible evidence. Any objective observer that digs into the “evidence” quickly realizes it is nothing but innuendo and hearsay. But innuendo and hearsay is enough for anyone who does not really believe in democracy. ”

          And that video that is now all over the world (though not, strangely, all over ABC, NBC, CNN, etc)? I guess you either a) refuse to look at it or b) just don’t believe your lying eyes, right?

          As if 1000+ sworn affidavits (and counting) weren’t enough? As if the small sample of recounts showing ‘mistakes’, the missing 47 USB drives, the ballot machines tested returning skewed results, the boxes of ballots ‘missing’, the mathematicians and statisticians telling us that the numbers were literally impossible…all that, plus video, and you STILL refuse to even entertain the notion?

          Yup…you’re a Liberal.

    3. Timmy, you moronic slut, f*ck off and die. In fact, I hope the coming civil war’s first bullet makes your feces filled skull explode. You don’t even understand fact one about the Texas suit, which isn’t based on fraud. It’s based on state governors and officials usurping the role of the legislatures in determining election rules, which violates the f*cking constitution. And if there’s one thing that SCOTUS really has a handle on, it’s the constitution because SCOTUS exists precisely to protect it. If you’re going to troll, at least get your damn facts right, you f*cking piece of shyte.

      1. The suit is based on the absurd premise the mail in ballots are inherently fraudulent despite the fact that it is widely used in many of the states that signed onto the suit including Texas.

        The court filing repeats the various bogus fraud allegations as part of its attempt to justify its attack on mail in balloting. Without those claims of fraud it has absolutely no grounds to claim that mail in ballots violate the constitution. So the case rests on the delusional fraud claims no matter what you may want to believe.

        It also takes a special kind moron who would rather plunge the country into chaos instead of accepting that his choice for president lost.

        1. Clearly you either have no understanding or have not read – or even skimmed the filing Tim. As such you are just hoping to obfuscate to those who lurk and read here.

        2. “The suit is based on the absurd premise the mail in ballots are inherently fraudulent despite the fact that it is widely used in many of the states that signed onto the suit including Texas.”

          Not even close, sorry.

          It’s not the mail in ballots themselves that are the issue (although they are certainly more susceptible to fraudulent manipulation than in-person ballots). It never was.

          It’s the fact that those states allowed mail in balloting , allowed them to be received after the official deadline, allowed them to be verified without signatures, allowed them without proof of residency etc, etc without approving all of those measures *through their respective legislatures*, as required by the US Constitution. An Attorney General, for example, can’t do it. A state Governor can’t do it. The elections personnel themselves can’t do it. ONLY the state legislature can do it, according to the Constitution…and the US Supreme Court takes the United States Constitution very seriously.

          (that’s my read on it, at least. Am I wrong?)

      2. UnMe, I might disagree with what you say, but I will defend your right to say it!

        That’s what freedom is all about.

  7. Since I’m fond of playing “Devils Advocate” (No, I’m not becoming anyone’s NME666) … let me provide the Swing States response:


    If we swing States AG’s and Courts didn’t Act to allow month’s of mail-in voting … MILLIONS of Americans would have been DYING to vote. Literally … dying!! We had a Constitutional DUTY to protect our citizens. Right? We swing States have done the same with voting as we’ve done with our draconian, fascistic, shut down orders … we invoked the part of the Constitution that suspends ALL Constitutional Rights … in case of “Emergency”.

    And what more critical EMERGENCY than COVID-19 … now! Look! Our hospital ICU’s are FULL! The President even caught The COVID! The President’s Attorney even caught The COVID!! Third Wave!! Ohhhhhhhhhh Ma’aaaaaammmmmaaaa!!! (I believe “Oh Mamma” is a venerated Constitutional argument, no?). Well … no … our current crisis somehow doesn’t require Hospital ships, and Tent ER’s like we saw last Spring … but “Official Institutions” say that our ICU’s are overflowing and Hospitals are even turning patients away! I know, because I read it on DRUDGE! And I heard it from an Emmy-Award-Winning Governor!

    So all you backward, cousin-kissing, deplorables can kiss our “SAFE” States Asses. This … is the “Defendants” Response. We carrrrrrrrrrrre more about our citizens than you bumfuck States.

      1. … or I’d have to believe there were THREE shooters at the Kennedy assassination!! One on the grassy knoll, a patsy in the Book Depository … and one on the overpass (just in case the other two missed).

    1. Unme and timmy are the same person and it looks like the bootstraps moron is just the same guy.

  8. UnMe, showing some signs of stress:
    “Timmy, you moronic slut, f*ck off and die.”
    at which point he veers from abuse to nonsense
    “You don’t even understand fact one about the Texas suit, which isn’t based on fraud.”

    Let’s take one of the supporting issues,
    Charles J. Cicchetti’s declaration that the odds of Biden winning the four states
    are less than one in a quadrillion to the fourth power (i.e., 1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000^4)

    It’s based on the assumption that voter preferences hadn’t changed since the last election.
    But as a reason.com article points out

    “I would remind Dr. Cicchetti—and, more importantly, Texas AG Paxton—that we periodically conduct “elections”
    precisely because voter preferences may change over time,
    […] Were this not the case, I suppose we’d still have a Federalist as Chief Executive. [“Your Honor, the chance that Thomas Jefferson carried Maryland in 1800, as has been reported, is less than one in 8 million billion quadrillion!! (assuming that voter preferences haven’t changed since the 1796 election …)”]

    And I would urge Dr. Cicchetti to re-do his analysis, but instead of comparing Biden’s performance to Clinton’s he should compare Mitt Romney’s performance in 2012 to Donald Trump’s in 2016. This, of course, would prove conclusively that Donald Trump could not possibly have carried Pennsylvania or Michigan or Wisconsin (given voters’ 2012 preferences) … one in a quadrillion!”

    Reason.com then points out that Paxton’s petition compounds the idiocy by ignoring the assumptions, just claiming the conclusion”
    “In the long history of misuse of pseudo-statistics and probabalistic mumbo-jumbo, about which many books have been written […] this surely has pride of place. It is a disgraceful performance, and I would hope that the voters in Texas would take note.

    And if, as several of the commenters on my earlier posting suggested, Paxton (who is currently under indictment for securities law violations) is doing all this just in order to get a pardon from Trump, that is—to put it mildly—a gross abuse of the power entrusted in him by the good people of Texas.”

    Ditto for some of the other claims, & I’d say the chances of this dog’s breakfast of verbigeration succeeding “are less than one in a quadrillion”.


    1. Kenji, if you believe the big squirrel gun, hitting from behind, would cause JFK’s head to snap backwards and cause a hunk of scalp to land 1/2 way across the trunk , you are stupid. There were potentially 7-8 shooters that day. The most recent Identified shooter was the figure behind the picket fence, that was determined to be a man with a rifle, using digital enhancement, of a Zapruder film,still frame, and kindly tell me why the Times hid that film for 25 years. And how in 1984 a man with a metal detector , who found 2 casings, one consistent with James File’s admition . As I said to a friend the other day, people with the least knowledge usually have the strongest opinions , and are mostly wrong, just as you are, now thanks for playing

      1. You and I have been around this conspiracy before. I have an open mind, but FOR ME … there just hasn’t been enough EVIDENCE yet shown to support yours and others theories. And you know I still like you, and don’t consider you stupid … or even “Satanic”. I know at your core … you’re a good soul. And you know I am too … even though I’m one of those Christians you consider to be hypocritical fools.

        I was just giving you a little stick … cause we haven’t chatted like this for a while.

    2. dizzy, your latest “yah butt” post only proves some people ,including you, don’t do math well, and you don’t understand human behavior at all

  9. I guess Ohio’s Attorney General is fighting against the Texas suit. He’s a Republican (RINO) named David Yost.

    From their brief:

    “What is more, the relief that Texas seeks would undermine a foundational premise of our federalist system: the idea that the States are sovereigns, free to govern themselves. The federal government has only those powers that the Constitution gives to it. And nothing in the Constitution empowers courts to issue orders affirmatively directing the States how to exercise their constitutional authority.

    The courts have no more business ordering the People’s representatives how to choose electors
    than they do ordering the People themselves how to choose their dinners. In the Federalist Papers, Hamilton endorsed the idea that “there is no liberty, if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers.”

  10. Seems to me that a big part of getting gay marriage forced on states was through use of the Equal Protection clause – once california and a few other states offered it – others were forced to follow suit or run afoul of equal protection.

    So Mr Yost is blowing smoke. But bear in mind we are no longer in a morally, intellectually or fact based battle here.
