Our Racist Public Service

We seem to be bouncing back and forth between Bat-Flu Bolshevism and the Anti-Racist Reichstag these days.

According to members of Ontario’s public service, and the leadership at the top, the province’s civil service is built on “White supremacy.”

A new report using such language has just been released and an email sent to all staff apologizing for the work culture was signed by deputy ministers across the government. The report was compiled by an outside consulting firm and distributed to government workers in an email Thursday.


Update: From Jordan Peterson

17 Replies to “Our Racist Public Service”

  1. In fact, women, Francophones and the LGBTQ+ community are all overrepresented

    It’s almost as if the representation is based on political power of identity groups rather than racism, but what do I know.

    1. Canada’s Public Service has been RACIST ….for Decades:
      If you’re not born in Quebec, or dont fit into one of the categories John has noted above..?? You need not apply.

      Especially straight White English speaking Males.

      1. Ya … so let’s fire all the white people, hire exclusively from the chimp community. Then .. we can watch Canada morph into something resembling Haiti or maybe Chicago.

    2. So you saying the Public Service is full of the complete spectrum of Khunts then eh?

  2. I agree that the racist government needs to be cleansed.
    All the white bureaucrats and civil servants should do the right thing and resign so more deserving different colored peoplekind can have their jobs. We know that all white people are racists because they have white skin therefore to eliminate all racism in the government we need to eliminate all the white people in government. These woke folks should have no trouble recognizing the problem and resigning.

    And turn off the air conditioning in all government buildings including schools and universities to save the planet from Global Warming. Again, we all know what the problem is and they should eagerly volunteer to implement this simple solution.

  3. Does Lilley try to find out who hired this consulting firm, who this firm actually is, or of its been hired before for other “reports”? No, he just goes on waxing poetic about how great and woke the OPS actually is. He’s just another political apparatchik.

  4. If the civil service is supposed to be racist, how come whenever I call one of its offices, it seems I almost always end up talking with someone from Coleslawvania who speaks English with a heavy accent?

  5. Racial justice will never happen on Turtle Island till everyone speaks Cree.

  6. Oh you mean the WSO that openly discriminates against white men in its hiring practices? Oh yeah – that one.

    In the 90s, I was briefly a member of our provincial civil service. White men in our training course were explicitly warned that our chances of significant upward career progress were slim-to-none. That’s almost 30 years ago now, ffs!

    1. Well, they need SOMEONE around who can actually do the work—and take the heat when it doesn’t get done.

      It’s not like the diversity hires and the bimbos who got their jobs on their knees can be trusted to do anything right. The only creativity they display is finding new ways to screw up a simple routine task.

  7. The totalitarians have to pick a narrative and stick to it. Being government flunkies, the dumbest, laziest most useless humans on the planet, they need a committee to decide no doubt.

  8. Translation: my white supervisor expects me to arrive on time to work in the morning, not take a two hour lunch, and not leave an hour early every day. All of those HORRIBLE … white … Christian … orthodoxies!

    Mark my words … your civil service is about to get even SLOWER … and LAZIER. And if you complain? You’re a white supremacist colonialist … Queer a phobe

  9. Where do I sign up to get me some of that white supremacy them colored BIPOC folks are always talking about?

  10. The way to fight white supremacy is to boycott items developed by white people, and derivatives that are transportation methods using things invented by white people.

    Like home delivered electricity. Both AC and DC power generation. And the internal combustion engine. And the jet engine. And the supertanker. And the liquid fuel rocket. And the cotton Jenny. And the mechanical loom. And programmable computing machines (and their latest derivatives, cell phones and tablet computers). And the refrigerator and freezer. And anything with transistors.

    So either take yourselves back to the bronze age, or GFY about white supremacy.

    So much has been shared with the clueless at such a low cost that they don’t recognize how well they have it.

  11. I totally agree.
    Racist beyond all redemption.
    In fact the civil service is so corrupt and racist we have no choice.
    We must close this institution down.
    Fire everyone involved and make them pay back every penny..
    Why ,based on this report,it is a hate crime to require myself or any other citizen to fund this toxic agency..
    Rewarding racism is to encourage it.
    I do not support racists,so how can I remit taxes to Revenue Canada ?

    I cannot be party to supporting such evil..

    Sarc back on.
    Eventually these idiots will need culling.
    Firing 50% every 6 months,is a rational and nasty way to return their love.
    100% of consultants today.
    The Parasitic Overload has swelled to such levels,that they no longer even pretend to have work to do,thus we are treated to this continual theatre of virtue signalling and corrections of nonexistent problems..
    “We are from the government,we are here to help you”…
    Without the rest of the sentence/story,this is the biggest lie in civil society..
    Of course the missing,unspoken part;”Into slavery,poverty and an early grave”..
    But usually they can’t say that,cause even the most placid milchcow hates truth.
