35 Replies to “Treasure The Triumphant Dragon”

  1. I envisioned perhaps a coin with a pioneer breaking sod as our grandparents did.These folks were beyond tough and the hardest workers anyone will ever know.But a oriental dragon ranks right up there.

  2. The obverse features “an effigy” of the Queen.
    So, the dragon overcomes the symbolic head of our former state.
    How quaint.
    Canadian Mint is Asshoe.

    1. So like the scandal of the original loonie coins. The Queen’s face, with a bear behind.

  3. Good Timing. Just the other day Glorious Leader announced that March 11 will be the official day of national observance commemorating the 22000 lives lost to the Chinese Wooflu.

  4. Whatever happened to “optics”? As in, “The optics aren’t favourable of releasing a coin right at this time that celebrates a culture/state that’s aggressively screwing us over.”

    1. Simple, the coin isn’t intended for us. It’s intended for CBCTVGlobalCity news watchers, who think China is our best friends in the whole world. Not like that evil place to the south of us that committed the heinous crime of electing Orange Man Bad (twice, arguably).

  5. I thought this must be a joke so I looked it up. It’s not a joke, but it turns out the Canadian mint has been turning out dragon coins for years, at least since 2000. And it turns out the Canadian mint is not held in high regard as far as churning out tons of “rare” commemorative coins that sell at some multiple of their intrinsic value. I believe this coin contains .04 ounces of gold (about $75 worth of gold if I’m doing the math correctly) and I saw it being offered at $250, which is hardly an investment-grade coin.

    1. It’s investment-grade for the Canadian Mint if they can sell them for that price to enough collectors.*

      * suckers.


  6. 1/20 of an oz for $288!!!!!!???? AHAHAHAAHAHAAH Knock yourself out and buy it. Maybe we can make some money off the Chinois after all.
    The spot is $2160CAD and purchase through the big five banks for $2335 CAD. Therefore $288 x 20 = $5760/oz CAD. Maybe the extra will help [ay down the debt. I understand that debts take care of themselves saying now.

    1. No. Not at all. This coin is testimony to just how many wealthy Chinese have settled in Canada. The consumer target for this coin isn’t your average native Albertan (neither First or Second Nations) … no, it is the new “Third Nations” of Chinese overlords.

  7. I wonder how/if our lives will be different when our Chinese overlords take over from our quebec overlords?

    1. Greatly improved. The Chinese aren’t perfect but don’t suffer from some of our worst political pathologies. Diversity is strength.

        1. Let’s recap. White supremacy is … baaaaaad mmmmKay? Chinese supremacy is … ain’t diversity great

      1. Diversity is where cultures and societies go to die.

        If you’re simply trolling, you’re a jerk. If you are serious, then you’re beyond parody.


    2. I don’t know. How much are you looking forward to killing someone in a fight over corn kernels you found in a pig turd? Hunting and eating snakes and rats? Deciding which of your daughters to sell into prostitution to cover what you’re short on the year’s rent?

      I’ll say this much. You won’t hear much more said again about climate change or diversity. You’ll be too hungry to care either way.

  8. 8888 coins? Seems pretty suspicious to me. I thought “88” was neonazi code for “Heil Hitler”, because h is the eighth letter of the alphabet. Is this a secret message to other true believers – Heil Hitler not once, but twice? Is the Royal Canadian Mint secretly a nest of neonazis? Seems a lot more obvious than hidden racism in the dark annals of Dr. Seuss.
    Time to cancel the Mint?

  9. Canadian gold reserves: 0
    Chinese gold reserves: 1948.31 tonnes.

    Little wonder Canada appears ‘for sale’.
