8 Replies to “Oddments For The Weekend”

    1. Welp, I’m guessing a big, fat ‘donation’ just landed in the CPC box from the CCP coffers. So, it’s only a matter of time before the name changes to Canadian Conservative Party, so that the party abbreviations are no longer confusing. O’Foole is just another useless idiot.

        1. My mistake.

          Though that doesn’t quite match up with the ‘mother party’

  1. Theresa Tam’s record

    “On 7 January 2020, when it appeared that there was a health crisis emerging in Wuhan, Tam advised Canadians: “There has been no evidence to date that this illness, whatever it’s caused by, is spread easily from person to person; no health care workers caring for the patients have become ill; a positive sign.”

    At the end of January 2020, Tam said “no reason to be overly concerned” about COVID-19. On 23 January, Tam was a member of the WHO committee that broadcast that it was too early to declare a public health emergency of international concern. On 26 January, Tam stated “There is no clear evidence that this virus is spread easily from person to person. The risk to Canadians remains low.” On January 27, Canada confirmed its first case. On 29 January, she told Canadians that “It’s going to be rare, but we are expecting cases.”

    In February, cases in Canada grew from 4 to 20. During this time, Tam authorized the release of Canadians who had been quarantined for 14 days after their repatriation from Wuhan and several cruise ships.

    March saw an explosion of cases in Korea, Europe, and then the US and Canada. The WHO declared COVID-19 to be a global pandemic. On 23 March 2020, Tam began appearing in public service announcements urging for personal hygiene and social distancing, and against unnecessary travel. These announcements have continued to be aired throughout 2020.

    On 6 April, Tam changed her recommendation to “wearing a non-medical mask, even if you have no symptoms, is an additional measure that you can take to protect others around you in situations where physical distancing is difficult to maintain” because of new data about pre-symptomatic and asymptomatic transmission. Tam had previously recommended against wearing masks because “it can sometimes make it worse if the person puts their finger in their eye or touches their face under their mask”, and that it can give a false sense of security.

    On 23 April, Tam was appointed by Justin Trudeau to a new advisory body, the COVID-19 Immunity Task Force, whose mandate he declared to be the coordination of serological surveys across the country.

    On 20 May, Tam strengthened her earlier mask recommendation stating “where COVID-19 activity is occurring, use of non-medical masks or face coverings is recommended as an added layer of protection when physical distancing is difficult to maintain”.

    Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theresa_Tam


    Sounds like trusting science also involves “gut feelings”, “judgement calls” and compliancy to the rat eating #ChiComs.

  2. “Superman Criticized As Unrealistic For Portraying A Journalist As Heroic”

    “People have also criticized how Superman flies around listening with his super-hearing — not to find people criticizing journalism so he can dox them as one would expect, but instead to find people in trouble and save them. “Truth. Justice. The American way. That’s against everything journalism stands for,” said writer Debbie Ventura. “The character is pure libel or slander — I forget which.””

