29 Replies to ““In a perfect world, the bottom 1% of artists would get 1% of activity””

    1. I think it shows the widening gulf in the Democrat party between their true blue moderate liberals and raging radical Marxists.
      Joe Biden is giving the house, game and party away to the latter and that sort of thing gets noticed, even by “liberals.”

    2. No he doesn’t. He will never forgive them for their phony, out of context, outrage after his 9/11 remarks. He really was cancelled decades before cancel culture become a thing. I don’t blame him for holding a grudge.

  1. The saying that goes…”even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once in a while”…seems to describe Maher more and more lately. If he keeps on going down this path, I might learn to tolerate his annoyingly-smug delivery and actually watch one of his shows.

    1. He knows that mainstream media is dead man walking as very few people are returning and everyone is tech savvy.
      Just look at all the mainstream media supported shows tank as the media can’t hold people’s attention any more.
      Even when they lock everyone down.

    2. Maher is a total creep … a sicko … who unenthusiastically blows with the cultural and political wind. To borrow his (writers) line … He’s “managed to turn an unenthusiastic blow job (a LOT of blow jobs) into an empire”.

  2. Like watching Dr. Frankenstein complaining about the monster he helped create….

    I hate being young enough to still have a good memory and old enough to remember what jerks said and did 20-30 years ago. Politically Incorrect gave so many people their 15 minutes of fame for being outrageous on Maher’s show. I would even argue that getting rich and famous for being funny is the antithesis of a meritocracy, if Bill Maher had the good luck of being funny.

    1. Well said. Thanks to social media, people don’t need Maher for their 15 minutes.

  3. This cat’s all right. We should go easy on him because he’s the rarest type of person these days – a clear-sighted liberal and an ally in the fight against tyranny.

        1. The truck I inherited from my father came with a SiriusXM receiver. The only channel he listened to was Willy’s Roadhouse, which was country and western. Unfortunately, most of it was as bland and cloying as that selection.

          When I finally took possession of the truck, I switched over to Symphony Hall.

          I prefer the old traditional C & W, namely stuff from the era of Hank Williams. Mind you, I also like listening to singers like Emmylou Harris.

  4. It’s a good thing the Maher has a late night show cause he’d never make a living on the comedy circuit. Somewhat similar to a national politician that couldn’t make it as a teacher. Bring to mind that old adage “Those that can, do, those that can’t do, teach and if you can’t teach get a career as a politician or a newscaster.”

  5. The moment when Bill Maher realizes that this particular leftist dogma might effect his bottom line as well.

  6. If he completes a 12 step libtardism rehab program, maybe then I will grudgingly give him a bit of respect. Until then, he can FO. An ahole who occasionally says something that isn’t an outright lie, or isn’t a gratuitous insult, is still an ahole.

  7. In a perfect world, the 1% would only get 1% of the money, profit and land.

  8. Would love for the Wokerazzi to start a football league based on equality.
    Include slow, fat, uncoordinated people, because those who can run, catch, block, pass, etc. are obviously so Privileged.
    And don’t forget the Olympics, where a disproportionate number of black males line up for the 100 meter dash final.
    We need to see more Asians, Muslims, Whites, and Natives in there!
    There needs to be 4 spots reserved for Asians, 2 for whites, 2 for Muslims, and then you can include 2 blacks.
    But they had better be Tranny!
    Actually, I don’t mind these recent rants of Bill’s. If it gets some LIV’s starting to question the constant Narratives they are fed, it is a good thing.
    When arguing/discussing with a leftie, I want them to stop name calling every time they hear something they don’t like, and simply address the issue on the table. I think we need to do the same with the issues BM is presenting here. Do you agree or disagree with what he has said? I am not asking for an endorsement of anything else he has said, or an evaluation of him as a person…what about this particular argument he is making?
    That is what I ask from a leftie, and that is what I am willing to extend to a leftie.

    1. “That is what I ask from a leftie, and that is what I am willing to extend to a leftie.”
      Because that worked so well in 1918 Russia, 1930s Germany, and Mao’s China, and more recently Venezuela.

  9. So Bill Maher, what happens when your audience and fans figure out who you’re poking fun at.
    Those half-hearted laughs could easily turn into boos.
