
“Urgency” you keep using that word. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. was awarded a $150 million federal contract for pandemic field hospitals nobody asked for, according to records. The Department of Public Works five months after signing the sole-sourced contract had not bothered to fix any delivery dates for the mobile health units: “A public call for tenders was not issued due to the urgency.”

42 Replies to “SNC-Lavalin…Again!”

  1. All I can say is, I have looked at the facts, and known for 10 months now (or more) that ebola this was not. During the almost year that I have been telling people to stop panicking, and start thinking, I have learned that logic, reason, empirical evidence, none of that is relevant.

    Basically, what I have come to realize is that there are two kinds of people. Those who want to live in fear and a state of panic, and those who do not. The first group vastly out numbers the second, and nothing will stop the wailing and gnashing of teeth. People have made wearing masks, and phoning the police on people they see outside, their entire reason for living. It is like a generalized Trump Derangement pandemic, with everyone else in the world cast as “the evil Trump”, who wants to “kill grandma”. For everyone.

    Under the guise of this hourly breathless reporting pushing the latest panic, they have been lining their pockets. Everything everyone has been screaming about, has basically been a lie. I would say it is likely they all knew from the beginning. Everything you have been calling news for the past year, was simply a distraction to stop you from seeing what was actually going on. So complaining about SNC Lavalin getting some kickbacks, on the one year anniversary of “two weeks to flatten the curve”, is very amusing to me.

    1. I ‘d say you covered it pretty well.

      The question is .. when we going to something about this insanity?

      1. Like what?

        Not being snotty or playing gotcha, I’m genuinely interested to know what anyone thinks “we” can do about anything?

        I don’t believe I, or anyone else for that matter, has any influence on what the government or corporations choose to do.

        I’m proceeding as though all I can do is try to predict where the madness will go next and prepare myself and my family for it.

        1. Exactly. Nothing to do but what you can for you and yours. I’ve been on plenty of SNC sites. Paid to do it. I am unashamed of that and not hiding in the woods like Achmed who shakes his fist at the wrong people anyway.

          1. What can we do about this?
            Well, individually, not much.
            However, I note that the justice centre for constitutional freedoms is challenging this crap on a few fronts. They are in court today in BC to challenge the ban on gathering in churches. They are also fighting the quarantine hotel crap. Etc.
            Perhaps more of us could support their efforts and any other organized groups who are able to fight back.
            2021: the year of litigation.

      2. Actually, I am trying to punish the people I can, in the small ways that are available to me. I cancelled my Amazon account, for example. I have stopped clicking on any Twitter or You Tube links I can avoid. I have started making it a point to visit the local businesses in person, instead of online shopping. I check every label, and avoid “made in China” where ever possible, on everything.

        I have tried to reason through what they are actually trying to accomplish, based on the results of the things they decree must happen.
        — the want cash to go away; only plastic trackable transactions
        — they want all shopping to be online (unless it is Costco or Walmart; which I have also stopped frequenting)
        — they want all small businesses gone; the only restaurant will be ‘The French Laundry’, and you can’t afford it
        — they don’t want any peasants at their beach resorts, no peasants in their Government Palaces

        I try to fight whatever small battle it looks like I can win, avoid the battles I cannot.

    2. All I can say is, I have looked at the facts and 85% Canadians are stupid. They are also fat, out of shape, their personal finances are horrible and they are situationally unaware. Like a deer in head lights…
      FFS cancel your cable TV and start thinking for yourselves.
      Stupid Canadians haven’t seen anything yet. Keep voting for free stuff, you mentally challenged losers. Your end is coming.

      1. ” … 85% Canadians are stupid.”

        Yup. That’s about the percentage whose eyes would glaze over with that haven’t-got-a-fuggin-clue look if you brought up SNC and WE.

        They’ve had their eyes and tiny minds firmly focussed south on the “Bad Trump” narrative for four-and-a-half years while turdo and his scum rob them and their grandchildren blind and sell out their Country to the chicomms.

        Consider the condition terminal. Pinky NO’tool and his sheep are even more craven than turdo & Co. and their supporters are okay with that.

      2. *
        ahmed… i guess we could call this root causes…
        live and don’t learn… as in “we the sheeple”

        “In a letter published on her website, the former justice minister
        says she has hired former Supreme Court judge Thomas Cromwell
        to tell her what she can say about her dealings with the prime minister
        on the SNC-Lavalin affair.”

        again with snc… justin feels bulletproof… with good reason.


    3. That’s why I don’t really give a damn if the vaccine works or not. That’s not what it’s about. The vaccine is about calming down these idiots so we can go back to life (maybe).

    4. Don’t try to convince them their fear is irrational. That’s impossible.

      Instead, only realize the truth: the pandemic has made fear into a virtue.

  2. Well, when you’r needing a place to conduct your experiments on your human lab rats, you need a field hospital from these grifters. I switched off the satellite one day and listened to the fourteen year old news twit on 77 for fun, and counted the covid mentions for an entire newscast, 23. In one newscast. Kevin you’r correct. Latest scare, sadly the sheep are lapping it up.

    1. And I suspect that count does not include the government funded commercials telling us to stay home, wash and sanitize, social distance, wear a mask and all the other constant fear-mongering messaging.

  3. Sounds like there is some waffling on the contract to build the vaccine refuse-nics internment camps.

  4. Corruption, nothing describes the Canadian liberal party mafia more accurately.

    They put a real clown at the head of the table to mock everyone to prove that they own the streets, a purely symbolic middle finger shouting at the public “nothing you can do about it fools”.

  5. There was a time when I made contact with a politician I would try to be respectful but not anymore. Now I just call them what they are,
    lying, corrupt, incompetent assholes and it makes me feel better for a few hours.

  6. The only way that this could even potentially be fixed via ballot boxes would be to vote out any incumbent party affiliated candidates in as many ridings as possible. Media will never let this idea float though. Otherwise we are screwed and there is nothing we can do about it without violence.

    1. AH but weLiberals have a plan, telephone voting! Yes, that’s going to be a scream. And so clean, no more pallete-loads of ballots being rushed in emergency at 3AM, a la Americaine. No, we just hire Bombay call centers. Of course, we will have to make nice with Modhi first.

      1. I can well imagine how the election will go if a number of voters fat-finger their selections. We might end up with Mr. Bikeless Singh…..

  7. Anyone that has ever spent any time trying to talk logically to a liberal knows that this is only going to get worse. These folks are brainwashed morons. Politicians, crony capitalists, media and anyone else that is in on the grift is taking advantage of stupid canadian voters to fleece the few remaining workers out of our earnings. Politicians are buying votes from idiots with our money, while throwing bags of cash to all their friends. Not going to stop as long as canucks keep getting dumber and lazier.

    1. There not all brain-washed morons. Many sincerely believe and the fact that they get contracts, justic of the peace roles and various other bank-accounbt and ego filling appointments and small change just prove they are right. Of course, the rest are as corrupt as putrid butter.

  8. The bought and paid for media are excited that Great Leader will be trashing Saudi Arabia today. But no mention from Blackie, on the Blacklock report today that China told the government to stop saying that China sends shoddy goods to Canada.

  9. Now I’m no legal expert but I thought SNC had plead guilty to a previous charge, and as such would make them ineligible for federal contracts?

  10. I’m sure our pathetic media will explain to the rubes that if Prime Minister Baked Potato didn’t give SNC this money then 9 bazillion jobs were at risk.

  11. SNC: n. Code for describing a laundering operation to direct tax dollars into Liberal Party coffers.

  12. A few weeks ago, I spoke with someone whose son is working on a project SNC is involved with. Apparently, the company makes a lot of mistakes and works hard to shift the blame onto someone else.

    1. The reason they make lots of mistakes is that management is top heavy with Basic Brown Types from India and Pakistan now called South east Asians

      an Insider.

  13. Why hasn’t our media interviewed the hookers SNC Lavalin bought for Saadi Gaddafi ?
    Or did the Liberals kill them all?

    1. Those were Perks to compliment the Furnished Condo
      that was provided for him as well.

  14. rich, no none were kilt, the whores are all in liberal bed, erm….board rooms, gittin laid!

  15. Fredo Turdhole is untouchable… so is the CCP/Liberal Party and they know it… quick, someone call the RCMP, ha, ha, just kidding… I wonder if the CCP/Liberal money laundering scheme they run with the gangsters over at SNC also include a payoff to certain RCMP higher ups… To clarify, I hope the RCMP Brass are getting paid a little something something on the side, you know, for looking the other way while the CCP/Liberal Party rob cheat and steal the place blind… I’m sure the CCP/LIberal Party have figured out a way to cut the RCMP brass into their criminal scheming and culture of corruption.

  16. I knew as soon as Libs elected, everything goes to Quebec, time to throw Quebec out of Confederation.
