“Mr. Singh came out this weekend, from behind Justin Trudeau’s chair”

… to explain to Canadians that Quebec unilaterally amending the whole of the Canadian Constitution is quite fine with him and his party. And his logic was impeccable. It amounted to declaring it OK because it is Quebec that is proposing the amendment.

h/t PaulHarveyPage2

18 Replies to ““Mr. Singh came out this weekend, from behind Justin Trudeau’s chair””

  1. So Quebec, in fact, will have its own constitution. That means, it is its own country. Without referendum. Without any vote. Without any agreement.

    Can we end this charade and just recognize this fact so that we can stop paying the ba$tards and having them shove their dying language and their complete lack of any morals down our throats?

    1. China uses North Korean coal even though North Korea is its own “country”.

      We are North Korea and Quebec is China.

      That is, until the real Chinese overtake Quebec and replace French with Mandarin or Cantonese.

    1. NO! Mr. Kenney will send out a strong tweet any month now. Something along the lines of “We’ll always stand up for Alberta” or some similar milk sop

  2. More like from under his desk.
    The stupid bastard knows pure wool K-becers hate him and anyone “like” him and yet he’ll say whatever to get one measly vote. But will he lose a vote outside of K-bec?
    Who cares, but Erin Oh Pool of Piss should because he’s on board as well. So is the Greentard party leader.
    So has Gay Kenney.
    Doesn’t seem like the ROC has anyone defending it anymore.

  3. This nonsense should have a thinking person drooling in their oatmeal.

  4. Meethead is trolling for Kaybec votes he will never get back.

    Jack Leighton is STILL dead, Jaggy!

  5. Being the Spawn’s lackey is as close to real power as Ragmeet will ever achieve so he mustn’t mess it up. One shouldn’t feel sorry for the NDP bag lickers though, as through the power of the Spawn, they are seeing their policy wish list enacted thereby bankrupting Canada just as effectively as if they were actually in power. The LPC has always been loyal to their NDP policy brain trust and for the first time in decades, the NDP feel compelled to show their gratitude.

  6. What does it say about our nation’s rulers when, in unison they all bark out the same drivel . The next thing that comes to mind is, who is defending the average Canadian against this lunacy . It goes to illustrate how utterly useless that document really is .
    Stick a fork in what was once a great place to live .

    1. I predict payback is going to be a bitch for turdeau and his ilk. The line has been crossed.

  7. All the federal politicians will be kissing Quebec ass until the election is over. Quebec could set up concentration camps for Jews, and politicians and the media would still praise Quebec.

  8. “This country it belongs to us”… Juthtin the Turdhole. He’s talking about the french speaking bigots of Queebek that Juthtins Daddy elevated to the top of his hierarchical e-nazi State “just society” chart… francos are at the top of that “just society” list… they can and do as they please, just like Juthtin.
    Jughead the Turban is a rabid anti white bigot, he literally hates
    white people”, but he makes exceptions to skin colour when it comes to votes from bigoted white skinned french talkers… votes trump his bigotry and hatred.
    Funny that every far leftist leader currently wielding unaccountable power over Turdholians are all bigots and racists, Blochead Blandshit is a french language supremacist and anti English bigot, Turdhole is exactly the same as Blandshit, but he is also a blackfaced racist with a banana down his pants and Jughead is also the same as those two, although, he is also an anti white bigot that believes people of his skin colour and ideological beliefs should be entitled to have their own independent State, by violent force if necessary, as long as everyone in that State is exactly the same colour of skin as Mr. JUghead, and the same ideological beliefs and religion as Mr. Turban.
    Anyone who disagrees with these racists and bigots, according to them and their Media, are racists and bigots. Retard world.

  9. It’s almost like he doesn’t understand that he’ll never peel away votes from the Libs in Quebec, let alone the Bloc.

  10. History repeats.

    Back during the constitutional conferences that never seemed to end, the political class in Quebec came up with the demand for enshrining a “distinct society” clause in the constitution.
    All the politicians in favour had one hell of a time trying to convince anyone outside of the McDonald-Cartier corridor that giving Quebec this constitutional veto over federal laws didn’t give them a veto over federal laws.
    Now we get to see a repeat.
    Don’t look now but a certain MP named Jody has refused unanimous consent on the Bloc motion.
    Is this a signal to the First Nation industry to hit the bricks?
    Can’t wait to hear how Quebec gets constitutional recognition with just one vote in the HoC but the same courtesy won’t be given to the hundreds of tribes throughout Canada.

    If this constitutional circus is allowed to continue this country will become a failed state. The silver lining is that you get a new country after it all comes crashing down.

  11. Singh is inclusive. He’s harmful to all of Canada. Bankruptcy helped New Zealand out for a while. Maybe it will help us. But I doubt it.

  12. The company i retired from is Quebec based, has CPP investment driving business decisions. The Home branch is eastern based, the rest is global.
    HR/IT is outsourced. Not much left for French, but for business in Quebec.
    I’m just glad i have shares and they all work for me!
