Ho! Ho! Ho!

Whoops! No, no, no. They pulled it down! “The “View full list of employers” functionality is temporarily unavailable.”

But you can still read some of the highlights on this thread — including!

$55 billion of COVID subsidies (tax $$ ) paid to >300,000 organizations including:

BCE (Bell Canada)
Rogers Communications
Galen Weston’s Shoppers Drug Mart
Bank of China
China Southern Airlines
Air China

Update (that was fast): The $54 billion questions has been answered. Someone tweeted out the the URL that links to the full list of all 340,000 CEWs recipients that are corporations

It’s here. Enjoy!

50 Replies to “Ho! Ho! Ho!”

    1. Because “canada is the first post-national state”?
      Because he can?
      because the bought and paid for media will cover for him?


      1. The (Chinah Folk) “Kan-eh-jian” employees over here. No mention if they “commute” to the job, though. Typical “media” reportage….no facts. No matter, Kan-eh-jians are all “muh house” or too stoned to notice. The Chinah Folk on our street appear to commute, Houses R Empty most of the time. The CERB, DWEEB, or whatever it’s called pays their air fares.

      1. joe, ah yes.
        An old friend and I have been discussing our rulers (the worst ruling class in planetary history) and the relative importance of bribes v. blackmail. We both concluded that blackmail must be the primary driver. Think of the treasure trove they must have on Baby Doc Trudough AND the UK PM Bozo (sic). And all the rest of the sorry lot of bums we are saddled with.

  1. “the “Cloward-Piven Strategy” seeks to hasten the fall of capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse”

  2. D’ya remember when you were told that government workers made LESS $$ than private sector workers? Yeah … that old canard is wayyyyyyy outdated. Check out CA public employee salaries … and there are 2.3 Million CA public employees. Add all the State employees who retired at age 52 on a gigantic $$$ bloated pension … and you have a totally ‘unsustainable’ fleecing of the public.


    When the last of big tech and Hollywood is chased out by usurious taxation and regulation … this dysfunctional supermajority leftist State will be hollowed out.

    The same rent seekers are leeching off the pandemic $$$ funding. We plebes better put a stop to this looting of our treasuries!

  3. Ok, I admit it. My corp is on the list as well, as so many others, I am sure, who did appreciate the assistance when we had no other recourse when our businesses shut down.

    CEWS helped me to survive the year. We’re not all multi-billion-dollar conglomerates who were bought off by Trudeau, and as much as it makes me puke a little in my mouth to admit this, I really didn’t have much of a choice, and I’m sure there are many other small businesses in the same boat as I am.

    So I’m not sure what my reaction is to this kind of doxing. It’s one thing to expose capital cronyism, it’s another to lump everyone else, who are simply trying to survive, in on the same boat. After all, we pay taxes too, and we are all entitled to share in the same benefits as other Canadian taxpayer under the concept of equal protection. I don’t like to defend Trudeau, because I don’t like the idea of depending on big government, but when my accountant told me that I qualified for CEWS, and that I should apply, I’m not going to say no, especially when everyone else is taking advantage of it.

    I don’t like all the dollars being dolled out, but if that’s the game I have to play to survive, damn it, I’ll play too, and I don’t mind admitting to that, as long as I play by, and follow the same rules as everyone else. I didn’t make the rules, and I wish it didn’t come down to this, but those are the rules, and I am not ashamed to claim my fair share. I’ll likely have to pay at least some of it back in taxes anyway, probably much more than maybe I’m prepared for, and so be it, as long as everyone else also pays up.

      1. The class action lawsuits will be epic.
        And it will be against the individuals who made those decisions.
        Take every nickel from them.
        The COVID response was a complete fiasco from a health perspective, but a successful massive heist from a thief’s.

  4. I checked on a super special Canadian firm that I have come to believe represents all that is wrong with Canada. Yep, they’re not missing any meals over there; running under another new wifty NGO name but no meals missed there. The Volvo payment is in, the mortgage is over, and Chicoms are on the way to help with the plight of the First Nations people. Suba anyone?

    1. There is no solution that we can do as our politicians have made everything illegal or restricted unless you have a government approved exemption.

      Anything we try to do is illegal.

    2. Those of us who have given solutions here or anywhere, even direct to government, are ridiculed.

  5. Here’s a constructive solution- arrest Trudeau for high treason, seize his family trust and let him serve 30 in the London pen general population

    1. I think Trudeau, Freeland, et al should experience the cultural revolution solution; let them do manual labour on farms.

      Specifically cleaning out barns on dairy farms.

  6. If sanity had any place in Canada none of this would have been necessary. It was is and continues to a scam. Small companies and businesses get screwed over and the big boys suck the trough dry.

    1. Yup and they are all up in the Laurentians at their chalets roaring with laughter at English Canadians (particularly Ontario and the maritimes) for being so stupid.

      At the same time, the CPC decides not to send out that strongly worded tweet so as to not offend anyone.

      What a scam Canada has turned into.

      Kate where can I get a new country??

      1. We don’t need a new country, just a more educated one about how things should be done, like for example the way the American Constitution has stipulated south of the border. We had a chance to emulate that document and we p*ssed it away. Now America, shameful to say, is following our lead.

  7. L-Bank of China+PetroChina+China Southern Airlines+Air China= Indict the Crime Minister

    Canadian soldiers fought and some died to save South Korea from Communist China.
    50 years later, Justin Trudeau kowtows & pays tribute in public $ to Communist China.
    Prima Facie Indictment.

  8. “I qualified for CEWS, and that I should apply, I’m not going to say no, especially when everyone else is taking advantage of it.”

    My brother just sent an e-mail to all us siblings and our adult children, with a URL for us to apply for the $1,000 bribe being offered by BC Premier Horgan. I replied, stating my disgust, knowing that with one exception, none of us needed the money and knowing it would not make any material impact on any of our lives.

    Haven’t heard back from any of them….

    1. That could be a poisoned bribe; at the very least it will be taxable and at everyone’s marginal rate. If it’s like the more recent incarnation of what was CERB and is now CRB, it can also be subject to clawback.

      Rev Can is has already sent out thousands of letters two recipients whom it thinks may not have properly qualified for CERB. Among those it’s targetting are kids just in the job market who either didn’t file a tax return for 2019 or didn’t have $5,000 income on said return. And not all of these kids (generally 18 – 19 years old) live at home and/or subsidized by their parents; a fair few have been “in care” and have aged out of the government programs.

  9. How about a referendum banning the government from being able to access income and asset information on its citizens? If nothing else I would be interested in knowing how many Canucks think it’s any of the government’s business.

    1. As Stats Canada rifles through our banking records?
      With all the natural computer security common to government.
      Far better to go Greek.
      No longer having a recognizable income and no longer leaving a paper/computer trail.
      Better yet a referendum on reducing government,by 50% every year.
      Making the crusted on bureaucrats feel the love they have inspired.

      Of course should such a proposition pass,the proliferation of NGOs,fully funded by tax dollars would be explosive.

      As I have noted ,these helpers claim to be “our Servants”,helping us in every way..Yet if I had a General Manager or Accountant who worked for me as they do,I would be seeking criminal charges,laying civil charges for ‘theft as a servant’ and no way in hell would I agree to rewarding them with a pension,especially a pension larger than many taxpayers real income.

      Claiming to be helping us,while bankrupting the nation and surrendering it to the invader class,is not behaviour I seek to reward.

      Crush the bureaus and repeal the “Temporary Income Tax “.
      Followed by making all taxes voluntary.
      Good Government!
      As with Free Healthcare, the myths of Can Ahh Duh.

      The way we repeat the same stupidity over and over,voting for the “Lesser Evil” and condoning the Kleptocracy..Expecting different results than what we continually get..
      There is no stupid quite like Canadian Stupid.

      1. Golly John I hate being right decade after decade. If I were wrong, then I wonder, would things be better or worse?

        1. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think a progressive income tax is perfectly fine but then in the same breath will claim they are against communism. Brainwashed fools.

          From each according to their ability, to each according to their need.

  10. The Grit Grifter Statist style of government redistribution. From carbon tax peasant wallets to them and their cronies in crime.

    Surely convinced some “rich person” is financing at all, with peasants daring to achieve soon to be rich for tax purposes.

    Whom they bribed at $7 borrowed future taxes for every $1 of lost employment income. Peasants’ credit card run up.

    But because they didn’t “borrow it themselves,” apparently it doesn’t have to be paid back. So party times await with $150 tucked away, notwithstanding the $billions that will be recovered, the partying before and the payback after the upcoming election.

    Hoping Conservative set a bold course rather than Grit lite ever so afraid of being labelled intolerant seems forlorn.

    The piper will call, thanks to a doubling of the federal debt; will it ever. Plan for crippling deflation or inflation, nothing in between.

    When that “in between” part piper comes calling, Grits will have built it back bigger thanks to suitably brainwashed sheeple.

  11. And we want to remain a part of this ‘Fn mess?
    We have got to get out! We can’t afford to remain economically or emotionally!

    1. Indeed.
      Our eastern comrades have made it very plain,they like their Trudeau.
      Lying cheating and wholesale stealing is just fine with these voters.
      Assuming that Dominion Voting Services did not expedite their choices,they repeatedly vote for power hungry parasites.
      The concerns of us ,here in the West,are reliably dismissed as Whining Westerners and the relentless theft and destruction of our business goes on.
      Buffalo them all.

  12. Lost is all this comment is the inconvenient fact that the rules for CEWS – at least originally – were simple: the business had to have a CRA payroll account before 15th March, 2020, and the gross revenue had to be down at least 15% for March and 30% for April and/or May (as compared to either the same period in 2019 or the average of January and February 2020 revenue). There were other stipulations as to the maximum an employee could earn (I believe weekly $1,101.61) and some other hoops to jump through, but these were the basics. I know of no one who applied for this; either didn’t qualify because revenue just too high (-28.5%) or had been paying dividends rather than wages, or cash flow such that couldn’t afford any wages so everyone went on CERB. For a lot of small businesses, it was definitely “all aid short of actual help”.

    However, it is my understanding that CEWS is TAXABLE INCOME to the recipient company. I know the initial 10% wage subsidy was, and there’s a special form on which a company is supposed to report same. Also, that $40,000 loan with the $10,000 forgivable if repaid before 31st December, 2022 – any company who received same has to report the forgivable portion as income IN THE YEAR RECEIVED. Which means that companies who have had fiscal year-ends since March, 2020, have had to report that money as income if they received the loan before their year-end, no matter how hammered they have been since.

  13. Read up on Hyperinflation because it is coming. And Canada will be worse than any western country. Plus we can not feed ourselves most of our fruit and veggies are imported.

  14. Charge this nitwit in Ottawa and all his Lie- beral group with treason, sedition,malfeasance and yes send them all to the Gulag they are building for Covid citizens ( so they say thats whats it for! Lock the gates and throw away the key. Hopefully the gulag is In the Arctic Circle with solar/wind power supplying the energy for heating.

  15. The underlying question to all these corruptions,is this;Why should I pay taxes to pay for these handouts I never received,nor asked for?
    Can I sue ,for lost income,the maniacs who shutdown private industry in their panic?
    From the comfort of their government offices,they shut us down.
    For just 14 days..10 long months ago.

    In these months we have learnt many interesting things.
    First ,that Public Health was and is without a clue.Good enough for government their highest standard.
    Second, that if you are under 85 and not exceedingly ill,you have little to fear from the Dread Covid.
    Third, damn near everything we have been advised by our “experts” has been rubbish.
    Covid is just another flu. Another virus of a species our immune system sees not difficulty swatting,hence the high number of “cases” with out even symptoms.

    The effort to prolong this “crisis” and the “opportunity” it offers the power freaks have been exposed.
    There will be no return to normal,for these useless eaters have done immeasurable harm to taxpayers and caused the premature deaths of thousands.
    Fire them all,hang a few for good measure.
