14 Replies to “Renegade Regulator”

  1. I knew a Fuhrer 40 or 50 years ago. She said she was Swiss. I said they all claim to be Swiss.

  2. What a crock. We don’t have justice or the rule of law anymore. Just little fiefdoms protecting their own from uppity plebes. Something that wouldn’t look at all out of place in Zimbabwe or some other backwater.
    “First, the Court Ruled in advance of the Hearing that the right of self-defence was being withdrawn from PS Knight Co. That’s right, we weren’t allowed to defend ourselves. “

    How is this even ok??? Like Carlin said – It’s all one big club and we ain’t in it.

  3. Fascinating, and infuriating reading on that website about a seemingly technical dispute that reveals the underbelly of systematic destruction of democratic values and the rule of law.

    1. Just bite the bullet and import the crap.
      No laws there that can’t be manipulated through trade deals.
      Meanwhile, back in Canada, it’s illegal… like the rest of the shit it’s illegal to do.

  4. Canada has rotted through it’s core. There is no saving it. Hopefully Western Canada can separate and build better systems.

    1. Yes, “build better systems”. And these new systems, they won’t be targeted by the same people, in the same ways. We will have a different civil service, that draws on a different pool of humanity.

      The fact is, you have to simply limit it. Not having a standards association, is the only way to avoid a corrupt standards association. If you have one, eventually it will be corrupted. There is no rule that you can write, that can prevent it. There is no way, to guarantee a bad actor will never amend your rule.

      The only reason the earth is still orbiting the sun, is because no bureaucrat has a say in it.

      Allowing your government to grow, guarantees corruption. The only limit on corruption, is the size of the government. The only guarantee of corruption, is human involvement.

      1. The only reason the earth is still orbiting the sun, is because no bureaucrat has a say in it.

        I’m going to borrow that…

  5. The Fuhrer’s ruling is bovine excrement of a very low quality and overturns centuries of British Common Law. The living law is exactly what it purports to be – MIGHT MAKES RIGHT. In short, the judicial branch, thanks to Pierre Idiot Trudeau, has reached full kritarchy. They are in power and they will exercise whatever whims they wish, without limitations. They have lost the moral right to be judges and have violated any oath that they swore. And any ruling that they make is not worth the paper that it is printed or the electrons spewed to publish it.

    Short of a revolution, this does not end well for anyone. Welcome to Bananada.

  6. And the USA gains another productive citizen.
    Canada continues the Glorious Kleptocracy.
    Our motto; “If it is NOT PERMITTED,it must be forbidden.”
    The corruption of our bureaus has destroyed confederation.
    Law,Order and any belief in Justice are gone.
    How long does an empty edifice stand?
    Prairie Winds are blowing,time we was a-going.

    This saga is what took me over the edge,that the Conservatives were too gutless ( perhaps complicit),told me we have no one in political office willing to support civilization.
    For the individual is civil society.
    The State and the marching minions are the doom .
    For they can create nothing and inspire no one.
    Consume, crush and destroy,their only “skills”.

    The Uni-Party is having their “Let them eat cake” moment and we soon descend into the dark and depravity the Grey Ghouls so desire.
    Open one eye,observe your local government employee..do you see a void?
    Something is missing in a soul that submits so completely.
    What are you willing to do to others for a paycheck?

    There really are zombies amongst us.

    Good enough for Government,with a union to embolden them.
    For our helpers,that national debt is a signal of success.
    5-15 years to process a development plan is “winning”..

  7. Government needs bureaucracies like CSA. A great way to reward their lackeys with cushy jobs.
