One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest

What was once unsayable becomes acceptable in polite circles;

A *stunning* development. The letter says COVID-19 could have leaked from a lab. To some of us that possibility has been obvious for well more than a year. What is significant about this is the masthead (Science) and author list, which includes Ralph Baric

h/t Yuri Deigin, who should receive some sort of Nobel prize for his foundational essay.

Additional commentary about the importance of this development from Weinstein and Heying (along with new information on Ivermectin efficacy).

12 Replies to “One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”

  1. It usually take “the authorities” a couple of years or more to figure out what the unwashed masses knew instinctively. Wuhan was obviously a lab escape event,and quite possibly not an accident.
    We all remember how the Doctor who initially blew the whistle accidentally contracted Covid and died from it a few weeks after he announced his knowledge to the world. Just a coincidence.

    There have been far too many coincidences in this case, no good cop would believe the official narrative,only nervous politicians and their media sycophants believe it. The epitome of “useful idiots”. China should become a pariah State, but unfortunately they own too much of the world and too many pols and UN organization for that to ever happen.
    Now the only question; which Chinese company will provide Canada with the two million surveillance cameras our government requires to keep us out of trouble?

  2. Canadian researcher/journalist Elaine Dewar has a book coming out on this. It is called On Blame, due out in August. Dewar did and excellent job of exposing the green scams in “Cloak of Green”. She also has a book revealing the sell-out of McClelland and Stewart to foreign multinationals, something not much talked about. I expect her upcoming book will be very informative.

  3. the empty hair is too beholden the the chinese to say

    and good chance it may have all started in Winnipeg

  4. No shit Sherlock, but old farts like me are still waiting to learn who in the great government of Canaduh authorized the transport of Ebola to Wuhan? The great minds in our meejah seem unperturbed how this could occur.

    At a guess I would say Turdeau in exchange for a few hair colourist sessions. Was Tam involved? Despite her obvious incapability as chief health something-or-other she is still the incumbent, she must know something really damning about the blackface groper.

  5. It is a conspiracy theory..
    Uh huh.
    So we have a designer virus,conceived in committee in the West,manufactured by incompetents in the East.
    More “outsourcing”
    Sort of explains the completely irrational behaviour of our “Public Health Officials”.
    The same persons supervising and permitting this idiotic “Gain of Function ” research,now must protect the public from their own product..
    And of course the government specs,will have envisaged a sure killer of people reaching pension age,the seriously ill and medically dependent..For our Government is bankrupt both financially and spiritually.
    So faced with the risk of exposure of their criminality,our bureaus reacted in terror.
    For they “knew” Covid 19 was a lethal new virus..Or so their own research and design told them.The modelled effects of their new wonder plague were glorious.
    Population reduction and massive savings at endangered state pension funds.
    So sayth the computer output.
    Gospel for all.

    Now as we saw,Covid was neither “novel” nor particularly lethal,it failed so miserably that New York had to shove infected people into Old Folks Homes to get the required death rate up.
    Typical Government design, The Dread Covid Pandemic was a wet squib,as far as pandemics go.
    Another example of Good Enough for Government.

    The lockdowns and imprisoning of the healthy were preordained,leaving our “helpers” looking real foolish when the mass deaths failed to occur.
    And their wilful ignorance of proven existing treatments,in favour of a “new miracle Vaccine”,the Government Goo,reveals how much trust they had in their projections of Doom..Cause Plandemic?

    And now,after a complete botchup of their “Vaccination” program they are twisting in the wind.
    Wanting to claim the seasonal drop off of flues as Vaccine success..but oopes no vaccine in arms.

    With such a background,our effete elites will drag the theatre out as long as possible,for to loose power now,is to face accountability for crimes against humanity.
    And treason against your own people.
    These creatures will cling to power by any means they can,for they are even more terrified of accounting for their madness,than they are of civil war..
    Frightened fools,cornered by their cowardice and malice..
    “We are from the government,we are here to help you”..Into chaos and slavery.

  6. The professional lying sounds the same. It’s a template, except Fauci doesn’t do it as well as Clinton. I credit Rand Paul.
    F: I did not make human infecty bat virus with that woman. Dr Shi Zhengli. There is absolutely no “gain of function” of any kind in any manner, shape or form, with Wuhan Laboratory and the US (at this particular moment).
    P: What about all those published joint collaborated or funded papers saying you did?
    F: Gain of function has nothing to do with the virus gaining the function of human infection per the published papers on how we engineered it, going back to the North Carolina experiments and 2015 banning of that type of research in the US.
    P: So you deny gain of function?
    F: It all depends on what the meaning of gain of function is.

    Furin cleavage, smurin cleavage. It’s just a coincidence that the mutation happened to jump to people and not be bat infecty in the same move.

    I’m a personal fan of the lab worker incompetence theory.

  7. Ockam’s razor advises you to seek the more economical solution: In layman’s terms, the simplest explanation is usually the best one.
    So they where dabbling with coronavirus…nuf said

  8. … and Winnipeg lab had something to do with it.
    Thinking here is that they either brought the damn thing from Wuhan without the knowledge of the so called “Liberal” government of Canada and did some gain of function to kill more people, or those that were told to go home to Wuhan tried to take over the Winnipeg lab.

    The so called “Liberal” won’t let the proletariat know what.
    The proletariat, being a polite crowd will vote for the so called “Liberal” party government of Canada in the coming election.

  9. It’s sayable now because:

    1. Trump is gone, with little sign he will be restored to power any time soon.

    2. It’s a distraction from the real truth: the release was deliberate.

    This wasn’t China’s Chernobyl. This was its Hiroshima. Maximizing body counts is not the goal of warning shots.

    But please, let’s hear more about how Zionists make their matzah with the blood of Gazan children.
