37 Replies to “It’s a Feature not a Bug”

  1. How many people will the state kill before anyone does anything, I wonder.

    1. Let’s see. “How many people will the state kill before anyone does anything, …”. As many as everyone lets them. Bet you suicides are even higher than the overdose tally. Then again, overdose is one of the popular suicide options … .

      1. So, what do you suggest we do, go all Louis Riel on the government(s)? They have a well trained army of 48,000 RCMP occupation troops, we have a few hundred (at most) who are sufficiently pissed off we MIGHT take up arms. But that would mean the loss of everything we own, from our homes to our RRSP’s,savings,stocks, bonds, etc. How many “rebels” will give up that plus serve a long term in prison when the rebellion fails?

        If you believe you can achieve separation via the current system you are naive to the point of being delusional. We are still allowed to bitch on the internet,until Bill C-10 becomes law, then we can all be armchair revolutionaries and dare to criticize the government of the day until they crack down on us and do all of the above.

        1. “But that would mean the loss of everything we own, from our homes to our RRSP’s,savings,stocks, bonds, etc. How many “rebels” will give up that plus serve a long term in prison when the rebellion fails?”

          Hate to break it to you, but all that stuff is already gone. You are just in denial about it. We can choose to live in denial, or accept reality. The only possible way that things can improve, long term, is getting out. Yes, there will be pain. There will be pain and hard work to get out; that pain and suffering does not even rate on the same scale as the pain and suffering for staying (i.e. doing nothing).

        2. There are less than 19,000 RCMP troops nation wide. Half of them are women. It wouldn’t take much to send them packing.

          1. *
            “It wouldn’t take much to send them packing.”

            as gabriel wortman found out in nova scotia recently.


  2. so it went from 7 to 12…

    so for the health authorities in Brandon, I wonder if they’d be able to answer some simple questions:
    1) is the drug using population increasing or decreasing in Brandon?
    2) are you enabling the addicts or providing them with services in an attempt to get them clean?
    3) are those that want to get clean given the help that they need?

    I’m not sure that you’d get an answer from them.

    1. If they ever gave an answer, I wouldn’t believe it unless that answer is “Er, … we don’t really know, we’ll have to have more funding to study the problem.” With more “funding,” they could come up with an answer that meant they need more funding to do something, and whatever that something was wouldn’t work.

  3. Maybe deaths are up, but addictions are probably really up…meaning more wards of the state lining up at the safe injection site, lining up at the food bank, but collecting their UBI for more drugs and video games.

    1. *
      “more wards of the state lining up at the safe injection site”

      put a trudope “i can’t believe it’s not heroin” clinic on every
      corner… or implement home delivery like government
      supplied weed.

      if it only saves one life.


  4. The numbers indicate Chinese fentanyl is pouring in to the US from Mexico, inevitably massive amounts will come to Canada, so it is going to get a lot worse.

    1. Or better. The kind of people who die of fentanyl overdoses tend to be more part of the problem than otherwise.

  5. It’s the West’s penance for the 1837 Opium Wars. China never forgets its humiliations.

  6. I care very little about this line of argument vis-a-vis Covid lockdowns.

    “If I can’t eat inside at Boston Pizza then I may as well kill myself with heroin!”

    It’s always looked weak to me as an anti-lockdown example. It’s unconvincing to people thinking we’re facing a plague too.

  7. I don’t understand why the vaccine clinics are not run 24/7? If they run out of vaccine there is only one place to put that blame. What will the media say then? Having millions of vaccines in order do not help the present situation, push push push.

  8. Widespread psychological depression as a result of the lockdowns is manifesting itself in a rise in overdoses. Most people don’t react to the lockdown by ODing, of course, but being physically separated from your parents and children is very difficult for many people to deal with. Add to this the constant paranoia that your neighbors might see you hosting an “underground” gathering and rat you out and you have to wonder if this is just the beginning of a much bigger wave of all sorts of self-destructive behaviour.

  9. Culling the herd is never pleasant. Even less so when it’s voluntary.

    1. *
      “Culling the herd is never pleasant.”

      fortunately, for you… this herd thins itself.


  10. Why does everyone call these jabs, these inoculations a “vaccine”…??

    From what I’ve read and always understood: Get “Vaccinated”..?? you then become immune No.?? (or at least, for a set period of time). So what am I missing here.? Seems to me this crud is only a treatment, an experimental, non biological one at that which imparts ZERO immunity..? ……..It appears that it also makes one even more susceptible to this Virus & could possibly impart blood clots along with a number of other lovely Severe Adverse Reactions.

    What was that latest VAERS fatality #..? 3650 fatalities.? And hasn’t that number been touted as representing only 1-2% of actual events..??

    NOT a “Vaccine” in any way shape or form. (IMO)
    Think I’ll pass…

      1. Dr GEERT VANDEN BOSSHE on Darkhorse – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNyAovuUxro&t=5269s

        Pr Sucharit Bhakdi – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pyPjAfNNA-U

        Learn something. These are not vaccines, they do not prevent disease, apparently, maybe, hmmmm, they “lessen” the symptoms, as per Pfizer and Moderna statements, by the way.

        Yes, it is gene therapy experimentation on a massive scale

        Even dear, sweet, nice St Bonnie said these do not prevent disease they lessen the symptoms. No one in the media questioned here, they are infatuated/bought and paid for

      2. Jeff the numbers come from VAERS, the CDC reporting in America. Now pay attention, as this one comes from EURO DATA, over 7,766 people have died from the “VACCINES” IN EUROPE AS OF APRIL 17TH AND THAT SPORT IS NOT CRAP, THAT IS DEAD PEOPLE WHO TRUSTED THE SYSTEM.

    1. Agreed, steakman. There’s a new addition to the definition of vaccine, from Merriam-Webster on-line:
      “a preparation of genetic material (such as a strand of synthesized messenger RNA) that is used by the cells of the body to produce an antigenic substance (such as a fragment of virus spike protein).” This isn’t in my 2006 hard-copy of the dictionary.

      It’s called a “new vaccine approach in humans,” as seen on a video for an HIV vaccine at the LIVESCIENCE link on the Location, Location, Location thread.

  11. Re ODs. I wonder how much it has to do with the extra money junkies have been getting?

  12. I’ve been watching the court case here in MB -churches against the gov. Yesterday Brent Roussin thought that those ODs could be high because of the actual pandemic. (as in not just from lockdowns)

  13. In BC, the meme is “more dangerous/tainted drugs on the street than previously!”

    The latest media sob story, is a 12 year old that OD’d, oh sorry, got that wrong, “Killed by tainted fentanyl”. Gotta avoid the taint of any responsibility for one’s behaviour.

    Sure, it’s a tragedy that a dumb 12 year old died, but playing with drugs tends to have morbid outcomes. Where was mom? Oh yeah, not her fault either. Typically, they are playing the “I’m a victim” game, which is always the way now out here, for each kid/teen/young adult that dies from their drugging, while Mommy cries and rants for the cameras.

    Too bad they can’t find a mirror.

    So, where is this going? FREE and CLEAN government supplied heroin, cocaine, meth, and other wunnerful opiates, on a widespread basis, coming our way, before we know it. Drugging out the population even further, to “save lives!” What could possibly go wrong?

    Out here, the OD deaths in BC have doubled COVID deaths……….still, I have little sympathy for any of the ODs, it’s self-inflicted stupidity, and an expected outcome.

    Welcome to Brave New World

  14. I went through the down town of my small city today and the sidewalks are covered in crack heads sleeping and pushing their worldly belongings around in stolen grocery carts. It’s the worst I have ever seen it.

      1. Have you been to Victoria? Open season for the drugged out zombies thanks to the far left progressia run by the resident lgtbtqabcd mayor and council.

        Downtown is a wasteland from Quadra to Princess, Cook to Government. Pathetic.

        1. *
          “Open season for the drugged out zombies”

          maybe if the cops & emts weren’t reviving
          the same zombies on a daily basis, the
          problem would just burn itself out.

          supplying medical personnel, fresh drug
          paraphernalia and dedicated shooting
          galleries seems a little counter-intuitive
          as well… if you want to stomp out abuse
          along with the attendant criminality.


  15. Reading the obits – from here and there, lot more young people, especially men – passing away ‘suddenly’ and ‘unexpectedly’ while the young woman’s obits tend to be more open and blaming lack of mental health services for their od deaths.

    Still sad, some are impossible to help but I bet the majority if given a second chance would be decent people.
    Don’t forget many doctors over prescribe pain medications causing big time addiction issues for many who’ve never even done street drugs in their lives – but wind up addicted to pills.
    Homicides and domestic violence is up as that likely matches the increase in alcohol sales. My friend has a home down the street from the liquor store – it gets so busy they are parked in front her her house as the parking lot is full.
    Weed is not so addicting – booze is.

    1. I guess that’s why so many smokers use chronic from the moment they wake up until they fall back into bed, right? Because of its lack of addictive properties.

      You know what’s really sad? Self- justification in so-called adults. But that’s all part of the joy of addiction. Another funny thing: I’ve noticed that the same people who find it tragic when junkies die like flies also think the world is grossly overpopulated. Same with capital punishment.

      Yep, funny. Like the suicide of a civilization is funny.

  16. Hopelessness kills.
    Young Men are particularly at risk in this Woke Environment.
    However I maintain that death is natures cure for stupidity.
    For life is a sexually transmitted terminal disease.
    Consequence of taking yourself and your life too seriously,is a miserably unhappy existence.
    Naturally the hypocrisy of our hordes of helpers,is what is really at play here,”one Covid death is one too many”..Deaths by reaction to the Government Goo,failure to obtain cancelled medical treatment,bankruptcy,death of all your hopes and dreams,suicide,over dose…no big deal.

  17. Remember, this is all happening IN SPITE of the ubiquitous naloxone kits that pharmacies, fire and police depts hand out for free whenever and wherever possible, the rampant PSA’s about the dangers of hard drugs, and the widespread knowledge about the presence of fentanyl and its derivatives in the bulk of same. Overdose deaths even still are at an all-time high.
