Ground Control To Governor General

Launched out the door;

Gov.-Gen. Julie Payette and her secretary, Assunta di Lorenzo, are resigning after an outside workplace review of Rideau Hall found that the pair presided over a toxic work environment.
Last year, an independent consulting firm was hired by the Privy Council Office (PCO) to review reports that Payette was responsible for workplace harassment at Rideau Hall.
Sources who were briefed on the consulting firm’s report told CBC News that its conclusions were damning. […]
The Privy Council Office launched the unprecedented third-party review in July in response to a CBC News report featuring a dozen public servants and former employees confidentially claiming Payette belittled, berated and publicly humiliated Rideau Hall staff. Di Lorenzo, Payette’s longtime friend and second-in-command, is also accused of bullying staff.

101 Replies to “Ground Control To Governor General”

    1. Is it not long past time that this position is Directly elected by the adult men and women of Canada.
      No more Fake Queenie Shit

      1. The adult men and women (especially the women) would elect Prince Justin of Trudeaupia. For life.

        1. Good logic so much better to have a Trudeau appoint one for the children.
          After all in your Canada there are no adults, and never once in Canada’s total history have the men and women ever been asked their opinion or been consulted. Yes your right how foolish to dream that adults have choices.

    2. Burton – I have known about a half dozen or so French Canadian gals well enough to understand their personalities. Three were golden. The balance had an extreme form of bipolar disorder. They were funny, sexy, even naughty one minute and lost all control to a psychotic or jealous rage the next, leaving the house in the middle of the night with all the cutlery. Julie Payette appears to fall in the latter group.
      I warned an inlaw that his new girlfriend from Montreal might not be like girls he’s known before. Boy, did I nail that one.

      1. Paul, I may have planted trees with some of those French chicks you mention, back in the 1970s, when we all discovered how to separate the golden from the disordered.
        Hint…the golden finished planting season….

      2. What meaning of “Boy, did I nail that one.” was intended?

        My internal read-o-meter is automatically set to “start in the gutter, then dive.”.

  1. Just think about what the payout will be, and what pension she will get going forward. I sure love going to work to pay for these people.

      1. I signed it today. I read a National Post article today from a few years back. Adrienne Clarkson has received more than 1.1 million in expenses alone since leaving office. Top that off with her pension….she is raking in the dough.

          1. She needs to be subject to the same rules that every small business owner or – for that matter – employee claiming expenses has to follow: no tickee, no laundry. CRA should train their auditors by siccing them onto elected officials and senior bureaucrats at all levels (federal, provincial, municipal) and having them held to the same standard ordinary Canadians are held to.

    1. yeah I know what you mean……..we have to work a lifetime if you are lucky enough to have a pension plan, and these BLOODSUCKERS, are in a job for what less than 6 years and THEY GET THE GOLDEN HANDSHAKE and HUGE$$$$$. monthly……..THAT IS JUST CRIMINAL……….

    2. Just think about what the payout will be

      Being of the wrong “persuasion”, it probably won’t be $10,000,000.

  2. Kate, yet another thread title masterpiece!

    LOL, I didn’t get it at first, having successfully managed to know absolutely nothing about the GG until I goggled her just now.

    1. A Payette quote from her resignation: “We all experience things differently, but we should always strive to do better and be attentive to one another’s perceptions.” Doesn’t that sound an awful lot like The Turd’s explanation of his alleged sexual assault on the female reporter? (She viewed the event differently.) Like others, can’t wait to see the largesse heaped upon her for her “outstanding service to the Canadian people. Enough to make you puke

  3. Oh give Skippy a break. Julie had one stellar accomplishment. She managed to make Adrienne Clarkson (AKA “I’m Adrienne and You’re Not”) look less awful by comparison. Skippy likes throwing strong women under the bus. In this case it was long overdue and well deserved.

  4. It’s because Justin is a misogynist, isn’t it?
    He’s probably dealing with some post divorce butt hurt anger at all women….

  5. I noted that some of the CBC commenters suggested getting Chris Hatfield to replace her, as if it is a job that only former astronauts should have.
    Space cadets abounding….

    1. Don’t forget Marc Garneau in Blackie’s cabinet (and pocket). Astronauts should stick to what they do best and keep out of politics.

      I sincerely hope Chris Hadfield doesn’t want the job. I have immense respect for him and I don’t want that to be sullied.

      1. I hear you, Mark. But, still, Hatfield should not have played the Bowie tune. Stick to the knitting, and don’t show us the narcissist side, and all that rot. So, yeah, keep Chris out of the politics that Garneau has embraced.

    2. Well it might be a better practice than the CBC employee succession we’ve had. * Excepting Jean Sauve.
      And please, not Prince Charles.

      1. It seems that ever since Georges Vanier, the position was suitable for ex-CBCers or political hacks. After all, we did have Ed Schreyer, Ray Hnatyshyn, and Romeo LeBlanc, none of whom were particularly stellar in that job.

        The one I have the fondest memories of was Roland Michener.

        1. I am old enough to remember Georges Vanier, he was much respected and admired, and there was a considerable shock when he died in office. Did not realize that the other GG who died in office was Lord Tweedsmuir (aka author John Buchan) back in 1940.

        2. I actually met Michener up close and personal as GG in 1970. Oy vey. He wasn’t a tall man. We had an honour guard up at the Govenor General’s house in Ottawa just for the occasion. Rousted up some redcoats in bearskin hats from the guardroom. On the command “present arms”, I broke the stock on my FN rifle, I slapped it so hard, bits of stock flying everywhere. All that was left was the barrel. Snorts of laughter all round. I was laughing so hard, I could barely stand to attention. When time for inspection came round, he stopped to ask if I had hurt my hand. We used to loosen our rifle stocks a bit so that when presenting arms you’d generate a loud crack when slapping the stock. The crowd oohed and awed. Do that with 200 rifle stocks on Parliament Hill and you could hear it down on Sparks Street. The rest of the time we practiced fainting, while at attention. You had to hit the ground before your rifle did. Them were the rules.

    3. How about that adult Canadian men and women get to directly elect their own Head of State instead of this Fake Queenie Shit

      1. Yeah, like that’ll work. Look who we elected as the Prime Minister. Here is a better idea, let’s all throw our names in a hat and have Joe Schmuck draw the winner. That could produce a winner better suited than what we’ve had in the past fifty years.

    4. What about the little Martian from the old Bugs Bunny cartoons? I’m sure he is by now a mature and respected space cadet, like a lot of Liberals.

  6. Many of the stories told about her messy divorce are likely true.

    Perhaps O’Toole should resign as Conservative leader and be named G.G.
    He has experience in the military, and is proving to be underwhelming in the political sphere.

    I guess that’s why Trudeau would want him to stay on as Conservative leader…

  7. Too bad it cannot be made into an elected and effective executive position in Parliament. Of course, that would mean ripping up the Constitution Acts (BNA and Charter) and starting fresh. Naturally that will never happen.

    1. No significant Constitutional Amendment will ever happen. Quebec will always have a laundry list of special privileges like the right to execute Anglos for jaywalking. ??? Maybe they already have that one. The whole point behind the head of state of most countries is to be ineffective. The only real job of the Governor General is to appoint a Prime Minister when the choice is not obvious.

      In 154 years, a Governor General has fired a Prime Minister exactly once. Mackenzie-King, a Liberal, lost the 1926 election and chose to continue as PM. He then lost a confidence vote in Parliament and asked for an election. The Governor General said no and gave the PM job to Arthur Meighen who had actually won the election. Meighen didn’t last long because a group of retards called the Progressive Party who had agreed to support him did not.

  8. I can only imagine what gold plated package we tax payers will be on the hook for. Meanwhile after suffering tinnitus as a result of working with explosives for close to a decade in the reg forces I was recently informed that my compensation will be 50 dollars a month for the rest of my life, I’m 60. Actually it’s 46 dollars and change after taxes.

    1. Hey Hugh, you did all right – my cash settlement for a screwed up back has worked out to $1.00/week since I retired. I guess I wasn’t supposed to live as long as I have… Let’s see what the GG gets.

    2. Hugh look into a cash settlement. I did and for me it is much better than taking a monthly payout.

  9. Darn it… how is Turdope going to drop the writ now???

    I know… He’ll pay a visit to Stornoway.

  10. From her statement… “We all experience things differently.” Now where have we heard that before?

  11. Who knows? ‘Harassment’ law is not judged totally on what intent was delivered, but by more about how it was perceived.

    Justin doesn’t deserve any more blame than who ever promoted Col Wiiliams. It’s an outdated and ceremonial position.

  12. Wow! The stories of her being abusive took off in the summer, wiping the WE scandal off the front pages.
    Now, she resigns at the same time Trudeau is feeling the heat because to his mishandling of the vaccine.
    I’m sure it’s just a coincidence, though.

  13. Sure seems like this was timed.

    Is there a budget coming soon?
    Would the PM want an election sooner rather than later?
    Would the now resigned GG give him his wish or say no election while there is a pandemic going on?
    While official Ottawa was naval gazing over the GG what else was going on?
    Did the sock monkey violate his own travel ban over Christmas?

  14. Tuesday: vaccine disaster
    Wednesday: Keystone disaster
    Thursday: PMO to media–>please enjoy this leaked story about someone no one cares about and please fill headlines with it

    1. Thank heavens there’s no real disasters, or these puppets would really cause some harm. When all is going normally even Justin-God’s-gift-to-man doesn’t seem to bad. If something horrendous were to happen and we were to need real leadership…

      And no, God, that is not a dare. It’s a prayer of thankfulness that the largess of the present age can allow us to survive idiots at the helm.

  15. Robert Fife from the Globe and Mail mentioned tonight that Sophie Trudeau wanted her as Governor General.

  16. I smell a fish from reading the excerpt.
    All the buzzwords and phrases straight out of public service unions playbook.

    ” toxic work environment”

    “workplace harassment”

    “a CBC News report featuring a dozen public servants and former employees confidentially claiming Payette belittled, berated and publicly humiliated Rideau Hall staff. Di Lorenzo, Payette’s longtime friend and second-in-command, is also accused of bullying staff.”

    GG must be old-school.

    1. You don’t get to be a an actual astronaut by being nice. I’ve never met one but from many of the biographies you can draw an inference. These are high performance and driven, no compromise people. Putting one in a ceremonial position where the literal purpose is to do nothing seems … unwise.

  17. I am enjoying this new era of wimmin leaders, who were loudly proclaimed to be capable and collaborative, unlike their male dinosaur predecessors. The results have been amazing.
    Lets see how much worse her successor will be, because assuredly turdeau will be hiring based on genitalia, skin colour and other totally unprofessional attributes. Megan Markle might fit the bill, an A-class grifter, no need for senior executives to live in Canaduh, (the CBC has proven that,) has some useful connections, ability to *uck things up proven. Likes dressing up at others expense.

  18. Leader of the Bloc Quebecois has recommended that we get rid of the position of GG.

    I have a better idea, Quebec can become their own country and they can do whatever the hell they want.

    Disclaimer: In no way was this comment intended to begin a debate about the Monarchy or the role of the GG. It was solely intended to take a swipe at Quebec. Can we just go back to bashing Le Dauphin, self-entitled liarberals and the politically correct and expedient appointments they make?

    1. And should La Belle Shitehole do us the favor of leaving it would be a nice gesture for the nouveau republique to take the Space Cadette, along with the privilege of covering her ‘entitlements’…

  19. L- 1. Living in that big house all by herself, could make a woman,*lonesome, ornery and mean.
    2. Instead of having a horse and carriage, she expected to be a jet pack rocket woman.
    3. Just in has a preference for younger blondes…
    4. (add your own)

    “I been doing things my way. It’s been making me lonesome, ornery and mean.”

  20. Do you remember what the Dear Leader said when he appointed her as GG?

    “I know that Mme. Payette is going to make an extraordinary Governor General. She represents the very best of Canadian values, openness to the world, curiosity, intellectual rigour and inspiration,” Trudeau said in 2017.”

    Extraordinary indeed. She sure inspired her staff and all Canadians for that matter. We will not see her like again.

  21. I must say I was impressed with the CBC announcer or whatever(attractive blondish woman) who was grilling Dominic Leblanc; he was squirming like a worm on a hook avoiding her direct questions like the liberal weasel he is.

  22. It was just a short four months ago when the Dear Leader publicly declared her performance as GG to be “excellent”:

    “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has come to the defence of embattled Gov. Gen. Julie Payette, saying Canada has an “excellent” representative for the Queen and that now is not the time to replace the former astronaut.”

    And it is there any better judge of what constitutes “excellent” performance than our Dear Leader (praise be his name)?

  23. Wouldn’t put it past him to line up Mummy.
    Better Harry and Megan than… that
    Margaret Sinclair Trudeau Kemper Trudeau…
    “Mummy I half to disssolevetude da pawlamwent, pweeze, owekay, pweeze? Dee odder thside’s not pwaying nicee.”

  24. Stellar decision making by Justin should be further enhanced by a woke replacement. Wait for the feminists to claim Payette & Asst. were forced out by cisgendered peoplekind. Will someone explain to the Bloc-head Party that eliminating the G-G position would require each of the Provinces and Territories to have a sequential succession to be Head of State. 10 +3 x 6 years a veritable merry-go-round of Constitutional office holders.

  25. Considering her aerospace background, wouldn’t it be appropriate if she left by means of Martin-Baker?

      1. After I wrote my earlier comment, I thought an ejection seat would be too good for her. A trebuchet might be more appropriate.

      2. Nothing like being hammered into the ground in a low altitude ejection. The F-104, affectionately known by Canadian pilots as “Lawn Darts” or the “Widowmaker.”

  26. Is it not long past time that this position is Directly elected by the adult men and women of Canada.
    No more Fake Queenie Shit

  27. I am the queen of Canaduh
    I love to sing and dance
    and if you dont believe me
    Ill punch you in the pants

  28. We are in this mess because our little girly boy prime minister is obsessed with Harper. The little twit got rid of the vetting system because Harper set it up. Just like he got rid of the financial accountability for indian reserves, because Harper set it up. He’s sick in the head.

  29. I fail to see the problem.
    Why should she resign?
    For she perfectly reflects how our so called servants feel toward us dummies forced to pay for their existence.
    Just like that A hole out of Manitoba,those rules,ethics and civility ,those are for the little people and such rules do not apply to any level of government..
    That said.Why are we still part of this con?
    Confederation of thieves fools and bandits.
    Save the West,forget the rest.
    They chose and repeatedly rechose the destruction they are causing..
    We out here have chosen the opposite ,with zero change for far too long.

    Taxation without representation.
    For none of these#328 MPs represents me,or the kind of country I want ,nor the kind of country our kids can prosper in.
    so why bother with the Governor General?
    Just another parasitic drain on the few productive citizens left in Can Ahh Duh.

  30. You know the best GG we’ve had in some time was actually Michaelle Jeanne. When she was appointed, I thought “Oh God, here we go, they probably only chose her because she is a French woman of colour.” Maybe they did. But she proved me and most others wrong. She was the public face of the country in many military and affairs and protocol events, and handled all the ribbon-cutting and award-giving-out and other stuff that should be apolitical with reasonable effectiveness. She was seen as non-partisan and well-known and not ostentatious. No reports that she abused her post or the taxpayer’s dime.
    I thought she had turned the corner for the office of GG and that those who followed would build on what she did.

    1. I agree with you about Jeanne. She refused to get all tied up in knots over political correctness. Remember when she defended trappers and hunting and she ate the raw whale meat an eskimo gave her and didn’t bat an eye.
      She was friendly and seemed to like people, sort of a requirement for the job you would think.
      Payette was not suited for the job but I must say her little jibe about ‘some people experiencing things differently’ directed to His Royal Highness Prince Blackie was pretty good. Well played.

  31. Payette is just trolling ol’ Blackface on the way out the door, with her “we all experience things differently.”

    The Media won’t make the comparison,,, but she’s puttin’ it out there!
    She might be a beeatch, but you have to admit she’s intelligent, and I could image a smart wit that cuts like a dagger.

    1. “……a smart wit that cuts like a dagger.”
      And there’s the rub. I’d bet she didn’t really want the job in the first place, but money and perks, free digs and a ride on the jet now and then. Not too tough.
      But Juthtin’ wheedled and whined…woman, Fwench, educated, accomplished, out of this wurld, looks like his Mom. As for the whiny Sibble Serpents ensconced for life and a better pension than us all….their little fairy wurld at the GG, crashed around their ears ’cause “……belittled, berated and publicly humiliated Rideau Hall staff”. I mean, all they got is “she was mean to us” wah a wah a wah.
      Insipid whiners, the lot. She should write a tell all book….with names.

    2. @Jolene:
      I haven’t seen anything on the CBC picking up on Payette’s parting shot at Turdoo. Perhaps I missed it.
      It’s rather clever of the bitch, I must say.

    1. Don’t tell anybody, but a suitably-tinted extra-jumbo pail of paint might do the trick.

      I could make a snide comment about bonus points for that paint being organic, but I won’t…

  32. I’m gonna vote for Maggie to be the next GG.
    There’s no moss on any stones she’s been able to fondle and Juthtin can shack up with her and the two can trade medications and get Fucked up on Friday Nights.

  33. Yes, another first for Mr Dress Up.
    I’ll bet Rosemary Barton is all punkered up waiting for that call right now, after all nobody has licked harder then she has.

  34. David Johnson was a really nice down to earth guy.
    He’s a friend of a friend and my old University’s President while I attended, he’s funny and easily engaging.
    He would have been a lifer and saved us million$.

    God I would so use “wanna experience things differently?” if I was still single.

    1. Major General Georges Vanier DSO MC earned his respect in the trenches of WWI and later as a diplomat, a great man.

  35. She was an exquisite little elitist. I’ve come to observe many of them in action on and offline. Shes intelligent, she worked hard, she’s accomplished , so she thinks she’s perfectly entitled to single out an underling and ridicule them for not knowing the moon is 93 million miles away.
