7 Replies to “On Turtle Island Some Blockades are OK And Some Are Not”

  1. Blackie and his Liberal pals didn’t give a shit about access to medical services when the Tamils were blocking ambulances on the Gardiner a few years back. The only time protests are a problem for Liberals are when they are the targets.

  2. It’s how the liberals shed supporters.
    Eventually one of their supporters is on the receiving end of the torment.
    It’s all well and good when it’s the basket of deplorables being shat on, but the realization that they are only guests inside the manor is quite shocking to them and is the equivalent of a woman scorned.

  3. Funny that… nobody said anything about illegal blockades back in pre-pandemic 2019 when it was the first nations doing the blockading.

    Here, the protestors are being villainized with straw-men (straw-women? straw-people?).

    It’s the government’s way of telling any opposing faction to STFU. Easy to do when you have the majority of the sheep herd having your back.

  4. The media are continuing to mislead. These were not ‘blockades’.

    I have seen several vids…not sure how to link to here from messenger.
    One is a very solemn , quiet group of EMS, firefighters, police and hospital staff, in lines, arm in arm standing on a lawn.
    Anyone have the links to those?
