Your Moral And Intellectual Co-Conspirators

What to do when all of your murderous enemies gather in one place?

Israel shared intelligence with the US showing how Hamas operated inside the same building with the Associated Press and Al-Jazeera in Gaza, officials in Jerusalem said on Sunday.

Officials in more than one government office confirmed that US President Joe Biden’s phone call to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday was, in part, about the bombing of the building, and that Israel showed Biden and American officials the intelligence behind the action.

“We showed them the smoking gun proving Hamas worked out of that building,” a source close to Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi said. “I understand they found the explanation satisfactory.”.

They’re shocked! Shocked, I tell you! What if I told you that a former @AP journalist (@MattiFriedman) had written IN 2014 that Hamas regularly operated in and around the AP office in Gaza?

26 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Co-Conspirators”

  1. The main stream media always agree with and work hand in hand with the most evil people,
    from the violent Antifa, the extortionsist and violent BLM
    or election stealing Democrats
    or Muslim terrorists,
    it does not matter who they are and how violent and hateful they are,
    they all have the support of the lying media.

    now THAT is collusion.

  2. You do what anyone else would do if your being shot at! You shoot back.

    Here’s the real problem.
    I heard an ex Muslim, who was asked if the God of the bible and the god of the Koran were the same.
    He said absolutely not. “The God of the bible loves the Jew and the god of the Koran hates the Jew”.
    I remember thinking, you can’t say it more straight forward than that!

    Therein lies the problem.
    The god of the Koran is the devil.

    Isn’t it amazing how all of a sudden the demon rats get back in power, send all that money over to hamas and all hell breaks lose.

  3. “What does one do when all of your murderous enemies gather in one place?”

    Turdeau and Freetaker are in Gaza????

  4. “There were no immediate reports of injuries or deaths, and journalists and other tenants were safely evacuated after the Israeli military gave an advance warning of an imminent strike.”
    Gee, I wonder how many times Hamas warned innocent victims of an impending attack in Israel?

  5. Democrats are behind Palestinian theatre just as they are behind Hollywood theatre. It’s just a more dangerous set when the good guys use live ammo.

  6. I’m going to take a wild guess that Hamas purposely gathers as many people together as possible in the same place knowing that Israel has no choice but to level the building.

    This then allows the victim argument to gain world sympathy at the expense of their own people killed. This may explain another hidden reason why Israel gives advanced warning.

    MSM = Israel bad no matter what Israel does.

  7. Good riddance. There is no shock when they mention that a “media” building, has a Hamas division. The media in north America is just as friendly with the dems and libs, and are bought and paid for. In Canada the turd even did it openly. This is how corrupt both the politicians and their media stooges are. Israel is one of the rare countries that will not put up with this bull. They should go further and eliminate the vermin that control Gaza, and the rest of those terrorists in the middle east. Personally, I fully support Israel, and the Jewish people for their courage and tenacity.

  8. A clear cut violation of the AP’s first amendment rights. Almost as bad as dRumpf!

  9. Gaza is 36,500 hectares. Give them notice that they will forfeit 1 hectare of land with the population evicted as compensation for each rocket launched. Seize it in approximately 100 acre bunches when and where they least expect it.

  10. Giving the media warning is only pandering to the media. Israel should have bombed it, kept quite and spread rumors of thermite.

  11. The AP is an Islamo-supremacist operation. Spewing more pro-jihadi Islamist propaganda than any other news outlet in the world. Of course they would provide cover for Hamas … including their weapons stockpile

  12. Hamas supposedly has an HQ under the main hospital in Gaza too.

    Frank, If Hamas gave notice like the Israelis, they would need to warn all of Israel, Gaza itself, and the West Bank , and Western Jordan, because their “rockets” are that inaccurate.

    The Hamas and Hezbollah rockets are not weapons of war, they are terror weapons meant to frighten and kill civilians. Enough fall short that they kill more Gazans than they do Israelis.

    Israel actually cares about its citizens and has civil defense warnings and shelters along with the Iron Dome to defend the helpless Israeli Jews, Arabs, and Christians.

  13. “What most of the public don’t realise — because the western media never tells them — is that absolutely nothing exists in Gaza without the approval of Hamas. The only journalists allowed to be in Gaza are those who deliver the story Hamas wants to tell the world. Any journalist who tried to tell the truth about Hamas would be either thrown out of Gaza or murdered. That’s something of a disincentive to telling people what’s actually going on.

    Most reporting from Gaza is delivered by local Palestinian “stringers” or fixers. They may boast respectable media accreditation like AP. But they are either members of Hamas themselves or are all too aware that if they don’t deliver what Hamas wants them to deliver, they’re dead. The same goes for Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah and the Palestinian Authority. And the fact is that, for decades, the west’s major news agencies have used Palestinian stringers whose propaganda goes straight into national newspapers in Britain, America and elsewhere — sometimes even under the byline of a staff correspondent sitting in an office in a safe country — and is believed by the unsuspecting western reader who trusts the integrity of that newspaper.”

  14. The question was never adequately answered. Issue a warning, use stealth drones to follow the rats as they leave the nest, leave the building alone, but flatten everywhere the rats scurried to.

    If you bag some AP and Hamas journos, well that is just a bonus.

  15. Fox News website reports on the anti-Semitic employee of CNN who stated the world needs another Hitler.

  16. “I understand they found the explanation satisfactory.”

    In other words, Xiao Biden was left speechless, not having a teleprompter to tell him what to say when the Jews proved that they were telling the truth and the American hacks were a pack of barefaced liars and Arab lovers—in every sense of the word, no doubt.

    Perhaps the Israeli official went on, for the benefit of Xiao’s handlers:

    “We don’t target innocents, Mr. President. Our defense forces and intelligence agents target threats to the Jewish people and eliminate them. They know what they’re doing. They have to.

    “What have your spooks been doing, when it wasn’t inventing obvious anti-Semitic canards about how ‘Russians’ thrust Donald Trump into office?

    “When was the last time your army defeated an enemy on its own that wasn’t other Americans?

    “We tell the truth. We have no reason to lie about the Jewish nation being threatened and persecuted. It has been for thousands of years. If you want to lecture some Jews for telling lies about Israel, call your friends in Hollywood.

    “While you’re at it, ask them what else they’ve lied to you about. Starting with whether you won the election.”

  17. I suspect that the Israelis gave the one-hour warning for a good reason, not just the obvious “humanitarian one. It meant that the Hamas types and sympathizers would happily position themselves at a safe distance with their go-pros and wait for the show to begin. Hence, all the vision showing the Israeli weapon “arrival”. As the smoke was still rising, these videos were uploaded to the internet.

    Thus, the Israelis got excellent damage assessment footage sent to their “mailboxes”, express.

    If the Hamasholes DON’T upload and publicize their footage, they lose a potentially huge propaganda opportunity. What a quandary!

    Nice trick by the Israelis.

    I liked the way the Israeli missiles came in almost vertically, right into the exterior footings of the building, thus causing the typically shoddy construction to collapse into its own basement (and “service tunnels”) and leaving the washing hanging outside adjacent buildings dusty but un-scorched,

    A little “professional” humour:

    “Mechanical engineers build weapons, Electrical engineers build guidance systems, Civil engineers build TARGETS.”

  18. “What to do when all of your murderous enemies gather in one place?”

    Israel military secretaries were literally bragging two days ago that they co-ordinated with the media to trick the Palestinians to send their elite troops into the tunnels where they bombed them.

    Don’t confuse your enemies with theirs.
