35 Replies to “Quebec In Charge”

  1. What should happen to the conservatives who refuse to say whether they are vaccinated or not? Nothing as it’s none of your business if they are or are not.

    1. “I identify as vaccinated. On a related matter, do you still have syphilis and rectal discharge? If so, will you voluntarily stay at home because you make the rest of us feel sick?”

    1. ” how is it a group who lost the war gets to run the victors country ? ”
      Answer… Peeair Turdhole. Imposition of horse french as an “official language” back in 1969.

  2. “Isn’t it time we kicked Quebec out?”

    S’okay. I have a far more noble solution: Western Canada will leave in their stead…

  3. I actually have a lot of respect for Quebec as they do whatever they think is best for Quebec and the rest of Canada lets them without comment or criticism. Can you imagine the outcry if Alberta or any other provinces adopted laws like Quebec? I only wish Canadians would feel the same way about taking actions in the best interest of Canada and we would not be crippling our energy industry which could be generating so much more revenue for Canada for decades.

  4. The family that we helped escape Kabul reported that all the Afghan refugees in the centre where he is now are being very heavily pressured to accept Quebec as their new home. They are not being forced per se but the pressure is extreme.

  5. If we were a true confederation, we would all respect our regional strengths, resources, and cultures, and mutually benefit from such an idealistic social contract.
    But, alas, we have the corrupt overlay that ruins it all, coupled with an ignorant populace.

  6. “From the liberals”??
    From any federal party I would argue. It’s key to the pathway to success.

  7. The time to kick the French out of British North America was in 1763. That alone might have been spared us the American Revolution.

  8. Kick Quebec out? Works for me. Over to you Alberta and Saskatchewan to initiate this by voting for independence.

  9. Of course Quebec should leave — to escape from Canadian race-traitor faggotry. And, naturally, so should Alberta and Saskatchewan.

    Generally speaking, Quebecers don’t hate their white children and want to see them replaced with third worlders. Present company excluded, can the same be said about Canadians?

    Here’s an article that appeared today in the Journal papers, by far the biggest selling newspapers in Quebec, titled “Where the whites are fired because they are white.” Now try to imagine a similar headline in English Canada’s biggest newspaper, the Toronto Star. Hahaha, yeah right.

    “In the United Kingdom, the fight against what the multiculturalist left calls “systemic racism” and for the promotion of “diversity” has just revealed its true face.

    We saw it a week ago when the English Touring Opera decided to part ways with 14 musicians who have worked for them for years, sometimes for 20 years, under the simple pretext that they were unfortunate to be white.

    In a letter they sent them, the orchestra is explicit: to make room for the “racialized”, the Whites must clear.

    They are therefore fired because of the color of their skin. In a world that has not lost its mind, we would speak of explicitly racist dismissals.

    But our world has lost its mind. We therefore justify these layoffs in the name of anti-racism.”


  10. Shrug. Would any of the other heaps of dung that shared the stage with him at the debate disagree?

  11. After the real French committed Regicide, they then created the world’s best national anthem, and became the second best bureaucrats, after the Scots.
    French that settled in Quebec mastered the bureaucratic world and were steeped in religion.
    Once freed of the need for church/conventional religion by the pill and medicare, the tendency of the Quebecois to heed God’s official spokespersons/ priests evolved into heeding their verbal betters/politicians.

    The ascension of batchelor political priest Pierre Trudeau to the PMO signalled a sea change in Canadian politics.

    The old boys thereafter put up youthful faces and pop voices to lead the ”boomers’ spawned by two generations steeped in the ‘temporary’ socialist policies of national governments engaged in depression and global world conflicts.
    eg. Those Japanese interned in Canada after 1941 ultimately and effectively received equal financial compensation (and more recognition) as the lads who volunteered/died to defend the British Empire’s Hong Kong in 1941.
    (I know where I’d rather have been.)

    The successful ascension of PPC / ‘Mad’ Maxime Bernier to spokesperson for those who didn’t support any of the conventional parties was the only real big takeaway from the $6M recently spent by we Canadians for shits and giggles .
    Everything else was standard CSA standard.
    (Maxime Bernier being the PSKnight of Canadian Conservative Standards)

    Conservatives need a decade younger Conrad Black to have a believable Conservative Party.
    Fellows such as Maxime Bernier and Ezra Levant are excellent conservative spokespersons, with a finger on the pulse of conservative thinking beyond the norm.
    They two and others should start some serious headhunting among the ‘elderly’ for an eloquent, intelligent figurehead.

  12. I am beginning to realize the Quebecers are not our enemies.
    They realized the Canadian Kleptocracy was dead long before we even started considering this possibility.
    Perhaps because the corruption is so obvious there.
    We Westerners need to stop badmouthing the Quebecers,praise them instead and demand we be treated the same way by the feds.
    Independence can’t come soon enough..
    Quebec is ready,having siphoned off billions for the ROC and held their own resources in reserve,untapped and undeveloped against the day of need.
    We are drifting in the wind,compared to our Quebec nationalists.
    Every utterance from the Bloc is mocking us fools who still,involuntarily, keep sending them money.
    They are correct,we should do as they do.

      1. I don’t think they have ‘more balls’. The rest of the country is no longer ‘English’. The country outside Quebec is a mishmash of countries from around the world, bewildered by what they see and too ignorant to react to the ‘pure laine’. Quebec is like the Scandinavian countries; yes there are immigrants from who knows where, but there is no doubt about the dominant race and culture. The ROC? Just a mishmash of now mostly 3rd worlders.

      2. Yeah well, the French have always had more balls than the English, but the English have always had more brains than the French …. Maybe not so much anymore. Both countries are looking pretty stupid lately.

  13. Yes it’s time for them to leave, the French can leave the land belongs to Canada. We won it fair and square on the Plains of Abraham.

  14. “…because a few persons don’t believe that the vaccine works.”
    Typical. As usual he either doesn’t know why some are refusing the vaccine or he does know and he’s lying about them. I suspect the first.

  15. Blandshit is one of the dumber french language supremacists to come out of the welfare State of Queerbek.
    He’s as bigoted and intolerant as any other french language supremacist, but really stupid… I call it, a myopic dumbness.
    Who cares what this dumb POS has to say, he speaks for the bigots that vote for him in Queerbek… why do Canadians give a shit what this dumb bigot has to say about anything.

  16. L – Full Disclosure: Western wealth, agriculture, oil/gas/mining is all contaminated by *Covid-19.
    Therefore in the interests of “Public Safety”, all equalization monies to Quebec are cancelled.

  17. This crap has been going on all my life and only proves just how dumb the average Canadian really is.

  18. Remember – when we punt Quebec we keep Ungava which Canada gave (lent) to them in 1898 and 1912. Make them a territory and give the Indians all the hydro dams.
