Capital Letters are Now Racist … in Calgary No Less!

111 Replies to “Capital Letters are Now Racist … in Calgary No Less!”

    1. Yes, if a surname ends in and vowel it’s probably Italian.
      If it ends in an ‘S’ … it’s probably Greek
      If it has only one syllable, it’s probably one of the Chinkamanese cultures.
      If it’s unpronounceable, it’s probably Eastern European.
      Now you know.

    2. She needs to quit appropriating White Man’s Culture. Get out of modern clothes and into some animal skins that you chewed yourself. Go live in a fucking teepee all winter while you are at it, without a nice white mans sleeping bag. Sick of hypocrites.

  1. Leftists gonna cancel her soon. Can’t have any guns, nevermind many.

  2. I like Gad Saad’s response

    A truly brave, inspiring, courageous, and powerful initiative.

  3. I am at a lost for words so I will just go with a ‘FFS!!”
    How’s that for capital letters, Linda, you Woke Moron

      1. It’s a tactic that these ” leftist ” communists use.
        They use incrementalism in every solution to man’s ills that are totally over the top , hoping some will stick.
        They keep bashing us over the heads with it until we capitulate and say enough is enough, I WILL obey your every wish so you will just leave me the fvck alone.
        This is how THEY get a compliant populace to do whatever they are told with blinding obedience not to question at ALL.
        That’s what this WOKE shit is all about.

        The answer to it all is , NOOOOO.

    1. Right on…credentialed. And then the puffed up morons can and do look down their noses at anyone less credentialed.

      1. And then the puffed up morons can and do look down their noses at anyone less credentialed.

        I noticed that while I was a grad student. The worst are those who studied all the way through to their doctorates. They regarded people like me who, on occasion, went into industry and actually put into practice what we had learned. After all, it’s…. it’s….. it’s so….. vocational!

  4. But the monthly government cheque’s use capital letters so will they be “rejected” as well ?

    1. exceptions for Government of Canada Welfare Cheques will be made. she will also make an exception for the Bank she keeps her loot.

  5. VIRTUE SIGNALLING HAS BECOME A RITUAL IN THE PROGRESSIVE CULT. There, fixed that for you. And you had better change your last name – guns?? See the hypocrisy in that Linda?


  7. “… … in Calgary No Less!.”

    What an ignorant comment. You mean the same Calgary with multi-term Nenshi and the evil priest-arresting cops? My friends and family in Alberta mostly understand how far down the road of leftism Alberta has already travelled, it is sad how many others simply refuse to see/admit this simple fact. Please wake up.

    1. A little or a lot of virtue posing won’t erase her guilt of being …an ongoing…. slaveholder. FIFY These people are blind to their complicity in the forced labor, coerced labor, child labor occurring today and present in almost all consumer goods.

  8. All of you whiny professional Indians need to fuck off and get your own money. We are sick of you. You have more opportunity than any other group in Canada. But you are lazy, not all, but most.

    Once you ID as a victim, it is difficult to climb back up to being a self-reliant, proud human being who take responsibility for one’s self and family. And stop making your life about the transgressions of 150 YEARS AGO.

    Playing the victim card damages your mental health.

  9. They gave us moccasins, the canoe and tobacco.
    We gave them, free health care, education, Ford F150s and the AR15 rifle. Not to mention power boats for fishing.

    Then there is the 12 billion or so that we suckers give you whiners every year to keep your Chief and fiends living in the style they have become accustomed to.

    1. ATV’s, televisions, cell phones, cotton jeans bandanas and t-shirts and an alphabet. (both capitalized and not.)

    2. It is important to recall that when we encountered these savages … they were living in the dirt. A Stone Age society 4,000 years behind civilization, still with no written language. No need for a Rosetta Stone.

      1. Indeed. Short time ago twitter was trending a story of an indigenous women upset her indigenous name would not be printed on her passport in her indigenous language. My immediate thought was, what indigenous written language would that be? Of course it was English letters and numbers not even phonetically pronounceable.

      2. Short time ago twitter was trending a story of an indigenous women upset her indigenous name would not be printed on her passport in her indigenous language.

        Yeah. How colonialist not to acknowledge pictograms and smoke signals as viable forms of language.

    3. “We gave them, free health care, education, Ford F150s and the AR15 rifle. Not to mention power boats for fishing.”

      …AND big-screen TVs!

    4. “Our ancestors even had stone tools at one time.”

      Yabbut, did they stick feathers in their hair?

    5. JW, I wait with baited breath for them to return to living off the land without ant 21st century assists.

  10. I would say that “Dr.” alone is a symbol of hierarchy, wouldn’t you?

    Perhaps she will now renounce being a doctor (cultural appropriation, by the way) and become a shaman? Or is that equally hierarchical?

  11. She certainty doesn’t bitch about her free education, free healthcare, free prescriptions , free dental, no income tax. All bought and paid for by us whiteys.

  12. Her name is GREAT! But having just re-watched CA Gov. Arnie’s all-time diversity masterpiece “Predator” her name would even be greater if she could change it to “Miniguns!”. I take anything aboriginal-firsters say tongue-cheek nowadays. In the old West the way things were done was by trading. So if Chief Manyguns wants the Whites to give up capital letters let’s get something back like two oil pipelines. After all words and the letters Whites use to spell them are sacred. Fair trade I’d say.

    1. Oh wow, can I use Miniguns as MY last name? What an awesome idea, thank you! Gonna start right now when I sign the post. It’s like a new lease on life!

  13. The professoriate must have its apartheid industry advocates to add to the cultural Marxist nihilism which is destroying the civilization that supports the dependency and advocacy of her “industry”. Its the kind of thinking that white progressives embrace to “feel good”.

  14. So she would prefer to return to the old ways before colonization?

    Did her tribe engage in slavery?
    Did her tribe engage in warfare?
    Did her tribe engage in ritual sacrifice?
    Did her tribe have a written language?

  15. Establishing a system for written communication typically requires common rules for structure, punctuation and spelling and other fine points: howeverifwetossallofthatoutthewindowisupposeitwouldbeeasierificouldwriteinanystylethatiwantwithoutregardforanestablishedsetofrulesgivingmethefreedomtosaywhatiwantinthewaythatiwantbutifnooneelsecanunderstandmewhatisthefreekingpointithinkthisparticularideaisasstupidasthosethatpracticeit

    1. That’s right, nobody used spaces between words until the racist Europeans got involved. Notonlythat,butwritinglikethatwillmakeitharderforbotstoscanyourstuffwhilehumanreaderswillhavelittleproblemwithalittlepractice!

  16. Not exactly a Rosa Parks moment, hon. I have to chuckle though – she has that look as if she just stepped off the “Trail of Tears” to pose for a Daguerreotype photo. The rest of the alumni are all big toothy smiles…but not Ms.Manyguns.

    Photographer: “Ok, let’s see a big smile Linda”
    Manyguns: “No”

    1. Fuck a white man, take your chances. Does anybody think anymore? Tell me, just who the superior doctors were who knew shit from tar when it came to STDs back then? You cannot now or ever apply our level of knowledge to those days. Only a real moron would try. Please, will one of our more brilliant commenters prove me wrong.

      1. Very well said. This entire revisionist history movement using contemporary comparisons is utter rubbish. And dangerous.

        TD should thank his/her Indigenous ancestors for NOT schtupping a white man and thus eliminating any chance of his/her birth. Right?

  17. The whole point is to make stuff harder and harder to comprehend so you just give in to it. Now I have to change my signature since I don’t want to be associated with this commie harpy. I can’t remember why I never capitalized it anyway.

    You have to admire a name like Many Guns though.

  18. So, lemme get this straight…

    She’s pissing & moaning about features of a language that she culturally appropriated from someone else? Is that the thrust?

    1. Instead of a phd (her spelling) … shouldn’t she have attained “medicine woman” status? “heap big spiritual chief” ? Why the acknowledgment and acceptance of “settler” culture?

      Ohhhhhh yeahhhhhh … it’s for the paycheck, err wampum. In fact that’s a great idea … she should be paid in shells.

    2. Seriously. Its not her language or her alphabet to play with! If she wants to tell her story she can change the hieroglyphics on some rock or weave a different wampum belt. She needs to stick to making her stance in her own words. Hypocritic twat.

  19. I support her commitment. so we will stop paying her and remove her symbols of academic accomplishment as well, won’t we?

  20. I notice that “Indigenous” is still spelt with a capital, so in reality, all she is really doing is rearranging the hierarchy to her advantage.

    Also, how does starting a sentence without a capital in any way reflect her stupid-ass ideology? Typical woke leftard, can’t have the first word of a sentence any more ‘privileged’ than the others. Clown world, indeed.

    1. … rearranging the hierarchy to her advantage.

      Precisely! She is actually practicing a form of Gnosticism. People who believe THEY have the “special knowledge” above and beyond all known hierarchies. When in fact, they are simply remaking the orthodoxy in their own image.

      Contemporary Gnostics are all around us. Vegan fanatics for example … insist that they and only THEY “know” the correct way for humans to eat … overthrowing our Omnivore “orthodoxy”.

      The thing about contemporary Gnostics is that THEY and they alone hold the “key” to a deeper understanding of life. And if you don’t adopt THEIR way of life … Heaven help you

  21. An Indian that looks more than 50% Indian. That’s something. Most of the pissers and moaners look over 90% white.

    1. My blonde haired, blue eyed, grandson is entitled to the FULL share of First Nations largesse. Yep. His fractional First Nations blood gets morphed by political calculation to ensure his dipper status. I understand he gets FREE college in Canada, and some claim to lands of his ancestral people. And despite his US citizenship … he can travel free throughout North America. I look forward to the day he starts receiving his “Indian checks”

      Thankfully, he resides in SoCal … far from the intersection of some rivers in Alberta inhabited by 17 different tribes or something.

  22. Here’s some trivia. She mentions cummings as part of this movement. Wrong.. He avoided punctuation and did a lot of other odd stuff, because he was just kinda out there, and it worked for him. At least the critics thought so. He also penned this little verse:

    “one day a n****r
    caught in his hand
    a little star no bigger
    than not to understand”

    He claimed it was satire, and it might have been, I don’t know.
    Trivia, but one would think an “educated” person would know these things.

    1. And “e. e. cummings” was a Republican and big supporter of Senator Joe McCarthy.

      That could screw up the narrative a tad.

    2. She….oops, “she” stated that she was joining in with e.e. cummings and other lower case champions.
      A cursory check on Cummings notes that it was his publisher that did the lower case thing for effect, not Cummings, who used upper case.
      The publisher was trying to market based on the unconventional use of case and punctuation that he deployed as a silly poet.
      I note that her statement is careful to use proper punctuation. Hell, she even uses the white man’s alphabet.

      1. “Hell, she even uses the white man’s alphabet.”

        Yet another “inconvenient truth”: before the arrival of Europeans, the indigenous people of what is now Canada had no writing systems at all.


  24. After I finished my Ph. D., I applied at for a number of faculty positions at several universities. It’s a good think they all turned me down as I might have been closely exposed to that malarkey.

    I’m reminded of an old Frank article about some white professor who insisted on doing a Grey Owl impersonation….. and got away with it. I think it was at U of Ottawa.

    1. Did you ever interview? And if you did … did you smell of patchouli oil and weed? If not, your application was doomed.

      1. No university ever stooped so low as to invite me for an interview. I did, however, meet with a number of university transfer colleges, which were almost as bad. Some of the interview committees were completely disconnected with how things are done in the real world.

        Fortunately, I never needed any of those jobs as, when I walked away for good from Armpit College, I had some money of my own. Now that I have my inheritance, I don’t care any more.

  25. Oh, she looks reeeeaaaallll oppressed, doesn’t she? She has a smug “up yours, whitey” look on her face because she knows she can get away with her shenanigans.

  26. “I’m too lazy to put capital letters in my texts, but I don’t want to appear like an illiterate peasant from PEI. I’ll just announce I’m not using capital letters because of some Noble Cause.”

  27. I’m sorry, linda small mind, but using the internet and twitter is cultural appropriation (as is your name) by a member of a culture that only used pictograms, hand signals and oral traditions. So the next time you want to communicate your displeasure with the rest of us, burn your useless degrees to get the fire started, and then yell at the top of your lungs. And we might respond if we hear you.

  28. Trivial pursuit will not improve anyone’s life. There are many problems which could improve lives but disregarding spelling, punctuation or syntax leads to more miscommunication. Even if you are a medical doctor you don’t need to signal it in an effort to display superior knowledge. I very much doubt you got a degree from any institution by communicating in minuscules.

  29. Using Dr. (dr.) and PhD. (phd) is not hierarchical?

    To “decolonize” your language my I suggest petroglyphs.

  30. Foist deys comes for de capital letters and wese did nothing. Den they cums for duh exclumation points and wese was shocked!! …. but did nuttin. Now deys cummins for duh humble comma. Waddya gonna do now???…. Ise, say, keep, comma, and, carry, on, ….

  31. Manyguns is shooting blanks.
    Too bad her father didn’t.
    Everyone in the Indian Grievance Industry (IDI) can eat shit and die.
