1. Build Back Better might not be working out quite the way that our moral an intellectual superiors thought it would.

    Liberals aren’t good at understanding cause and effect.

    1. The politicians may own the laws right now but everyone is fed up and disobedience of our government will be coming full bore as they want permanent fences to hide behind.

      Politicians always think they are doing something right when they are completely ignorant and wrong.

        1. Ha Ha.

          It must be nice to live in a world where you still believe that the Ruling Class and Democrats won fair and square.

          Tell me, what colour is the sky in your world, UnMe?

          I’m sure it looks Mmmarvelous, darling. Heh.

          1. UnMe likes to think that since a court case got thrown out, justice is served and the truth has been told.

            ‘Cause there’s never been a bias in a courtroom.


          2. 60 court cases that were decided on standing? No trials were ever held. Thank you for making us feel way more intelligent than you.

          3. Bullshit – there was not one trial held. It should be a simple matter to give us the name, dates, and court the trial was held in.

          4. Yes Scar, for a case to advance to trial it must have at least some merit. The Kraken did not.

          5. He doesn’t believe what he’s saying, he believes if enough of them keep saying it they’ll get away with it, and that they are entitled to get away with it because they are them, and we are merely us.

        2. A question for UnMe. Did you actually read the USA Today story? Nowhere in there does it claim that any evidence was reviewed by any court. It notes that cases were set aside, it doesn’t say that any were heard and lost. It says the opposite of what you’re claiming.

          Name for us one case where evidence was presented and found to be wrong. You’re the one claiming that that happened, so put up or shut up.

          Except, of course, we know you have a child’s understanding of these things, so you’ll continue to blather away.

    2. That explains Biden’s 40 EOs, because the Democrats control both Houses of Congress? Just Red Chinese in a hurry?
      A small House majority, 50:50 in the Senate, one midterm from oblivion as their China collectivism is revealed. Some control.
      It seems Biden and the DeMarxists don’t see it your way. Why lead when you can rule? Just lie to voters; let them fall for it all.
      Besides legislating is slow and cumbersome requiring thought and interferes with trips, cocktail parties and influence peddling.

      1. That you are resorting to babble about China merely demonstrates how broke your entire political tribe is. You’ve got pretty much nothing and you almost kinda know it, in a strictly non-cognitive instinctual way, which is the way people like you ‘know’ anything.

        1. hey unDork, no one lost any case, they never went to court because of behind the scene manipulation. Try and keep up , and you will eventually git screwed by the deep state, as they have NO use for dimwitted idiots like you. Yes Trump won , massively, and the next 4 years could destroy both Dims and the Rino parties!

          1. Actually the cases did go to court, where they were argued and the ‘evidence’ ie insane nonsense stuff was presented, and dismissed.

        2. You are the ignorant one, just another useful idiot, sure in their heart. You don’t give these matters any thought at all.
          I’ll take Michael Campbell’s take over your ignorant blathering any time, so spare me your psychobabble.
          He makes $millions for people, you seem more likely, as we used to say in the military, to be a waste of rations.

      2. It is interesting that you might actually get a Democrat senator from a place like Montana who isn’t in to blowing the Chicoms. He likely isn’t happy with crushing the oil industry. Oil is a big industry in Montana. Won’t get him re-elected.

    3. You consistently mistake yourself for someone more intelligent and more knowledgeable than you are.

      Back in control of the government, they resume doing things that don’t work and thus maintain the animus of the people who threw them out last time and will again.

    4. yeah, that explains the record number of tyrannical, unilateral, undemocratic EOs, instead of passing laws.

      Besides China Joe is clueless about his draconian edicts

    5. They broke election law on a massive scale. They are not fit to hold an office of trust.

  2. That’s an interesting question:

    Hitler, Stalin, Mao Tse-Tung, Chavez, Al Capone, Saddam Hussein and so on – also ‘owned’ power. Hmm; so, they are ‘clearly doing something that works’.

    But, does this ‘something that works’ also mean that they are our moral and intellectual superiors?

    1. I don’t think they are that clever. If they are going to have to rig the vote to win, they’ll appoint a Democrat.

  3. They still haven’t passed stimulus cheques. Instead they’re focusing on pointless impeachment.

    1. I’m afraid the entire Conservative party is awash in collectivist doublespeak, trying to be Lib-lite, pissing off their western base.

      They fall for Conservatives are fascists and racists every time, tripping over their tongues explaining and apologizing.

      Instead of turning projection back on the neo-racists, saying name names of white supremacist seditionists, to stop acting like children and show leadership instead of negligence around letting the Bank of Canada finance covid fiscal policy, putting Canada at the back of the vaccine line, but most of all for for being precisely wrong on covid by claiming down on compliers while letting the masked ones party, sure a piece of cloth protects them, or not caring, and worse still being part of the incomprehensible second wave that has hit long term care facilities, winner of the 2021 Cuomo Lethal Negligence Award.

  4. Read the comments on the MSNBC tweet.
    They are insane.

    Today’s narrative word is ‘chilling’.

    1. Twitter is a cesspool full of leftoid morons. Moronto must have a healthy presence on the Twitter toilet.

  5. I wonder if UnMe is paid by the response or just a basement dweller with nothing better to do?

    1. Either way, it is unfortunate that it gets to ruin another thread with its rabid retarded drivel.

  6. The missing links infesting American cities rioted all summer while the scumbags who brought them to the Americas (because white people refused to work for free) cheered them on and even paid for their bricks and Molotov cocktails.

    “Republicans” did not “riot.” On January 6 the American people insisted on their sovereignty and their right to choose their own leaders, whether or not the choice is to the liking of parasites and traitors.

    1. “On January 6 the American people insisted on their sovereignty and their right to choose their own leaders”

      Actually that happened November 3rd. Then on Jan 6, some of the losers engaged in a mob riot.

      1. hey unDORK, quit reading yer news off yer white swan roll, as it is shitty news, and never the truth. Trump won by about 15 million votes, and the dims stole the election. Also Epstain didn’t kill himself! And yes that is pertinent to this discussion!

      2. UnMe,
        You really have to watch out for our Snow Snakes…
        They can give some nasty frost bites.
        This time of year.

        If life was fair, we wouldn’t be here right now talking.

      3. Those losers ….would be Garbage such as you, I fully believe.
        Brain dead mouthpieces wearing black…waving a commie flag

        Useful Idiots…what you have and will continue be …… A Nothing entity.

  7. UnMe – do you work for Dominion Voting Systems? Or do you work at all. Probably not as you are definitely out of touch with reality,

    TRUMP WON BY A LANDSLIDE! Eat that statement – moron!

  8. What is particularly amusing is that these people (in the media) are so out of touch that they are actually surprised that Trump has support.

    Er, message to wonder-land. Trump won and most of the country is really pissed off about you stealing the election. The Dems know this, hence the military and fences protecting the Capitol and the building hysteria about white domestic terrorism, which includes ALL republicans.

    1. Good article. The Mike Lindell example is telling now that he’s “banned for life” by Twitter, as he laughs all the way to the bank.

      Apparently the twigs didn’t get the message. Their groupthink is ultimately disparate and unorganized with no intellectual underpinning. Of course their confirmation bias will prove to them, despite being informed and curious, you’re “ignorant.”
