105 Replies to “February 1, 2021 – Reader Tips”

    1. While we’re on the topic of dirty oil, (just kidding) climate change, (just kidding) and Royalite, Esso and Shell, (my Dad owned a Shell bulk fuel outlet and full service Shell station.)

      According to Environment Canada, the temperature at Eureka Station in Nunavut (11:30 PM CST) is the coldest spot in Canada. -45.6° C or -50.8°C.

      Perhaps things are cooling down. Imagine of if we get rid of ”dirty oil and gas” and create another ice age. I wonder where Joe Biden will hide??

      1. Pfft. It was -35 C in the sun in Saskatoon, when I lived there in the late 70’s. We were supposed to be headed to an Ice Age, according to “informed” thinking back then.

      2. Carbon tax is a penalty for living in a cold climate. I recently got my last gas bill for my house in B. C. as that place gets quite chilly. Yikes!

  1. Deena Hinshaw, Alberta’s answer to Bonnie Henry, strikes again. Another participant in the Great Alberta Restaurant Uprising gets a smackdown:


    “So what if you go bankrupt? You were ‘safe’ when you went belly up……” Yup, I’m sure many small business owners–er, tax cheats–find that reassuring.

    1. No one is safe from anything. The government is killing us and doing it with a smile on their faces. The only thing being killed by the cov2 virus is freedom, if we can’t see that then we are too stupid to be free.

  2. The Green Commies like Trudeau and Biden demand Net Zero Fossil Fuels. Meanwhile check this article on Lithium mining. The key mineral used in lithium batteries for electric cars, phones etc. Makes the scary stories of Alberta oil look like a dream industry.
    More Green Commie Bullshit. Share with all your Commie friends.

      1. I had forgotten that 2nd song but gee whiz Nancy how’s that Jim Croce song go:
        “There’s something in my eyes, you know it happens every time
        I think about the love that I thought would save me”

        1. That would be this song, if the web is correct:
          Jim Croce – “Operator” (Live) [reMaSter]

          Most would recall that in the pre-digital era Operators were essential workers. Remember when they were known simply as “The” Operator? They became great at detective work, and they sometimes saved lives when people didn’t have the fire or police telephone numbers and would just dial “0” to be instantly connected in an emergency.

          On a lighter side, a funny hurtin’ story was when a girl would only give a guy six out of seven digits of her phone number  — if he caught on, he would’ve said so and the reply would’ve been something like “that’s for you to find out!” Ha!

          1. Haha! Yes, yes, yes! Aren’t political jokes the best?
            So well written!

            The Tomlin sketches were my favourite aspect of “Laugh-In.” Back in the day, I used to try to imitate “Earnestine” to make others laugh– they always caught on.

            Everyone watched that show!

          2. I never thought that Laugh-In was all that funny. Her Ernestine sketches are about the only bits that still are humorous after 50 years.

          3. I agree. The show was instrumental though in introducing new talent. Many were later seen in television and the movies.

  3. I had one of those sticker books but since Dad wasn’t a regular Esso guy it wasn’t filled in completely.
    Mac’s Milk had these following the Canada/Soviet series (ergo, Paul Henderson on the cover). Since it was an NHLPA effort there were no franchise names or logos…hmmm, I wonder if Alan Eagleson got rich off of these?
    Every time Mom sent me out for a jug of milk I was allowed to buy the latest set of stickers with the change. I filled out that book. And I still have it!

  4. I honestly don’t remember the Power Play stickers, but I do remember “put a tiger in your tank” and the Tiger tails we stuck in the filler caps for customers at the ESSO stations I pumped gas at in Montreal. Standing room at the old Forum was $3.00 then, If there were any spare seats at the end of the first period, they were yours for the taking. I made a $1.25 to pump gas, check or change tires, run the tire machine and lube and oil changes, plus run the cash on Saturday/Sunday. I’d make as much in tips as I got paid regularly, all day. Gas price was $0.33 a GALLON. A bus ticket for students was $0.18 a ride. I could walk to the Forum in 20 minutes from our place. French fries were $0.18 and you could get 2 hotdogs for a quarter. When I turned 18, I watched the games across the street from the Forum, at the Carabinier Tavern, no gals allowed. It’s a Brasserie, now. Quarts of beer were $0.85, a glass of draft $0.20. We’d get to watch the replays. Still black and white and Danny Gallivan called the games.

    1. Before Trudeau Sr.’s Euroweeniefication of Canada we sold gasoline in REAL gallons. Not those puny little US gallons.

    2. I remember those tails. One bright spark painted a row of tiger prints leading up to the tank sitting in front of the Armouries in Vancouver and then attached a tail to the top of the tank.

        1. She would be suing in the corrupt lawless Canadian court system. Not only the suit will be dismissed but she will then be saddled with inflated legal costs for the other side.

    1. God I had such high hopes for him as a premier. Just one disappointment after another.

  5. I don’t remember the ESSO hockey stickers, but I still have a hockey item of interest to some people I’m sure.
    I “won” the right to buy tickets to the 1972 Russia – Canada game in Vancouver, Sept 1972.
    I told the wife ‘we’re going to Big Van.
    She said oh good, we can do some sight seeing.
    I said no, we’re going to a hockey game.

    Anyway, we sat slightly to the side and about 8 or 10 rows up behind the TV camera gang doing the game from the seats. Can’t remember exactly who they were.
    It never crossed my mind to go down to them and have them sign my game program.
    Very memorable game. We lost. I can still hear the crowd booing our team. heh
    Esposito was really ranting after the game.
    Dumb penalties killed them.
    Gee, I wonder what it would be worth to some collector nowadays?

    1. ~ $35 to $400 with autographs. There’s one on eBay for sale @ ~ $65 with John Ferguson’s autograph.
      (rounded figures)

    2. I don’t remember the Esso ones but, here in southern Ontario, Becker’s milk stores and Loblaws had their own versions in the early-to-mid-1970s.

      1. Becker’s….now that brings back memories. Lugging 3qt glass jugs of milk with those piddly wire handles, you could barely get your hand through (a kid at that!). Used to frequent the one on Dundas and Kipling, in Tronna.

  6. If you liked the movie Apollo 18, this might strike your fancy:


    A bit of background, if I may. SuitSat-1 consisted of an old Russian Orlan spacesuit filled with amateur radio gear. It was meant as an experiment as a way of figuring out ways of putting a ham satellite in orbit. It re-entered several months later.

    I didn’t have the equipment to listen for it, so I missed that one.

    There were plans for a SuitSat-2, but there wasn’t an Orlan available. Instead, a few years later, it was re-configured as an actual satellite ARISSat-1 (ARISS being the organization Amateur Radio on the International Space Station). It had a single sideband transponder on board and it transmitted coded telemetry on FM using a voice synthesizer. I was just learning to use my first satellite radio, so I never tried for it. I did, however, hear the telemetry signal and submitted a reception report, receiving an official confirmation later on.

    There were problems with ARISSat-1, though. It was, apparently, hard to hear. There was speculation that one of the antennas was damaged when the cosmonauts chucked it overboard to launch it.

    I don’t know if there are plans to try something like that again, though a number of cubesats have been manually deployed over the years.

    1. I do remember the Jell-O airplanes. I was an aviation buff when I was much younger and I absolutely had to have them.

      1. The Airplane and Car “coins” were a brilliant way to market Jell-o and were much treasured as teaching tools for kids. I remember when my brother sent away for the Collector’s Stand and Book. His eagerness to trade “doubles” with friends was impressive. He managed a full collection in both the cars and planes coins.

        The General Foods Plant in Coburg Ontario is gone now.


    2. I remember the cars, airplanes, and they also had fish species. One of the fish came on an oval shaped disc. I had the bright idea of making it into a ring with rubber bands. That lasted about half-an-hour when I thought my finger was going to end up amputated.

      1. Awww! I’m laughing out loud!

        Yes, I vaguely remember the fish collection. My brother didn’t collect those.

  7. The Myanmar military has staged a coup, and arrested the president. The UN and the Harris-Biden administration are upset.

    1. Yes but the niggling question is would they sign an ex ord to deploy troops to that little country in S E Asia to combat something something freedom?

      1. Virtue signalling. Bringing back U.S. interventionism. Pleasing the corporate media cartel.

    2. Angry Adolf and Bob Rae are big supporters of muslims in Burma. Canada will probably declare war against the country. Praise Allah!

    3. Ironic that Aung San Suu Kyi should be deposed and detained by a coup. Her father was, as I recall, imprisoned by the junta that ran the country in the 1960s. She herself was under house arrest for many years and she eventually won a Nobel Peace Prize for her activism.

    1. Isn’t it interesting how a socialist that wants to destroy others for making money, is glorified for making money.
      The corruption of the ruling class is stunning.

  8. I would to ask ( pester) my Mom all the time about when she was getting gas at the corner ESSO, so i could get NHL Power Player stickers , I couldn’t understand why she didn’t need to fill up the station wagon (1969 Beaumont) everyday
    And the California ( Oakland) Golden Seals were an NHL team
    Great Memories !

  9. Brian Lilley at the Toronto Sun explains how Blackie and his ministers love to fly on government jets. And I’m sure everyone is excited about Black History Month in Canada. I wonder if Adolf will wear blackface all month for the event.

  10. Please do not flame me for posting this, but I am irked by CBC news host Bag-over-her-Head — first towards the left-fascist CBC news, and second towards English Canada’s non-existent criticism of Bag-over-her-Head. To that end, I am posting a good French language Quebecker’s negative view of Bag-over-her-Head (a first for SDA?):

    Use Google translate (I do for skimming French Quebec news). My Samsung tablet has an automatic translate. Hate to say this. I am critical of Quebec culture, but at least the Quebec nationalists have a good perspective on creeping Islamic power in Canada. Thank you Ontario John for starting the discussion here.

    1. It is rather ironic that the surrender fries folk have way more balls than the pathetic engrish who must all have oral fixations since they seem to love living on their knees.

      Seriously, is there a more embarrassingly submissive bunch of dolts anywhere in the world?

  11. Great Leader Shit For Brains will not be attending Question Period today. Instead he will be virtually attending school classroom discussions across Canada, on how Canadians are racist bastards. And how much do you want to bet that the CBC’s bag over the head muslim news host, will be discussing how black muslims are being persecuted by white filth tonight.

  12. Post Millennial reports on how the media lied about Dr. Jordan Peterson’s mental health.

  13. CDC Announces All Travelers Must Wear Two Masks, Threatens Arrest.

    Not long ago they told us not to wear masks..cuz we were all too stupid to know how to wear masks ..when truth was there were no decent masks for the public to wear anyway cuz they gave our supply of masks to the Chicoms and were scrambling to find masks for our own medical people to wear and you were told you would be safe by just wiping down surfaces but there was little chance of direct transmission by aerosols?

    1. Two masks, now getting twice the lack of protection from anything other than the mask gestapo.

  14. Fun with Math

    Moderna, a two-dose vaccine, recently announced each dose will go for around $32 to $37 U$D or~ $50 CAN.

    Using Moderna’s numbers, the cost to vaccinate 100,000 persons (two doses) = $10 million + cost to administer etc.
    The vaccinations will reduce likelihood of 20 severe infections (per 100,000) having to be hospitalized.
    (No one of the un-vaccinated placebo group died of covid during the Moderna test run).

    Cost to reduce likelihood of severe infection = $500,000 +++ per infection.

    Moderna had received funding upfront to develop he drug.

    1. xoooooooooops ..I sliped a decimal
      reduction would be 200 severe cases/ 100,000 population
      =$50,000 +++ per case

  15. Reuters reports that Stacey Abrams has been nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize, because she is black or something.

    1. What did she do besides complain about “winning” an election she clearly lost?

  16. “White Canadian” is now officially part of the language of racial classification in Canada. And guess what all you White Canadians – you are drinking and doping much more than your non-white counterparts. That might actually be good news – since they are both considered “addictions”, you can avoid any responsibility for misbehaviour by claiming an illness exemption.

    “Heavy drinking and cannabis use are more frequent among White Canadians than among Canadians belonging to a population group designated as a visible minority. Heavy drinking was reported by 29% of White Canadians, as opposed to 16% of Canadians belonging to a group designated as a visible minority. Cannabis use by White Canadians (41%) was almost double that of Canadians belonging to a group designated as a visible minority (23%). ”


    1. Besides whites and visible minorities, there’s a third group in Statscan’s racial classification system, aboriginals. I wonder why their use of alcohol and cannabis isn’t reported? Things that make you go hmm…

      1. How about the invisible minorities?
        Are there any such?
        Don’t they deserve a victimhood status?
        Such discrimination.

        Well … I never ,,,,

      2. Probably did the survey after payday and couldn’t find a sober one!
        Just kidding….maybe.

    2. If you’ve shopped at your local Walmart or Superstore lately those ‘visible minorities’ are not exactly in the minority. Is it racist to point out that most of the staff and a majority of the customers do not look anything like those dangerous ‘White Canadians’.

  17. And now today’s reason why a wall should be built around diverse Toronto. Main story at Blackie’s Toronto Star website, is that citizens in that city are making demands on city council that priorities should be defunding the police, racial inequality, and global warming. And whack job Heather Mallick explains that the Governor General scandal is not Blackie’s fault. She states that he is so compassionate and wonderful, that people take advantage of him because he is so perfect.

    1. Heather Malice and her ilk need to be reminded that Prinz Dummkopf was born in a hospital and not in a stable, surrounded by livestock, nor was he laid in a manger.

      1. Although I DO remember all the Turdomaniac hysteria that erupted when the Spawn crept from Maggie’s womb on Christmas Day…

        1. Worse yet, that stunt was repeated a year later when it was his brother’s turn.

          Fortunately, that day was redeemed by the fact that it’s Sir Isaac Newton’s birthday, as well as it being the same for Humphrey Bogart and Sissy Spacek.

          1. Aislin had a good cartoon back then with PET standing out in the snow pointing to the sky and proclaiming “Deux contre un!”.

  18. Growing up back in the 60’s Beehive Golden Corn Syrup had a donut shaped cardboard promotional gimmick around the bottle neck just below the cap. These could be mailed away and in return an autographed photo of an NHL player would be sent. I can’t recall if you could choose the player, or if the decal itself identified the player to be issued. However over a couple of years I managed to accumulate most of my favorite Toronto Maple Leafs as well as a few other NHL stars.

    You can imagine what comes next. Leaving home for university and then job, the collection along with numerous trading cards and posters gets garbaged!

    1. I suspect my mother freely offered my 1962 Post CFL collection, my Beatle cards, a collection of slides of vintage aircraft, and who knows what else I don’t remember to assorted nieces and nephews. I guess I should have nabbed them when I had the chance. I worked on the assumption that my room was my room forever. Wrong!

  19. Blacklock’s Reporter shows a memo that complains about Quebec trying to hog the limited supply of PPEs Canada had at the start of the China virus attack. And Adolf’s Heritage Minister rants that anti-hate legislation is needed to prevent anti-government violence.

  20. The decline in the objectivity and accuracy of the reports produced by Statistics Canada continues. It is now publishing “studies” based on crowdsourcing data. Some of the key elements of “crowdsourced data” (admitted to by Statistics Canada itself):

    > “No sample selection is done”
    > “Participation in this crowdsourcing initiative is voluntary”
    > “Data collection is conducted exclusively online by participant self-completion in a crowdsourcing application. ”
    > “caution must be exercised when interpreting these data because data collection is conducted on a voluntary basis and therefore subject to multiple biases. ”
    > “Data accuracy
    This methodology does not apply. ”

    In other words, “crowdsourced data” is subject to multiple biases and cannot be assessed as to whether it is accurate. But Statistics Canada will continue to produce “studies” based on this type of meaningless data. And guess what these studies will be used to “prove” ? White Canadians are evil, racist bastards.


    1. > “No sample selection is done”

      Provided that sufficient demographic information is contained and sample size is decent, survey weights can be used to reflect representativeness of each observation.

      > “Participation in this crowdsourcing initiative is voluntary”

      Participation in all surveys (with exception of the fascist Census) is always voluntary.

      > “Data collection is conducted exclusively online by participant self-completion in a crowdsourcing application. ”

      As opposed to every other means of collecting data that each involve their own biases, there really isn’t anything special here.

      > “caution must be exercised when interpreting these data because data collection is conducted on a voluntary basis and therefore subject to multiple biases. ”

      See, that is just Stat Can speak for “We don’t really like it because the old fashion data collecting methods made us feel more important and generated us more funding. ” The problem isn’t that this survey collection method is garbage, it is no more garbage than other methods.

      1. Colonialista: Looks like we agree to disagree on this. In working with Stats. Can. data over the decades, I have considered their data to fall into two main categories in terms of quality:

        Top quality: census data for individuals and businesses where completion is mandatory.

        Good quality: properly designed and implemented large sample surveys, such as the monthly Labour Force Survey (LFS), which provides, among other data, the unemployment rate. To improve accuracy, the LFS is periodically revised following the release of final population estimates from each census.

        Questionable quality: Stats. Can has used the descriptor “experimental data” to describe some of this data in the past. I consider these type of data of little use. “Crowdsourced data” is in this category and is basically meaningless.

        1. I am choosing my words carefully here for obvious reasons, in particular excuse lack of specific examples. Those surveys can be useful, I understand that sampling frame is an issue. But survey documentations for at least those data sets I looked at, suggest that at least some degree of care has been exercised to weight the sample to resemble the actual population. Also, macro statistics drawn from those samples closely resemble macro statistics drawn from traditional surveys, so there is at least some external validity. The problem with voluntary response to internet surveys has been largely addressed through the same methods as it has been addressed for phone, or in person, or diary surveys.

          Will those surveys be abused? Absolutely … as if traditional surveys haven’t been abused to fit progressive agenda…. again, what else is new here?

  21. Good memories. While Ross Cunningham was busy filling the car and cleaning the windows we (me) would sneak in and raid the supply of Hockey player stickers that were just behind the door. Umm, is there a statute of limitations on these matters?

  22. Oh Nooo! The diverse Toronto media reports that Toronto is no longer in the running to host the 2026 Gay Games. Justin will be so disappointed.

  23. I will not watch or have anything more to do with the NHL since they took a knee to support BLM. I quit watching them the first time it was mentioned, which was during the Stanley Cup games.

  24. We still have our ESSO Power Players book.
    The cover is tattered and it is missing just one sticker!
    Can’t remember which one, Gary Unger, perhaps.

  25. Well isn’t that special. True North reports on how Blackie and hockey’s Ron Maclean got together to discuss how Canadians are racist bastards.

  26. While we’re on the subject of collectibles, does anyone remember the Brooke Bond sets? I remember the early one with North American birds, which was in the early ’60s, and the one that was promoted during Apollo 11 about the space program. I had those two and I think I had another one which I started but never finished.

    I sold some, if not all, of them to someone about 2 years ago who remembered them from his younger days.

    My late mother used the card which showed a pair of mallards as the basis of one of her earliest paintings.

    1. Yes, I remember the tea cards. Out East my mother purchased Red Rose Tea, I think. Brooke Bond is the parent company of Red Rose. The tea cards were very informative and there were many categories but we never collected them.

  27. Read this while you still can – a black Canadian criticizes BLM and its fellow travellers in the pages of the National Post.

    “I need help with deciding how to best describe the individuals and organizations among us who are rewriting and misrepresenting Black history in order to serve fringe political agendas.

    Do we call these sowers of discord the far left? Maybe radical progressives? What about Marxists, woke, or social just warriors? Perhaps we can rely on a distinction popularized by counter-extremism advocate Maajid Nawaz: regressive left, as opposed to progressive left?”


    1. They call themselves progressives,a term I endorse.
      For they are the social equivalent of RUST.
      Or cancer.
      Just as Gang Green is the gangrene of the body politic.
      The left does not distort history, cause they never read enough of it to to klnow how.
      Shriek and fling poo.

    1. “Mr. Trudeau, are you walking like that because you’ve been tested or were you practicing for the games that won’t be held in Toronto?”

  28. Please copy and spread across Canada…..
    If you are arriving into Calgary on an international flight make sure you have a lawyer to call when you land before you go through any part of the terminal.
    Literally…deboard, move out of the way of passengers, turn on your phone and call a friend, family member or lawyer. If a private security officer approaches you in the terminal turn and walk back to the airplane and refuse to go through customs etc. Call your family member again. Do not go with anyone.
    You may be targeted for a ‘medical abduction’ organized by the Federal Minister of Transport Omar Algabraha, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and taken against your will to the WESTIN HOTEL CALGARY AIRPORT. Ask your family member, friend or lawyer to call the hotel immediately to alert the Duty Manager a medical kidnap victim may be brought in for quarantine against their will and have them go immediately to the hotel to wait in the parking lot for you. If are forced to go with the security officers you will likely be placed into a white van and driven to the Westin. Photograph everything including the faces of anyone who forces you against your will to do anything. Do not sign anything. You may be taken in a side door. This photo you will recognize as the hotel in the video Nikki Mathis filmed while she was forced to quarantine in a hotel Friday January 29 after arriving from Dallas. You will recognize the colours of the walls outside her window.
    Don Cleary is the CEO of WESTIN HOTELS CANADA which is owned by the Marriot brand who if necessary, can be forced to hand over any ‘quarantine’ contracts in place between the brand and the Canadian federal government under a Freedom of Information Act so you can sue the shareholders. Call the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in Calgary and ask for either Jay Cameron or James Kitchen. Document everything meticulously especially the names of anyone you speak to. Justice always comes AFTER the crime and it will be up to you to seek it properly. Very few people will either know how to or be brave enough to help you.
    My British husband who builds luxury hotels was kidnapped from a 7-star Radisson Blu in North Africa by 3 armed private security guards who were escorted right to his room by hotel staff. They were Muhammar Gadaffi’s personal police force. I was the person who located him with my best friend in Tripoli using Whatsapp and prison staff where he was hidden.
    Hotels are constantly used by corrupt governments to hide, transport or kill targeted people because of their legal anonymity. They are the perfect cover for crime especially big luxury ones with multiple entrances, large numbers of visitors, vehicle access and this is the story premise of the TV series UPRISING I have been developing based on my true story of my husband’s abduction. I lived in luxury and other hotels for years all over Africa and know everything about how this system is used by organized crime and governments for laundering, human trafficking, drugs etc. Before that in Vancouver I worked and stayed in luxury hotels such as the Westin for 10 years making TV commercials and know every back door, hallway, phone system, laundry room, staff with keys etc that make up what is essentially a perfect private world and cover for crimes.
    The most powerful tool you have to protect yourself and your loved ones against human rights abuse like the rampant medical trafficking going on in Canada with covid fraud, is knowing the basics of law and naming the individuals who collude exploit you for profit.
    Educate yourself, it might just save your life.
