65 Replies to “A University Of Victoria Survey Goes Horribly Wrong”

  1. (((Thank you for your interest in participating in this survey. Unfortunately, you are not eligible at this time to participate.)))


    I got this response when I stated I wasn’t from Canada.

  2. I said I was in BC (well, Oregon is close….).
    Abandoned it when it came to the “Select one of the two exercises ….” — Screw that, don’t have the time to play games on subjects of which neither should be under consideration except as an after thought, when real health needs are taken care of.

    1. The choice is NO choice there, don’t give them an idea that one is better than the other when both choices are bad

      1. Dropped out when the selection was Program 1 or Program 2 with NO option.

        This was a load of socialist crap trying to get a predetermined answer.

  3. Jeez, where are the “Couldn’t care less” and “None of your bloody business” options?
    Nevertheless, it was fun!
    I kind of liked the race question where my response is ‘Mutt’ which I think could be truthful for many of us.

  4. I put down that my politics are moderate, despite largely being law&order, small government, minimal interventionist…

    If I had nothing to do, it wouldn’t be hard to write a script to randomly give answers to the racist and sexist decision making for healthcare spending…

    I also put down 0% for spending on by-law officers, because the ones in toronto are petty tyrannts

    1. I put down my politics as “moderate” too, i.e. centrist, pragmatist. I also identified as a 23-year-old Latin American who votes NDP. Honest.

    1. Wait for the next headline “Canadians say … A new study (a poll is not a study) by the University of BC shows that most Canadians are in favor of more health care spendiong, particularly for non-whites”. OK They would never print that last bit.

  5. I do these sorts of things often. Angus Reid is one I am a member of. It provides the opportunity to counter the usual leftist crap and give you an idea of what kind of faux-survey results various ngos and the like are trying to foist upon the public. Seriously, you can practically predict that in two months time, X (based on the survey) will get shoved into the public eye.

    1. I used to do the Angus Reid polls. Then when it became obvious as to my politics, I was rarely called to complete a survey. All you need to do is be honest about your beliefs about gun control for instance, and you’ll never get asked again.

      1. Same happened here.
        Potential client: We want to show support for this.
        Pollsters: Well, we have a data base of people.
        Potential client: Can you provide us with what we need?
        Pollsters: Sure, we can invite those of similar opinions.
        Client: Deal.

    2. The best stuff comes later once you get thru the Program 1 & Program 2 stuff.

      Boy, I’d love to sit down and have a beer with the designer of this survey, or prepare a lecture for the research team…

    3. Used to do Angus Read regularly. One day a few years ago they sent a message that they stopped to do surveys of proletariat. Never got one since.

    4. Leger for me. They don’t ask me as many questions anymore. Something about too many answers from your group, before they even know how/what I identify?


  6. So the survey assumes: all people think all the time in bumper sticker mode ? Every social and economic problem is a simple binary set.
    One who designed it must have below average IQ or deep contempt for real people in real world.

  7. I enjoyed Strongly Agreeing with things like, The government should mind its own fucking business.

    This survey is just one of many tools used by its educator-authors to push an agenda. Basically get a shit ton of Leftys to fill it in so everybody becomes a ward of the state and also, fuck whitey.

    1. Same here. Government is the biggest problem.
      Put funding on garbage pickup at 50% and infrastructure at 50%, they can defund everything else.
      Police and bylaw and, and, and.

  8. That was good fun. I hope I win the draw for the $400 bucks and they try to contact me at a local Victoria, B.C. liquor store.

  9. Good for you Kate but I just couldn’t stomach it. There was no place to say that a particular question is irrelevant which was the majority of them. This is a no win questionnaire – if you frame your answers as “conservative” you will be automatically dismissed as racist, bigoted, etc., etc. From my fifteen years on a local school board, I saw my fill of these types of questionnaires, the majority of which were requested to be given to students and most disturbing was that sexual orientation, practices, and related subjects seemed to be the most common type of survey. The board turned down all of these during my time there. Did not make some of our administration happy. Too bad. That was ten years ago. Not sure what is currently happening.

    1. At times, I thought it was a recruitment scheme for the Communist Party.

  10. “What’s it all about Alphie?”
    I never answer surveys nor polls anymore.
    The Canada Gov Census is enough for moi.

      1. You don’t want to know how they think of you? I thought it was quite enlightening.

        It proves that they likely drool while framing questions for you.

  11. I will be seen as absolutely THE most wealthy strongly conservative drug using Muslim transgendered Carribean Black senior with 6 toddlers that this country has ever known.

    1. Okay, you have more kids than me, but we’re still brothers in so many ways!

    2. I am a senior, half black, half Arab, muslima, who votes NDP also happens to be an economic libertarian.

  12. Political Party was a toughy, I relented and went with The Bloc.

    We probably need to feed them some ‘agree’ or ‘disagree’ answers on the dumb questions to make the ‘strongly agree’ or ‘strongly disagree’ look more realistic.

    And as always, mid 30s for age and college educated.

  13. The part about which programs you would fund if you worked for the government was the equivalent of a “when did you stop beating your wife” question.

    As for race, I wrote in “Sasquatch”.

    1. Mine was Vulcan. My sexual orientation was “logical”.

  14. Did a fair bit of it, but it is basically bullshit so I tapped out. What a steaming pile of crap.

    1. Yup. That was evident by the way the questions were worded.

  15. Surveys designed like this are part of the reason I think there should be a “Board of Discreditation” .

  16. Someone actually made up those questions.

    How intelligent! This is actually how the elite think.


  17. Great, I’m the only spelling nazi angry they can’t spell “receive”.

  18. Clearly they are not interested in our thoughts on what health programs decent people think worth funding. The true objective is to rank the lowlifes who thrust Liberals into office by order of the contempt normal people hold them in.

    Would I rather offer HIV treatment to perverts, whores or junkies?

    Could we not instead fund deportation of perverts to quarantine camps for HIV vectors before they betray another child? If we’d done that 40 years ago, the HIV pandemic could have been ended before it began.

    There’s always plenty of money to made “managing” a problem. Solving it is never seriously considered unless it’s a problem that inconveniences our masters directly, such as the belief of decent people in a God that isn’t money.

  19. Going through the thing, most of the offered programs that I was supposed to chose between should never have been funded. Catastrophic stupidity. Anybody wondering why our government is out of control, you’re looking right at it.

    This thing was put together by a committee composed of people convinced that A) 99% of humans are too stupid to look after themselves without massive government intervention and B) they are the 1% who will save the world, and C) everything government does is always beneficial, there are never any mistakes, and corruption does not exist.

    The purpose of it appears to be to cast anyone who doesn’t agree with them in a bad light. That’s what the “mental health assessment” section was for. The idea is that nice, happy, healthy people support the ideas of the committee, mean unhealthy people are Conservatives and must be “helped” to see that they are mean and sick so that they can support the correct ideas like nice people should.

    Which is why I didn’t answer any of the personal health questions, and left cutting comments in all the text boxes. Make the b@$t@rds work for it.

    However, I expect a time is coming soon when this type of thing will no longer be safe to do on the interwebz. With Bill C-10 coming, they’ll link your IP and physical address/mobile location to every packet you send on the web.

    On the bright side we’ll all still be wearing masks for the next five years, makes facial recognition difficult.

  20. Gaylord Ponce completed the survey. In every case the Homos beat put the Coloreds.
    Under the sexual perversion section, I identified as a 2 peckered billy goat.
    Interests included flower arrangement & dress design.
    Stupid questions warrant stupid answers.

  21. They forgot to include questions like “Do you value hospitals having enough money to stock Aspirin and wash soiled bedsheets?” or “On a scale of 1 to 10 how important is it for a hospital to care for premature babies?” or “Are you ok with zoo animals being used as a food source when the supermarket shelves run bare?” or “Should Critical Race Theory determine someone’s place in the soup kitchen line?”, etc. The road of good intentions that comrade Tru-dumb’s put us on…

  22. I skipped the section on “would you rather be poked in the eye with a sharp stick or whacked in the head with a rock?” but the remaining parts were bad enough. Fingers crossed they’re going to adopt my budgeting scheme – a surprisingly large amount of government is getting zeroed out. Not really surprised there was no option for assigning any of the budget to “paying off the national debt”.

      1. Not happening. In Commiestan governments think your money belongs to them, and they are very stingy in giving back what they think they own.


  23. Slicing and dicing the answers to that survey will give the purveyors the legitimacy to promote their agenda. Ridiculous. And we all pay for this crap.

  24. The options of program 1 or 2 are totally artificial No one would devise programs with those options or demographics. They are entirely devised to force discriminatory choices. Only an idiot would choose one or the other.

    1. Yes, and? If they don’t offer realistic choices then you’re not constrained to pick realistic answers, are you?

    2. Push poll I answered several times “Not relevant to this push poll “survey”


  25. I easily identified as “liberal”.
    The upper case Liberal and Conservative options implied supporting one of two political parties I near equally loathe and despise.

  26. I said I was an aboriginal Liberal from Toronto who is Catholic. It was fun after setting it up that way.

  27. Here is another referral number if anyone needs one.

    I didn’t give them my name or email. They said they wouldn’t use the information, but I don’t believe them. They can shove their four hundred dollars up their well used arses.

  28. Worst most biased survey ever. I have done quite a few.
    The authors should be banned from university teaching positions.
    Socialist, woke, crap.

  29. They’ll likely scrap it when they find the responses are not overwhelmingly commie.

  30. The survey did not provide a “don’t know” or “no opinion” option. Sad.
