76 Replies to “September 7, 2021: Reader Tips”

  1. Anybody seeing these photos of Maxime Bernier rallies?

    From a few dozen attendees to hundreds of attendees.

    Now he’s getting into the thousands.

    Something is happening…

    1. F.Y.I. Folks, it’s a different speech from the previously posted ones. Here Max goes public about not wanting to take the ‘injection’ and more. He hits it home for people — he’s talking about complete freedom from the shackles imposed by other Parties.

      1. That’s what I heard in his speech in Penticton. It’s been a long time since I have heard a politician speak like that. Listening to the predictable canned crap O’toole and Trudeau are spewing is nauseating.

      1. “Hello, Mr. Khan? Jacinda Ardern here. How’s your knife ban in London working out for you?”

    1. Ingrates. They don’t appreciate that he has single-handedly saved Canada. And all the sacrifices he’s made to do that.

      Imagine that bit of crumpet in Tofino waiting, nay, longing for him. He could be retired in complete comfort in China. But, noooooooo! He gets pelted by gravel for all his struggles and toil.

      Well, once he’s acclaimed and crowned Emperor of Canada, he’s gonna show them, won’t he?

      1. He’ll show them all right! Here’s a 30 second video of what happened after the Pretty Minister got on the bus:
        P.S. I think this was filmed by a reporter who’ll likely get thrown off Trudeau’s bus once he finds out who outed him in this vid — he looked like a pouting child tattling on his brothers to Mother. Check out his widdle piddly pout! Ha!

        1. Was that the Soaper herself with him?

          To be honest, I could barely hear what he was saying because he was mumbling into his face diaper.

          1. I don’t think that woman in front of him was Sophie. She’s much shorter. Perhaps others might know.

            Yes, it was difficult to hear him but I understood he seemed insulted and quite surprised…it goes something like this: “(people?, inaudible) were throwing gravel (motions this big = tiny amount with two fingers) whatever. Other guys piped in and said the gravel hit them also. Someone asks him whether it ‘might’ have hit him or ‘did’ it hit him. He then turns around with a scowled look and remarks,”does it matter?” Then says “no, I had someone throw pumpkin seeds at me, years ago.” Then he dismissed the conversation and acts like it was nothing.

            Ego bruised, tsk, tsk. He takes exit, stage left.

            Much ado about nothing– Max has the crowds!

        2. What’s interesting is that the reported must be sick of his crap methinks. Facts matter and I think thats why they posted it. Haha!

        3. Watch how quickly the SHITCONS and NDP support Trudeau vs the People.
          The NDP forget their hero Tommy Douglas once jumped down off stage and started throwing punches at a heckler. Or the old Cretin strangled a protester.
          Get out the Rotten Eggs.

    2. Well I guess what really upset him is that little incident took the media attention away from assault weapons.
      This morning pebbles was the lead.

      The protesters are taking the earned media moments away because the media is so protective of the sock monkey they automatically drop everything when he is attacked, even the talking points the war room worked so hard on.

    3. Trudeau does not believe in science himself. Science has confirmed that the vaccines do not prevent getting or transmitting the virus — or even reduce the risk, but he chooses to lie about the unvaxed being a danger to others. This really is Na*zi Germany territory. I am sure he must know this. Canada has never had such a deceitful snake as Prime Minister. Trudeau is destroying the country. Good for those who see the truth and are disrupting his events.

      1. To paraphrase Groucho Marx’s line in the last scene of A Night at the Opera, that’s because watermelons are out of season.

  2. L – Traditional leaders proved themselves in battle: facing enemy arrows, slinging rocks, spears, crossbow bolts, later musket balls and cannon fire, later yet, machine gun fire, snipers, artillery and mustard gas.

    Canadian P.M. Justin Trudeau is incensed that he might have been pelted with some gravel. Seeing how fragile Trudeau’s ego reacts to gravel, maybe hitting his jacket, he can’t even feel .
    That leaves me reaching for the Gravol.

    King Richard, the Lionheart, he’s not.

    Trudeau’s foppish, adolescent behaviour, from a poser, who inherited the job.

    1. And this is the man who said he’d stare down Vladimir Putin in a confrontation….. That prissy fop makes me ashamed to be Canadian.

      1. The CBC reacted in full on praetorian guard mode this morning.
        They even made sure to imply a perpetrator by adding in “there where PPC supporters among the protesters”

  3. There’s no point in dissing Trudeau then voting for a party with zero chance of defeating da Bum!

    1. Actually there’s quite a lot of reasons.
      (1) Conservative Party of Canada, isn’t conservative, merely liberal lite.
      (2) If a “conservative” party wins, they take the blame for the financial shit show about to be unleashed on Canada. It’s a sound strategy to let the liberals win. The disgust at the end of another five years of liberal malfeasance will be total.
      (3) Voting independent, PPC, or Maverick, tells the wannabe Justin’s in the con party, they are irrelevant and strengthens a future strong conservative movement
      (4) Canada is broken. Period. Full stop. We have a broken society, bereft of morality, honor and duty. Perversion is elevated and normality is mocked and attacked.
      We need a reset but not in the way the genteel set would like. The reset needs to be brutal, and memorable.
      The pleading of vote for the same old, same old is a tired hack.
      We tried that. It’s only gotten worse. The definition of stupidity is valid.

      1. Yup. What a lot of people need to “wake up” is simply the shattering of the illusion of consensus. That is why the media is avoiding stories like this from around the world. (Thanks to whomever posted it the other day. I have been sharing it widely.)
        Even in Montreal, the demonstrations are deliberately memory holed.
        But vote counts made public may make so many who think the way we do around their kitchen tables realize that they are not alone, and that the much heralded consensus of “what Canadians think” (to quote our gracious hostess) does not exist to the extent that our chattering class believes.

        My hope – a CPC minority, propped up by the PPC, to keep them in line.

      2. Correct. Alberta and the West have played the same stupid SUCKER SHITCON GAME since 1905.
        Fuck Canada Collapse it, burn it down, fuck it, it’s done.
        Canada is a Fake Garbage Kleptocracy it is not a Democratic Country in anyway shape or form.
        People who keep pleading to continue the GAME of STUPID VOTES SHITCON really really need to wake up.
        It has never worked, for anyone but a few ELITE in Eastern Canada.
        The Westminster Parliament is GARBAGE. CANADA the country is GARBAGE.
        Get Over It. Tear It Down and Rebuild.

    2. If PPC gets a solid vote, it could be a wake-up call for Canadians. If we end up with a minority government, there could be another election soon. That’s where I am drifting.

    3. The ultimate diss would be to give Trudeau another minority government so he could wear his mistakes and have to continue to answer to the Canadian Peoplekind but with Max Bernier as the Leader of the Official Opposition. Remember when the Bloc Québéçois was in that position? It won’t be the first time the Frenchies fought it out amongst themselves.

      Of course, we’d be into another election within 18 months, as the Pretty Minister promised, but at least someone could hold his feet to the fire better than an Official Opposition who isn’t even that but is merely a collaborative motley crew just collecting a paycheck and eventually a pension for doing nothing but trashing a Country that is already in tatters.

      Poor Ontario, as someone famously said, “you’re fired!”

      Just for the record, these people are not my people. Secondly, Ontarians, it’s not personal, it’s business, to use a quote from “The Godfather.”

      P.S. LindaL– we both posted the same thought at the same time!

        1. Only speculating on the ultimate Trudeau diss, I have no dreams. To see the Country divided into separate nations as per our current time zones would work.

          1. Am with you 1000% Nancy. Voting Federally has not worked for Alberta since 1905.
            Always the same lies and promises. Just get us to Ottawa and we will do as you ask.
            When they get to Ottawa, they forget who you are and do not know you.
            And do the bidding of their Party in the service of Quebec and Eastern Canada.
            Same lies over and over and over.
            The famous Cow cartoon was first put out in 1915. That is how long the West has been screwed by Eastern Canada.

  4. Blacklock reports this morning that federal scientists are not talking to doctors because of the election. And one of the reasons food prices are going up is because of the need to feed China.

    1. I have another concern. Mail in voting, online voting – we all know the huge potential for fraud.
      What happens if Shiny Pony decides to “listen to the people” and only have in person voting.
      But only for vaccinated people.
      For the children, of course.
      I know; I should not give him ideas.

  5. Thanks to Communism Chernobyl became a shining city on the hill. “The Chernobyl explosion put 400 times more radioactive material into the Earth’s atmosphere than the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima” — (IAEA).

    Decades earlier, the Soviets solved the overpopulation problem in the Ukraine in what is known as the Holodomor.

    Franklin Roosevelt was a Holodomor denier. “The denial of the famine was a highly successful and well orchestrated disinformation campaign by the Soviet government.[2][3][4] According to Robert Conquest, it was the first major instance in which Soviet authorities adopted the Big Lie propaganda technique in order to sway world opinion, and it was followed by similar campaigns with regard to the Moscow Trials and the denial of the existence of the Gulag labor camp system.” — wikipedia, Denial of the Holodomor

  6. The same people telling me I have to vote for The Tool are the same people who told me I had to vote for Joe Clark. Didn’t happen then, not happening now.

    1. It’s like déjà vu.
      It’s almost like the liberals want to have the conservatives get a minority they can bring down after framing OToole as a bumbling fool.
      And like Clark before him, it will take hardly any work at all.

    2. So true.
      What a refreshing feeling to vote for something I actually believe in – for a platform that I think would be good for our country.
      Like, DDH or something.
      (Doing Democracy Honestly)

  7. One of the saves early on in that montage, which was a glove save, I would call a goal because the goalie’s glove crossed the goal line with the puck in it. It must have been in the days prior to video replay.

    1. House Republicans can introduce all the impeachment resolutions they want, but they won’t go anywhere because they are the minority party. The Democrats won’t do anything to advance them. Those resolutions will just sit and rot.

      Trump got impeached twice because the House was in Democrat hands and it only requires a simple majority to impeach, so they were able to do it, which meant the Senate was required to conduct impeachment trials. He was acquitted in the Senate both times because with 100 senators it requires 67 votes to convict and both times it was well-known from the start that 67 wasn’t happening.

      So to sum things up, if you want Biden impeached by the House and removed by the Senate right now, it’s up to the Democrats to make it possible; otherwise you’d need an incredible wave election next year to make it possible for the GOP to do it in 2023.

  8. As the Trudeau reelection campaign winds down the Liberals will snare their nearest opponent on abortion or gun control. Conservatives screw it up every time, get caught in the same trap same bait. Why they can’t get traction on outright corruption is all with media, they simply manipulate message to skew opinion, their man always wins.

  9. Maybe if the Conservative Party had some core beliefs they could articulate they wouldn’t sound like a bunch of grifters. They campaign based on what their liberal posters tell them people want to hear. That’s their problem, not mine. I owe them no allegiance or vote.

  10. Australian penal colony redux

    The article is about a large police gathering to celebrate LGBT with none of the restrictions prescribed for the serfs.

    Say whut !?!? I read it twice!

    “Fully vaccinated” people are allowed extra “freedom” in Sydney, which includes being able to “leave home for an hour of recreation on top of their exercise hour.”

    My 40 years of self-directed study of libertarian philosophy and Austrian school economics was woefully inadequate in preparing me for this sentence.


  11. Tomorrow, September 8, at 1PM in BC, there are planned gatherings at city halls in many cities, Victoria, Kamloops, Kelowna, Fort St John, Vancouver, etc.
    They are being organized by small businesses against vaccine passports.

  12. One thing for sure about this controversial vaccine, or whatever the hell it is, it has been tailor made for politicians to grab control over every facet of our lives. Looking over the whole mess it’s not going to be over any time soon. We may have to have a civil war to gain back our freedoms expected in any democracy.

    IMO Trudeau rode to this election on the covid horse confident it would ensure him a landslide victory.
    There’s no sign of it slowing down, there will be some loosening of the screws to allow another uptake in cases and an excuse to tighten their grip again.

    Merry Christmas one and all.

  13. Trudeau trying to use dementia Joe words,
    while ranting this morning in montreal about conservatives, otoole, harper, oil sands, guns and his favorite the environment that only he can fix,m Trudeau used the words ‘Come On’, not once but over a half dozen times.
    And he emphasized those words only thing missing was the word Man.
    Guess he can’t bring himself to say ‘Come on Man’ being the great and wonderfull feminist he is.

  14. Busy as a one-legged man in an asskicking contest, but wanted to say:

    Hip-hop is still shit.

    Thanks for tuning in, pictures at 11.

  15. The Bong says he got stoned. This was after he said he mighta got stoned..

    Always the victim.

    Who are these people and why are they so angry?

    I have 2 theories.
    1.They are professional rioters hired by the libranos (through proxies of course) to garner the sympathy vote.
    How else could they get so close to the Bong? The rcmp would never allow this shit to take place if they weren’t told to stand down.

    2. People are genuinely pissed and are taking their anger out on the Bong. He is universally despised among certain sectors. The libranos can’t imagine this level of hatred for their guy. They are just finding out.

    I’m more inclined to believe reason 2 – although my cynicism wouldn’t exclude #1.

  16. What’s missing from this election clown show is the fact THEY ALL GOT PAY AND PERK RAISES, both politicians and public sector employees, of which a few sat at home collecting their paychecks, doing sweet fck all. This “election” is just a smoke screen, a charade.
    Anyone hearing of rescinding those raises? Yeah, me neither. Time to take to the streets, or as one said: “Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats”

    1. Fauci should be fired immediately. He can no longer be an advisor on public health. Next he should be charged with violating the public trust.
