48 Replies to “The Not So Great White North”

  1. L – A former Saskatoon Police officer, who took his children to the recent children’s day in the park, explains why his loyalty oath, to uphold the Constitutional Rights and Freedom in service of the citizens, led him to resign.

    I expect Ezra Levant and others will want to interview him to see how many of the police, ordered to go after the good people, feel about those orders.


    1. Larry, Thank you for the posting. I had already sent an email to the “expert” quoted in the CBC story, but I had not seen any other information about the ex-officer, including the video that was mentioned in the CBC story but not given a link. I spent months searching for and finally finding/buying a “Canadian” thin blue line face diaper (which I wear where required while shopping). I hope it was not a mistaken effort given the current actions of the police administration.

  2. An interesting discussion. Would be helpful if more Canadians were able to see this.

    Before this sort of thing is blocked by the newly emboldened CRTC / #Libranos

    1. Sorry to say … but it is patently obvious that the VAST MAJORITY of Canadians absolutely LOVE your PM, LOVE their Chinese overlords, and LOVE the lockdowns and the masks, and the 2m social distancing. The VAST MAJORITY of Canadians … kinda like the VAST MAJORITY of Californians who share that view.

      1. I wish I could argue that point Kenji…but you are spot on.
        and I will say that there are 10 times more KARENS than KEVINS….

        There is nothing to love in this country any more….nothing but scenery I’ll likely not be allowed to travel to such as to enjoy.

      2. To emphasize your point Kenji, I offer up a statement from Canada’s most beloved contrarian, Don Cherry, late of Hockey Night in Canada: “I preferred the time in Canada when the Prime Minister and the Village Idiot were two different people.” Apparently there are too few left in this train-wreck of a country who agree.

      3. No,kenji it is NOT true that the vast majority of Canadians love Trudeau. The 30% who vote Liberal permanently DO love him, the rest of us range from tolerance to outright hatred of the guy.

        Right now Trudeau has a 40% approval rating, which is hardly a vast majority. Canada IS a country in which a majority of citizens do consider themselves progressive, about 70% prog to 30% conservative. Outsiders might get the impression Trudeau is nationally adored but that is far from the truth.

        The problem is most of the Liberal supporters are in the professional classes and government employees who are doing quite well under this Liberal government as they have under all Liberal governments, so to defeat the Liberals,the Opposition must come up with an exceptional candidate to beat the grade “F” actor we have in the role of PM now. (Conservatives love to call Liberal supporters “morons” while not understanding the venue the politicians are playing in. All the Liberals I know are well educated successful people from all the professions and many very successful business people, call ’em whatever you like, but morons they are NOT.)

        The CPC has failed miserably to convince voters they are a better choice,and keep electing staid accountant types to lead instead of the flashy celebrity they need. Politics is showbiz by another name and the CPC just doesn’t get it. The perfect conservative candidate was Ronald Reagan, wealthy,famous, handsome,charming and able to snap a witty reply to every query by an enemy reporter, unlike the Mr.Dull types we have elected.

        Conservatives still believe fiscal responsibility is the most important item on the political agenda,which is like preaching chastity in a whorehouse. The CPC has to dazzle the voters with a star, then look after the economic health of the country after they win, but they insist on beating the same drum year after year and no one pays much attention to them, except their 22% faithful CPC followers. Now try and win an election with those numbers.
        And,I have never met a dope smoking hippie type who supports the Liberals,as too many Conservatives like to claim, those types support the Greens or NDP and some even the Communist party, NOT the Liberals.

        Trudeau’s corruption,scandals,and failure on the vaccines should be sufficient to kick his ass come election time,and if the CPC had the right candidate they could do so. Unfortunately they do not so the best O’Toole can hope for is a reduced Liberal minority with the Dippers and Bloc again holding the balance in the House.

        The humble opinion of an observer since the days of Lester Bowles.

        1. I live in the lower 48; I was watching Hockey Night in Canada last night as they were discussing the Covid 19 (or Covid 9, as Dementia Joe, aka Justin Trudeau in 30 years would say). They were talking about the testing and vaccination regimens that were being required to let the playoffs go forth- it was like watching an episode of the Twilight Zone. Do people like Ron McLean really believe this is the black death, or that were in the midst of another crisis after a year of “two weeks to flatten the curve”?

          Something in the water up there? I live in MA, so I shouldn’t talk- our own Gov Charlie BakerBaconParker could go toe to toe with any Canadian premier, even PM Zoolander himself (again, as citizen of the Bidenreich I guess I have no right to throw stones; glass houses and all)

          Or has Brewmeister Smith finally succeeded in his plan to drug all the beer? Where are Bob and Doug McKenzie when you really need them?

        2. I believe most Canadians LOVE their PM … the way Californians LOVE Gavin Newsom. They don’t especially admire the man … but they ADORE his progressive (hard leftist) policies. Newsom’s ultra luxury dining and drinking doesn’t set well with his hardcore leftist supporters … but they excuse it all because he enacts policies they could only DREAM of.

  3. This was a good discussion about what’s going on regarding Canada’s COVID insanity. Alarm bells went off for me when Ezra pointed out that P.M. J.T. is already working on plans for COVID response into 2024.

    Twenty-twenty-four? Oh no! Get outta here Mister Dictator. Enough already!

      1. Well the “vaccine” trials are in effect until 2023. Plenty of time to study the test subjects.

        1. Be a member of the “Control Group” and stay healthier. Covid, the virus promoted by hive minds for hive minded.

          1. Has anyone seen info on the number of doctors and nurses in Canada who are not getting the jabs? My guess is the numbers are high. Several weeks ago Doug Ford seemed to put it at 40% in Ontario!

      2. Because … by 2024 … your nation will be completely … RESET. It will be all over by then.

    1. That is when there is another US election. Every four years there needs to be a pandemic.

  4. Thought experiment: How would Stephen Harper have handled the WuFlu and how would the Canadian media losers have reacted if he was still PM?
    ‘Soldiers in the streets’, etc?

    Start asking liberals why they voted for an idiot like Trudeau to handle the pandemic instead of voting for Harper.

    Does any thinking person believe that the media would have so gleefully supported the lockdowns?

    1. ” … Start asking liberals why they voted for an idiot like Trudeau … ”

      It came down to simple (and I mean simple) imagery: he had nicer hair than Duffy.

  5. Until everyone in Canada gets the cr@p out of their eyes and understands that a complete refusal to comply is necessary, we, you, everyone, will remain in this police state until someone finally snaps and there is unstoppable violence. People who think this cannot happen are not paying attention.

    1. I tend to agree VOWG. Freedom is not FREE an old cliche I know. But You Have To Fight For It. People have to go after them, by them I mean the greasy politicians, like Kenney, like Trudeau, like O’Stoole.
      You do this by mass civil disobedience. A test of this is coming with the Whistle Stop Cafe in Alberta.
      People need to understand, that all these politicians need thrown out of office, at the Municipal Level, The Provincial Level and the Federal Level.
      Canada does not work. The Old British Westminster System does not work.
      Canada needs to be broken up. Our Governments are the New Terrorists far worse than the War on Terror.

      1. We The People … in America and Canada … have never had to FIGHT for our Freedom (not since 1776). Our Freedoms have been accepted and embraced by nearly every single citizen for 250 years. All our Fights for Freedom were in foreign lands, helping foreigners fight for their Freedom.

        Then …

        We decided to import a vast number of those foreigners into our nations. People who don’t understand Freedom and Liberty. People who don’t like the idea of being a rugged individualist. People who look to mommy State to provide their every need. Is that “xenophobic”? Is the TRUTH xenophobic? Or is it simply Fact.

        So now … we are being forced, for the first time in 250 years, to fight for Freedom and Liberty in our own countries.

          1. Fair enough … a rather *ahem* …esoteric list. Please read the results of virtually ALL of these small, local, skirmishes … “Ended by police. More blacks rounded up and killed, perpetrators arrested, stopped by the ‘threat’ of police/military … etc”

            But the last entry (which requires a 5x longer explanation than the American Revolution or Civil War … puts the entire list in doubt. “Storming of The Capital”? Seriously? As-IF! As IF this was some sort of premeditated, planned, activity. The author of this list is showing her EXTREME bias. What a JOKE.

        1. Canucks who fought invading American forces during the War of 1812 might disagree…

      2. Watcher++++

        Agreed. The cowboy that had the rodeo in Bowden – a true blue Albertan. He is fighting back – like the Mirror cafe gentleman. Hopefully there will be more to say ENOUGH!

        I plan on voting everyone out in every election coming in Alberta but will not vote for Commie Notley. She is salivating in the sidelines hoping for a comeback.

        1. Sadly, she’s going to get back in. Redmonton and Commiegary will see to that.

          Worse yet, she’ll still be my MLA until I move elsewhere, whenever that’ll be.

      3. Watcher++++

        Agreed. The cowboy that had the rodeo in Bowden – a true blue Albertan. He is fighting back – like the Mirror cafe gentleman. Hopefully there will be more to say ENOUGH!

        I plan on voting everyone out in every election coming in Alberta but will not vote for Commie Notley. She is salivating in the sidelines hoping for a comeback.

    2. VOWG

      You are 100% correct.
      Im betting that happens when food shortages arrive on our shores…

      1. steakman, Not just food shortages, but the inability to pay for food due to rampant inflation. The new buzz word of “transitory hyper inflation” may not end up being transitory. Owning nothing and (forced) to be happy, is the stated goal. Those that have paid off mortgages and or little debt, will need to sell their assets just to buy food and toilet paper. I wonder how much of it all, is a feature as opposed to being a bug. The Davos elites may be evil, but they are not stupid, and this has all been planned for very a looooooong time! Just wondering…..

  6. I have said for years that the biggest terrorist organization in Canada is the government of canada.
    The U.S. has the same problem.
    Until there is a limit on the size of government ( 5% of population ) the terrorist problem will exist.


  7. I’m with Ezra on this. Black. Last week I had interactions with 3 20 something yr olds while wearing my Charter Rights T-shirt. They have all bought in fully with the fear and restrictions. They wear masks for ‘hope’. My message offends the one who works in health care. One guy with some medical training said I can’t speak because I’m not in the medical field. Sad. And scary.

    1. So Jude, how would they respond if you asked which of them were soldiers, and then said that be their own logic they’re now never allowed to discuss freedom?

  8. I have heard a large number of people say they enjoy listening to Trudeau. They feel good after he talks, like he has been doing the best for Canada in a hard situation. I wish I was kidding, but I am not. An astonishing number of people have become so fearful and so conditioned to this, that they are happy with it. if I speak out against it some people will look left and right and make sure no one can see, and then agree.

    Artur Pawlowski has been arrested.

    1. People often smile when a five year old says something nonsensical that that 5 year old think is a keen insight. I’d like to think that our PM has more than a 5 year old’s intellect.

      Coming soon to TV? Prime Ministers say the funniest things.

  9. So true. Kenney tweeted out some years ago that he was appalled to see Chinese authorities put a human ring around a Christian church to keep out congregants.
    Fast forward a few years and what does he do? Puts a fence around a Christian Church.
    F you asshole. Try that shit with a Mosque and they’ll find your head in a mailbox.

  10. Too many people confuse indecision and tolerance for fear and surrender..
    Read Kipling.
    We semi-sane individuals are very slow to react.
    We must,by our own standards,give the institutions time to perform.Then we must mull over their failure to perform.And chose..
    We are still thinking this over.
    Meanwhile,every day,our parasitic overload demonstrates their “tolerance”,proving they are unfit to hold any kind of power.
    The chattering class can kiss my ass.
    These fools and bandits have been able to run free for far too long,so long that they believe their own bull.
    Our Politicians are all exposed.
    The Oathsworn civil “servants” all exposed.
    And our lovely state thugs,I mean police, have gone out of their way to stomp on the citizen,with great joy.

    The greatest betrayal comes from our conservatives..
    For they claim be the protectors of these rights and freedoms they are cheering the denial of.
    Fire them all is way too kind.

  11. Have ties to Vancouver Island and follow the local news. I am flabbergasted by the fear and lack of questioning the government. Don’t know if I will ever go back.
    California is nutty enough, Canada has gone over the edge.
    Stay well sane Canadians, I support you

    1. That’s because the island is majority NDPers. Government workers and retired government workers are the majority here.

      Their party holds power.

      Horgan is their God. They shall OBEY. He is wonderful, and sweet St Bonnie is sweet, and nice, so she must be honest, right?

      Oh, and credit to the news mediot propaganda industry. They’ve done a tremendous job at Fear Factor HYSTERIA, fooling the weak and stupid into being irrationally afraid of an illness with a 99.9% survival rate.

      All these NDPers credit themselves with being really smart and sciency, as left wingers always convince themselves that they are. Problem is, MATH IS HARD. That survival rate should suggest a lot more opposition, but, the media and sweet St Bonnie very carefully avoid ALL the facts, instead exclusively focussing on HORROR, FEAR AND DEATH!

  12. Ezra brings up the excellent point about the militarization of public health measures. It is a slippery slope.

    1. No Dennis, it is not a slippery slope, it WAS a slippery slope. We are just reaching the bottom of that slope now. Reaching terminal velocity, hyper-inflation blows up the whole system. Brace yerselves fer impact, SUCKAs!!

  13. I arrived in Canada on Friday May 7th at 4PM. I had a connection at 7PM but AC have changed it to Monday without even informing me and only realised this when I tried to change it.
    I hasn followed govt instructions and followed a provided link and booked a hotel for 3 days near the airport. I was surprised at the price as was 105 a night and for a suite.
    Arrived at the hotel after getting the mandatory C-19 test and was advised that I has booked a normal room and not a COVID room ( cell) . They had no COVID cells available but the cost was the same for them at all hotels and was 1200 dollars for 3 days completely non refundable. The receptionist checked with another hotel in the area and they had COVID cells available and called a cab.
    Meanwhile was thinking this is ridiculous and checked online and found a hotel for 110 a night . Cab arrived and went to this hotel and booked in a non leper for 110 per night and 3 nights.
    Received my test results at 4:30 AM by email !!! Called AC and changed flight to that afternoon , cancelled the additional 2 nights ( fully refundable ) and was ready to go.
    While waiting for an cab I met a woman outsider who was in tears as she lived near 20 miles from hotel and had followed the rules and paid the 1200 and had received her neg results at 4:30 and after spending 12 hours in the hotel none of the 1200 was refundable !!!
    I want a new country !!

  14. I arrived in Canada on Friday May 7th at 4PM. I had a connection at 7PM but AC have changed it to Monday without even informing me and only realised this when I tried to change it.
    I hasn followed govt instructions and followed a provided link and booked a hotel for 3 days near the airport. I was surprised at the price as was 105 a night and for a suite.
    Arrived at the hotel after getting the mandatory C-19 test and was advised that I had booked a normal room and not a COVID room ( cell) . They had no COVID cells available but the cost was the same at all hotels and was 1200 dollars for 3 nights completely non refundable. The receptionist checked with another hotel in the area and they had COVID cells available and called a cab.
    Meanwhile was thinking this is ridiculous and checked online and found a hotel for 110 a night . Cab arrived and went to this hotel and booked in a non leper for 110 per night and 3 nights.
    Received my test results at 4:30 AM by email !!! Called AC and changed connection flight to that afternoon , cancelled the additional 2 nights ( fully refundable ) and was ready to go.
    While waiting for a cab I met a woman outside who was in tears as she lived 20 miles from hotel and had followed the rules and paid the 1200 and had received her neg results at 4:30 so after spending 12 hours in the hotel none of the 1200 was refundable !!!
    I want a new country !!
