72 Replies to “Feminist Trudeau Sure Likes To Invent Words.”

  1. You would have to be shetarded to believe this guy. Do a bit of shesearch and find out why Justy ought to be shepatriated to Havana.

      1. Pretty sure he said a “Xi-session and a Xi-covery”. With Little Potato its all china all the time.

  2. Don’t worry, Canadian voters are plenty stupid enough to be impressed by his bull she-it.

    What a bunch of she-jects.

      1. I knew women who were easily entranced by whichever “Mr. Dreamy” was in their vicinity. There was no shifting their opinion of him.

  3. He’s beyond a fool,Fuk what a dolt the whole world laughs at him and he thinks he’s cool.

    1. Saw him on cpeec..this am.. Looked like a dog pissing razorblades.. I guess news was coming in from the election in NS!.. Would love to see him selling pencils on a curb, so I could piss on him!

      1. Ottawa needs more statues of Turdeau Senior (and eventually Turdo la Doo) – when we old fellas get that urgent summons from Mother Nature, it’s often hard to find a place to piss…

    1. Blackie is She-witched, she-bothered, and she-bewildered. A Jizz Standard.
      Shellac the Little Lisper in Amber in the shape of a lampshade you may have seen in cottage country.
      Look closely at his facial expressions and listen to how he stilts out that bizarre shit, then tries to criticize O’Toole’s “ big” written thingy.
      It was like hearing Wallace Shawn doing Blackie.
      He is Bonging some Badass BC Bud, Brothers.

  4. I had trouble understanding this CRT language Trudeau is speaking in.
    So he is saying that economic woes are hitting women hardest.

    Call me crazy, but I think even far left CRT types are having difficulty with this language, much less ordinary Canadians. He seems a tad worried…

  5. Since he’s so obsessed with being a feminist, one might think that he might want to, shall we say, “cross the floor”. Prime Minister Frank N. Furter (pun intended in his case as he’s such a weenie)…… yup–just what Canada needs, isn’t it?

      1. Thanks.

        And here we thought about him wanting to be abroad had something to do with foreign travel…..

  6. As I said to someone the other day, Trudeau and Co. keep getting elected because of women.

    This doesn’t surprise me one bit that he’s pandering to them, although in this case he’d better be careful because plenty of them have husbands, sons, sons-in-law, and the like who are suffering too.

    1. As a female there are only two genders) I would NEVER vote for Trudolt. And all my female friends and family would never vote for him either. That being said, there are plenty of idiotic women. I have often said (maybe not so tongue in cheek) that women should never have been given the vote. A number of years ago, I was in New York City just after Trudolt was first elected. Was welcoming guests at the bar in a new restaurant opening for the owner and took up conversation with a 50s something gentleman and his girlfriend. He knew Western Canada very well and after chatting about various locations in Alberta and Saskatchewan, his female friend piped up and said, “It is so wonderful that you elected Mr. Trudeau. He is so dreamy.” I guess the look on my face gave away my feelings. The guy quickly changed the subject and I quickly made a polite but hasty exit. Too many shallow, vacuous women.

      1. Sorry, I shouldn’t have used “women” as a descriptor for the entire female population. But I actually had used “dreamy” in my comment above and deleted it, so keeping it may have helped avoid that.

        I’m a female and I wouldn’t vote for him either. The only reason he’s in the PMO is because of his last name and his looks. Otherwise, no one would care who his is.

        Oh, and I’ve also said more than once, sometimes jokingly and sometimes not, that women should never have been give the right to vote. Of course, that has also led to things like quotas, including having a certain number of candidates who check the right boxes or a certain number of cabinet members who check the right boxes. I’d prefer to know their actual qualifications for the job.

        As an aside, I hate arguing “universal” health care with liberal Americans, male or female. No matter what you tell them, even it’s coming from personal experience, they still think the Canadian health care system is awesomesauce.

      2. Actually non-property owners and non-tax-payers should never have been given the vote, certainly not incarcerated prisoners. We do need to defund flakey university programs. It is our money and we would be generous with charities, if the gubberment did not take it all and spend it on stupid she-projects or reunification projects that no one needs. I rejected feminism from day one in the late 60’s. I liked my bra and could compete with men.

        Everyone knows that affirmative action is a fail. Competent people who have reasonable language/other skills, education and experience can compete successfully, except when bona fide occupational requirements (strength etc.) are really needed for the job). I know – I have tested hundreds.

        1. Bang-on. And “non tax-payers” includes people on welfare and anyone working for the government, as they don’t contribute a thin dime towards tax revenue.


  7. Trudeau is beyond grotesque given the redible reports from a female reporter that the Shiny Pony groped her in Kokanee B.C.

    1. The grope actually happened at Creston, BC. Kokanee is the name of a fish and a beer and also, back in 2000, a music festival (the Kokanee Summit).

      1. Now , now, calm down, just because Blackie quit a month before the end of term and had the most connected law firm in Canada draw up his resignation letter, doesn’t mean that much.
        Yes it’s unusual for a teacher to quit so close to the end of school year, and stranger indeed that a law firm would need to ink a resignation letter for a part-time drama teacher, but I’m sure most teachers use law firms for this reason.
        Drafting a letter stating your love of teaching and the wonderful experiences you’ve had is serious and difficult stuff, so give Justin a break,mk?

  8. Well, many of his policies encouraged a “she-cession” in the first place, so it’s not surprising that, feeling guilty, he’s now obsessed with a “she-covery.”

    1. Garth, are you sure that he’s really not obsessed with a “she coterie?”
      If so, he may be losing them, one awakening woman at a time.
      You go, Girls!

  9. Trudeau thinks he’s more than clever by half. Not only is he mocking normal people, he’s laughing outright at the specific women/feminists who keep voting for him.

  10. Maybe that’s part of the advice he got from Hillary Clinton as he said today he talked to her about
    Afghanistan and the Taliban when asked if the government will recognize the taliban, BTW he never said anything about Garneau remarking on that yesterday.

    1. The Hillbeast?  Felonia von Pantsuit?
      What in God’s name is he talking to that has-been for?

    1. I would aim my elbow greeting hard at his lisping mouth, or elsewhere – oops, sorry. Really, if he is going to make up words, he should practice saying them in front of the mirror, which he apparently likes so much.

  11. While no one seems to know what the Canadian response to the Kabul airport mess is, the bought and paid for media was excited that Justin was having a beer in Barrie today.

    1. Nothing to do with the liberal she male leader but I I don’t care about Kabul one little bitI hope all Canuck soldiers get home though

      1. I coined CERBians, but like that you use it.
        You’re welcome.
        Just sayin’. I grasp after my very few witticisms. What can I say?
        Now I sound as insecure as a she-it head!
        Whiskey will do that.

        1. I used the term I happened to notice that it, and I give you credit for having coined it, is a homonym of a European nationality.

  12. She-cession?
    Our money problems are women’s fault!
    I knew it!
    “She’s so fine, there’s no tellin’ where the money went” Robert Palmer

  13. Justin will soon announce he is getting a sex change.

    I am half kidding, half certain he will do it.

  14. It is interesting to look at the way the Left and Normal people use the same language.
    Here we have Mr Canada unironically using words like She-coverary in an attempt to prove to Feminists that he is an Ally and sits down to pee or whatever he is trying to do.
    On the flip side we get within discussions of popular culture use of the phrase The M-She-U and Marvel Phase Bore to discuss how a once successful and entertaining film franchise has become filled with ‘Wahman’ characters at the expense of existing established characters and quality of storytelling. Or, to word it another way, Go Woke Go Broke.
    (Also in this discussion the word ‘Woke’ which quickly went from a Left word to describe a change in mindset for the Better, to shorthand within the Right for anything that no one wanted or asked for that is being forced onto people.)
    So we get situations where the Left are creating words to show how inclusive they are, and the Right are taking EXACTLY the same words as a slur on people who are completely out of touch with the silent majority.
    This has gotten to the stage where some Left leaning commentators actually express fear in giving concepts names because they know the Right will take the same name and use it against them.

    Like the saying goes, the Left own the hashtags, but the Right control the Memes.

    1. I thought you knew that the term “male feminist” means “leftist male who is a serial abuser of female subordinates”?

  15. Pretty sure he said a “Xi-session and a Xi-covery”. With Little Potato its all china all the time.

  16. Now , now, calm down, just because Blackie quit a month before the end of term and had the most connected law firm in Canada draw up his resignation letter, doesn’t mean that much.
    Yes it’s unusual for a teacher to quit so close to the end of school year, and stranger indeed that a law firm would need to ink a resignation letter for a part-time drama teacher, but I’m sure most teachers use law firms for this reason.
    Drafting a letter stating your love of teaching and the wonderful experiences you’ve had is serious and difficult stuff, so give Justin a break,mk?

  17. Is it going too far to wish covid or a fatal disease on somebody?

    Just wondering if my loathing for this person isn’t challenging karma or something.


  18. Guaranteed he thought that up on his own. None of his handlers would advise him to say something so nauSHEating.

  19. I know I’m out of touch in some ways, but I only learned yesterday that “Latinx” is intended to remove gender from the Spanish language so as to be inclusive of mutants, sorry, trans people. Jolly ol’ optimistic me thought it was meant to show inclusion of all types of Latin people!

    Well there you go: proof that Latin people are just as capable of being raving idiots as white people, thinking they can alter the Romance languages to suit the flavor of the year. Bravo, and thanks for putting another boot to my optimism.
