Wuhan Flu: One Test, Two Test, Red Test, Dead People

They do not want a rapid test.
They do not want it here and now,
They do not want it anyhow.
They want us dead, and long forgotten.
Say “sorry!” later – when we’re rotting.

The world is being run by government doctors.

(What kind of doctor wants to work for the government?)

24 Replies to “Wuhan Flu: One Test, Two Test, Red Test, Dead People”

      1. So, from 2-4 weeks for the second dose to 12 weeks to 16 weeks.

        Maybe it’s obvious about why the goalposts are moving, but I’ll just state why I think they are:

        1. The B.C. (B.C.!), Ontario and Alberta governments are either tacitly admitting that the volume of vaccines “required” is either (a) not affordable or (b) not going to be there in the timelines promised (rationing, in either or both cases), or,

        2. As Mr. Adams suggests, one dose and growing natural/organic “herd immunity”, coupled with warmer weather, will do the trick, or,

        3. both.

        The U.K. government has authorized rapid in-homes tests for households with school-aged children:


    1. I am ok with that. The reason the Pfiser vaccine was divided up into two doses was because the entire dosage in one shot was considered too toxic. People were getting sick. So this would be less toxin in my view.

    2. That’s ol UberFuhrer Bonnie up to her ol tricks again.

      Yesterday, she assured the sheep that the vax would protect them for MONTHS!

      Not years, but months. Oh, and the Whoregan government has this awesome plan of mass vaccinations, to roll out and do everyone as soon as possible. Oh joy. Come git yer dose of woohoo RNA. And now the supposed experts say the vax won’t work on the variants…….so what about the percentage of Bell’s Palsy reactions, and anaphylactic shock, big deal, eh John?

      Masks don’t work, but wear them anyways. Social distancing works, but it doesn’t matter, lock it down! Lockdowns don’t work, but let’s lockdown anyways.

      Meanwhile, back in Texas and Florida…………..

  1. If I decline to take the vaccine, could I have the 10k back the government spend on my behalf?

  2. Lies and more lies.
    Stick your shit up your ass.
    Bonnie And other meat puppets can rot in some Dantean circle.
    Piss the fook off.
    Goal posts…really!?
    Agenda posts.
    Argh. Etc.

    1. Stevie…agreed.

      Seems to me that around April last year, all of a sudden all the Health Mouthpieces – MSM – Politicians en masse became as One voice…LOCKSTEP..no.? and the BS has not abated since. There is no Fooking way that crap comes near me, let alone injected into my Body.

      I find it “interesting” that no sooner had Gates’ patent (Mar 26, 2020), been approved, we started hearing about mRNA “vaccines”.
      A link perhaps…??
      I do not believe in Wuhan Flu coincidences.

      Nor do I think that infesting your body with genetic altering molecular sized nano particulate is a particularly “bright Idea” given said patents abstract.

      Govt Medical Employee:
      “I have a Fully Loaded 44 magnum Revolver…
      DO – YOU – WANT – TO – PLAY – A – GAME…?”

  3. Irish-American Heritage Month did he say? Does this mean Irish-Americans will predominate every commercial? And will Google change their home page to Irish-American stuff? Amazon Prime, Disney, Pluto, and all the other channels just be plastered with Irish-American movies? Will they have Irish-Americans the doctors and smart people with all the other ethnicities their subordinates or be simply idiots?

    1. Hats off to Irish-American Heritage Month, particularly if we get a lot of the classics from the Clancy Brothers and Tommy Makem, the Rovers (though they are probably considered Canadian, being as they got their start in Calgary), and like groups.
      Just to start things out, here’s a link:

      1. Ireland loves the Irish Rovers. There are/were all from Ireland. My mother’s people claimed to be Irish albeit with a distinctly English name, praying to the one true God, Presbyterian.

  4. The government doesn’t want citizens to easily and independently assess their health. If that capability was broadly available, there would be no need to lock people down and demand their compliance with arbitrary rules. It’s that simple. Healthy people must be kept in doubt of their own health, and that of the people around them, because otherwise this whole charade collapses.

  5. Ahhhh, Bonnie Goebbels (big lie) knows best, even better than the manufacturers. This decision is (absolutely NOT) about not having enough vaccine due to the incompetence of the Turdeau libranos. Here in BC taxpayers aged between 18-30 “might” get a vaccination before September. https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2021PREM0015-000355 we are expected not to notice privileged populations-prisoners, druggies on the Downtown East-side of Vancouver and aboriginals, these more deserving citizens go to the front of the queue.

    Don’t complain, its the new normal getting last years flu shot in time for this years flu. Oh and be sure to thank President Trump for the FIVE effective vaccines.

    About those quick tests Bonnie, are they still in storage? Would not want to use them to determine who is bringing the virus into the long term care detention centres.

  6. And here I thought there was no such a disease as Wuhan Flu, or Covid-19?? Test for what??

    We’ve had a sudden change of heart have we??

  7. Ummm, people, the ballyhoo over COVID-19 is contrived — a hoax. The actual virus is nothing special beyond being slightly more effective at culling the herd than the average seasonal bug. We must stop giving credence to the hype; we must call out the hoax; we must expose the reason (authoritarian ambitions) that lies behind the entire COVID-19 PLANdemic.

  8. So let me get this straight … the FDA forbids Doctors from prescribing hydroxychloroquine for COVID patients but requires Doctors to prescribe a cheap, quick self-test for COVID.

    Yeah … get the government out from between my Doctor and me. Right? Abortionists?
