16 Replies to “Aid And Comfort”

  1. Well there is a story you won’t find the CBC’s bag over the head news host discussing tonight.

  2. ‘Conjugal visits are denied and physical contact is forbidden, except for children under the age of ten. ‘
    Well then….that sounds very Palestinian.

    1. Smuggling semen out of prison!? Wha wha whaaaat? Where? In their 9yo Nieces?

      What a shameful exhibit. And let me say it again … it only exists as a result of “moral equivalency”. Yes, one man’s terrorist is another man’s Freedom Fighter. Except when that “Freedom Fighter” has vowed to commit total genocide of their “enemy”. An “enemy” who simply wants to live in peace. No. Sorry. There is NO “equivalency” in the Palestinian “cause”. None.

  3. The War Museum going Woke is pretty disturbing. I don’t know what else to call it. Nobody really likes big fat lezbeens, crazy trannies or BLM racists and most Moslems hate Palestinians like rats.

    1. About two months ago they started adding trigger warnings when you try to search the collections there.

      Home / Learn / Research & Collections / Artifacts & Archives “Search the Collection” –and you get a pop-up bit of nonsense.

  4. This is serious stuff and another reason we need to stop assing around and hold our noses and vote for the party most likely to defeat this dangerous regime.

    1. To top it all off Premier Ford is bugging his own MPP to be vaccinated or take the highway.
      Which, then you know he will be mandating mandatory vaccinations too to Ontario citizens.
      Trudeau is applying lots of pressure by monetary means to keep this puppy’s tail wagging.

  5. That particular photo exhibit (World Press) is a travelling exhibit and the War Museum hosts it in Ottawa every year. They do not choose the photos or the winners.

    1. Do “they” not choose to host the exhibit? Is someone holding a gun to their heads, annually?

  6. Funny that despite this, the Canadian Jewish community overwhelmingly support the Liberals. Show me the money, kind of cliche, but sometimes the obvious needs to be stated.

    1. UK Jews used to be massive Labour supporters until they chose anit-Semite Corbyn for their leader.
      American Jews used to be fanatical Democrats, until Trump achieved more Mid-East peace in two years than anyone has seen in living memory.
      Canadian Jews will be Liberals until the money stops flowing to certain Montreal and Toronto ridings.

  7. In 2019, I went to the Canadian War Museum for the first time since I moved back to Saskatchewan from Ottawa in 1994. I noticed even 2 years ago, that it was going woke / politically correct, and quite frankly, felt embarrassed that it was ‘my’ military museum. I’ve been to the War Memorial Museum in Canberra, Australia; the National Army Museum in Waiouru, New Zealand; the SAC Museum in Omaha; Pima in New Mexico; and many military museums elsewhere in Canada and the USA. Ours is by far, the worst. It’s more like an apology for having a military history.

  8. …and yet people brag that Israel provides the palestinians with food, water, and health-care.
    Of course, a woke propaganda display in a museum thousands of miles away is “giving aid and comfort”, but actually giving real aid and comfort to the enemy is seen as a good thing. The levels of cognitive dissonance are astounding.
