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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
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….and those pesky Polar Bears just won’t go and die off either…
But there is light at the end of the Wuhan Flu tunnel – I fully expect we will see A MAJOR reduction in the overall number of Leftist Climatards over the coming cpl of years as they fully partake in the GATES global Injectable Euthanasia Initiative.
I miss Shell Beach. Can someone give me directions?
No one else gets the reference to ‘Dark City’.
I had no similarly appropriate Matrix reference ready to hand.
I don’t know who said it but it’s true – When the Obamas, Suzukis and the Gores of the world sell their ocean view estates for a buck I’ll start taking them more seriously.
And speaking of tired, worn out, grey haired communists still peddling bullshit …caught Suzuki the other day pissing and moaning about “obscenely wealthy people”. He owns five homes but yeah, I guess it’s other wealthy people that has his panties in a twist.
The Cult of Calamitous Climate has an unbeatable record,a true accomplishment.
100% wrong.
That takes real skill and determination.
Doomsday just never seems to come,yet are they relieved?
Hell no,they insist on doubling down,projecting ever danker doom upon us,unless we stop our blasphemy,the burning of fossil fuels and hydrocarbons..
Now that they are actively causing us real damage,can we return the favour?
Funny how they keep flipping the narrative and now the cold polar vortex is global warming.
The politicians and experts now push natural weather events as carbon based events.
Gee, I wonder where these people get their money from in producing these biased documentary?
Of course this is all backed by bankers and who make the money.
Politicians for decades now have been stating year after year who the rich are and yet never adjusting this narrative.
A politician and experts are NEVER wrong no matter the evidence to the contrary.
Sadly … there will be no more lovemaking under the boardwalk …
OTOH … there will be no more sandy-ginas (friction is not conducive to lovemaking). Karen’s are the most likely to have sandy-ginas. And now … Gavin Newsom will no longer need to deploy military beach patrols enforcing the “no sunbathing” edicts from his Governor’s mansion.
In view of all these dire predictions, I am glad I am old but I am sad for my children and grand children. I realize that most here don’t take climate change seriously, but mark my words, within 10 years, even the knuckleheads will see the light, I will be able to tell you bunch(of knuckleheads) “I told you so”. And yeah, yeah, Al Gore and others were predicting dire things 20 years ago or so but it is coming, just behind schedule a bit.
Well, I’m a Geologist with twenty reasons on why your beach might be disappearing and Globble Warmenting ™, isn’t one of them. Smoke that with yer seaweed and call me in the morning.
Get yourself a copy of Dynamic Earth sometime and do some reading. Has pictures, too. “….our planet is continually changing…”, just not on your timeline.
Funny thing that,”Predictions”,every time these Chicken Littles are asked “Why were you wrong”,those predictions become projections..From Garbage In Gospel Out.
For it must be right,it says so,right here in this computer model output.
By the by,how is the Second Coming ,coming along?
Given the “skill” shown by the doomsday modellers,there is a better chance of seeing Jesus before man made catastrophic global warming,caused by increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide,now called “Climate Change” due to that failure…to warm as predicted/projected..
Many of us are also sad for your children and grandchildren because idiots like you shouldn’t procreate.
The sandwich-board routine with “The End is Nigh!” grows timesome. Climate has always changed. Climate will always change.
That’s why both AB and BC engineering societies have “and respond to climate change” listed as some of our future responsibility. Not “prevent runaway global warming” or “prevent the megalomanical Bond-villain from causing an ice age with high-altitude soot” or “re-open the isthmus of Panama using nuclear cast-blasting for the equatorial current that could once again warm the globe out of this hellish ice-scape” of any other anthrocentric causation BS theories. We re-act, because we’re not important enough at the planetary level to make a material difference.
As an example of this, I was walking on-site with a new Mines Inspector over a decade ago. I mentioned that we were considering re-opening an area for open pit mining that had been closed for 30 years and that we would have to design to the new rules now (the old spoil slopes were grandfathered in). I asked how long the rock spoils (which could toe out into a completed pit that was now a lake) would need to be stable. I was told “forever.” I said I was looking for the rainfall / snowmelt / freeboard needed on the lake. I was again told “forever.” I noted that the ice from the present melting even had been gone from this part of the Rockies for approximately 20,000 years, (helpfully pointing out the eroded ridgeline over 1 km above us that the glaciers had smoothed) and asked if the spoils would need to be able to withstand the next glaciation event that was likely to start within the next 1000 years because, arguably, it would be caused by precipitation events. A moment of silence. “A one-in-one-hundred event for all three should be lots.”
C Miner,I pick #3.
Bomb Panama until North America is a tropical paradise once again..
Such a small price to pay,for so much gain.
See we would no longer have to travel to sunny beaches,they would come to us.
And the best part?
We can insist we are just “Restoring historical climate”.
You must be pushing this on the NB school system.
California proposes curriculum with chanting name of Aztec god who accepts human sacrifice
Cutting the hearts out of members from conquered tribes was how the Aztec controlled climate change.
Climate change has been going on since the Earth was formed. Exploiting it for gain of power and wealth has been going on since gullible people, like yourself, appeared on the planet.
Up where Old Fella writes from in New Brunswick, it’s Micmac, Not sure if open heart surgery was practiced with that bunch. Smoking some Spruce Bud might be, though.
Betcha he smokes it.
“The only thing that helps me pass the time away
Is knowing I’ll be back at Echo Beach someday”
Martha & the Muffins crushed by the news
Global warming alert! Massive historic snow storm has hit the western United States.
It would have been “much worse” if not for their costly and ineffective measures. That’s what scientists tell us.
So Mann up. They may be charlatans, but they’re our charlatans.
Florida was supposed to be a happy hunting ground for Wall Street bloodsuckers, the only ones who were allowed to tell Albany where to shove their income tax.
Not for middle-class New Yorkers refusing to live any longer in a Third World hellhole and cough up half their meager incomes in taxes to do it. Incomes they had actually earned.
Insurers are now using climate change “science” as an excuse to refuse to insure beachfront property, making sure that only the very wealthy able to pay for property with suitcases stuffed with $100 bills will be able to finance a beachfront home.
They don’t want their old pal Barry to sell his palace for a buck. They want the children of ex-New Yorkers to sell the summer home their fathers worked their whole lives for to sell for a buck.
Because it’s morally wrong to allow debt-slaves to enjoy an inheritance.
Insurers were denying storm insurance to ocean-front homes in Florida until government stepped in an told them they had to insure. So there’s a lot more (and more expensive) beach-front homes now. Thanks big government!
Insurers love underwriting and charging premiums for non-existent risks, especially the shady we don’t pay claims crowd.
“You can forgive people for being wrong…or even being stupid. But hypocrisy is very hard to forgive.”
Mike Rowe.
Doomers gotta doom…
I’d be worried myself if I hadn’t already died from net neutrality.
Or was it the pipeline that got me?
I forget.
It’s not being doomed…
It being prepared for real life and not trying to generate a fake one with terrible technology.
Ask Texas how that went.
The State will be having plumbing problems for a decade.
There is a fuel crisis coming to Ontario and the politicians should be prepared as a date for the shut off is coming and will happen due to poor maintenance by the company.
That “date” is tomorrow, 15 March. Mann, how time flies! I’ll get up early and pop some corn.
Time to check for all that reduction of CO2 from the reduced human output this past year. After all we are being told over and over that our civilization is the direct cause of the yearly increase. What the science. i.e., monthly measurements, show – still increasing :
February 2021: 416.75 ppm
February 2020: 414.34 ppm
Lots of cover for the lack of decrease on other link:
After all, “settled science” (oxymoron alert) can’t be wrong. They may want to look at their one of their basic premises; “…In the oceans an equilibrium develops in which as much CO2 leaves the oceans as enters it. …”.
“It doesn’t matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn’t matter how smart you are. If it doesn’t agree with experiment, it’s wrong” – Richard Feynman
“In the oceans an equilibrium develops in which as much CO2 leaves the oceans as enters it. …”. If and only if the air temperature when it re-surfaces after 800 or so years in the abyssal is the same as the air temperature at which it was originally dissolved. Based on how you’ve written this I know the following is not news to you but it may help some of the lurkers understand a little better.
When water is submerged in cooler temperatures and re-emerges in warmer temperatures then excess CO2 is released from the water. That’s why increased CO2 levels in deep ice cores lag temperature increases by about 800 years. That’s right, temperatures increase, then CO levels increase afterwards.
Generally, CO2 levels are at their highest when the cooling sets in again (e.g. the promised “runaway greenhouse gas reaction” that we’re warned will kill us all cannot be found in the geologic records).
I did take note of some new to me theory referenced in that second link I gave, i.e, the relative amount of atmospheric 14C. My quick and short search for information gives me a glimpse of a complex area. I had noted that the link above didn’t do much to present data but was more of a “trust us” statement. This next link would be better suited for someone with the background to fully understand it but tells me that the relative amount of 14C has a changing implication over time.
from the summary:
… The different paths described by the SSP‐based scenarios show that there is a wide range of possible changes to 14C and 13C of CO2 in the future. Researchers should be aware of the possible changes and their effect on the continued utility of 14C and 13C measurements of CO2 for scientific applications across various fields…
Cry me a river. During the Jurassic and Cretaceous Ages, CO2 ranged from 1400-1700 ppm. Big plants, big critters, even in Arctic latitudes – no ice. Nobody screamed and kvetched about “too much CO2”. Pina Colades on the Inland Sea.
I am so tired of all the global warming bull. There are somewhere around five hundred volcanoes on this planet. Any given day there is more crap spewing out of them than what we humans produce. A carbon tax is just a creative way to tax, us citizens to give politicians more money to waste. I would suggest a tongue in cheek idea to pour gazillion tons of concrete into all the planets volcanoes to cease their crap spewing, but our idiot politicians might take such a suggestion seriously. Alternatives could be to either tax the volcanoes, or throwing sacrificial politicians into them to appease the volcano gods!
The latter seems like an excellent plan, as it would solve both problems together.
Appease the volcano gods, and getting rid of useless politicians.
The scientists say volcanoes and other types of crust leakage only account for 0.5% of bad gasses.
I’m not saying its correct, just saying that’s the figure I’ve seen of late.
Getting rid of useless politicians would only leave .5%.
I’m not saying I’m right, just saying its the amount I’ve seen of late.
There are untold, “unregistered” thousands of active volcanoes under those sparkly, sunny blue seas. Puking all manner of “plushun” into the waters. CO2 generators, among other nasty things. Think of the CO2 tax revenue wasted.