44 Replies to “Are You Worth Your Share Of The Debt?”

  1. How to buy your vote with your own money/debt wise!

    and were is unDork to tell us how the CDN economy is so much better than Trump’s

    1. I am a retired economics professor, and over the last several months I have reconfigured my small retail portfolio to face a 1970s-styled inflation. And over the past month the business media has started to talk seriously about this type of inflation. And my wife and I, this afternoon, had a fairly lengthy talk about rearranging our unfinished basement, to stock up non-perishable necessities as a buffer against inflation and emergencies.

      Much on the cartel media is still full of happy talk about continued inflation. Whistling in the dark.

      1. There has been recent controversy, whether Gold or Bitcoin is the hedge for inflation, with Bitcoin fanboys yelling fanatically, that Gold is so yesterday (hello Mark Cuban/leftist dip)

        When the herd is running in one direction, be the contrarian. Gold is today’s red-headed step child, but that may change very soon.

        One of these days, Peter Schiff, the present day boy who cried Wolf, will be right

        1. I’m of the opinion that if you don’t physically own it, it doesn’t exist.
          Too many things can happen in an instant as we see governments impose.
          I had a small business that I let the license expire as too many government restrictions became a hazard to penalties and government enforced requirements a decade ago.
          Pretty fortunate to have the skills and tools from building loghomes and timberframes.

          With Bitcoin, too many factors are extra that your reliant on including formed and mined from other countries.
          Electronics all are reliant on electricity and computer components and again from other countries.
          I have some investment and savings in our local bank that I do a multitude of transactions from.

      2. David,
        I’m a dual, and liquid. Do you think it makes sense for me to get US denominated? I plan on living there over 161 days per year and decoupling from Canadian taxation in retirement in any case. If you happen to see this and answer, many thanks in advance.

    2. Yup. Last mortgage update locked in on the current low rates. I expect them to double under the beneficent leadership of Turd the 2nd.

    3. We have cleared all our debt. We have spent a good chunk of our savings on some major purchases we have been putting off, like a newer vehicle and some major upgrades to our home to reduce heating costs and improve our security. We have added the capacity to heat entirely with wood. My pantry is full to bursting and my basement is filling with a variety nonperishables, honey, oatmeal, rice and so forth. We bought a second freezer and we have a side of beef on order. We have purchased a couple of years worth of essential items like high quality boots, shirts, jeans, underwear and socks. We have also stocked up on a few years worth of items like good quality boots and shoes, winter clothing, underwear and socks. We have a much bigger garden planned for this year and we have been buying equipment to do more home canning, drying, and smoking. We have added fruit trees and berry bushes to our regular garden seed purchase and are planning on converting chunk of our property into a “food forest”. We have also shifted our suppliers to those small local businesses who can access bulk orders of fruit from BC and wild rice from up north as well as connecting with local farmers who raise their own eggs and honey and such. We even purchased a book on how to construct a wood gasifier. I was raised on tales of the depression and surviving WW2. I have a very bad feeling about what is coming. All of this stuff has made our life more comfortable in the present and I have not purchased anything we would not eventually use anyway (except a few of the ‘do it yourself’ books) so if I am being crazy paranoid no harm done. I have never felt this way before in all my life.

  2. One of the casualties of technology and time is the diamond trade is getting horribly crushed by man-made sparkly stuff.
    Holding the valuation for too long has crushed them for value as many imitation are just as nice.

  3. What I really want to know is: How much will it cost each of us to make Justin go away permanently?

    1. An immeasurable amount.
      The latest today from the CPC is a request for Conservative Party members to supply videos of this beautiful country to the CPC National Convention. The request waxes eloquently about Canada, so much so that it begs the question, “Why not just vote for the Liberal Party if things are so great?”
      Sadly, no chance that O’Toole and the CPC will prevail in the next election.

      1. Elections are irrelevant. What counts is brute force and violence. Always has. Always will. The Left is prepared to mobilise their srteet thugs to effectively assume control. Eventually conservatives will realise this, and do one of two things: form their own paramilitaries (As being designated terrorists by people like Trudeau and Biden will actually work hugely in Proud Boys’ favour for recruiting amd organising. I await the KGB giving them funding, weapons and training!). Or two, economic and bureaucratic secession. I see the latter as the popular choice. Once 50% of the people simply start ignoring Fed police and officials, it gets pretty hard for the Trudeaus of the world to keep pushing their agendas.

        “Courts” will see their power vanish, as people realise the courts have no armoured divisions. Who in uniform in their right mind is willing to get their guts blown out fighting to enforce a court order from a modern Western court? I suspect more and more folks are going to tell governments and courts to eff off and die.

        A new currency, new banks, new econimc and trade system. The internet version of the monastic system.

  4. Regardless of a “pandemic” the PPC had a robust platform to restore Canada to its former glory.
    Your vote matters.
    What do you have to lose by voting BERNIER?

  5. Don’t just express your opinion here.
    Take that free postcard from Canada Post, address it to the Ponce and let him know directly. There’s 13 million of them out there just waiting to be mailed.

  6. When the twenty-somethings that voted JT and his puppet band into office can’t afford to fill a gas tank we will see change. They’ll vote NDP instead. The amount of economic pain to begin deprogramming their stupid is gonna take nearly freezing to death in an Ottawa condo during a polar vortex inflicted blackout.

  7. Worth any part of this year’s orgy of Liberal deficit madness?

    Only the $400 deduction to work from home (reduced to an actual $150 or so savings).

    No CERB here in this household, even adult son kept working through it all, the housing market continues on, but thats another story.

    I’m confident though, that thousands of Liberal bagpeoples have been handsomely rewarded this year, its easy to lose money between the cracks when so much has been thrown away, so quickly.

    The millenials who have been bribed aplenty by Blackie and his idiot crew, will be left holding the bag 20 years from now, when Blackie has retired to Aga Khan’s island, on his Trust Fund, while the Canadian debt slaves, mostly from Cheranna, Queerbec and the Mariwelfaretimes are responsible for it

  8. Read the article earlier and saw the fireman/water comment. OTOH no fireman would flood the place without a fire or use up all the water so none is available when an actual fire starts. Btw, firemen don’t start fires like politicians do, they put them out.

    1. To be fair both firemen and rural firefighters have been caught setting fires to drum up business.

      But they’re as rare as honest politicians.

  9. The objective of the stimulus was to prop up Bay Street, not Main Street. People used their “free money” to keep servicing their debts and keep Toronto banks solvent—all to be paid for, of course, by future tax increases on Canadians.

    (Our Chinese friends would not have taken kindly to their investment in Canadian banks being wiped out overnight.

    Yes, they want the blue-eyed devils dragged out of any real estate fit to keep a pig in to make room for Ham settlers. They didn’t need it done right away.)

  10. Dan BC. Speaking of housing markets:
    Homeowners ‘floored’ as house fetches $250k over asking price.
    You’ll never guess what city.
    One of the 19 bidders was from Beijing.. The winning bidder maybe?
    A friend in Cobble Hill on Vancouver Island said a place there went for $300k over asking price.


    1. Cobble Hill is a nice area, less than an hour from Victoria, bigger lots and acreages. Easy to see people cashing out of Vic, and moving outward.
      That’s our plan.
      A gal pal of the wife just sold her house, with a suite on the side of the house, not an up and down Nanaimo box.
      $125k over asking. 60+ showings in 5 days, 5 unconditional offers. Nice pay day, $1.225 mill for a home she paid a little over 400k, 17 years ago.

      1. DanBC – Don’t miss the bubble. My sister used to live in Oak Bay. She’s done OK since then in another part of town. Maybe I should stop selling professional services and go sell real estate in Vic.

  11. No offense to David, but its quite apparent that most economists are fucking idiots and statists. That means they should not only be pissed on but shot as well.
    Does anyone in government even understand how wealth is generated? It sure as shit doesn’t come in the mail in the form of a fucking cheque.
    Kids who played Monopoly and Stock Ticker probably know more than Freeland. The stupid twat views Canadian savings as something communal.
    Poloz is a turd that needs to be flushed.

    1. Buddy, Economics is called the dismal science because there’s two types of economists (distilled from a very wide range of individuals):

      Marxist economists, who say the economy can be centrally planned efficiently if we just let them do it, and are always wrong (causing shortages).

      Libertarian economists, who say supplies of things are limited and you can’t have everything, you have to pick between competing uses for resources (and that’s where prices some from). Not being able to have everything for free makes babies cry.

    1. We owe the debt to ourselves. Now it’s all better. Where can I refinance?
      The neo SJWs are today’s robber barons, driving down wages while pretending to raise them, as the favoured rich get richer, wealth redistributed to them, aided by no skin in the game science nannies and economics illiterates, all sure disagreement is dissidence, so fine to squelch by suspending free speech, rule of law and individual enterprise. Meanwhile Bidenland removes police and border protection while ensconced behind barbed wire, looking more like a junta that an icon of liberty, a tragic irony given the swamp’s insulation from the consequences of their oblivious policies and the citizens who bear the burden of their incompetent brinkmanship.

  12. I repudiate this debt; it is the Liberal Party’s debt and the recipients of the Liebral largesse. I DID NOT ASK FOR IT. Neither did I receive any of it.

  13. “No fireman ever got bIamed for using too much water”

    Yeah….but if it was the rest of us who had to hauI buckets of water from the river to him………..it might be different.

    FreeIand has done the impossibIe….she has made Trudeau Iook Iike the 2nd stupidest IiberaI in cabinet. (and it’s a cabinet that incIudes McKenna….that takes some doing)

  14. Buy old Japanese motorcycle parts, especially exhaust systems, get free Porsche brochures and hang on to them for 20 years.

  15. Each has a purpose. In my opinion gold is gold and there is no other equal for a solid reserve or long term stash. I see BTC as electronic fiat. It has proven very useful in the collapse of currency in Venezuela, it holds its value better than paper fiat because governments can’t access or corrupt it by devaluation. And it is universal, buy gold and silver coins with the crypto they are non taxable and you do not have to show ID and they do not have to be recorded. They are coins of the realm. But I would not store by wealth in BTC. Mine, buy, trade it or use a currency.

    1. I do not believe it is uncorruptible like gold. Various governments have incredible computing power at their fingrtips, they use them for decryppting pother governments’ encrypted messages, block chain or no. So, I have no faith in any crypto currencies.

      And I bet in a few years Bitcoin will be all mined out and, unlike gold, no new reserves can be found. Except, of course, they can be miraculously created, rather like any other fiat currency.

      1. how long in bytes the private key is

        32 bytes, or 256 bits

        then how many combinations of numbers it will contain

        There are 2^256 different private keys. That’s a little larger than a 1 followed by 77 zeroes.

        what is the fastest computer or network of supercomputers

        At its peak around August 2011, the Bitcoin network was checking 15 trillion sha256 hashes per second. (See http://bitcoin.sipa.be/)

        how long it would take to crack a private key using that computer

        If we assume it takes the same time to run an ECDSA operation as it takes to check an sha256 hash (it takes much longer), and we use an optimisation that allows us to only need 2^128 ECDSA operations, then the time needed can be calculated:

        >>> pow(2,128) / (15 * pow(2,40)) / 3600 / 24 / 365.25 / 1e9 / 1e9
        It’s 0.65 billion billion years.

        That’s a very conservative estimate for the time taken to break one single Bitcoin address.

        Edit: it was pointed out that computers tend to get exponentially faster over time, according to Moore’s Law. Assuming computing speed doubles every year (Moore’s law says 2 years, but we’ll err on the side of caution), then in 59 years it’ll only take 1.13 years. So your coins are safe for the next 60 years without a change to the algorithms used to protect the blockchain. However, I would expect the algorithms to be changed long before it’s feasible to break the protection they provide.

  16. Canada has never paid off the debts incurred by Pierre Trudeau yet and they never can be paid. In 2014 Harper left Canadians with 4.1Trillion in accumulated Conservative and Liberals Total Public Debt going back to Pierre Trudeau, Brian Mulroney and Chretien and Martin.
    Beginning with Mulroney and ending with Harper they sold off all of Canadian Gold Reserve’s amounting to over 1000 Metric Tonnes according to the IMF. Most was sold by the scoundrels Chretien and Martin for 250/oz and the media called them economic genius’s. Just like they call the Pup out of Old Fidel Justin a genius. So they sold all the gold, stole 54B out of the workers of Canada’s UI fund surplus, had the corrupted SCOC place their blessing on the theft.
    Last spring the previous finance minister, when they published the CERB data, which is gone now. showed 18M working taxpayers. Of that number 4M were Government employees.
    Between the accumulated Public Debt of PM’s back to PET until 2014 they accumulated 4.1 T in structural public debt. Justin Trudeau racked up another 1.4 last year and will add another 300-350B this year.
    None of these numbers include the Debt they carry in a phony accounting trick of carrying BILLIONS in Debt in Front Companies they call Crown Corporations.
    So the debt load is easily 5-6T by their own admissions. And they continue to borrow and print.
    It will never be repaid. When interest rates go back up or inflation kicks in hard we will be in Venezuela Country North.
    The Piper Will Be Paid on our backs.
    Food Inflation and the cost of fuel will eat Canadians alive. And they will come after every dime they can wring out of us.
    The question is will the country even exist when the dust settles. I do not think so. Prepare to repel Boarders. Put away food and reserves and plan on growing a garden if you can. Watch some video of Venezuela and how socialism destroyed the people.

  17. and now they have order 300 million doses of vaccines no one wants. 8 each . they will arrive late and stale dated . math is hard

  18. This is the true reason we new a new country.
    When the majority of voters are so stupid that they will tolerated deficit spending by government,to “invest in welfare” no less,we have no choice but to claim our independence.
    The Bill is due and Can Ahh Duh is intent on having the young workers in Alberta and Saskatchewan pick up the tab..
    Even thou we ,in the West,have consistently rejected the Progressive waste and destruction,we are going to pay and pay,for “services” we never saw.
    This is how all Kleptocracy falls,they run out of people to steal from.

  19. I currently rent and am thinking of selling everything, cancelling my lease and buying an RV. The biggest challenge is that I am not mechanically inclined but with youtube I could probably figure things out.

  20. Hmmmm, frankly I see no future in Canaduh , the whole vaccine roll-out has clearly defined, that we are turd-world. The USMCA showed we are incapable of trading even to our neighbours, Keystone sealed our fate. We have nothing tradable, so that debt will be rolled over infinitely. Nothing in the future but taxes and fees up the ying-yang, our city taxes are rising 6% when most services are unavailable. I have sold my house, and have the choice of moving abroad-highly likely, or “investing” and getting 2% a year while inflation is realistically running at 10% annual.
    I`m seventy years old, so access to health services are potentially important, but who wants to be cared for by our detention minded “health” professionals. Much better to go private in places like Mexico or Panama.

  21. “No firefighter ever got criticized for using too much water. ”

    1. The aim of firefighting is to prevent or minimise damage to life and property. If the damage done by the water we use is greater than the damage from the fire we are extinguishing, we DEFINITELY get criticised. Our training is always to use a response proportional to the threat.
    2. It is bad practice to waste water that we may need for another fire for another part of the fire. Running out of water is bad enough. Running out of water because some idiot has wasted it…. is infuriating.

  22. Ummm, not true. The firefighters on the deepwater Horizon used way too much water.
