It’s A High-Status Trauma

At the United Nations International School, to which our betters entrust their offspring at considerable expense, a scene of hysterical sorrow:

Judging by the various demands and hyperbolical Instagram posts, it seems we’re expected to believe that the wealthy and statusful are paying $44,000 a year to have their own children abused by “oppressors,” that any kind of “disparity” is proof of bigotry, and that having one’s phonetically unobvious name mispronounced, even once, is “thinly-veiled racism” and a form of “racial trauma.” A trauma inflicted by “the white man’s mouth.”

Oh, there’s more.

16 Replies to “It’s A High-Status Trauma”

      1. Bite your tongue.
        Wisdom and commonsense are outlawed by our young politicians who know better and impose their misguided and destructive regulations and restrictive approach of babysitting our society.
        And how has this worked for you?
        Pretty shitty eh?

        1. Besides, Zuckerdork publicly said that young people are just so much smarter than us greybeards and silverbacks. They simply are, which is why he hires only them.

          Never mind that they’re younger, don’t know how they can be easily zuckered (pun intended) because they haven’t been around long enough to find out first-hand, and will enthusiastically work for cheap.

      2. I would prefer aged wisdom and some education to youthful indoctrination. If 83 was indeed your start date then the school system gave you very little education and a whole mess full of indoctrination. I would not be surprised if you could not tell the difference.

  1. Sorry but I agree that age is no predicter of wisdom.

    “Even stupid people get old” as the saying goes.

    I give you any number of septuagenarian politicians as living proof. To say nothing of the baying seals of the “entertainment” world.

    1. Age is no predictor of wisdom, that is for sure. I encounter many well educated old folks who lack the sense God gave a goose. All socialists lack any wisdom. Wisdom cannot be quantified only experienced.

  2. Let me guess: these kiddies are anxiously awaiting The Great Reset, in which they won’t own anything and they’ll be happy? Yeah, right.

  3. A.O.C. says that using her initials is racist. Colour me racist. I just wish she (or is it it) would stand well down wind especially when she speaks.

  4. Out of that group will surely emerge the next Marx, Che Guevera and Bin Laden, all born into wealth, aka the oppressors.
    The irony of it all lost on history and the useful idiots. Then again a swamp swilling “free” brokerage calls itself Robin Hood.

  5. “having one’s phonetically unobvious name mispronounced, even once, is “thinly-veiled racism””
    Falling over laughing as I have spent my entire life explaining to people how to spell my Phonetically OBVIOUS last name and even had a school teacher once tell me that my last name was not a real name and then decided to change it on my school documents that year. Ah yes, I must have forgotten to be traumatized by that grade 5 french teacher. Clearly I should be crippled by 30 years of people misspelling the combined words that make up my very boring and straightforward last name. Their misspelling says more about the shitty education system than anything. Being a white Canadian born woman it is entirely possible that I am not allowed to be offended and clearly was forced to rise above it? Should I be traumatized that I am not traumatized? LOL
