Chaos in Miami

MSM says there’s a covid problem but that’s a lie.

Combine cuts in policing because of the “racist” narrative with spring break shenanigan’s and for some reason the woke social workers can’t keep the peace. One Cop says it’s the worst he’s seen in 30 years.

Follow the twitter thread down for more videos and details.

46 Replies to “Chaos in Miami”

  1. If you think this is …..(at a loss for words here), just wait until the Reparation Bill is passed. That is when the fun will really start.

    1. Reparation bill should be about ghetoers repairing the damage they have done. Of course they do not have the skills to do so.

    2. Tell Tyrone to get in line behind Israel’s Jews, still owed 500 billion US dollars for Jewish property stolen or destroyed during the war by the same white people Tyrone helps thrust into office every two years.

      What is Tyrone owed? A free neuter/spay and a one-way ticket to Liberia in steerage.

  2. Terrible. Just terrible. Poor guy only had 2% power left on his phone after filming that.

    1. Not my people.

      And I see this happening routinely at MacDonalds … because some clerk delivered a soggy fish sandwich … too … slowly

    1. These creatures need to do some evolving if they want to coexist in the human race.
      It’s always the a same thugs. And we are supposed bow to them and kneel and agree that only Black Lives Matter?

      1. And now we are supposed to simply ignore their crimes … because … black folk commit the vast majority of these crimes. And that’s … “racist”. And blacks cause the vast majority of disruptions in the classroom. So rather than CHANGE their behavior toward something more civilized … the VICTIMS are being blamed. Yes … it is white folk and their white folk laws that are to blame. So in the name of *gag* … “equity” … all black crimes are being ignored or excused.

        Just wait till we all start living in single family homes with 12ft concrete walls surrounding them … like in Afghanistan … or any other lawless third world hell hole.

  3. “Twerking” is a hideous, grotesque display that leaves me cold.

    You know…lately we’ve been hearing stories about disaffected Blacks moving to Africa. Ghana is a popular choice.
    This should be encouraged.

  4. And some fifteen to twenty years ago, in a furball like this, an entity know as UnMe was accidently conceived.

  5. Those spring breakers need to be aware of the dangers of getting too much sun, they look like they’re overly tanned already.

  6. Just another “Chimp-out” at the restaurant. Run low on fried chicken after the barbershop closes and pay the price.

    1. I dunno, it looked like some colorful folks being “colorful”. It certainly wasn’t Monday Night Football. Street Rules Football, probably. Up here we get some folks “black hooded up” rampaging down Yonge Street in Tory Town, for entertainment.

    2. Oh… hang on a sec while I close my eyes and take a big hit off my bong so as to suspend the pattern recognizing brain functions. Wouldn’t want my lying eyes to trick me into being rrrrrrraaaaacisssst.

  7. Duh-me. You have never seen a real racist. Stand the fuck by. The longer this shit is condoned and explained away, the greater the size of the backlash. It doesn’t take much of a racist to get tired of lawlessness. I spent my $1400 on hammers and nails. If you know what I mean and I think you do.

    1. ” You have never seen a real racist.”

      I’ve seen former President Trump albeit not in person.

  8. They’ve been cooped up too long. And didn’t see one good punch – just a bunch of arm slapping. Let them go at it and get it out of their systems.

    1. YES, it’s racist. All day and all night long, the TV/smartphone/computer tells me so.

    1. Bingo, exactly. And the ghetto culture is the biggest failure among the failed cultures. Born from the false narrative of victimhood combined the mainstream multiculturalist rejection of civilization.

  9. Maybe the authorities and business owners should be armed with SALT loaded shells and shotguns, a couple of blasts with these would subdue them pretty quickly. Then herd them off to jail and release them ONLY to their parents.

  10. Government’s children.

    Free clothes, school’s feed them, each is worth a little more in the cheque from government.

    “Liberals” have well and truly destroyed black people in America.

    Liberal Republicans, but especially liberal Democrats are to blame.
