40 Replies to “Way Too Familiar”

  1. ‘We are all socially distanced here” (shows crowds obviously not distanced) What moron would believe anything else this virtue signalling, misleading commentator has to say?

    1. What kind of moron? (Un)fortunately I don’t have the bandwidth to name them all, but the world is getting dumber and dumber so there are more and more by the minute.

  2. At least they aren’t attending church.

    The Santa Claus Virus knows if you have been good or bad.

  3. So far only crickets from Doug Ford and his health maniacs so I can only assume it’s either a ringing endorsement or abject cowardice.

      1. I’m going to say “a ringing endorsement AND an abject cowardice” for 500, Alex.

  4. I’m always annoyed when people jump up and down about shit going on in other countries. Its super annoying when the vermin of the Moslem world do it.

  5. No double standards from our fearless prison guards eh?
    I guess essence of goat is a sure cure for Covid?
    Or maybe the lockdowns have nothing to do with the Wuhan Flu?

    All through this Dread Covid Theatre ,this “truth” has leapt out.

    Rules are for thee,none apply to the special WE.

    Congregations for Christians is Bad,Family gatherings Really BAD.
    Gathering to worship a dead drug dealer Double Good,Burn Loot Murder extra Good.
    And of course anything done by The Son’s of The Desert Pedophile is double plus extra good.
    This here Covid Virus is the most amazing disease ever,it knows the heart of its victims and thus our Progressive Comrades are immune?
    Or is it that each kind of pestilence promotes the other?

  6. Before long Blackface with show up costumed as Lawrence of Arabia handing out money to the Palestinians and ordering Jews to the subway or face arrest.

  7. Well, start with establishing the facts.

    “Did you support Donald Trump, and his foreign policy, or did you want him out of office?”
    “Donald Trump’s foreign policies were stopping wars.”

    After they answer the first question, you can simply inform them “elections have consequences; this is the policy that you personally supported. why are you complaining now?”.

  8. Good thing they arrested that damn preacher on the highway. I am sure the church service was much worse than this healthy protest.

  9. Foreign events are way more interesting than local ones. So many flags available on demand and not even a FIFA match.

  10. This is what Canada’s Open Border policies and multiculturalism have brought, riots, vandalism, murder and future gas chambers for the Jews.

    1. Are you really concerned though? I mean, as a group, Jewish people vote for the same people/parties that turned the MS St. Louis away, in both Canada, and the United States. They congregate in cities and other jurisdictions that keep voting for these same policies from the same political parties. Eventually, they have to learn the lessons of history, or they have to be left on their own.

      Do you really want it to be your job, to protect a group of people who refuse to protect themselves? I will take a pass. If they want to commit suicide at the ballot box, it is not my job to stop them. If they ask me, I will give my honest opinion; no need to volunteer it unsolicited.

      It is the same reason I no longer stop to help people who are stuck in the snow, that I do not personally know. Would not want to assist an NDP voter by accident.

      1. “Do you really want it to be your job, to protect a group of people who refuse to protect themselves?”

        It’s not my job, my job is to protect my family and the country that my ancestors helped found into a prosperous, free and safe society. That said those that kill the Jews who will not protect themselves within my country will grow in strength and power until they come for me – and – you.

        Seems rational to try and stop their cancerous growth, yes?

  11. “Clashes” between proPalestinian and proIsraeli protesters is liberal double speak for hate crazed Arabs attacking Jews. Funny how the Jewish elderly man attacked by a mob of at least eight and possibly more Arabs and the Jewish woman sexually assaulted by Arabs didn’t come up. Taharrush has apparently been added to our Canadian diversity.

  12. This alone is reason the State of Israel is necessary. The rights of Jews are only respected in the Gentile world when it suits the Gentile elites, who are increasingly giving up the pretense of respecting the rights of anybody.

    To put it another way: we are ruled by a French Canadian boy-lover and his Little Russian Nazi deputy, both puppets appointed by a pagan tribe who are everything the Jew-haters claim the Jews are and worse. Why would anybody expect the Tapette and Nazi Barbie to give a damn about the petty complaints of a few Jews? They don’t give a damn what anybody thinks, unless that somebody is a rich Chinaman.

    Catastrophe my grandmother. Anybody who saw the Arabs raise Cain in downtown Ottawa on “Nakba Day” would think they had finally driven the Jews into the sea. In the Christian world, the enemies of the Jews are winning. And they know it.

    When the world is ruled by men who know the Law God gave to Moses, and not only keep it but insist it be followed to the letter, then righteous men of all nations, from Jerusalem to the ends of the earth, will be able to count on peace and security, and on getting a fair hearing from their judges.

    Until then, if you’re Jewish, it is never too early to prepare to make aliyah, and tomorrow may be too late.

    1. Now I recall a certain national police organization has form,in this kind of activity.
      Something about “Burning Barns”.
      If this is the act of a crazed Karen ,it will or should remind us all how dangerous enflamed morons become.
      Fear,panic, hysteria and abject stupidity are a lethal combination.
      There was a whole bunch of women ,in our past,who got to experience the “reasoning of morons” as they became living torches..
      Some things never change.

      The Pastor speaks against State Excess.
      State response?
      Burn the Witch.

  13. We’re officially “Balkanized”. Fantastic. Let’s all give ourselves a pat on the back for 50 years of Liberal white guilt.
    And Mulroney wants a 100 million more and you just have to know it isn’t Europeans he’s talking about.
    At what point can we call Canada’s elite for what they really are?

    1. burton, calling them “Canadian” and “elite”, is an oxymoron, but I know what you mean.

  14. They are terrorists because terrorism works and terrorism works because the left responds sympathetically to the terrorists. We could end the slaughter overnight if there was a will to.

  15. Apparently muslims were rampaging in Winnipeg in support of Palestinian terrorists.

    Diversity is our strength! – Justin Trudeau

  16. Well it’s clear the pro-Palestine crowd are above the law, absolutely sickening that they are allowed to act like that in Canada? At the very least those charged with violating covid laws can point to that hateful protest and say it’s not about covid it’s about goberment approved protests?

    1. Is that you Adolph? Proving to the world you are a ignoramus and a bigot, as well as a failed comedian seems unwise to me.

  17. Lots of charges laid during the lockdown protest yesterday in diverse Toronto. Mayor John Muhammad Tory stated that no charges were laid during the muslim demonstration.

    1. Don’t mistake Tory for gravitas. He goes where the wind blows. And he thinks public opinion is what the MSM lamestrea media says it is.

  18. there is no public health emergency when social justice is needed. Get used to it

  19. You have to love the diversity that the Trudeau government has imported into Canada. How many Canadians died fighting the Nazi scourge in WWII? The Trudeau dream of an inclusive Canada is now front and centre. Notice the numbers supporting the Palestinian cause, about three or four to one against the Israeli supporters, that should give one pause to think what is on the horizon for this country. How many Canadians died in WWII, for what, to concede every value that they sacrificed themselves for to Trudeau’s post national idealism.
