Labour Day Round-Up

What did everyone see out there the last couple of days in our new segregated economy? Are things bouncing back?

The Manitoba marathon was a bit thin this year. 

The event usually hosts roughly 12,000 participants, but Munday said this year was closer to 3,000. Runners were required to wear masks while waiting in their corral and once they crossed the finish line. Orange pylons separated athletes into five lanes at the starting line. Once a buzzer would sound, five people would start to run, followed by a five-second pause before the next group of five could begin. Munday said the delay between runners helped ensure social distancing during what is normally the most crowded portion of the event. “We usually send them out in five waves over a period of 20 minutes,” the executive director said. “Today, we did groups of 500 over four-and-a-half hours.”

29 Replies to “Labour Day Round-Up”

    1. Nice.
      I hadn’t seen that one.

      I think the first Bond movie starred David Niven in ironically ” Casino Royale “.
      But it was more of a black comedy.

      1. See my comments below.

        It was never meant to be serious movie but a send-up of not just Bond movies but the whole spy film genre. Deborah Kerr chews scenery in that one!

    2. I believe it was the first adaptation of a Bond novel. But there’s a twist to it.

      The show was produced and broadcast by CBS, which was part of Columbia. The other Bond movies were by MGM/United Artists. That’s why the original film version of Casino Royale was so completely off the wall because Columbia kept the rights to it.

      Sony bought Columbia over 30 years ago and, later, got the remnants of MGM. That also meant that it obtained the movie rights to CR and was, therefore, allowed to make a film version closer to the novel.

    1. Obviously throwing rocks at Justin is racist a – he has been black one or two or three- oh hell I don’t know how many times! And he may have been hit. Also holds the world record for a politician not answering a question for the most consecutive days and he is still adding days. It’s obvious no protester has a legitimate reason to be upset because he was super respectful in calling the election. And all the hateful labels he repeats – well that’s just sunny ways! And you know they do deserve them for not staying home or in a government fenced in area.

    2. Why is it that nobody demands people should … “be able to feel safe” … at ANTIFA riots, err “peaceful protests” ?

      But Truedope supporters demand they should be able to … “feel safe” … at his campaign stops.

  1. “The event usually hosts roughly 12,000 participants, but Munday said this year was closer to 3,000. Runners were required to wear masks while waiting in their corral and once they crossed the finish line. Orange pylons separated athletes into five lanes at the starting line. Once a buzzer would sound, five people would start to run, followed by a five-second pause before the next group of five could begin.”

    Hmm, so could it be that 75% of the population has opened their eyes to this farcical orderly regimen and have had second thoughts? Oh silly me, this is Manitoba! Carry on… But a wonderful start to the cattle-car-deployment edict soon to follow. Wake TF up!

  2. MB Marathon, absolute silliness and virtue signalling.
    No wonder no one showed up.
    MB Marathon Committee better smarten up.

  3. Busy labour day football game in Calgary. Could have been the weather or, the holiday but it was pretty well attended. 31,000 people. Probably our last game as season ticket holders as the organization is going to require papers for entry. We’ve asked for our money back for the remainder of the season as we won’t support a segregated society. They said the rules “may soften” so stay tune. Indeed….

  4. Buddy: “I see dark days ahead.”

    Yes, dark days indeed. The plan is unfolding as designed. It’s an evil world we live in ruled by evil people.

    “To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.”

    Things will be set a right.

  5. For the second time in 20 years living in the God forsaken southwestern corner of the Lower Mainland, my friendly neighborhood grocery chain store was empty on the weekend immediately before school starts. In other news, lots of blue lawn campaign signs on my route to visiting a friend in Kitsilano (North on Oak, west on 33rd ave, then North on MacDonald till 6th). I’m one week away from being shunned from social life (since I have none, won’t make much of a difference) – but! – the so called “vaccine mandate order” has not been published yet. My wife and I have been coaching a relative in Alberta who will be on leave without pay as of Tuesday, September 7th, due to another “vaccine mandate”. My daughter went to a “second-year orientation” at UBC (first year was online…), and visited the places that will be off limits to her after September 13. Contributed to the Stop Vaccine Passports campaign at Rebel News. Observed first hand how large swaths of a population, brought to the edge through fear and stoked by sleazy politicians, will do anything for a little perceived security, including open discrimination. Yeah, I think that sums it all up.

    1. “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

      Benjamin Franklin

      I know much of what you’re going to face. I’m going back to my house in B. C. on Sunday. Yup, it’ll be a fun time there, won’t it?

  6. I think I have said about all that can be said about the whu who flu and cowardly Canadians.

  7. Goldeyes game in Winnipeg on Labor Day Monday. Last game of the season. Beautiful weather. 2700 in attendance. Capacity is 7461.

    While we were waiting outside the stadium, my wife wanted to sit down on a bench. A woman was sitting square in the middle of one of them so my wife politely asked if she would mind if she also sat on the bench. The woman said, “Yes, I mind!” and stormed off.

  8. Maybe the Weakerthans will do a reunion concert! Our 18th month of “two weeks to flatten the curve.” Insanity all throughout North America. Here in Massachusetts we were told that our Wednesday night hockey group can resume playing, but we must wear masks at all times while in the rink, including WHILE WE ARE PLAYING. As the Swedes would say “Jag tackade nej”. (I thank you no)

    The local press must have a macro for “overrun hospital stories” ,as they’re cranking those up.

    Now, I’m not a victim of Trump Derangement Syndrome (I am a victim of Trump Disappointment Syndrome, however) but I have come to believe he bears a great deal of responsibility for the ongoing COVID madness- he did little to arrest the mandates and lockdowns, he kept the most evil man in the world (Fauci) in a position of great authority, and took no steps to curb the bureaucratic overreach of executive branch agencies like the CDC- why on earth does the Centers for Disease Control have the authority to tell people that they don’t have to pay their rent. (Another press macro- stories about people being thrown out of their houses) It may be there was little he could do- but it seems that he bought into the notion that the Coof is the Black Death.

    1. “ [Trump] did little to arrest the mandates and lockdowns, he kept the most evil man in the world (Fauci) in a position of great authority,”

      While Trump was obsessing over Alinsky Rules #5 and #13, he got rolled by Alinsky Rule #3 (Ann Barnhardt)

    2. If you honestly believe Trump could have done anything different re: COVID … in an election year … when he was already repeatedly SAVAGED for downplaying the threat … you are sadly mistaken. You might as well be blaming Trump for the bungled Byedin-Heiress withdrawal from Afghanistan as you seem to be doing for the continued COVID apoplectic nonsense.

      If Trump were re-elected POTUS … Fauxci would be filing papers in a CDC basement somewhere, and you’d have never heard of some college professor named Walinski. And our children would not be wearing masks in Kindergarten

    3. Patriotic Americans tried the tea party movement and got ignored. They elected Trump in response and discovered the mess can’t be fixed from the top down. Trump never had a prayer against the Deep State. So now they are trying bottom up with an attempt to take over every elected position and fill it with patriots from school board rep and union reps to senate seat. I wish them luck.

  9. I was fortunate enough to be able to spend a couple of hours with at least 4000 other unmasked free-choice individuals listening to a speech by Maxime Bernier at Winkler Manitoba. There are only two clear choices in the upcoming election. PPC or one of the Left wing Liberal parties.

    1. I hope you guys can turf out Prime Minister Zoolander, but long term I don’t think we in the west can vote our way out of this mess.

  10. I’m in small town Manitoba. Our local community centre, once a busy thriving place and centre of the social life always on the go, has been totally shut down for over a year now. The only thing left operating by COVID shut downs has been the meals on wheels program for the elderly and even that is a pale shadow of what it once was. People used to come into town to enjoy their meal and congregate by the kitchen area. When that stopped the number of people using the service dropped to 1/4.

    Just before the latest indoor mask rules and banning of the unvaccinated came in, the organizing committee created a survey to try to get feedback on what we as a community can do to restart the community centre. With the new rules about only the vaxxed being allowed inside, 20% of the population, including some of the key volunteers who maintain the ice rink and run the water system, would now be violating the law if they go there. No one wants to take on the job of being the security who picks out and bans the violators but the centre can’t afford the $5000 fines that they could get if the COVID police showed up. People have gotten used to just not being there and they don’t want to start up again if we’re just going to get locked down.

    When we regretfully informed the chair person we won’t be involved because of the unvaxxed restrictions, she looked like she was about to burst into tears. “It’s terrible what they are doing to our communities! We are living in a terrible world and these idiots in government are killing us!”

    She’s right. And I think that’s the whole point of the exercise.

  11. I am truly amazed at the very high number of people that are extremely afraid of covid and in turn other people. The government is doing a great job of keeping this fear alive. Average people are turning on friends, family and neighbours. They are the mask police. True science about the covid vaccine and other facts surrounding the disease, like number of deaths or the very sick are thought to be conspiracy related. Too many are blind to the dangerous changes(laws) being enforced, and readily accept that it’s for the good of all. Instead of trying to provide facts, I often try and encourage people to ask questions…
