82 Replies to “June 5, 2021: Reader Tips”

  1. Some of the rhymes are stilted and forced … and his rap is stating to sound all alike. He needs a new hook. A new tempo to mix it up a bit. But other than that … I love his message. Has he been BANNNED again for being a white racist? Sayin things like Asians be rich and whatnot?

    1. All raps sound alike to me. I hope he’s getting that message out to the snowflakes but like Neil Young or John Lennon, I imagine he’s preaching to the choir.

    2. “Some of the rhymes are stilted and forced … and his rap is stating to sound all alike.”

      Where have you been? That’s the definition of rap. Black America gave us gospel, jazz, blues, and rock and roll. Then they all quit music lessons and turned rapper. It’s the musical personification of ignorance. Did I say that?

      1. Yes you did and I’ll go one further. Until black parents (mothers) start giving their children real names again and begin teaching them about the blues, jazz and rock’n’roll, they will remained ****ed.

    3. Kenji, I think your take on TM’s style is bang on. As imaginative and sharp as his lyrics can be, there is an emerging ‘repetitive quality’ to many of his hooks.

      I would say he is in danger of becoming the “Boston” of rap, but I am not sure how many here would get the reference. Then again, as others mentioned above, the rap genre itself mostly has a certain sameness, at least to my ear.

    4. Kenji, from Mozart to rap crap, there is a lot of good music in between the sh-t that is rap.

  2. Very good interview with Michael Yaeden (a former Pfizer VP and virologist) — a Planet Lockdown interview.
    “So basically, everything your government has told you about this virus, about everything you need to do to stay safe is a lie.”

      1. Thank you. I like that Gates of Vienna provides transcripts for videos, so you can quickly skim contents. In this case, Yaedon provides importent perspective on the virus. He puts his reputation on the line to speak the truth.

      2. Why so many lies by so many people?

        “This system has been put in place using lies, and it’s been put in place using lies for some purpose, and I believe that purpose is complete, totalitarian control. And I think the purpose of that is going to be mass depopulation. I can’t think of a single, benign interpretation for the simple creation of these top-up vaccines, let alone the lies that surround them. And I’m absolutely terrified that the combination of vaccine passports and top-up vaccines — it’s going to lead to mass depopulation: deliberate execution potentially of billions of people. “

    1. Hell yea, I’ve never hear my own thoughts expressed so perfectly and elegantly by another true Canadian!

    2. I’ve heard all sorts of leftists, SJWs, champions of “justice”, talk in the same insincere manner as he did (“We thuppowt the Dingwehoofew peopwe of Wowew Thwobovia.”), doing so only to make themselves look good.

      Quite often, I had the same reaction she did.

    3. What a head case he is. D’ya see the hands?
      Too bad she didn’t tell him off to his face!

      “But. MADTHAME, MADTHAME, Madthame! Tho thorry”

    4. She makes a valid point. Why? Why do we have to put up with this?
      Are there no senior people left in the Liberal party who will take little Justin’s hand and lead him off the stage after explaining a few things to him.

    5. Very eloquently and accurately put with just the right amount of restraint.

    6. On a related note….. Let us compare and contrast the woke darling Trudeau and the evil, banished racist Trump:

      Trudeau’s Liberal government announces unspecified plans to establish an “Implementation Plan” to, um, implement the “Plan of Action” of the Missing Indigenous Women and Girls Inquiry, and they sent Minister Carolyn Bennett to go on TV to explain. It didn’t work out as “planned.”


      President Donald Trump signed into law two pieces of legislation on October 11, 2020.

      They are “Savanna’s Act,” a bill that “will boost coordination and data collection between tribal, local, state and federal law enforcement in cases involving missing and murdered Native women. It will require federal agencies to get recommendations from tribes on how to enhance the safety of Native women, and require new guidelines for responding to these cases, in consultation with tribes.”

      And… “the Not Invisible Act, would make the federal government step up its response to Indigenous women going missing, being murdered or being forced into sex trafficking.”

      “As the 1st President to formally recognize the issue of Missing & Murdered Native Americans, today, I was proud to sign Savanna’s Act & the Not Invisible Act. We have also provided $295 Million to support public safety & crime victims. Forgotten NO MORE! #OperationLadyJustice
      — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 11, 2020”


    1. Didn’t you post this yesterday? Too much of your wisdom and people might start forgetting things – Mad Commie Disease?

  3. With salvation in sight, Ontario approaches peak COVID incoherence

    “We have had 14 months to accept a central blessed fact about COVID-19: as bad as it is, it is largely and conspicuously uninterested in sickening and killing otherwise healthy children: The death toll among children in the United States from COVID-19 is only just now catching up to that from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, which hardly anyone even remembers.”


    1. Oh yeah. Sure.

      Xiao Biden wants “skilled workers” settling in the United States only on condition they speak pitch-perfect Mandarin.

  4. Great news!
    Prime Minister Trudeau says 1 month is not enough to celebrate Pride in Canada!

    “#PrideSeason takes place from June to September with local events across the country celebrating the resilience and spirit of #LGBTQ2 people in Canada. Follow us as we highlight Pride celebrations all summer long!”

    That’s why we voted for you, Justin!

      1. A pride of preverts? Why not? His time as PM has been a pride of lyin’s…..

  5. The bought and paid for media are praising Great Leader for threatening the Catholic Church. The media reminds everyone to vote Liberal in order to protect Canadians from the Christian faith. Praise Allah!

    1. I’ll just add this to my Sun God worshipping…
      And praise Trudeau monument…
      And Ford and Tory our saviors who are trying to knock us off.
      Damn, I’m bored and need a life.

    2. Beware Canada’s Mad Media Mullahs.

      I’m pretty sure a trip around downtown TO these days would provide many great photographs of Toronto Star and CBC employees, along with their other media comrades, patrolling the streets with long sticks to sanction the blasphemers.

      I’m pretty sure that they are emulating the mad mullahs of the middle east.
      Or maybe it’s just part of their madrasa training.

    1. No criminal carries a rifle. It’s just a bit obvious to police and everyone else. AR15s kill a lot of people for a rifle because they are the most popular rifle sold in America, not because they are particularly useful in crime. If gun carry was legal here, I’d be packing a 15 round 9mm.

      One statistic you will never read is how many Canadians are killed each year from prohibited weapons that look like assault rifles. I’m guessing it’s less than the number of fingers on one finger.

      1. scar – I think that my teenage son’s Airsoft AR15 all-metal replica is banned by PM Blackface. I am sure no Canadian has ever been killed by one unless the victim stuck around long enough for the perp to beat them to death with it.

  6. Welcome to Soviet Turtle Island(formerly known as Canada). Blackie’s CBC is excited that the University of Windsor will rename its Macdonald student residence. It will now be called Residents Building Number One.

    1. L – We’ll know Critical Race Theory has gone the full stupid, when MacDonald’s fast food
      restaurant renames themselves Restaurant Business # 1.

      Then Tom MacDonald can open up a restaurant chain and duke it out with Ronald No Name on the Rap circuit.

      I’m waiting for Tom MacDonald to add bagpipes to his repertoire, and then defend the father of Confederation and the nation-state of Canada, against all enemies foreign and domestic.

    1. Another study saying that LOCK DOWNS DO NOT WORK.
      From Germany.


      Key stats comparing Canada and Germany.

      Germany area 358,000 sq kms. Population 83 mil. People per sq km 232.
      Canada area 9,984,100 sq kms. Population 38 mil. People per sq km 3.8.

      Key finding is that lock downs ” destroy at least 7 times more years of human life than they save”.

      Duke, Harvard and J Hopkins concluded that there would be about 1 mil excess deaths over the next 2 decades.

      How many people do the lab coats and the sleaze bag politicians want dead?

  7. “The Chinese army crackdown on the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests killed at least 10,000 people, according to newly released UK documents.

    The figure was given in a secret diplomatic cable from then British ambassador to China, Sir Alan Donald.”

    “The cables are held at the UK National Archives in London and were declassified in October, when they were seen by the HK01 news site.

    Sir Alan said the source had been reliable in the past “and was careful to separate fact from speculation and rumour”.

    The envoy wrote: “Students understood they were given one hour to leave square but after five minutes APCs attacked.

    “Students linked arms but were mown down including soldiers. APCs then ran over bodies time and time again to make ‘pie’ and remains collected by bulldozer. Remains incinerated and then hosed down drains.

    “Four wounded girl students begged for their lives but were bayoneted.”

    Sir Alan added that “some members of the State Council considered that civil war is imminent”.”

    BBC, 2017

    1. Hi OntarioKate,
      I remember this like it was yesterday.
      My Mom loved watching horse racing on T.V.
      It was an exciting day. What a horse!!!

      1. Hi, Van. What a horse, indeed! My dad loved watching all sports, including horse racing. And I watched everything with him. We witnessed a lot of sports history together.

  8. Peterson and Rex Murphy.

    Don’t think you posted this but sorry if I’m duplicating. It’s a little lighter than Peterson has been lately and an enjoyable listen.

    It’s 2+ hours so maybe turn on the podcast and put in the headphones while you’re mowing the first grass crop of the season.


    1. Thanks. I enjoyed that. Too bad Trudeau watches CBC and reads comic books. He could learn something. Pffft. What am I saying?

  9. Quebec sait faire. They’re loving their police power and won’t let go. Here’s how they’re maintaining the totalitarian regime / police state:
    New from Rebel News — David and Yanky
    Watch Montreal’s COVID Curfew: How Rebel News showed the REAL story (4:05)

  10. Dr Kary Mullins….Fauxi’s nemesis.


    Like Epstein…who dId not kill himself.

    1. Do you think Canadians will ever push back NR?
      I think Canadians of this day and age if faced with Hitler and the WW2 Canadians would have insisted on ordering their own cattle cars and making arrangements to be hauled off to the ovens themselves. All chanting “I AM CANADIAN”

      1. I’m sure that a #StopHitler hashtag would be wildly popular. A military draft? Not so much. I believe the word we’re looking for is “slacktivism.”

      2. Most Canadians really don’t follow what’s going on, my guess. COVID must’ve been a big shock.
        OTOH, they’d balk if their phone and X-BOX were taken away, and their booze and pot.

  11. Of Tom MacDonald..remembering that great ghost story he told of Tranquille BC..Just wait until the Liberals,NDP and Cucks all find the Tranquille Graveyard..
    Oh the horror..
    They will be all over the news,blaming our great grandparents failure to cure TB,on racism.
    Child mortality..we did such a good job of curing most of those early life killers,that todays ignorant children do not even know of the menace our grandparents faced,just by being born.

    Can we hurry up and separate ourselves from the regressive progressives?
    I want a country with guarded borders,which will keep the barbarians out.
    For these barbarians are the worst in history.
    Raised up amongst us they have no survival skills at all,can build nothing.
    All they know is how to destroy.
    And they feelz real good about that skill.

    Now I want the TV rights to film these creatures in their “natural ” habitat,but I do not want to suffer with them.
    So we must create that new country,one which banishes the fool and do-gooder and prevents the parasitic hordes destroying everything.
    For it would give me great joy,to witness the logical consequences occurring to Gang Green and the Inner City Police banners..As long as I am witnessing from a safe location..With the means to properly treat any Burn Loot Murder morons that come too close.
    For with rights and freedoms,comes the right to enjoy the consequences of ones actions.
    A foreign concept in Can Ah Duh,where it is now official.
    We have no rights,of any kind,at all.

    1. I imagine hundreds of Indians died at the sanitarium, likely white man’s fault. A friend of my parents worked there when it was a loony bin. I remember his address as Tranquille but his address changed to Kamloops at some point. He’s been dead for 20 years and probably retired 20 years before that.

  12. Another sign an election is coming. Toronto Star celebrates their hero Blackie trashing Doug Ford. And Great Leader is relaxing at Harrington Lake, although he will be interviewed by a Montreal station. Nothing to do with the election of course.

  13. Gavin Newsom will allow you to leave your home *gasp* without a mask on June 15 …


    But … his “Emergency Powers” will remains in place. Who else predicted the leftists weren’t going to give up their extra-Constitutional Powers easily? Yes, you can BET Gavin will impose Mail-in voting ONLY for his recall election (or rather, have some functionary in the Dept. of Health and “Safety” do so) . Why? Because “Health Emergency”. Will his political partner’s stuff the ballot boxes? You can BET on that too

  14. Search youtube for “Monopoly-Follow the Money”.

    Won’t post here for some reason.

    A real eye opener into who really owns ya baby!

  15. Trudeau’s Acceptance Of Genocide Is Big Legal Problem.
    Note……RCMP Canada’s Parliament, Including Both Liberal and Conservative Parties and Dept of Indian Affairs Committed Genocide…..According To This Legal Expert..
    “Guelph University political science professor David MacDonald said Germany has long been an exception in acknowledging its historical genocides, as governments rarely recognize their own countries have committed mass murder.

    However, the Kaiser political regime committed the genocide in Namibia and the Nazi regime committed the Holocaust, which makes it easier for the current democratic regime in Germany to acknowledge these crimes, MacDonald said.

    If Canada admits to genocide, it’s not just admitting that some earlier and completely different government committed genocide, he pointed out.

    “Here you’ve got a Liberal government and a Conservative opposition. And the whole time of the residential schools, you had Liberal governments and Conservative oppositions or Conservative governments and Liberal oppositions,” he said.

    The Canadian government would be admitting that the genocide occurred by the hands of institutions that still function more or less now as they did before, MacDonald said.

    “The earlier versions of their parties, the earlier versions of their Parliament, the earlier versions of the RCMP, the earlier versions of the Department of Indian Affairs … committed genocide.”
