Covid Data Dump-Manitoba

Take a look and have at ‘er.

During the first wave that Manitoba didn’t really have the media class was quite nauseating with a smug sense of moral superiority that they had somehow gotten it “right”. Which was quickly replaced with the “it’s all your fault” narrative when it finally did hit.

With numbers dropping now there’s nothing of significance that can be pointed to as an explanation for it other than seasonality and that’s what happens. There’s certainly no where near the number of vaccinations taking place to make much of a dent in anything. Assuming they even help.

Meanwhile in Quebec.

65 Replies to “Covid Data Dump-Manitoba”

  1. Looks like all the Chinese flying into Vancouver weekly from China – which never stopped- took a while to get to Manitoba, as such they missed the first wave.

  2. Ah, what happened to the flu?
    Isn’t this exactly what you would see in a flu season?

    I see what your meaning too as,
    why are they falling without the massive vaccination we’re short of?

    1. What happened to the flu? In all probability, it came and went as it normally does, killing a portion of the old and compromised. I don’t have any data on Manitoba’s flu deaths this year, but if it was similar to orher jurisdictions, there are probably next to no cases because covid stats stole all the deaths to shore up that hype machine.

      Someone should go to jail.

      1. How many flu tests were performed? I’d say close to zero. Anyone with flu symptoms would be sent to a covid test site.

      2. There are no flu deaths this year, they are all “Covid deaths”. You see, the measures we have taken against Covid, which haven’t preventeed a single case it appears, has been incredibly effective against all other (yes 20% of ‘flu cases are due to Corona viruses, of which there are many) viruses.

        And if you believe that, you are a sucker, or work for the CBC or the government.

        No one has tested the PCR test. The Ontario Health Institute produced a report 6 months ago or more pointing out that at a cut-off of 35, 50% of “cases” are false positives. Given that, and conditions in testing labs, and financial insentives, maybe we have overestimated a little.

        How precise is the PCR test, does it test for a particular RNA strand which is exclusive to “covid-19”? I susp[ect we haven’t tested enough to determine that. I suspect RNA strands, and that’s what PCR tests test for, not the virus, are widespread in the environment. If they can test for them in waste and sewage, then that must be the case.

  3. hmmmm…learned something today. Rankings of Provinces by health…10 being the least healthy to 1 being the healthiest, Manitoba comes in at 8.
    And Saskatchewan has the highest suicide rate in the country???? – What in the Hell is up with that???

    1. “What in the Hell is up with that???”

      They’re in Saskatchewan. What else is there to do?

      1. Saskatchewanians don’t sit at their computers and spread lies about good people. They play outdoors. They hold real jobs that produce real stuff for other people. They don’t expect the government to feed them. Sitting in pretentious coffee shops, posing as intelligent, sophisticated people, is not a thing here. Saskatchewanians are a lot like the rednecks of Texas that took their monster trucks and motorboats into hurricane-Harvey-flooded neighborhoods in Houston, Texas in 2017, rescuing those poor, helpless intelligent, sophisticated city people from their flooded homes. You know, those same “educated” people that normally hold those same rednecks in such contempt. Saskatchewanians also know that without fossil fuels we’re all in trouble, something that “educated” Ontarians and Quebecers are about to discover the hard way when Line 5 is shut down by Michigan.

        1. Oh you do understand that the sudden fuel starvation of an economic engine.
          This is specifically marked to Trudeau from President Trump.
          Brings revenge to a whole different level of satisfaction.

        2. ” They play outdoors. They hold real jobs that produce real stuff for other people.”

          That’s nothing special. Lots of people the world over do that.

          “They don’t expect the government to feed them. ”

          They expect government to do everything else though. Those people and their crown corps.

          “You know, those same “educated” people that normally hold those same rednecks in such contempt.”

          You sure do love your tribal grievance mongering. At the end of the day, there is no good place to live in Saskatchewan or anywhere in the prairies not named ‘Calgary’. Calgary is so awesome it takes Alberta as a whole and puts it above the rest of Canada.

          1. Calgary is so awesome it takes Alberta as a whole and puts it above the rest of Canada.

            So, you think you’re NenXi now? Napoleon Bonaparte too good for you?

          2. Everything you say is quite Shakespearean: “a tale told by an idiot, full of sound of fury, signifying nothing.”

  4. the area under the curve is the same , has to be . like bread yeast , the virus needs to have a host , the host doesnt change , you can punch it down but in rises up again till the sugar is gone .

    1. Exactly! Which is precisely why Non-Pharmaceutical Interventions are USELESS for the general population. They should be used ONLY in hospitals and in care facilities for the elderly. By imposing this insanity on the general population, all you’re doing is MAYBE postponing the inevitable. Also you are actually putting the “at-risk” members of your population at higher risk by stretching out the time window during which they are vulnerable to infection.

      1. There is a LOT of evidence that what you say is totally CORRECT. My view has been that it is totally foolish to think you can stop a virus (kind of like thinking you can affect the climate by reducing human CO2) — complete nonsense. Sadly, the media and politicians seem not to have researched the issue very carefully. NO correlation between lockdowns and Covid deaths, and masks are sinister and do nothing to prevent the spread. (I have been revisiting Judy Mikovitz’s book on the futility (and harm) of masks, and it is very convincing and well documented. Nothing but mass hysteria explains this. I think the availability of social media hastens the hysteria.

  5. Manitoba population 1,379,263
    Total cases (1 year). 32,421 (2% pop)
    Current active cases. 1,185 (0.09% pop)
    Deaths attributed to. 908 (3% ttl cases)

    The numbers are not so scary now. Yes it sucks to be a statistic. But these numbers are way too low to imprison the population.

    1. To extrapolate a little further:

      % covid deaths with regard to total population: 0.065% Not even a statistical anomaly.
      Manitoba sees 11K+ deaths on average in a year.

      Manitobans are perfectly ok with the draconian bs the government has implemented. To quote Marilyn Manson in B4C – Fear sells…

  6. Actually the vaccines very much do help. That is the only compelling explanation for the drop in deaths and cases observed in Israel and America being much greater than in the EU, which failed miserably in its vaccine acquisition drive.

    1. A virus wave lasts about 5 weeks — up, peak, and down. Why is that not a compelling reason for the drop in cases in Israel? They had a big wave just a few weeks before the vaccine. The vaccine roll-out coincides nicely with the natural drop.

        1. Different locations are not identical in terms of the virus path up and down. So you cannot directly compare the progress of a virus in different areas. You can see this variation in the states — all of which have a different trajectory, but typically, a virus lasts five weeks — and then peters out.

          1. This is seen across all locations: more vaccines, less virus. There is only one compelling explanation.

            “typically, a virus lasts five weeks — and then peters out.”

            Where are you getting this crap from? That is not how viruses work.

          2. I got the “crap” about the 5 weeks from a respected virologist. You might try paying attention to the real scientists also.

  7. By looking at the graph you would almost think woohoofloo is seasonal? How unusual is that. Controlling the transmission of flu is hard.

    1. whoohoo, indeed. You have hit the jack pot. The pattern seems to be that Covid is a seasonal virus — not unlike the flu. Now, if we could just get rid of the hysteria.

  8. Israel is downright depressing. The vaccines don’t work and this will never end. Welcome to hell.

    1. That is completely. The vaccines do work and Israel is seeing massive benefits from its vaccine drive. The vaccines also appear to be protective against the new variants.

          1. I agree with Osumashi. Snopes is not a reliable source. One of those “fact checkers” gets a lot of money from Gates.

          2. “ You are deliberately misinforming yourself. Stop. You don’t have what it takes to properly conduct your own research.”

            Outsourcing your sense-making to snopes isn’t research.

          3. Give your head a shake.

            If xim/xer/xit did that, xim/xer/xit’s brain, such as it is, might fall out. Mind you, that might be an improvement…..

          1. Xim/xer/xit talks to xim/xer/xit in the mirror in order to finally converse with an admirer and someone of like mind.

        1. Wrong question, Dustoff. A better one would be “How can you not see how many times you have been proven wrong? How can you be this incapable of learning?”

  9. Where did UnMe surface from? Under his rock while he suffered effects from taking his 2-vaccine shots?

  10. Cases are not infections, they are positive results from a PCR test that is highly unreliable when a cycling threshold of greater than 30 is used. Manitoba uses a threshold of 40 which produces upwards of 90% false positives.
    According the the Manitoba government Covid dashboard there are currently 54 active hospitalizations and 8 active ICU patients. Not a pandemic by any measure or stretch of the imagination. Now they are pushing the new scary word, “variants”, which for the past 50+ years has always been referred to as annual new influenza strains.
    A messenger RNA, gene altering jab for a virus with a 99.94% recovery rate (MB stats). No thanks, Bill Gates. No thanks, Klaus Schwab. No thanks Tam.

    1. Kary Mullis (inventor of PCR) would have been very outspoken about its misuse for diagnostic purposes. Didn’t he die, just in time to suit the globalist Covid narrative? Very suspicious.

      1. Mullis was an HIV-AIDS denier. He’s a godsend for inventing PCR, wrong about its application, a douche at everything else.

        1. Your use of the word “denier” to discredit Mullis is a stretch. What he had problems with was the connection between HIV and AIDs. He writes about it in his book. He was absolutely correct. He also explains in a video the inappropriateness of PCR for diagnostics. Again, his case is convincing. If I were you, I would not try to discredit Mullis whose brilliance was head and shoulders above most scientists.

    2. “Manitoba uses a threshold of 40 which produces upwards of 90% false positives.”

      No it doesn’t. No, the vaccine does not alter your DNA. STFU you don’t know anything.

  11. So much Blarney Science. How about this “number of cases” versus “number of tests” or “number of cases actually ill”.

    And Unme, just bugger off.

  12. A nursing home in St Boniface had a recent COVID outbreak a month after everyone was vaccinated. Most of the residents did not die. Only two old ladies who were already very fragile at 95 died. We are told the low death rates are because the vaccine worked so well.
    Amazing how when fragile old 95 year olds get COVID and die after the vaccine it’s no big deal. But when fragile old 95 year olds die of COVID, well then the world comes to end and we must all mourn their early demise.
    Oh the same day there was an article about how much our ability to treat people has improved and how over use of ventilators before we knew better was probably the major cause of death. Now we treat with steroid and supplemental oxygen.
    There are days I have to wonder if I have lost my mind or are government officials the crazy ones?
