Multi-generational unemployment for $200, Alex…

Not to be outdone by Sleepy Joe’s faltering stimulus programs south of the border, Shiny Pony and his provincial counterparts demonstrated last month that they can destroy jobs at a blistering clip too.

Ontario, grappling with a vicious resurgence of COVID-19, lost 153,000 jobs while British Columbia, under its “circuit breaker” restrictions, saw a decline 43,000.

Pandemic restrictions that tend to limit high-contact services meant retail, food services, information, culture and recreation sectors were hit the hardest, losing a combined 169,000 jobs in April.

28 Replies to “Multi-generational unemployment for $200, Alex…”

  1. People keep voting for a procession of people, who have all claimed that “I am going to solve problem X”. Yet problem X has persisted since your great grandparents time. The problem is not the politicians people are voting for; the problem is the people who keep casting the same votes.

  2. Yet despite a collapsing economy a mate of mine was looking at a house for a million dollars, but couldn’t buy it because it went for a million over asking price.

    1. I don’t get where this supposed “vicious resurgence” of the virus is coming from? Is it real — are people dying right and left? (And not being offered the treatments that work? Or is Ontario still using faulty, high -cycle covid tests?

  3. A Trudeau destroying jobs….. a family tradition…..

    1. What about when young master Hadrian enters politics 25 yrs from now. Will he get a Trudeau pass too?

          1. I’m thinking the same but there are only a few states where we can go. Everyone else is in the same boat so housing prices are through the roof.

  4. Take away a person’s livelihood and you take away their dignity and sense of self worth.
    This is what they want.
    With the possible exception of Poilievre name one of the 120 Conservative MPs currently sitting in Ottawa who has been vocal against these idiotic restrictions and liberty stomping measures imposed on us by Trudeau and his Provincial counterparts? Where the hell is our Ron DeSantis and Governor Abbot???

    Rempel’s hackneyed “Canadians need to see a way out” doesn’t count.

    1. It is not the “Great Rest”; it is the “Great Othering”. The maskless, the anti-vaxxers, the smokers, the speechers, the Super Straights, …, we are all being lumped into the non-human (or less than human) category. We are being othered on a global scale. FYI, it is okay to gas that group; “they are just like rats”. It is okay to get rid of that thing; “it is just tissue, my body my choice”. It is OK to seat those people who refused to be vaccinated in a different area, … .

    2. Indeed, Rempel is nothing but another urban Libservative poseur, she’s just a little better than the others in her posturing.
      If ever in power, she would more resemble Red Rachel than Thatcher.

      On the topic, the left gives token lip service to caring for the working class. The only unions they care for are Unifor (media) and the government unions at all levels. Their new core are the environuts, students, academics, drug addicts and welfare class. Anyone not in those classes and still votes left, is brainwashed by their bleeding heart

      1. Who isn’t on the left? Bernier, with zero seats and no chance, doesn’t count.

      2. Indeed, Rempel is nothing but another urban Libservative poseur, she’s just a little better than the others in her posturing.

        She was fire and brimstone at first and then she got married. To borrow a line from Anna Russell’s humourous interpretation of Der Ring des Nibelungen, love has certainly taken the ginger out of her.

    3. Politics is inherently leftist in nature, as politics is universally about growing and increasing power and influence.
      Conservatives favour small, limited government and personal responsibility, which is itself antithetical to politics.
      What politician will ever want to reduce his power or influence, or not be seen as some sort necessary “good guy” in the lives of the people he rules over?
      Yet you look for a political solution to the problem, when the problem is the very nature of politics itself.
      A political solution won’t work here and is unreachable as the system itself is geared against it ever succeeding.
      What needs to happen, is the wheel itself needs to be broken.

    4. Well I have seen several incidences on you tube where Michael Barret has went one on one with the spawn and quite effectively too.

  5. As Ezra mentioned yesterday, the “lockdown class” doesn’t see the pain that the restrictions are creating.

    To support a local restaurant, we sat on an outside patio in Kelowna last night. It was painful to watch the proprietor running around with blankets attempting to warm his customers and keep his business open.

    His tribulations are nothing to the “quarantini” class.

    1. “Quarantini” class: my new favourite expression. Describes my family to a “T.” Thank you.

    2. But, one day, the “quarantini” class (I would like to use that, by the way) will experience the pinch. It will happen sooner than they think. We are living off of borrowed money, anyway. The Chinese certainly won’t have any use for these white liberals.

    3. Yet B.C. voters gave Horgan a majority. Dix and “Dr” Bonny should be in shackles.

      1. That’s because the choice was LIBERAL Liberals, the Horde, plus Greentards for comic relief. True conservatives had no one to vote for, other than indies.

        Gone are the days of the old Social Credit, the Bennett party, that were more or less conservatives. The Zalm was more a true Liberal, yet had enough business background to be fiscally responsible, despite Mel Couvelier’s taxation policies. But his ethics were wanting. That was the end.

        There is a token Conservative party in BC, but it’s based in the Peace Country (no offence). If it wants to make true inroads, it needs to be appealing in Wangcouver with a bigger presence, and a big personality to lead it.

        Don’t suggest Diane Watts for one minute. TOO Liberal.

  6. Thankfully … axe-throwing is a “naturally” socially-distanced business … eh?

    When your home arrest, err lockdown is lifted … go out for some safe, sane, axe throwing!

  7. The Liberals don’t care about deficits, let’s face it, Groper has lied from Day One, not a surprise to anyone here.
    Unemployment? No problem, Two grand a month in FREE MUNNY, to do whatever, who needs a job, vote for me too!

    We are in a total Nannystate and it’s only going to get worse

  8. Health bureaucrats are protecting universally dysfunctional health care system. Why anyone is surprised? Political system is also coming the end of shelf-life, so unable to react with taking even minimal amount of risk. It has to be this way for new arrangements to be born.

  9. If everything was opened up and we looked after the sick all would go back to normal until the problems that vaccines are going to create start kicking in. Real tough times ahead.

    1. Agreed vowg, I envision a very dark time ahead, perhaps decades. This will not end well, if….it ever ends!

  10. Sounds like a permutation of Dad’s three generation rule. “Three generations off the land and common sense vanishes” There are versions about family enterprises, large companies and probably every other human endeavor.
