July 12, 2021: Reader Tips

It’s been a busy couple of weeks here, with another two ahead.

Many thanks to Francisco, Robert and Dennis along with those of you who faithfully drop quality links in these threads for helping to pick the slack.

Monday has begun. Kindly send us some rain if you happen to have a little extra hanging around.

76 Replies to “July 12, 2021: Reader Tips”

  1. It gives me no joy to point out that the vaccines don’t work to good in England out of 117 death from the delta variant 50 people had two jabs and 44 had been unvaccinated. The remainder had one jab.


    And the doomsayer like Neil Ferguson aka professor doom are predicting 150000 cases a day within two weeks.


    I hope that Neil Ferguson is wrong again like he had been the last 20 years and the delta variant impact isn’t nearly as bad as predicted.

    1. Delta variant has been dominant in the UK since mid-May.

      Roughly one person a day dies from Delta-Covid now in a country of 60 million people?

      All the vaccinated deaths were in people over 50. Who knows the context of each one?

      The Delta hype needs to end.

      1. The takeaway from this is the jabs don’t really work.
        This is but an inkling of what’s to come.

        1. Ohhhh But they DO work no.??….in their intended & designed Fashion..right.??
          To Maim ya, to Sterilize ya & Kill ya.

          The Coercion being used now is nothing short of what the NAZI’s pulled to entice the JEWS onto the Cattle Cars….SAME SHIT – IDENTICAL intent…IMO……and done buy the SAME Global Capitalist FILTH – aka NAZI’s.

          (I mean seriously, isn’t that what these Fuckers are..?? GATES, Dorsey, Zuckerberg, Fauxi, Big Tech, Big Harma, MSM, WHO directed Govt Health Whores & their subservient ChiCom paid PM – Premiers..??)

          Having had a father who survived 4 yrs as a NAZI SLAVE, I’ve read plenty of 20th Century History.
          The parallels are blindingly obvious to me.

    2. Does anyone take Dr. millions will die Ferguson seriously still? Apparently in the UK.

      Of course, the bogus PCR test will fiond cases anywhere.

    1. Why dont you ask the pregnant lady who was help at gunpoint in a home invasion what she thinks of the “model citizen” who Cauvin killed.

      1. Are you comprehension impaired? Or just a piece of shit demagogue? Floyd got what he deserved … as did Chauvin.

  2. https://youtu.be/CWXcGBOJemU

    0830 eastern, 0730 central Monday AM

    Hearing for motions for sanctions in King v. Whitmer, one of the pathetic “kraken” lawsuits. Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, and a few others are facing some serious stuff, including possible disbarment

    1. Specifically why Allan? Can you explain precisely the nature of the original filing and the current motion?

      1. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.mied.350905/gov.uscourts.mied.350905.78.0_1.pdf



        Here are the three motions for sanctions that will be discussed tomorrow. They paint the picture of an idiotic doomed lawsuit.

        Interesting to note that they are not only asking for sanctions against the plaintiffs attorneys, but the plaintiffs themselves.

      2. Two are only asking for plaintiffs to pay for defendants attorney costs. However the top one asks for:

        “WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons and the reason stated in the accompanying brief, the City of Detroit respectfully requests that this Court enter an
        (a) Imposing monetary sanctions against Plaintiffs and their counsel in an amount determined by this Court to be sufficient to deter future misconduct (such amount should be, at the least, the amount that Plaintiffs’ counsel have collected in their fundraising campaigns, directly or through entities they own or control, for their challenges to the 2020 election);

        (b) Requiring Plaintiffs and their counsel to pay all costs and attorney fees incurred by the City in relation to this matter (as well as costs and fees incurred by all other Defendants);

        (c) Requiring Plaintiffs and/or their counsel to post a bond of $100,000 prior to the filing of any appeal of this action (and to maintain their present appeal);

        (d) Requiring Plaintiffs and their counsel to post a bond of $100,000 prior to filing, in any court, an action against the City, or any other governmental entity or their employees, relating to or arising from the facts alleged in this matter;

        (e) Requiring Plaintiffs to post a substantial bond, in an amount determined by the Court, prior to filing an action in the Eastern District of Michigan;

        (f) Requiring Plaintiffs and their counsel to obtain certification from a magistrate judge that the proposed claims are not frivolous or asserted for an improper purpose, before filing an action in the Eastern District of Michigan (and, if the magistrate determines that the proposed claims are frivolous or asserted for an improper purpose, requiring the plaintiff[s] to post a bond before filing the proposed
        action in an amount the magistrate determines is sufficient to protect the defendant[s]);

        (g) Requiring Plaintiffs and their counsel to certify, via affidavit, under penalty of perjury, that they have paid all amounts required to fully satisfy any non-appealable orders for sanctions entered by any court, prior to filing an action in the Eastern District of Michigan;

        (h) Barring Plaintiffs’ counsel from practicing law in the Eastern District of Michigan (after the issuance of a show cause order);

        (i) Referring Plaintiffs’ counsel to the Chief Judge of this District for initiation of disbarment proceedings;

        (j) Referring all Plaintiffs’ counsel to the Michigan Attorney Grievance Commission (and also to the disciplinary authorities of their home jurisdictions, including: Sidney Powell to the Michigan Bar and to the Texas bar; L. Lin Wood to the Michigan Bar and to the Georgia bar; Greg Rohl to the Michigan bar; Emily Newman to the Michigan Bar and to the Virginia bar; Julia Haller to the Michigan Bar and to the Washington D.C. bar; Brandon Johnson to the Michigan Bar and to the Washington D.C. bar; Scott Hagerstrom to the Michigan bar; Howard Kleinhendler to the Michigan Bar and to the New York bar); and,

        (k) Granting any other relief that the Court deems just or equitable.”

        Thats pretty damn heavy.

  3. I’m back at my house in B. C. and, a few hours ago, I bought groceries. There were still people who insisted that they weren’t about to give up their facial security blankets.

    I’m sure that people are celebrating the end of mandatory masks, for now. Maybe that explains some of the reckless driving I had to contend with during my trip from Edmonton. Uh, people, breaking the speed limit on the highway or playing hopscotch with other drivers while passing is not the way to rejoice at your apparent freedom.

    On the other hand, maybe the heat during the past few days fried a few brains…..

    1. Well, the “driving” you experience on that highway hasn’t changed in the 30 years I drove it, all the way to Whitehorse. “Dances with Trucks” should be on your vanity plate. The ones you dodge are coming, or going to COSTCO in GP and they’re in a hurry.

      1. How about going down South Taylor Hill at speed limit and being passed by jackasses going at least 10 or 20 kph faster? I was approaching the bridge in the proper lane at the legal speed and some smeghead passes me on the right by lead-footing it.

        No wonder my vehicle insurance keeps going up.

        1. On the RIGHT!?
          That’s the New Brunswick way.
          Lot of ’em have a boooootle o’ beer between their legs at the ready.

          1. The Peace River bridge is two-way, with the approach from the south being the end of a passing lane. The right lane merges with the left one, which was where I was. Mr. Jackass decided I was in his way, so he decided to floor it just before the right lane ended, nearly scaring the dickens out of me and almost cutting me off.

            It’s bad enough that people pull stunts like that on the highway, but that stretch of road has a bad reputation for accidents going back many decades.

            I remember when South Taylor Hill was entirely two-lane traffic. There’s a creek about a km or so from the south end of the Peace River bridge. One night, about 50 years ago, a Halliburton truck lost an argument with the bridge over the creek. The driver was killed and, as I recall from the newspaper photo, there wasn’t much left of the cab.

            Every time I go to and from my house, I always breathe a sigh of relief when I’m out of the Peace River valley.

        2. BADR know that bridge in Peace River. Was there on a project in the early 90’s. Was there when they almost lost both bridges due to ice jam and flood. Both bridges were shaking the ice was up into the decks at one point and all the might of the river against them.
          BC had to release water.
          We drank beer on the river bank and built campfires so we could see if and when the bridge went down.
          I shot a moose in the Chinchoga while I was there.
          Did a bit of river boating. Not many know this, but one of the steepest rail grades in Canada is pulling up the hill out of Peace River.
          Ha Ha Ha and no I did not drink and drive.

        3. It’s better in the winter! I had a manual transmission for most of those rides, so I’d pick a gear and just trundle down the hill. Anyone wanting to pass, suit yourself. Seeya at the bottom.

          1. The thing is that many of those lead-foots didn’t gain much in time when they passed me.

          2. Bet they had crappy brakes to boot, so that’s why the flew by, especially after that first hard left turn down to the bridge. There’s no stopping then, going too fast.

  4. L – An actual debate… okay one side knows what he’s talking about and the other… ?
    Anyway, it’s fun to watch and the physician moderator is qualified.

    I’m old enough to remember when academic and medical science debates were legal and popular in the media, before the media were Sovietized.
    Ivermectin: Pros vs Cons. Dr. Luis Garegnani and Dr. Pierre Kory Debate The Issue

    1. Does anyone know if Fidel Jr. is sending Canadian troops to Cuba save his familial/ideological comrades?

    2. All the Trudeau boys called Castro “Uncle Fidel”, they were very close. Papa Pierre was an admirer of Castro and his Commie regime, no secret there. Justin admires China as well, so communism is in his DNA.
      As to whether Uncle Fidel sired Justin, that might be a stretch but it sure has been much talked about.

      1. Maybe Castro didn’t sire the Bong but he certainly was jiggy jiggy with his mother. I think she even admitted to a roll in the sugar cane with el commondante

          1. Dirty Maggie made the rounds,
            Giving vent to bedroom sounds.
            Because Fidel’s b***s were bustin’
            Nine months later we’re cursed with Justin.

          2. Should be reply to BADR. BADR
            Your a poet
            And don’t know it
            Hope you
            Don’t Blow It….
            Carry on…

          3. I used to have an actual old time token from back in the 1870’s in the days of the cattle drives from Texas.
            The better saloons on the trail handed out these tokens so the cowboys would come and drink, and get their poke.
            On mine it was a copper disc like a coin.
            It said “In and Out, No Round and Round”
            Then the name of the saloon.
            Maybe Maggie has a collection of token’s.
            In those days, the cowboys or western men folk who were polite,
            referred to Ladies of the Evening as Soiled Doves.
            Grandma Maggie, can you tell us about your days as a Soiled Dove?

          4. Thanks for your comments, Watcher. Sometimes the jokes just write themselves.

  5. Update: My wife is home from the hospital after an overnight stay.
    They gave her two shots of Nitrogen hours apart and that took away her chest pain.
    Now we need to book a cardiologist to determine her condition and future treatments.
    She feels fine now.
    She was hooked up to machines monitoring everything with all these peel off tabs.

    Notice a real odd thing about this experience with this hospital.
    I take it everyone is worried that the government would nail their ass to the wall should they not follow protocol that they have in place.
    Being with my wife at the emergency desk, the nurse went through a whole routine of questioning before giving a mask and bringing her into the hospital. The nurse was very good at explaining how my wife is still able to contact me by hospital phone as I waited in the car for an update to her condition.
    She called me half an hour later to tell me to go home as the hospital was keeping her and will call again when she will be discharged.
    To pay my parking meter ticket, I had to go back in the same emergency station and past this same nurse.
    But first, she had to stop me and ask the same questions that she just did with my wife before giving me a mask to pay at the machine 10 feet away. Which only took a couple minutes.
    Just found it odd that had she not done this same questioning protocol, she could be in serious trouble from our governments.

    1. jojo, took my wife to the hospital last Monday for surgery to remove what was said to be cancerous tissue, serious surgery. We went through a similar routine on check in, I was “allowed” to go with her to the waiting room then had to leave until they called me and she was ready to be discharged. All went well for her and the prognosis is for no additional treatment. I hope your wife is OK. The medical profession being run by bureaucrats has become a nightmare for sane rational people.

    2. Glad your wife is home. Hopefully she remains well. Scary episode, especially shortly after vaccine.

  6. Love to send you some rain Kate. It has rained about every other day here for a couple of weeks.

    1. Did the Canadian Army infect North America while the Liberals covered it up?
      Ou est le media?

      “The story that has been told and generally accepted about the origins of COVID-19 is not true. Where did the virus that causes this disease come from? And equally important, when precisely did it arrive in Canada?

      I have obtained secret military documents distributed from the highest ranks of the Canadian Armed Forces in an attempt to cover up a scandal of global proportions. The document, titled “Potential exposure to 2019 Novel Coronavirus during 7th military world games in October 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei Province China,” was written by Canada’s Surgeon General, A.M.T. Downes, Major General.”


      1. Will the ShitCons do anything as Official Opposition? They are probably part of the scam….
        This is the whole problem with the old British Empire style Westminster Government we have it, it is an old boys club, with an Elected Queenie Thingie, and ZERO Accountability to the Citizen.
        Break it up, and flush the TURD.

      2. That would mean that when Trudeau said closing the borders was a “knee-jerk reaction” he knew it was too late?
        Either way he’s got thousands of dead Canadian’s families to explain himself to. Or not…
        The fact that the CAF/RCMP/CSIS/CSE are hiding this means they’re involved and enemies of the citizenry.
        If the opposition parties don’t do anything then we know they’re enemies as well.

        1. I’m pretty much convinced that anyone not on this blog or at the Rebel is a communist-loving Liberal moron.
          That’s on the good days.

          What the fandango has happened?
          Idiocy and love of Mommy Government reigns supreme.
          No adults in sight anywhere.
          Rebellion just doesn’t exist in Canadian’s DNA.
          We’re in more trouble than a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.
          It could only be worse if we had turned the running of the country over to Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin.

  7. The UK Flock of Sheep have permanent brain damage from Terrorist Government Propaganda. Every single Government Bureaucrat Political Party Leader and Individual MP’s should be sued and broken. And hounded to hell. The same in Canada. Make sure that they all do not get re elected at the Municipal, Mayors, Councilors School Trustees and Provincial Level no matter which party they represent and who replaces them. None of them defended you. They all took your money. Fight Back FFS.


    1. Add about two miles of ice at the beginning…
      Water didn’t instantly appear.
      Adding in rotation and the Sun’s orbital gases that engulf our planet to hold us with the creation of an atmosphere as these built over the billions of years and we lost vast amounts of water while also creating an overpopulation problems with fish and other species.

      1. Jojodogfacedboy – It’s a pretty simplistic simulation at best. The diagram shows the tectonic plates below the surface it appears. I guess the grey background, representing the continents (they come in to familiar form in the last few minutes) is meant to represent what you see above sea level.
        Are you any relation to Dog-Faced Pony Boy? Lol.

    2. Bread and circuses for the kiddies and most adults. Oil and gas for the masses, we’re going green in hydrocarbon rich Kan-eh-duh. Somebody said so.

  8. And now your Liberal corruption news for today. Blacklock reports that a personal friend of Katie Telford was made a judge. She of course is Teddy Bear Justin’s Chief of Staff. And his government has no idea on the number of green jobs that have been created.

    1. Wow. Just had a chance to review that. Incredible. Everyone should watch. I believe that is the smoking gun for the scamdemic

  9. Speaking of bread and circuses I took the weekend off from saving the world and watched the ‘Greatest Show on Earth’ aka the Calgary Stampede.

    Man they have some rank rough stock. Only one bull in total got rode both days.
    Granted not all the best cowboys are here this time but many good one are.

    Yee Haw

      1. Best time I had at the Stampede was in 1975, when I first rode the rails west. Hundred bucks got you to Calgary from Montreal, coach. I had another in my wallet. Was a resident at the Sally Anne while I looked for a job. They ran horse races between the rodeo events then and the Paiutes were riding Bison for stock. Chucks were always the best. The outfit I worked for told me to show up for the parade and paid the weekend stay. Drove back to Drum area Sunday night, ’cause oilfields need baby sitting. Pancake breakfasts and lunch at the Silver Dragon Saturday PM. Watched the rodeo events all day long Sunday. Back to work on Monday.

  10. Toronto Sun is excited about a petition started by an immigrant from India, to change the flag of Ontario. He along with university professors explain that it would reflect our diversity and decolonization to have a new flag. The Sun does not allow comments for this story, but does promote the petition website.

    1. The new one should have a hammer and sickle, Muslim crescent, native feather and, of course, a rainbow. But, not exactly in that order. The hierarchy will determine that.

    2. Some jerks will go for this. Our country coast to coast will soon not be recognizable. Do we have a George Floyd statue anywhere yet?

  11. Sheik and Grand Imam Blackie Trudeau has announced July 22nd as the day for a national summit on Islamophobia. The government and Turtle Island will spend that day denouncing white racist colonialism against peace loving muslims. Praise Allah!

    1. OJ that is priceless. Maybe add the title Grand Mufti of Harrington Lake.
      Or some such.

  12. Even Home Hardware has gone woke. I was at the outlet in Fort St. John earlier today and, beside the entrance, someone painted a sign in the window. It consisted of a valentine, a pair of white feathers, and the phrase “Every child matters”.

    Go figure.

    1. Perhaps it has meaning in the community. Many Home Hardwares are independent franchises. This does not strike me as obvious wokeness. Seems like more of a personal symbol. A child may have have been lost in the community. You could ask to have someone explain it.

      1. How about the local Canadian Tire having a sign supporting the alphabet people? The town hall with a rainbow flag? Flags at half-mast? A local “pride” parade? A pro-George Floyd rally last year?

        Nah, that’s not wokeness at all, is it?

        The family’s been in FSJ for more than 60 years. I grew up there. I think I know the place better than most people on SDA.

  13. Should we call what used to be known as Canada, Turtle Island or the Soviet Union. General Blackie has announced that the military will have culture officers to supervise how the military behaves. And Blackie’s lapdog Liberal MPs have blocked the committee investigation of his awarding a contract to his boyhood friend. Things sure will be easier for him when he gets that majority.

  14. If you want to know just how bleedin’ useless environmental regulations are, try disposing of waste industrial chemicals which are unidentified. Among the items I inherited is a bunch of that stuff in various un-marked bottles, jars, and jugs and, it seems, everyone I talk to starts scurrying for the exits when I ask what to do with it.

    Nobody wants to dispose of chemicals that aren’t properly documented. (Hello? Some of this stuff goes back more than 50 years and nobody worried about that sort of thing back then.)

    I called a well-known scientific chemical firm and asked if it sold chemical testing kits. After all, what happens when there’s a spill somewhere? The salesman was as thick as two planks. He couldn’t give me an answer unless I told him what I had. (Uh, that’s why I might need one of those kits–to tell me what I might have, dum-dum.) That didn’t go anywhere.

    I found something from one outfit that might do what I’m looking for but, because I’m an individual customer and not a business, that firm wasn’t interested.

    Forget most environmental firms. My situation doesn’t fit into their line of work or they’re simply uninterested.

    There are some kits out there, but do I really want to spend around $2000 for one, assuming that the Canadian government allows me to import it from the U. S.? Yeah, they might think I’m some sort of bad guy.

    And don’t even get me started on government agencies. Yes, there’s an incinerator in the Edmonton area, but–you guessed it!–it’s reluctant to dispose of that waste unless I know what it is.

    Yup, I certainly have my fun, don’t I?
