Coming Soon To A Gym Near You

Nice business you’ve got there, be a shame if something were to happen to it. 

Friday, September 3rd is the date given by the province in the latest public health orders to start requiring people to be fully immunized to participate in certain activities, gym and fitness centre usage being one of them.

Spence says three shutdowns of his gym over the last 18 months have been wearing on him and his business. “Each time you lose between 15 and 20% of your clientele. And then they brought in the mask mandate, which eliminated quite a few more people. 8 out of 10 people cancelled because they wouldn’t wear masks while working out. And then they brought in the vaccines.”

With current vaccination rates in Steinbach sitting around 61.9% for first-time vaccinations, both Dyck and Spence say that a large portion of the community can no longer access their facilities due to not being fully vaccinated. This frustrates Dyck, “So, 38% of your members are now ineligible to attend your business.” According to Dyck, Anytime Fitness will not be collecting any income from members that cannot come to the gym as “that would be unethical. At the very least, we’ll freeze it indefinitely until these things sort of change, or unless there’s a change of mind or change of heart from the government.”

They won’t kill your business, they’ll just make it impossible for you to live.

29 Replies to “Coming Soon To A Gym Near You”

  1. Close your businesses. You should have closed 12 months ago but the next best time is right now. You don’t need to risk everything for a gym or a pub in Canada. It’s not worth it.

  2. City of Regina is doing the same thing with city owned facilities. My business rents space from a city owned facility for training sessions, but now participants will have to wear masks and show vaccine status or a negative test. There was already a restricted number of people allowed in a room (which impacted on our ability to generate revenue, which obviously for a government that is minor concern – they have taxes and mandatory fees (aka taxes)

    NO indication of precautions in keeping private health information private.

    Currently looking for other sites.

  3. Only a government bureaucrat can look at a disease that is 1) very rarely fatal and 2) whose primary co-morbidity is ill-health from lack of exercise, and then insist on a ‘solution’ that makes it harder to exercise. Here in BC, at one point they actually closed down our wilderness parks on the assumption that being in the middle of nowhere getting exercise was more dangerous than staying home with a bunch of people in a living room, supermarket, subway etc.

    1. Yes, closing the parks and nature trails was anything but a “safety” measure. It was punitive and pointless.

  4. I used to regularly to the gym in my apartment complex. Thanks to this virus malarkey, the hours were cut (I used to go in shortly after the facility opened at 5 AM and often had the place all to myself), I was required to book an appointment (woe betide me if I don’t show up), and I’m pretty sure I had to sign in so that I can be tracked down and punished if someone blamed me for infecting them.

    Mind you, our brainless manager loved that sort of thing from the day she started here, so I’m not surprised at any of it any more.

    I found my old 5BX book and started doing some of those exercises. I also bought a portable gym set to add to what I can do. I finish each session with a stair climb and I manage to get more than half an hour’s worth of exercise.

    1. 5BX…I did those exercises many years ago. Think I got the booklet from my Mother who got it from her brother. Pretty good basic training.

      1. I usually do 3 rounds and the portable gym allows me to add some lifts and pulldowns.

        Still, I’d rather work out in the apartment’s gym, where I had 10 or 12 stations available.

  5. Go Galt.
    For my farming business, if we go vax passport here, I’ll put it on a sustenance level of operation.
    No way I’m going to work hard to feed bastards who would shun me from society.

  6. Hmmmm…a little ambiguous here. I have two relatives that have been fired from their jobs for refusing the vaccine.
    They’re putting it all on the line…wife, kids, mortgages the whole enchilada. Try that on for size.
    Driving you out of business is the whole idea and you need to come to that realization and whether you die a death by a thousand cuts or close up shop after a few weeks and call it a day matters not a whit to them.

    …we’ll freeze it indefinitely until these things sort of change, or unless there’s a change of mind or change of heart from the government.”

    Dude. Seriously? I promised myself I wouldn’t use the “2×4 to the head” analogy again. Quit making it difficult.

  7. My wife has been told she can’t have the vaccine due to her allergies according to the manufacturers of the vaccine but the allergists in Manitoba had a lovely article today in CBC about how they are giving it to people allergic to the ingredients anyway. They are so brave and wonderful and proud of themselves for saving people. So we are planning in hiding in our house until sometime next April when a non mRNA type vaccine becomes available, assuming the storm troopers don’t come and drag us off to an internment camp for dissidents first.

  8. I’m in Ontario and they are coming out with this nonsense today apparently. Many here have had it and will plain and simply just be withdrawing from society. No gyms, fine, I can make due. No eating out? No worries, its really overpriced dog food these days. The sign should say “Welcome to Ontario! The science is different here”

    1. I am having trouble understanding Ford’s change of heart in regards to passports. I have given this much thought and have come to the conclusion the Lib’s or a close associate has pictures of Ford doing strange and wonderful things to sheep, goats or pigs. Try not to think about that for too long….Steve O

      1. If a politician or other prominent person starts to do really odd things, I always blame BoB – (B)ribes (o)r (B)lackmail. BoB seems to be everywhere right now.

      2. Your problem was assuming Ford was a principled small government conservative. He isn’t. He’s a populist. That’s fine as long as you’re a member of the vocal majority, but when the mood of the crowd turns against you you have no recourse.

    2. I am just heartsick about this. Danger of the delta variant is the excuse given, but surely they know that vaccination makes no difference regarding acquiring or transmitting the delta. If Doug Ford does not know this, then his advisors are keeping him in the dark.

  9. In BC people believe the vaccine passport thing is a temporary measure. At no time did anyone in government say that of course. They only said “we’ll re-evaluate”. You don’t spend a billion dollars on a program that’ll last a few months folks.

    1. Ford said “And let me be clear, this is a temporary tool that we won’t use for a day longer than we have to.”

  10. Going forward, what investor will agree to put capital up for the purchase of gyms, restaurants and venues when the future profitability is so bleak due to the unpredictable nature of these restrictions? The passport cheerleaders need to ask themselves what happens to an economy which finds itself deluged with so many stranded assets.

    1. Or the rent fiasco. In Ontario no residential or commercial rents collectible. Ford did this. Only an idiot would ever invest in rental property in Ontario again. Better off buying bubbles to blow in the wind.

  11. We’ve had a family membership at the YMCA for 15 years. I hadn’t used the facilities since the beginning of the plandemic until about six weeks ago. I have to make an appointment and wear a mask but I tolerate it. I kept paying all through the plandemic because I think the Y is a worthwhile organization. If a vaccine passport comes in I’m done. If they want to stay in business THEY will have to fight it. If they think it’s a good idea, they can deal with the fallout. I’m done.

    1. Likewise: I have been a Y member since 2004 and have enjoyed both the fitness aspect, and the social side. However, assuming my Y goes along with this crap, I will simply cancel my membership and never darken their door again.

      There will be no point in suspending my membership, like I did when they insisted on booking times, and not allowing use of changerooms. Once they start this, it won’t end.

      The Y has always advertised that they never turn anyone away who cannot afford the membership – I suspect that will not extend to medical history.

  12. And if you’re not vaccinated?

    The CDC says you CANNOT travel over the Labor Day Holiday. Wha, wha, whaaaaat!? Some c*nt ex college professor of something summarily removes the Constitutional Rights of every American who gained NATURAL immunity having survived COVID.

    Boom! This worm of a woman … once again … attempts to RULE SUPREME over the US Constitution and American inalienable RIGHTS . And the SCOTUS sit in a fetal position … once again.

    Yeah … now I agree with Rev. Wright … God Damn! (this version of) America!

  13. I find it “strange” that at no time from anyone do I hear smidgen about ANTIBODY Tests…??

    I fully plan on doing so here in the next week or so…and be damned if someone is going to exclude me from doing or going any DAMNED place I want – given a Positive result.

    Fuck yer Death dealing bullshit jab

    1. Because widespread antibody tests would expose the entire f*cking con so clearly even the room temperature sheep lining up for the !vaxx will understand they’ve been conned big time by the depraved establishment.

  14. Getting an antigen and antibody test today.
    $169.00 and $69.00 respectively.
    Star Drug Testing Winnipeg.
