When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal

The “FBI was a victim” narrative takes shape;

White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan figures prominently in a grand jury investigation run by Special Counsel John Durham into an alleged 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign scheme to use both the FBI and CIA to tar Donald Trump as a colluder with Russia, according to people familiar with the criminal probe, which they say has broadened into a conspiracy case.

Sullivan is facing scrutiny, sources say, over potentially false statements he made about his involvement in the effort. As a senior foreign policy adviser to Clinton, Sullivan spearheaded what was known inside her campaign as a “confidential project” to link Trump to the Kremlin through dubious email-server records provided to the agencies, said the sources, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Last week, Michael A. Sussmann, a partner in Perkins Coie, a law firm representing the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee, was indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of making false statements to the FBI about his clients and their motives behind planting the rumor, at the highest levels of the FBI, of a secret Trump-Russia server.

The grand jury indicated in its lengthy indictment that several people were involved in the alleged conspiracy to mislead the FBI and trigger an investigation of the Republican presidential candidate — including Sullivan, who was described by his campaign position but not identified by name.

The Clinton campaign project, these sources say, also involved compiling a “digital dossier” on several Trump campaign officials – including Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort, George Papadopoulos, and Carter Page. This effort exploited highly sensitive, nonpublic Internet data related to their personal email communications and web-browsing, known as Internet Protocol, or IP, addresses.

My goodness, so easily duped.

33 Replies to “When The FBI Does It, That Means That It’s Not Illegal”

    1. Incompetence is one thing. Corruption is something else entirely. It can be seen in ALL government bureaucracies….most notably now in “Health”.

      1. Art, corrupt is where we are, from the bottom to the top, from the elected to the appointed, even the supreme court is corrupt. People may say no way, but when ideology takes the place of thought and justice, that is corruption.

  1. None of these collectivist cretins were duped. Not one of them. Add in their media stooges and uncivil servants.
    The American people? Different story. Lied to. Again and Again. Lies on lies, a sham from the start. They did it anyway.
    Hillary said they’d all hang if this came out. It has. She just got richer, John Gill is POTUS and DeMarxists are seizing power.
    The Republic is under siege from false narratives by seditious statists who just got away with power instead of orange smocks.
    Which they deserved. Weren’t we sure that would happen, when the facts came out? The problem is they did, but after the fact.
    This, after years. Hunter’s laptop. Here in Canada, the SNC Lavalin charges today, just after the election, with JWR’s tell all ignored.
    When our failure to act becomes their success, expect double down tyranny and national leaders disdaining large swaths of voters.
    The consent of the governed is quickly becoming cowing of the ruled. When they shrink that pie, then depravity really hits the fan.
    Imho we are less than five years and a doubling of taxes away from meltdown.
    It’s now a black hole of mediocrity and shared misery, waiting to implode.
    Interest rates will rise. Pension and medical costs will soar. Taxes will rise. It’ll just make hard things even harder.
    Especially the poor, whom these parasite hypocrites abandoned long ago. All assuming Kommiemala doesn’t start WW3.

    1. I think both Canada and US are on the down path and unrecoverable any more. Implosion has begun. I know here in Canada lots of people who expat-ed already or in the process of leaving. And they are all hard-working (construction, technical, accounting, healthcare) – all paying taxes and whatnot. The financial impact of this trend will be huge. When this escalates, the downturn will be like a reversed hockey stick. And when asked, they all reply something like “this is not Canada anymore”.

      1. Dan C said “…Canada and US are on the down path and unrecoverable…”

        I hate to tell you my friends who are American that, just as it is in Canada, nothing will happen to those diabolical people who are responsible.


    2. Mentioning the SNC-Lavalin arrests today seems highly coincidental that these arrests taking place today three days after the election. As they say “Timing is everything.”

  2. As IF … the FBI were innocent dupes. Puhleeze. Here’s an idea! Let’s obtain the IP info from ALL relevant Agents in the FBI attempted coup on PDJT. Let’s investigate ALL the personal communications – of all types. And purge the FBI of ALL its dirty cops.

    1. Trump should lead a revolution to purge institutions of civil society of political appointees and hacks infected by Obama.
      And no doubt that process continuing apace. Weed out all the phony balonies, give the bureaucracy back to the people.
      The collectivist cabal and such serious abuses of power (promptly projected) can only be stopped by the use of state force.
      The only way state forces can be justified and achieved is restoring the integrity of impartial courts and competent justice.
      The DeMarxists missed their putsch by one institution – SCOTUS. It needs to be akin the Japan’s failure to get US Carriers.
      All the Marx types are now hailing the dialectic diarrhea about momentous struggles, Trouble is, those idiots cause them.

      1. I agree, a revolution is now the only way out…Mobilize Washington DC by the millions and stall it until the rats come out and surrender…Rich patriots could provide sustenance to a revolving mass of people who could come a few days or more, go home and be replaced by others. Rinse and repeat. Patriot police and army personnel who defects welcomed. Trump is the only man popular and trustworthy enough to oversee this at this time.

        1. The justification for such re-revolution seems justified. Is that why collectivists freak out at every contrary thought?

          From the US Declaration of Independence (similar tradition of common law, civil society and natural rights here):

          “When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.”

          We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

          The task of government is to restore liberty by protecting natural rights, not to abolish them in favour of rights granted by statist fiat.

          Progressivism is nothing like that because it assumes unelected or those elected by abrogating the consent of the governed are now infallible, who now given themselves rights over the citizenry, but without their true consent.

          That malignant idea must die if civil society and prosperity it affords is to survive the totalitarian gravity of statism.

          1. I should add the signatories of the US Declaration of Independence with the surety they would hang if they failed.

            Where are our populist heroes, the ultimate measure of the peoples’ will, accepting their collective judgment?

            Trump was the closest in at least the last 120 years. Look how they went after him for asserting individual rights.

            More specifically, look at what got away with usurping natural rights. Look at how our corrupt PM did the same.

    2. Kenji

      When Snowden showed how the NSA was harvesting Meta data, there were a few in here who thought it was a nothing burger, I for one knew how that could be used to the determent of the voters/tax payers. And I seen a little while ago a fool like you still thinks of Snowden as a criminal. Grow up already!

      1. And I really do laugh at those imbeciles who think that the retina scans, face recognition and finger print analysis logins on their “Smart” phones were “kewl” without knowing where that information was going. 1984 is here!

        1. Art, I think we have jumped way over that fiction to a hard core reality that will kill us.

  3. Yeah, sure, they were all duped. When Strozk texted Lisa Page about “insurance” he wasn’t duped he was a co-conspirator.
    In a perfect world they’d all be hanged.

  4. not ‘duped’. rather *willing participants* sucking up to the current power cystem (note the spelling).

    why is it called a ‘police’ state, and not a ‘gardeners’ state or a ‘doctors’ state or a ‘auto mechanics’ state?
    because out of all the sources of authority and residents of powah THEY are the FIRST to heave freedom,
    rights, safety, justice, etc etc under the ‘bus’ for THEIR selfish motives.
    the only one anxious to do that *to their fellow citoyens*.
    cops. feel free to do a youtube search ‘police abuse of power’. they beat up a 73 yr old woman in loveland colorado and got slapped with a THREE MILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT.
    they also cuffed a 6 yr old scared the shyt out of her for doing what MILLIONS of other kids do. (ps she was black).

    racist violent psychopaths armed to the teeth and exempt from, oh, things like the Constitution and Supreme Court rulings time and time and time again. google it.

    also check out ‘civil (NOTHING ‘civil’ about THIS) asset forfeiture’ aka ‘policing for profit’.
    all you hard line ‘law and order’ types feel free to whine and name call now

    1. hb
      Get yer money back from U of Waterloo, yet. Yes there are lots of power hungry cops, and they are used as tools by the politicians. Try understanding the dynamics before posting, and you may not look quite as stupid as the COLON. Also defund the police is a great movement don’t you think, it sure ups the crime rate every were it is implemented , so that shows that the cops may be at least useful, like an evil necessity. You consider it thugs controlling thugs, that has a positive effect. You and the COLON sound like ignorant butthurts who are smart enough to grasp the positive vs negative aspects of policing. Now try buying a life at wally’s mart or something

  5. I’ve recently watched a few old Soviet propaganda movies that concern nuclear tests, gas wells, etc.
    I can safely say that our media and our governments has now vastly surpassed that of the Soviets in terms of outright lies and obfuscation.

  6. The way that I understand it is that the lie that Sussman made was that he had information of the BS Trump/Russia-collusion and that he was working independently in providing it. All previous information supporting this that flooded the FBI was provided by people attached to the Hillary campaign and virtually unusable to get the FISA warrants. When McCabe got this Sussman-provided information he got a hard-on a dog couldn’t chew through and went all in (even though it was probably identical to all the other BS previously provided). McCabe just needed an unattached source. The FBI are as guilty as anyone, even more so.

  7. In a glass half full perspective, if someone is admitting they didn’t do it, there is a tacit admission that there was a commission of an act.
    So when the FBI is using the Nuremberg defence then it would require that someone in a position of authority gave the order.
    It’s also key to remember that in any organized criminal endeavour there will always be a designated stooge to take the fall while the real perps make their get away.
    The fall guy is usually a disposable useful idiot with pre-existing physical or mental conditions that’s been around for years that can be put out to pasture at a convenient moment.

    Anyone know of a likely top level politician in DC that fits that description?

  8. The FBI was a victim, don’t ya just love it. The stupid is so strong I fear there is only one way to get rid of it.

  9. Conservative Treehouse covered all of this to the granular details.

    No one that has been within 1000 yards of this case was duped.

    All complicit.

  10. Wait, there really is a John Durham? I always thought he was imaginary and his investigation was just an urban legend, like the Tooth Fairy or Bigfoot or an honest politician. And here this whole time I’ve been scoffing at people for believing this nonsense about what the Durham Investigation might turn up.

  11. There is a power struggle in the DNC right now. The Kamala Harris camp (Hillary Clinton) is pressuring behind the scenes and through their media contacts to overturn the Biden camp (Obama). Harris wants the big chair, and likely has the confidence to pursue it right now based on Biden’s absolute screw ups on just about every level. The parties that installed Biden are likely doing pre-emptive strikes to tone Harris down. That’s why the indictments are going to trickle out instead of all at the same time….pressure….pressure….pressure. That way they only have to reveal as little as possible until Harris (read: Hillary) cries “uncle.”

    The fact that Durham is doing the yeoman’s work for the Obama camp tells you which side he has been on this entire time. He was appointed to acting US Attorney of Virginia back in 2008 (Obama’s first term in office)…and he has been in his pocket ever since.

  12. Same defence Hillary got away with.
    Why would her minions not use it?
    As expected,somehow our progressive comrades fail to recognize that the defensive claim,Incompetence and gullibility,is far more damning than the criminal activity.

  13. Why dozens of democrats are not in jail is what I want to know

    Simply being near the capitol building on january 6 is enough to get you in jail for months or years IF and only IF you are NOT a leftist, a democrat.

    But leftist/ democrat financed BLM and Antifa burned down over 1500 bisinesses and beat up thousands of people and even murdered some yet most of them are out of jail and many have had their bail paid by democrats.

    When will this democrat mafia be removed, neutralized?

    Will Americans let the democrat mafia persecute them for much longer?

    I hate violence and war but that might be the only way since democrats also rig elections…How else can a tyrannical power be removed when they control the media, the vote counting, the judges, and everything else you can think of???

    History is full of examples of nations where there had to be a revolt to remove the tyrants…
