Coulda Had Max

What the hell is O’Toole thinking?Anti-lockdown pastor and son stripped of Tory memberships

“The membership revocation, it’s not such a big deal for us. But we really believe firmly that it’s part and parcel of the entire cancel culture that Erin O’Toole himself spoke out against when he was running about the evils of cancel culture. And now he has embraced and perfected it in his own party to stamp out any dissent or anything that he feels like would be negative for the party in the mainstream media because he wants to be a media darling, not a leader,” he said.
“It’s now as the Ontario race for leadership of the Conservative Party, something like a decade and a half ago, where they called one of the candidates ‘a pale pink imitation of the Liberals.’ And it seems like that’s kind of where we are with the federal Conservatives.”

86 Replies to “Coulda Had Max”

    1. Neither will mine. But I will renew it right before the next leadership race. Maybe. They keep calling me for donations. I let them know to ask Ezra Levant if he has some spare cash laying around because I sent it to the Rebel this time.

      1. I told them that O’Toole has to remove his head from his arse before I give them anything.

  1. I’m so glad I didn’t vote for them last election and this just solidifies why I am never going to vote for them again, even if they win, they’ll literally just be the dipshit in chief but with a flag color change

  2. Jeebus, WHO’s running the CONS these days? Xi CONS are not what they seem to be, it seems. Mom ‘Tool is gonna clean up Queen Street, then tell us all how to behave. SORO Butt.

  3. Problem with too many Conservatives is not knowing when to STFU. Liberals are much better in that regard.

    1. I suspect that is a misconception created by the intensity of the media bias.

      Conservatives are going to be attacked by media no matter what they say or don’t say. And liberals have that same media cabal covering their asses whenever they say stupid stuff…. which is daily, now.

      Any Conservative politician who thinks they can in any way appease today’s media is doomed to failure right out of the gate.

      1. Bingo, CO. The CPC did not lose the last 2 elections because they were savaged by the media while the LPC gor a free pass.
        They lost because they did not assume that would happen, and did not go into full attack mode. We have seen a number of American conservatives call out biased questions (Florida, SD governers, etc) and biased reporting (Trump, et al).
        There are a great number of brainwashed LIV, it is true. But there are also a great number of Average People who are sick of the media bias, sick of the Social Agendas, and sick of the double standard. They want somebody they can actually vote FOR, instead of holding their noses and voting because “well, at least they are not quite as bad as the other guys”.
        With the Left vote split along Green, NDP, and LPC, you don’t need the CBC/CTV crowd to be onside in order to win.
        The intervew hit the nail on the head – O’Toole is trying to be a media darling. Cuz that worked so well in the past! Pathetic.
        Be a flippin’ conservative. There is a reason why Pierre P gets more views and shares than anything O’Toole has ever done.

        1. Harper pulled it together by tightly disciplining his message while O’Toole’s message is tightly disciplining him.
          Yes the media is making nice right now, they’ll go into full “extreme right wing” rhetoric, no matter what the Tories do.
          If I ran the CPC show I’d reorient from the 905 bluff to full on setting immediate priorities for Canadians.
          A shot in the arm. Mostly by getting the hell out of the way: of labour markets, pipelines and covid harm reduction.

          No more third world living conditions. Actually protect care homes from a third covid wave, weaker nonetheless deadly as our public life and personal intimacy is frozen, atomized to the state. So they tweek cases for more power.

          Because power is what it’s all about, which can never be overstated. Evidence abounds elsewhere; coming here soon.
          I was thinking about Soros and that crazy LA DA who wants all prisons closed, who thankfully may be recalled.

          Well you see there are political prisoners due to evil capitalism. So a quick fusion with black power fascism means all the prisoners should go free. Evil capitalism must be defeated and always take the easy way out, let others pay.

          The main tenet of socialism/statism is to make others to do the heavy lifting for you. Want an environmental approach to energy? Plan and consult? No, impose a carbon tax for poor taxpayers to underwrite their falsified links.

          Oh look at all those shiny revenues and virtue signaling with our dime. Yet they protest we’re being misled.
          How ironic so see this bunch justify their censorship with the cry of fake news as they slobbered over Mueller et al.
          Let the prisoners out, let the migrants in. Demand reparations. Let the useful idiots do your revolution for you.
          The real bloodbath is when the circle of power completes and they end up destroying each other over society’s scraps.

        2. F******’ A Right!
          They just refuse to learn and they don’t get Ontario at all. Ontario of course is a must win for anyone.
          Ontario that did not vote Eves, Tory, Hudak, Scheer, that voted reluctantly for Harper only once but voted enthusiastically for Harris and Ford. There is a pattern here that those morons refuse to recognize. They need to go in swinging, instead their plan is to purge anyone who isn’t a social liberal with sane economic outlook. They really don’t get people.

          It is political autism.

        1. So true. I am besides myself with the apathy most con politicians show regarding the reality that they are regularly smeared, censored and distorted by media.

  4. The pastor claims to be conservative, but he had a membership in the CPC. Makes no sense. Poor reporting.

    1. Look at the Pope today.
      He has totally destroyed Christianity and the Roman Catholic community.
      And they are pissed at this Pope!
      It is the Davo’s gang of globalization enforced on everyone through our politicians and governments.

      1. Jojo..

        Ya hit the nail on the head.
        This action by the Fool reeks of ChiComm suggestive forces…I guess all it took was for the fool to be in Ottawa for what 8 months or so, and he is 100% TURNED.

        I suspect that a vast majority of our Politicians from Mayor/Councillor on up are also beholden to Bejing. NENXI – Tory – Iverson for Goddamned SURE and every stinking Publicly paid Health MouthPiece in the country…all in LOCKSTEP..right..??

        And as for membership…?? LMAO, toast
        money to the faux cons…?? LMAO toast for 2 yrs now
        ….and its been that way since Scheer was TURNED..! I voted PPC last time – MAVERICK next time.

  5. When I said O’Fool would double down on the stupidity, it was sarcasm. I didn’t believe he would actually overdose on stupid pills.
    The West – sans BC Lower Mainland and Vancouver Island – needs to get out of this toxic relationship.

        1. No one can “take you with them,” you have to break out yourselves, join, and keep up with the march.

          1. Maybe check out the solid history of voting Conservative in the Fraser Valley over the past 50 years before you open your yap next time. Wtf else are we supposed to do to get your approval?

      1. Not quite Ed. Most of the Island heavily leans commie, Nanaimo has always been a Red Square bastion.

        Only Courtenay/Comox, and Qualicum/Parksville have a semblance of some conservatism, much of it imported from Alberta.

        Otherwise, the Island is a wasteland of Greenies that believe in drug induced fantasies, and long term hard core ENDP commies that long for their socialist paradise.

        These are the types that hate Site C dam with a virulent passion, yet demand immediate car conversions to EVs only. They have no clue where that plug in the wall draws its power from, how its made, and how ridiculously stupid they are!

        I just laugh at all the retards and delusional greentards that I am surrounded by now, no point in getting mad, their comeuppance will happen soon enough. This while I enjoy the benefits of living in this part of the world, despite the vast presence of fools

        1. DanBC,
          You nailed the island.
          As for east of Surrey, as Lamb noted, there are still enclaves of lefty and greenie goofs. Here in the Okanagan, which has had a reputation of being largely conservative, and even once considered to be a Bible Belt, there is no shortage of liberal dimwits who obey Trudeau and scolds like Bonnie Henry.
          Oh, and DanBC, can you elaborate on your thought that “their comeuppance will happen soon enough” ? I don’t see that happening anytime soon.

          1. Indeed. Both federally and provincially the ridings that include Osoyoos are currently NDP. Vote splitting may have contributed to that, but there’s no reason so far vote splitting wouldn’t continue in the next elections. Heck, my area does have CPC and BC Liberal representatives and neither of them seem inclined to even answer their emails. If you can’t get out of bed, why would people vote for you?

    1. Sadly, north-west BC is also an NDP bastion. That’s why I left there and came to Alberta.

      I don’t think that Buffalo will have an ice-free Pacific port. Would there be enough support in Manitoba for an eastern (Hudson’s Bay) port?

      1. Fortunately, NE B. C. has been politically right-wing as far back as I can remember. That might be one reason why Victoria couldn’t care less about that part of the province.

  6. My goodness!

    I almost miss Andrew Scheer.

    If I knew I was getting someone worse than Peter MacKay, I would have voted for Peter MacKay. (With apologies to Peter MacKay).

    1. That will likely be the sentiment of most party members that were in an Anyone But McKay mode.

      The Tool appears to be further left than anyone imagined McKay would be. Can’t believe I just said that! Welcome to four more years of a socialist coalition in ArtaWar.

  7. An obvious measure to make sure the party drifts to the center so anyone with even a hint of far “rightyness” will get the boot. O’Toole knows the media and Liberals are licking their chops to point out how the CPC are a party of pro life, gun toting bible thumpers.
    If he’s characterized as a centrist he thinks there’ll be enough votes to mine from squishy Liberals who’ve had their fill of the retard currently in Ottawa to help offset any losses from real Conservatives.
    I’d bet he’s giving a hard look at the party’s opposition to the carbon tax.

    1. Yes, the mediocracy breathlessly “reported” yesterday legions of anti-abortionists were set to take over the CPC Convention.
      Canadians who don’t bother to avail themselves of all media, to do their own fact checking, are doomed to brainwashing.
      Until that happens, we are screwed. The five year interest rate of Government of Canada has doubled since Aug.20.
      I used to think we’d only change when we truly got hurt. So much for that idea with giant swaths of our economy shuttered.
      Most of the federal government’s debt is held in securities five years and under. The Bank of Canada underwrote covid relief.
      A monster credit bubble and subsequent crisis is coming. It will happen gradually at first, nobody puts out signs.
      The market only signals. But it portends a government and populace that didn’t heed Harper’s systemic deficits warning.
      The Grits are partly following that with a tradition of linking two unrelated ideas for power, so just change to systemic racism.
      Leading by ruling, uniting by dividing, creating by destroying. Who will put Canadians first instead of their votes? Nobody.

  8. I revoked my membership. They should have voted Lewis in as leader. In doing so they would have shed the racist, anti inclusive label that the Liberals use with great success to undermine the CPC. The CPC always seem to fall on their swords when electing leaders in the modern age, except for Mulroney and Harper we have had. Bennet, Dief, Stanfield, Clark, Campbell, Sheer and now O’Toole. O’Toole will lose bigly if they call an election this spring. More Liberal BS because most eastern Canadians defend Trudeau by saying: “well who else is there?” In this case they may be right. There may still be time to shed O’Toole and ask Lewis to take over. But they will not do it.

    Hazmat Singh: too toxic;
    Green what’s her name: too insane;
    Trudeau: well he has such dreamy hair, but wears no clothes; and
    O’Toole: Who???? Who is he?

    Too bad we don’t have leadership in this country.
    Winner? Trudeau again. Probably a majority this time around.

    1. Lewis did not have enough experience to lead tge part. They should have kept Scheer. I don’t like Scheer either, but he was a known quantity, and he managed to decently increase Conservative votes in the last election. People sick of Trudeau would feel comfortable voting for Scheer in the next election. O’Toole as the new guy will not easily get the “anyone but Trudeau” vote, and he is alienating many in the party base. Scheer was targeted because of his Catholic conscience. That was a media/Liberal campaign, and it was weak. Most conservatives would have stuck with him through the next election. Conservatives have been manipulated once again.

    2. The Chinese have put their bet on O’Toole to win as Trudeau can’t take them any further.
      With a new leader, comes new juicy global warming contracts and fresh spending from more Credit Debt.
      Smart move and just business.
      Plus they have the made in China voting machines. Worked great for Biden.

      Expect China to release whatever dirt they have on Trudeau that will change peoples votes.

  9. There was a wee mousie
    Named Pinky NO’Tool
    Who presented himself
    As the Saviour of fools

    He squeaked and he scampered
    As all mousies do
    And he even out mous-ed
    turdo la doo

  10. hardest hit, the OOZING COLON:-)))

    well didn’t the O’Stool hold a secret vote to rid them of Sloan, and now a Sloan supporter, and he hired the X VP oh Huawei . So O’Stool, bought and paid for

  11. Now that O’Toole has hired the ex-Huawei guy , if the Liberals suddenly decide (temporarily of course) that Huawei’s presence in Canada is not such a good thing , they can then accuse the CPC of being pro CPC-Huawei , just as the election is called , and label O’Toole ant-Canadian.

    The media will then convince the voters that the CPC is a communist Chinese organization.

    It would be completely in line with Liberal strategy do do exactly that … of course after informing the CPC they really are not anti-Hauwei once they are returned to power.

    Really have to give credit to O’Toole logic.

  12. does any one think that this is all happening with out the blessings of the back room, which appearst to be that same as for the libtards, who are run by the Bronfmans!

  13. Erin O’Toole and his CPC’s don’t seriously think they’re going to win do they?
    His actions right from the word “GO” make me think that he’s trying to lose the next election on purpose.
    If there is to be any hope for the Conservatives, an emergency convention needs to be held immediately to determine the fate of this “progressive” idiot.
    The way this party currently stands, one would have to be incredibly stupid or mad to vote for them.

  14. The view from here’s, the guy got to go.
    Are so called “Conservatives “ that stupid or there is a clique, very much like those that run the airhead? It is as though it’s all run from confab central, meaning that whoever gets elected is of no concern, same shit.

    This nonsense has to stop if there’s ever going to be a government that’s looking after the interests of the plebeians.

  15. The Canadian Tories are bogus opposition party whose only role is to provide the illusion of democracy while the boys in the CCP compound on St. Patrick St. make all the real decisions.

    O’Toole is clearly being groomed as a replacement for Justin when that idiot outlives his usefulness. That doesn’t mean anything will change.

    (I doubt anything would have changed under Max. Nobody serious about change would have gotten as close to the leadership as he did. I remain convinced Max was in the pay of the Libranos.)

  16. Someone else’s problem. I voted Max last time because Scheer was such an asshole. Then the idiots select a bigger asshole with less personality than Scheer. I am wondering whether the fix isn’t in. When the Wild Rose Party of Alberta voted 95% to surrender to the Conservatives I knew that was fake. Now I suspect every party election in the conservative movement is fake. Why are no Conservative leaders conservative? Everyone doesn’t have to be tax, borrow, spend socialists.

    1. The muslims in the PPC are very welcome and warn against the Muslim Botherhood; hence they are not welcome in the MB dominated authorized parties.

  17. Someone should start a class action lawsuit on behalf of voters in the last federal election to force the CPC to remove the word “conservative” from its name.

  18. L – The C.C.P. formerly known as the C.P.C. have just repudiated the Canadian Charter of
    Rights and Freedoms. The regulations that Pastor James Coates is charges with violate the Charter Right
    of Freedom of Worship. The onus in on the federal and provincial governments to
    demonstrably justify such a violation, which they cannot do in free and open debate.

    The medical science does not support the lockdowns, which is why the only way they’ve
    gotten away with them is the suppression of free speech(scientific method), in collusion
    with the MSM and the moral/political collapse of every mainstream political party in both
    Parliament and the provinces.

    The Cult. Marxists in the West, are waging an information war, in collusion with billionaire
    oligarchs and zombie mobs in the MSM and social media.

    Bereft of elected political leaders, the onus is on a self-governing people to rise to the
    occasion, choose leaders worthy of the name, and rescue the free and democratic
    society from the maws of tyranny. It’s the oldest struggle in history between good and evil.
    The premise of self-government is the sacredness of the individual, born free with the
    capacity for both good and evil, who chooses to take on the moral and political
    responsibility of self-government of themselves and their body politic.

    “We stand on guard for thee. The true north strong and free…” is an oath of allegiance.
    Pastor Martin Neimoller’s famous dictum about not standing up for the Jews, then the
    next group and the next group, until there was no one left to stand up for him.
    Well, that’s the story of every tyrannical take over. This time the totalitarians have chosen
    to start with the Christians. The hypocrites claim moral high ground but wallow lower
    than a snakes belly in a wheel rut.

    1. The first criterion of true political leadership is moral courage.

    2. No institution has any more integrity that that of the individuals, who make it up.

    The C.P.C. just rearranged it’s initials to C.C.P. to align with the C.C.P. in which country ?

  19. EVERYONE – send an e- mail to O’Fool and ask WTF are you doing?
    Tell him he has lost your vote and membership in the so called Conservative Party.
    Get Sloan in as leader. Nobody knows Lewis – however good she may be. We all remember Kim Campbell – that “female” PM for a nano second, as far as I am concerned – there hasnt been one female leader worth her weight in salt since Maggie Thatcher, Golda Meier!
    PS: i am female so have the ” right” to “diss” other females,

    1. Get Sloane elected as PM and install Lewis as Justice Minister she definitely has the Qualifications.

      1. It is Sloan no Sloane, but yes, this would be very desirable, unfortunately it is equally infeasible.

        1. Dream on; the CPC won’t win. And if it did, we wouldn’t notice any difference except a more hostile CBC. But who watches/listen to that ?

          1. Are you comprehension impaired? Who is dreaming what? Does the word “infeasible” have too many syllables? Maybe you should try sounding it out?

  20. O’Toole can’t even grow a decent head of hair. How the hell is he going to steal any votes from the Libs? If he’s going to pander to lefties he better start by getting a wig.

  21. “Coulda had Max” – is this a try at proving Westerners are stupider than other Canadians? Max is the biggest failure in Canadian political history.

    But maybe O’Toole is trying to beat him.

    O’Toole should be stripped of HIS CPC membership.

    1. Max should have gritted his teeth and stayed in the Conservative Party. He’d probably be its leader by now. Instead of blowing his cool and running off. A very dumb move. Now he’s just a fringe element.

      1. He couldn’t; he was ejected, just like O’Foole is doing. The inner leadership of the CPC seems to have a death wish, where they only want power A LA Liberals. All those pesky people wanting to do something just get in the way.

    2. “Max is the biggest failure in Canadian political history.”

      Exactly. Bingo. 100% correct. He would be leading CPC after Scheer got the boot, instead he handed the party to Oh’Stool and helped Potato stay in power. Lost his own seat in the process and did not even got a reacharound for his service.

      1. oozing colon, when yer too STUPID to see Max was pushed out of the party, because bible thumpers were up set with his past choice of female company………………

        1. Ugh ok go invite Kevin, UnMe and Angel/ray/Achmed for a circle jerk. Who knows if, you’re lucky maybe you can turn it into a clusterfuck?

    1. When you eventually maybe get to it. So far you’re not getting to it and Baked Potato is dumping buss loads of new voters on your doorstep so when the referendum happens you will loose.

  22. I thought O’Foole would be OK, not all that great but OK as Conservative leader.

    But it turns out his political instincts are all wrong – he’s apparently been listening to mainstream media commentators who, after every Conservative loss, pontificate that the way for Conservatives to succeed in politics is to be Liberals.

    He’s handing another majority to the Spawn.

  23. Ofool is a simpering liberal, he hasn’t got the guts to call out the liberals and he cowers before the media. Voting for him is akin to voting for the NDP. He should be condemning the covet detention centers, not a peep. He should welcome people with differing views but he’s to busy hiding under his desk. Frankly I can’t stomach the New Liberal Conservative Party, it smells like the NDP but dresses like a cheap liberal.

  24. Just to give you an idea of how stupid the CPC is:
    1) There was a virtual town hall scheduled today and the email said 4pm EST (this is an event for a riding in Victoria), upon sign up the time changed to 1 PM EST but they corrected it days later in a second email
    2) The zoom link to the town hall didn’t work so I dialed in.
    3) It’s literally O’Toole talking about nothing and how “we need a plan”. Yeah no shit sherlock what is it?

    This party is DEAD. I’d say we’ll lose 20 seats minimum.

  25. After seeing election malarkey in the Dem primaries and presidential votes, I’m 100% convinced Max beat Scheer in the leadership vote. That’s why they destroyed the vote records immediately.

    Why would Max, or any other conservative, stay with the CPC? I left them and am very encouraged by the Maverick platform.

  26. Even Red Tories must be perplexed by this CBC pre-emption. One of the things about the PPC is the lack of party discipline; we are all allowed our opinions. There will be more free votes in parliament with a PPC government.

    Come on and support Max and us. (BTW I am not running)

  27. Marc in Calgary……if we Albertans are waiting for Carpetbagger Kenney to talk about/have a referendum on separation…….we will all die first. He is a Federalist and all the bovine excrement ” big” talk he did campaigning blew away once he got in as Premier.
    YUGE disappointment. I will vote for a Goat before I will vote for him.

    Where is he on the cancellation of Keystone?? Crickets!

    1. Without disagreeing with anything you’ve said (or Colonialista above) … I know it’s a dream, but I’m not seeing anything in the current CPC that would appeal to me, either for vote, or for monetary support, or to “retweet their stuff” or “like” one of their Failbook posts.

      I either accept the CPC is right, or advocate for leaving. The PPC isn’t going to win an election, the Liberals probs will, and hopefully the NDP/Greens pull just enough votes to ensure the Liberals don’t win a majority. Though it may be difficult to tell what difference it would all make…

      The CPC haven’t phoned me in awhile, I can only guess that things are alright in the monetary dept.
      I’d voted for PPC last time round, and can’t see that changing this time around. The PPC votes tallied in any riding in Canada didn’t meet the margin of victory for any other party. They simply didn’t do anything but register as a protest vote, and we have no idea if the PPC will pull enough votes the next time ’round that the CPC lose any specific riding.

      I have no interest in “reaching across the aisle” to the CPC on this issue, nor on yesterday’s news of O’Toole hiring from Huawei’s pool of managerial excellence.
      The mainstream conservatives in Canada would sell their soul for a majority, and they are still far from a majority with not much soul left to sell.

  28. I asked him (by DM) twice on a Zoom call to my local EDA why the Huawei hire and as you’d expect, the moderator (Tako Van Popta) chose not to pose the question to Old Tool. When asked why Sloan was tossed, he muttered some guff about “not being a team player”. Hmm, now why does that sound familiar? Oh right – same thing as the (Now-) Invisible Jodi Wilson! The sad thing is, he’s still a vast improvement over The Ponce, DogMeat Sings, May (Drive a Hot Rod) or the Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkey-in-Chief.

  29. The Cons better have a coup against O;Stool and fast ( Patrick Brown him ) or they are headed for Kim Campbell numbers.
    O’ Stool is not alone in these suicidal decisions so whoever is controlling O’ Stool has to go as well.
    The LIberal/CCP douchebags that control the Con Party are handing a majority to the Globalist authoritarians just like they’ve done for the past 3 elections… why ?
    O’ Stool has been inserted to protect Juthtin the Turdhole and assure a majority for the CCP/Liberal Party.

    1. Yes, definitely, Sample O’Stool needs to be Patrick Browned ASAP. If it is brown flush it down.

  30. I’d vote for the Green Party before I’d vote for Max.

    Read the following slowly, maxtards:

  31. Looks like we have the CON party rather than the Conservative Party.
    Guess public education is working.

    Oh well We have nothing in common with the eastern group anyway.
    Now the Dear Leader is deciding who can or cannot be a member of the Party..When did that start?
    Do these “special people” imagine that they can be personally responsible for what other citizens say?
    What possible rational can the leader of a political party use to decide they have the authority or necessity to revoke membership?
    Sure tells me,this idiot has zero respect for or even understanding of the rights and freedoms of freemen..
    Which we have seen with the “Vital services of Parliament” being missing in action since last March.
    When we start placing heads on spikes,be sure to reserve room for “Her Majesties Loyal Opposition” because they abandoned their oath sworn responsibilities just as fast as the Liberals.
    The fools and bandits who self selected to lead us and protect our freedoms…What freedoms might those be?
    Are there any they will defend?
