35 Replies to “Return on “Investment””

  1. Weakest date on SDA in history bland , irrelevant and uninteresting content.

    Need Kate back now…

    1. If you don’t think it’s relevant that a group of privileged millionaires can pay 40k per year for ten years and then receive 400,000,000 in taxpayer dollars (presumably to purchase real estate) then I’m not sure what else you would consider information worthy for Canadians.

    2. Kate’s great, but she’s got a longer bench these days and that’s great for everyone. Too bad about you.

    3. This seems a perfect opportunity to thank Kate, Robert, Francisco and the rest of the SDA team for their dedication in maintaining an interesting and informative blog that is always current to our times.

    4. That’s a really shitty thing to say Brian Lemon.
      I, wholeheartedly, disagree.
      Echoing christopher swift and Canadian Observer I thank Robert and Francisco.
      I value their contribution, and applaud their efforts.

  2. The WE snots and the Dummkopfs are simply another tax that we pay.

  3. Corruption remains supreme and no one does it better than the Liberals/Democrats. I never heard of this “charity” until the contract for almost a billion dollars was touted by Trudope.

  4. Once O’toole is dispatched to the dustbin of history along with his pathetic platform – and perhaps the CPC- whatever rises from the ashes should make their number 1 priority auditing every single dollar spent by the Libs, who got it, and where it ended up.

    1. Ward, You’re gonna need to link a few dozen computers to do some planetary level quantum math to figure all that out, and you’ll probably miss a few billion as well.
      The irony these days is that the sock monkey and his inner circle hardly even try to hide it anymore. Along with the LIV’s (Low Info Voters) just shrugging and continuing to vote for them. It’s almost as if they want try to bend further, and spread their cheeks even more. The Canadian electorate seem to enjoy being shafted. That, or they are just too stupid to realize it.

  5. In who’s world are expenses $5,000 per day? I guess we’re not talking Super 8 Motel. On our family vacations we could pretty much sleep, eat, and put gas in the car for not much more than $100 per day. I think we stayed in every Super 8 West of South Dakota and north of San Francisco. In a few trips we saw a shitload of America.

  6. Sophie only got 1500 bucks? While Justin gives his mommy a boatload of cash?

    I wonder what caused their split… blood, water, thicker…

  7. Norm Macdonald – “By God this Justin kid he must be brilliant because his father was Pierre Elliot Trudeau!!! But then I forgot…he’s got a mother.”

  8. I have been repeatedly assured that had Andy Scheer won the election that he would have done the exact same thing./
    Take a bow, Bernier voters.

    1. Bernier voters had nothing to do with it, you imbecile. TurD’Oh would have first crack at forming government if Scheep only had a minority, rather than a majority.

      You the asscolon are kanada ‘s never Trumpers types, nothing more, nothing less

      1. “Bernier voters had nothing to do with it”~NME666

        Yes, you did. Assbag. The CPC had the plurality of votes in a system where seat count is key to victory.
        Bernier voters like you cost the CPC just enough battleground seats to put the LPC over the top.

      2. ” TurD’Oh would have first crack at forming government if Scheep only had a minority”~NME666

        Liar. Stephen Harper’s first government in 2006, taking over from Paul Martin’s Liberal government, was a minority government.
        I could cite numerous historic examples of new ‘other party’ minority government’s winning and ruling in place of the incumbent party.

  9. If this was truly a “Charity” the Trudeau’s should have attended for free, not for Fee!

    With all the Ethics Commission violations, regardless of the actual antitrust and government bribery CRIMES committed, it really indicates we are looking at the tip of the iceberg for this Liberal Crime Syndicate.

    1. Which still means they are untouchable to still break any laws they choose.
      While still making laws that are enforcement on us for fines or jail.
      Still no police investigation…
      By not having police investigations make them just as guilty to our politicians crimes.

  10. Imagine Bob catching that football, and beating turd-ho 1.0?
    Come back Bobby Stanfield.

  11. $209,000 for 42 events works out to just less than $5,000 in expenses per event. That must have been one hell of a flight, hotel and meals for that amount or were the events held in Hawaii?

    BTW – other attendees like Theo Fleury and Jully Black were told WE charity did not pay expenses. Black asked for $100 to cover costs and was told – sorry, we don’t pay. In retrospect, she didn’t ask enough perhaps.

    1. Cyc, it’s really simple, Fleury and Black don’t have deep pockets like the Trudeau crime family does. The fact that Sophie supposedly only got $1500 seems a little strange…
      hmmm. Also, one of the toxic twins took pains to emphasize that, that amount was paid before Socks became PM. I wonder why? I would bet there are deeper things going on there, that we still don’t, and shall never probably know! As for Mom, I understand why she got a bunch more money, as she could no longer maintain her former lifestyle she had with a mattress strapped to her back, and so needed some other way of providing income.

    1. He sat there, beside the two WE-brothers, looking bored. I wonder what he charges per hour doing that?

  12. Thank you for featuring one of my pet peeves … use of the word “investment” by our tax and spend government bureaucrats and politicians. No … wasting taxpayer funds on grotesquely inefficient government programs is NOT an “investment” in anything. The word you were searching for is WASTE. As in a poor investment.

  13. You know Pollievre has hit the TARGET dead center, when the Liberal Bots and hacks relentlessly attack him personally on Twitland, with no defense offered of the WE corruption machine.

    Are his kids young? If so, it makes sense why he didn’t run for leadership this time, partly to also see OFool OFail with his Libservative accented policies.

    1. Exactly, as he does nail it well, which is why he was demoted … way too competent for O’toole and a threat, as he has definitely earned the spotlight, not O’foole. Poilievre could see going into the last leadership convention that no one was going to win this round against Mr. magic socks PM, as Ontario is not woke enough to “vote the bums out”, not just yet. They will have to be flamed with many more scandals.

      Our new Canadians in cities do not even get it yet, as many of them do not read anything that we read (they read stuff in their native language media), so many are politically clueless. Add to them to the brainwashed children of boomers, including mine, who think CO2 is a pollutant and carbon taxes might work to fix it!

      Living in Vancouver, I am a rare species: a well-spoken native of Canada for 6-7 generations, educated ftmp in Alberta, which used to have great schools.

      Pierre’s time will come, hopefully. By then, as an mid-aged man with experience and kids in schools, he will most likely have a good vision for Canada, with which real conservatives can agree and, which will include a lot more fiscal prudence. 2022 leadership race and 2025/6 election. Meanwhile, we have O’toole, whom I did not vote for. I wish him great luck in keeping the liberals to another minority. That is what we need for now.

  14. The liberal party ( in Canada) and the Democrat party ( in the USA )
    are criminal organizations.

    Their two main activities are,

    -1- Swindling, scamming and laundering money ( think ;Adscam…SC Lavalin…WE “charity”…) to make themselves rich and to be able to bribe the people in item -2-

    -2- Bribing people/ hiring, promoting them ( from journalists to police chiefs to judges and all kinds of usefull people in between and of course, family and friends etc etc ) so that those people can use their power, their voice, their influence to demonize other parties, and can help keep the liberals ( or democrats ) in power.

    this is as obvious as the fact the Italian Mafia is not a charity group or the fact that the Taliban is not a women’s right organization.

    And since the media is part of that criminal organization, and is thus the proverbial fox sent to count the chicken, the masses are never told the truth and they keep voting liberal or democrat.

    so obvious, it is sad.

  15. Bravo Pierre!

    Now, how about your thoughts on the megabillions pissed away on meeting the Paris Climate Accord targets – which you and your Party endorse – and the thousands of small businesses which have closed forever because of the Covid regulations which you obviously support.

  16. The original announced value of the program was $912M not $500M or $400M. This was not a charity, this was an attempt to divert tax money into private pockets. I want every cent of this attempted embezzlement charged to the scammers.
    And yes ‘Investment ‘ tasks me also. As if I would want a PM who majored in finger painting to do my investing.
