25 Replies to “VDH’s Year-end Summary”

  1. VDH – a really great scholar and historian, ended his outline with this:
    “The Middle East may be on the verge of a historic recalibrated peace. The world is now pushing back against Chinese mercantilism. The southern border is mostly secure. The flood of illegal immigration has ebbed to a trickle. The strategies that sparked a three-year economic boom need only be reapplied in 2021”

    Notice that all, and I mean all, of the above, are due to Trump’s actions and policies.

    1. And ET, those achievements are in jeopardy with the highly likely new administration of Biden/Harris all BECAUSE they were Trumps policies.

    2. Excellent VDH article, cogent and logical, as usual.

      For me this is the most telling and dangerous escalation, a 5th Column posing as the 4th Estate:

      “The media, pollsters and the government establishment were mostly gladdened by the Trump loss, even as their overt bias and partisanship permanently tarnished their reputations.”

      Partisan media, neo-regals, establishment, crony capitalists and statist swamp swillers are like a worm, slimy and hard to kill.

      The modern media has changed places with their consumers. It used to be the public made up crazy stories and the media has to check and confirm them for veracity. Now the public must check crazy stories the media makes up, because:

      “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.” H.L. Mencken. Nothing has changed since 1918, though negligently escalated.

      1. “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”

        Yup, that was Trump’s approach to the ‘trade deficit’ and ‘immigrants dun terk er jerbs’ and ‘Deep State’ to a T.

      2. I am a MASSIVE VDH Fan … however he has been drinking the kool aid, by soft pedaling the mass VOTE FRAUD in the swing States (among others). His remedy is another election? Or two? Via the same compromised software? Managed by the same leftist (by any means necessary) State voting officials? And does VDH really believe the shotgun distribution of ballots by mail and illegal suspension of signature authorization is a “one time COVID” event? Ha! The US vote has been hijacked and stuffed into a basement with our FAKE new President. Our Silicon Valley Stooge of a President is the FIRST in a line of Supermajority manufactured leftist “winners”.

        America died in November of 2020. We’ve been promised a long, cold, dark, winter by the POTUS “elect” … why does VDH doubt our Dear Leader?

    3. There was no ‘economic boom’. That’s just VDH’s fantasy.

      “The world is now pushing back against Chinese mercantilism.”

      The EU just signed an investment agreement with them.

      There was never anything to ‘secure’ the southern border from.

      1. There was no ‘economic boom’. That’s just VDH’s fantasy.
        Spoken like a true Canadian living with the FAILed economic policies of PM Pipenstocking and Christa what’s her name Land. January 2020 was a record breaker for the USA! Thank you, President Trump.

        The EU just signed an investment agreement with them.
        An EU hollowed out by no UK. What’s left? Germany? A country bent on banishing all the necessary power for their industry? The Debtor EU Nations will soon be vassal States of China.

        There was never anything to ‘secure’ the southern border from.
        You’ve never been to Mexico, have you? You have no idea what State corruption coupled with a certain Cartel does to a country, do you?

      1. Good for you. I support capitalism and choice and I’ll keep shopping where I like. If you want to virtue signal by paying twice as much for half as much elsewhere, that’s your right. Enjoy your organic, non-fat tofu beverage.

        1. The problem is that monopolies threaten capitalism, and democracy. Amazon is due to be busted up, same as Walmart. The groundwork must be laid out ahead of time for competition to arise.

          This is why our corporate overlords worked so hard to overthrow PDJT. He dared to even discuss monopoly busting. Corporatism, a form of fascism, is what they want, not capitalism.

          1. “The problem is that monopolies threaten capitalism, and democracy. Amazon is due to be busted up, same as Walmart. ”

            No they don’t, and no they don’t. There is no evidence such monopolies have ever been bad for capitalism, and WM and Amazon are not monopolies. Keep your hands off others private property!

        2. I’m curious, Sean, do you support slavery? Some would argue that that’s the way to get the lowest prices from the 3rd (and lower) world, is to not pay employees to do it.

          Much like Darwinism (which would appear to support slavery for the less fit), capitalism can only work within a moral society. When China honours international patents and intellectual property laws, and stops using gulag slave labour, you’ll have a point.

          Until then you’re willing to enrich yourself at the expense of others. And yes, that does make you a bad person if you know it and don’t care.

  2. I’m a chief election judge in Montana. If Biden is in the WH I will stop being an election judge. Why? Because, the cheating did not occur so much at the precinct level but rather at the county level. If the voting machines are rigged I can’t catch that. I can’t see inside the machines and the machines were rigged after people voted. The county gets rid of dead people on the voting rolls not me. The extra 200,000 ballots mailed out is done by counties not me. My job will be totally unnecessary going forward except to put a patina of honesty in our election process.

    Lastly, I am a US Army vet and If Biden goes to the WH from that day on I owe my country absolutely nothing. I did my service and my reward is being disenfranchised just the same as the ex slave in the south in 1900 being turned away at the voting place. No difference whatsoever. Who did that? The Democrats, The Judiciary, RINO’s, the presstitutes, the education establishment, the FBI, CIA and every single agency and department in Washington DC that has been totally corrupted. 100 years ago people could flee to America. Now, I will just leave and find some place else and look back at what might have been. I will have zero remorse about doing that. Why? It’s similar to your parents beating you. You leave them and you never look back. I will be done with the country I once loved.

    1. They have a lot of power but are outnumbered. Like you said, there’s no where to go, so stand and fight. If we all stand we can win. It might not be tomorrow, but we keep the flame alive and one day it will ignite a firestorm.

      I have children, so this is my only option.

    2. I agree with you but as a western Canadian, it is Canada the country with which I am no longer in love. I used to be a proud Canadian (loved Expo ’67, loved the Centennial), but that was before Trudeau 1.0 and now Trudeau 2.0. I feel betrayed by all Canadian politicians for the last 50 years.
      I do not know if Alberta and Saskatchewan left Canada would be any better, but it certainly would be trying something different. In the last federal election, I spoiled by ballot by writing “Wexit Now”. I plan to do so for future elections.

  3. JG – hang in there. America needs honest people in every possible position, even if all you can do is to say “there’s something seriously wrong, but I need experts to prove it”. Keep fighting. And Happy New Year.

    1. Frances,
      Thanks for the kind words. You are correct. I probably shouldn’t give up but it’s very tempting.
      JG III

  4. I would like to remind all SDA readers to take down their 2020 calendar at midnight…

    and then drive a wooden stake through it.

      1. My calendar was monthly photos of cool birds. I love birds. They can fly, oh why oh why can’t I? Happy New Year, my little chickadees and small dead animals.

    1. I’ve got old calendars of military aircraft and astronomy on my bedroom wall.

      I also inherited a bunch of swimsuit and dachshund calendars, most, if not all, of which I gave to my father as birthday gifts. I might have to put some of those up some day.

  5. The meme needs two more kids named Twitter and Facebook with talking balloons saying, “Ban him” and ” Censor him”
